Marquette Law School Supreme Court Poll July 16-26, 2021

(Percentages are rounded to whole numbers for reporting of results. Frequencies have been rounded to whole numbers but percentages are calculated based on non-integer weighted sample sizes.)

Results for survey items among all respondents are presented here (unless otherwise indicated). Please note that some questions are only asked of particular groups of respondents. In these instances, the row “NA’s” includes the number and percent of total respondents omitted from the question. These omitted cases are ignored when calculating the “Valid” and “Cumulative” percent columns.

A1: interest in politics

Some people seem to follow what's going on in politics most of the time, whether there's an election going on or not. Others aren't that interested. How often do you follow what's going on in politics…?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Most of the time 388 38 38 38
Some of the time 379 37 37 76
Only now and then 170 17 17 93
Hardly at all 71 7 7 100
Skipped/Ref 2 0 0 100

B1: Biden approval

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Strongly approve 261 26 26 26
Somewhat approve 325 32 32 58
Somewhat disapprove 167 17 17 75
Strongly disapprove 253 25 25 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

B1: Biden approval, 2-cat

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Approve 586 58 58 58
Disapprove 420 42 42 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

B2: Supreme Court approval

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Supreme Court is handling its job?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Strongly approve 72 7 7 7
Somewhat approve 530 52 52 60
Somewhat disapprove 318 31 31 91
Strongly disapprove 81 8 8 99
Skipped/Ref 10 1 1 100

B2: Supreme Court approval, 2-cat

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Supreme Court is handling its job?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Approve 602 60 60 60
Disapprove 398 39 39 99
Refused 10 1 1 100

B3: Congress approval

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Congress is handling its job?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Strongly approve 26 3 3 3
Somewhat approve 302 30 30 33
Somewhat disapprove 348 34 34 67
Strongly disapprove 321 32 32 99
Skipped/Ref 12 1 1 100

B3: Congress approval, 2-cat

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Congress is handling its job?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Approve 328 33 33 33
Disapprove 670 66 66 99
Skipped/Ref 12 1 1 100

B4: most trusted branch

Of the three branches of US government, which one do you trust the most?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
The US Congress (the legislative branch) 133 13 13 13
The Presidency (the executive branch) 287 28 28 42
The US Supreme Court (the judicial branch) 583 58 58 99
Skipped/Ref 7 1 1 100

B5: justice motivations

In general, what most often motivates Supreme Court justices’ decisions?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Mainly politics 294 29 29 29
Mainly the law 716 71 71 100
Skipped/Ref 1 0 0 100

B6: Supreme Court ideology

[The IS Supreme Court] In general, would you describe each of the following as…?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Very conservative 136 13 13 13
Somewhat conservative 373 37 37 50
Moderate 424 42 42 92
Somewhat liberal 61 6 6 98
Very liberal 12 1 1 99
Skipped/Ref 5 1 1 100

B7: Biden ideology

[Joe Biden] In general, would you describe each of the following as…?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Very conservative 39 4 4 4
Somewhat conservative 98 10 10 14
Moderate 272 27 27 40
Somewhat liberal 282 28 28 68
Very liberal 312 31 31 99
Skipped/Ref 7 1 1 100

B8: Democratic party ideology

[The Democratic party] In general, would you describe each of the following as…?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Very conservative 34 3 3 3
Somewhat conservative 88 9 9 12
Moderate 174 17 17 29
Somewhat liberal 297 29 29 59
Very liberal 408 40 40 99
Skipped/Ref 8 1 1 100

B9: Republican party ideology

[The Republican party] In general, would you describe each of the following as…?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Very conservative 499 49 49 49
Somewhat conservative 324 32 32 82
Moderate 117 12 12 93
Somewhat liberal 38 4 4 97
Very liberal 24 2 2 99
Skipped/Ref 8 1 1 100

B10: Supreme Court nomination importance

How important is the choice of the next Supreme Court justice to you personally?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Very important 516 51 51 51
Somewhat important 307 30 30 82
Not too important 138 14 14 95
Not at all important 45 4 4 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

