EPS Seeking Treasurer and Two 1L Reps

The Estate Planning Society is accepting applications for a treasurer and two 1L representatives. To apply, send a brief statement of interest (1-2 paragraphs) that explains why you would be a good fit for the position to Emily O'Fallon by Wednesday, October 2.

Position Descriptions

  • The treasurer keeps track of EPS money and receives/distributes funds as directed by the E-board.
  • The two 1L Reps will be tasked with attending board meetings and voicing ideas on behalf of the 1L class; helping to promote events; posting on social media; and networking and forming connections with estate planning professionals.

Both of these positions are excellent opportunities for anyone who wants to get involved.

For updates on upcoming events and EPS happenings, follow us on Instagram at @marquettelawestateplanning. 

Contact: Emily O'Fallon