Trial Lawyers Association: Litigation Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin Student Liaison

The Litigation Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin is looking for a student to fill a volunteer position. Adding a non-voting student liaison position to a Section Board can be a win-win situation for the student and board members. Student liaisons can provide insight into the current situation at law schools and connect members with students who are interested in pursuing their practice area. The student can gain insight from meeting and interacting with attorneys from all over the state who are experienced in their field of interest. This interaction could help the student with future career decisions and goals and will help them grow their professional network. The liaison will also gain working knowledge of the State Bar of Wisconsin governance and operations.

The description and expectations of the student liaison varies by Section but below are a list of the variety of what Sections have asked of their liaison:

  • Attend Board meetings – Each section should specify how many per year and if offered virtually or in person. The Liaison will provide a brief informal report at meetings
  • Attend executive committee meetings
  • Serve as the contact person for their law school
  • Coordinate an event for section members and law students interested in their practice area. One Board asks for an event to be planned for each semester.
  • The liaison’s membership in a student organization that is related to the Section’s practice area can help with connecting with the organization’s members and increasing student participation.
  • Event planning experience may be helpful too.
  • Join Section committees and to participate in committee meetings/emails and projects.
  • Write an article for publication in the Section Journal, newsletter or Section Blog

This position is a non-credit volunteer position.

If you are interested, you can contact Christine Casey at If you have any questions, Nancy Martinez Ramirez ( was last year's student liaison. For general questions, you can contact the Marquette Trial Lawyers Association President, Jack Bennett (  

Contact: Christine Casey