B11: partisan split of nominations

What is your guess as to whether a majority of the current US Supreme Court Justices were appointed by Democratic or Republican presidents?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Definitely a majority appointed by Democratic presidents 42 4 4 4
Probably a majority appointed by Democratic presidents 203 20 20 24
Probably a majority appointed by Republican presidents 456 45 45 70
Definitely a majority appointed by Republican presidents 304 30 30 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

C1: fav/unfav: Alito

[Samuel Alito] For each of these names have you never heard of them, heard of them but don’t know enough to have an opinion of them, have a favorable opinion or have an unfavorable opinion?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Never heard of 393 39 39 39
Heard but not enough 300 30 30 69
Favorable opinion 189 19 19 87
Unfavorable opinion 125 12 12 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

C2: fav/unfav: Barrett

[Amy Coney Barrett] For each of these names have you never heard of them, heard of them but don’t know enough to have an opinion of them, have a favorable opinion or have an unfavorable opinion?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Never heard of 213 21 21 21
Heard but not enough 257 25 25 47
Favorable opinion 277 27 27 74
Unfavorable opinion 262 26 26 100
Skipped/Ref 1 0 0 100

C3: fav/unfav: Breyer

[Stephen Breyer] For each of these names have you never heard of them, heard of them but don’t know enough to have an opinion of them, have a favorable opinion or have an unfavorable opinion?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Never heard of 434 43 43 43
Heard but not enough 330 33 33 76
Favorable opinion 178 18 18 93
Unfavorable opinion 58 6 6 99
Skipped/Ref 10 1 1 100

C4: fav/unfav: Gorsuch

[Neil Gorsuch] For each of these names have you never heard of them, heard of them but don’t know enough to have an opinion of them, have a favorable opinion or have an unfavorable opinion?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Never heard of 354 35 35 35
Heard but not enough 312 31 31 66
Favorable opinion 208 21 21 87
Unfavorable opinion 132 13 13 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

C5: fav/unfav: Kagan

[Elena Kagan] For each of these names have you never heard of them, heard of them but don’t know enough to have an opinion of them, have a favorable opinion or have an unfavorable opinion?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Never heard of 417 41 41 41
Heard but not enough 301 30 30 71
Favorable opinion 210 21 21 92
Unfavorable opinion 80 8 8 100
Skipped/Ref 2 0 0 100

C6: fav/unfav: Kavanaugh

[Brett Kavanaugh] For each of these names have you never heard of them, heard of them but don’t know enough to have an opinion of them, have a favorable opinion or have an unfavorable opinion?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Never heard of 176 17 17 17
Heard but not enough 245 24 24 42
Favorable opinion 264 26 26 68
Unfavorable opinion 322 32 32 100
Skipped/Ref 3 0 0 100

C7: fav/unfav: Roberts

[John Roberts] For each of these names have you never heard of them, heard of them but don’t know enough to have an opinion of them, have a favorable opinion or have an unfavorable opinion?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Never heard of 308 30 30 30
Heard but not enough 260 26 26 56
Favorable opinion 294 29 29 85
Unfavorable opinion 141 14 14 99
Skipped/Ref 7 1 1 100

C8: fav/unfav: Sotomayor

[Sonia Sotomayor] For each of these names have you never heard of them, heard of them but don’t know enough to have an opinion of them, have a favorable opinion or have an unfavorable opinion?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Never heard of 256 25 25 25
Heard but not enough 248 25 25 50
Favorable opinion 378 37 37 87
Unfavorable opinion 125 12 12 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

C9: fav/unfav: Thomas

[Clarence Thomas] For each of these names have you never heard of them, heard of them but don’t know enough to have an opinion of them, have a favorable opinion or have an unfavorable opinion?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Never heard of 211 21 21 21
Heard but not enough 220 22 22 43
Favorable opinion 322 32 32 74
Unfavorable opinion 254 25 25 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

D1: fav/unfav: Arizona voting case

[Ruled that an Arizona law did not violate the federal Voting Rights Act in rejecting ballots cast at the wrong precinct and limiting who can return absentee ballots for a voter.] Do you favor or oppose the following recent Supreme Court decision, or haven’t you heard enough about it to have an opinion? The Supreme Court…
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Heard nothing at all 275 27 27 27
Heard of but not enough for an opinion 265 26 26 53
Heard of and favor the decision 234 23 23 77
Heard of and oppose the decision 231 23 23 100
Skipped/Ref 5 0 0 100

D2: fav/unfav: California donor case

[Ruled that California cannot require charities to report the identities of their top donors to the state attorney general, saying this violated the Constitutional right of freedom of association.] Do you favor or oppose the following recent Supreme Court decision, or haven’t you heard enough about it to have an opinion? The Supreme Court…
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Heard nothing at all 406 40 40 40
Heard of but not enough for an opinion 216 21 21 62
Heard of and favor the decision 199 20 20 81
Heard of and oppose the decision 181 18 18 99
Skipped/Ref 8 1 1 100

D3: fav/unfav: school speech case

[Ruled that schools generally cannot punish students for things they say outside of school hours and off school grounds with the possible exception of bullying or threats.] Do you favor or oppose the following recent Supreme Court decision, or haven’t you heard enough about it to have an opinion? The Supreme Court…
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Heard nothing at all 241 24 24 24
Heard of but not enough for an opinion 158 16 16 39
Heard of and favor the decision 529 52 52 92
Heard of and oppose the decision 71 7 7 99
Skipped/Ref 12 1 1 100

D4: fav/unfav: Philadelphia foster-care case

[Ruled that Philadelphia was wrong to end a Catholic group’s contract to provide foster-care services because the organization refused to work with same-sex couples.] Do you favor or oppose the following recent Supreme Court decision, or haven’t you heard enough about it to have an opinion? The Supreme Court…
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Heard nothing at all 364 36 36 36
Heard of but not enough for an opinion 170 17 17 53
Heard of and favor the decision 272 27 27 80
Heard of and oppose the decision 196 19 19 99
Skipped/Ref 8 1 1 100

D5: fav/unfav: ACA case

[Rejected a case attempting to strike down the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, leaving the health care law intact.] Do you favor or oppose the following recent Supreme Court decision, or haven’t you heard enough about it to have an opinion? The Supreme Court…
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Heard nothing at all 150 15 15 15
Heard of but not enough for an opinion 242 24 24 39
Heard of and favor the decision 423 42 42 81
Heard of and oppose the decision 186 18 18 99
Skipped/Ref 8 1 1 100

D6: fav/unfav: NCAA case

[Ruled that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) violated antitrust laws when it limited the various education-related benefits that colleges and universities can offer student athletes.] Do you favor or oppose the following recent Supreme Court decision, or haven’t you heard enough about it to have an opinion? The Supreme Court…
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Heard nothing at all 338 33 33 33
Heard of but not enough for an opinion 255 25 25 59
Heard of and favor the decision 342 34 34 93
Heard of and oppose the decision 67 7 7 99
Skipped/Ref 8 1 1 100

E1: add justices

How much do you favor or oppose a proposal to increase the number of justices on the US Supreme Court?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Strongly favor 122 12 12 12
Favor 364 36 36 48
Oppose 287 28 28 77
Strongly oppose 232 23 23 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

E2A: justice retirement

Justice Stephen Breyer is 82 years old and the oldest member of the Court. He was nominated to the court in 1994 by President Clinton. Some Democrats are urging Breyer to retire now while there are a Democratic president and senate. Do you think Justices should consider the party in control of the White House and senate as they decide when to retire?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Should consider party in control 189 19 39 39
Should not retire based on party in control 292 29 60 99
Skipped/Ref 3 0 1 100
(Missing) 525 52 NA NA

E2B: justice retirement

Do you think Justices should consider the party in control of the White House and senate as they decide when to retire?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Should consider party in control 149 15 28 28
Should not retire based on party in control 377 37 72 100
Skipped/Ref 0 0 0 100
(Missing) 485 48 NA NA

Z1: party ID

Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as…?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
A Republican 268 27 27 27
A Democrat 316 31 31 58
An independent 395 39 39 97
Something Else (Please type in) 30 3 3 100
Skipped/Ref 1 0 0 100

Z2: party ID, lean

As of today, do you lean more to the (Democratic Party) or the (Republican Party)?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Democratic party 243 24 57 57
Republican party 173 17 41 98
Skipped/Ref 9 1 2 100
(Missing) 584 58 NA NA

Z3: voter registration

Are you registered to vote at your present address, or not?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 849 84 84 84
No 161 16 16 100

Z4A: religious service attendance

Before the coronavirus pandemic, aside from weddings and funerals, how often did you attend religious services?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
More than once a week 33 3 6 6
Once a week 98 10 19 25
Once or twice a month 50 5 9 34
A few times a year 60 6 11 46
Seldom 99 10 19 65
Never 185 18 35 100
Skipped/Ref 1 0 0 100
(Missing) 485 48 NA NA

Z4B: religious service attendance

Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
More than once a week 24 2 5 5
Once a week 85 8 18 23
Once or twice a month 44 4 9 32
A few times a year 47 5 10 41
Seldom 144 14 30 71
Never 141 14 29 100
(Missing) 525 52 NA NA

Z5: born-again or evangelical

Would you describe yourself as a "born-again" or evangelical Christian, or not?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes, would 268 27 27 27
No, would not 739 73 73 100
Skipped/Ref 3 0 0 100

Z6: political ideology

In general, would you describe your political views as…?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Very conservative 111 11 11 11
Conservative 231 23 23 34
Moderate 366 36 36 70
Liberal 200 20 20 90
Very liberal 99 10 10 100
Skipped/Ref 4 0 0 100

Z7: talk to neighbors

Thinking back to the months prior to the COVID-19 outbreak in the US, how often did you talk with any of your neighbors?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Basically, every day 116 12 12 12
A few times a week 322 32 32 43
A few times a month 264 26 26 70
Once a month 65 6 6 76
Less than once a month 145 14 14 90
Not at all 96 10 10 100
Skipped/Ref 1 0 0 100

Z8: volunteering

We are interested in volunteer activities for which people are not paid, except perhaps expenses.  In the last 12 months, have you done any volunteer activities through or for an organization?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 284 28 28 28
No 725 72 72 100
Skipped/Ref 1 0 0 100


Do you consider yourself to be…?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Male 479 47 48 48
Female 521 52 52 100
Another gender 3 0 0 100
(Missing) 7 1 NA NA


Age - 4 Categories
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
18-29 207 20 20 20
30-44 250 25 25 45
45-59 241 24 24 69
60+ 312 31 31 100


Education - 5 categories
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Less than HS 88 9 9 9
HS graduate 288 28 28 37
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 278 28 28 65
Bachelor's degree 177 17 17 82
Post grad study/professional degree 180 18 18 100


Household income
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Less than $30k 280 28 28 28
$30k to less than $50k 169 17 17 44
$50k to less than $75k 176 17 17 62
$75k to less than $100k 150 15 15 77
$100k or more 159 16 16 92
DK/NA/Ref 76 8 8 100

marital status

Which group describes your marital status?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Single, that is never married 217 21 21 21
Single, living with a partner 108 11 11 32
Married 519 51 51 84
Separated 21 2 2 86
Widowed 44 4 4 90
Divorced 102 10 10 100


Recoded panel variable
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
White Non-Hispanic 632 63 63 63
Black Non-Hispanic 122 12 12 75
Hispanic 167 17 17 91
Other 82 8 8 99
Refused 6 1 1 100

religious affiliation

Religious affiliation
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Born-again Protestant 190 19 19 19
Mainline Protestant 145 14 14 33
Roman Catholic 197 20 20 53
No religion 332 33 33 86
Other religion 142 14 14 100
Skipped/Ref 3 0 0 100