Marquette Law School Supreme Court Poll January 9-20, 2023

Registered voters only

(Percentages are rounded to whole numbers for reporting of results. Frequencies have been rounded to whole numbers but percentages are calculated based on non-integer weighted sample sizes.)

Results for survey items among registered voters only are presented here (unless otherwise indicated). Please note that some questions are only asked of particular groups of respondents. In these instances, the row “NA’s” includes the number and percent of total respondents omitted from the question. These omitted cases are ignored when calculating the “Valid” and “Cumulative” percent columns.

A1: interest in politics

Some people seem to follow what's going on in politics most of the time, whether there's an election going on or not. Others aren't that interested. How often do you follow what's going on in politics…?
Most of the time Some of the time Only now and then Hardly at all n
Male 54 34 9 3 389
Female 35 38 20 7 390
Another gender 28 65 0 7 9
18-29 20 49 18 13 117
30-44 23 50 21 5 185
45-59 44 39 11 6 194
60+ 68 21 10 1 294
Less than HS 20 32 33 15 45
HS graduate 46 32 16 7 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 45 37 14 4 222
Bachelor's degree 43 44 10 3 139
Post grad study/professional degree 51 37 11 1 156
Less than $30k 33 38 20 9 165
$30k to less than $50k 46 37 13 4 118
$50k to less than $75k 42 37 13 8 149
$75k to less than $100k 56 28 14 2 120
$100k or more 48 38 12 2 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 49 31 15 5 352
Independent 24 40 24 12 79
Democrat 45 41 12 3 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 45 34 17 5 261
Independent 42 33 16 8 262
Democrat 46 42 10 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 45 34 17 5 261
Lean Republican 59 22 11 8 91
Independent 24 40 24 12 79
Lean Democrat 42 38 15 5 92
Democrat 46 42 10 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 60 26 10 3 166
Weak Republican 18 47 28 7 95
Lean Republican 59 22 11 8 91
Independent 24 40 24 12 79
Lean Democrat 42 38 15 5 92
Weak Democrat 28 48 20 3 100
Strong Democrat 56 38 5 1 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 27 53 14 6 151
Single, living with a partner 34 38 20 9 79
Married 50 34 13 3 430
Separated 68 26 5 1 13
Widowed 53 30 4 12 30
Divorced 49 23 23 4 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 49 33 13 4 505
Black Non-Hispanic 31 36 22 12 89
Hispanic 41 42 14 3 122
Other 31 50 17 3 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 26 44 26 3 52
Once a week 52 33 8 7 158
Once or twice a month 42 37 17 4 57
A few times a year 47 32 15 5 107
Seldom 43 39 14 5 193
Never 44 37 16 4 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 53 28 15 4 175
Mainline Protestant 47 33 15 5 92
Roman Catholic 40 39 18 4 164
No religion 42 43 11 4 236
Other religion 44 36 14 7 120
Very conservative 59 26 10 5 116
Somewhat conservative 47 36 14 3 182
Moderate 33 40 19 8 271
Somewhat liberal 45 40 13 2 129
Very liberal 55 36 7 3 92
voter registration status
Yes 44 36 14 5 790

A2: vote or not

Did you vote in the elections for state and national offices on November 8?
Yes No n
Male 86 14 389
Female 83 17 390
Another gender 77 23 9
18-29 67 33 117
30-44 82 18 185
45-59 86 14 194
60+ 92 8 294
Less than HS 68 32 45
HS graduate 80 20 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 84 16 222
Bachelor's degree 92 8 139
Post grad study/professional degree 93 7 156
Less than $30k 75 25 165
$30k to less than $50k 81 19 118
$50k to less than $75k 88 12 149
$75k to less than $100k 89 11 120
$100k or more 89 11 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 86 14 352
Independent 70 30 79
Democrat 87 13 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 88 12 261
Independent 77 23 262
Democrat 88 12 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 88 12 261
Lean Republican 80 20 91
Independent 70 30 79
Lean Democrat 81 19 92
Democrat 88 12 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 96 4 166
Weak Republican 74 26 95
Lean Republican 80 20 91
Independent 70 30 79
Lean Democrat 81 19 92
Weak Democrat 75 25 100
Strong Democrat 97 3 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 71 29 151
Single, living with a partner 77 23 79
Married 91 9 430
Separated 81 19 13
Widowed 83 17 30
Divorced 86 14 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 86 14 505
Black Non-Hispanic 76 24 89
Hispanic 86 14 122
Other 85 15 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 93 7 52
Once a week 89 11 158
Once or twice a month 86 14 57
A few times a year 81 19 107
Seldom 84 16 193
Never 81 19 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 91 9 175
Mainline Protestant 82 18 92
Roman Catholic 84 16 164
No religion 81 19 236
Other religion 86 14 120
Very conservative 93 7 116
Somewhat conservative 86 14 182
Moderate 78 22 271
Somewhat liberal 82 18 129
Very liberal 93 7 92
voter registration status
Yes 85 15 790

B1: Biden approval

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove n
Male 11 32 11 47 389
Female 13 33 21 33 390
Another gender 0 37 47 15 9
18-29 2 50 25 24 117
30-44 8 42 20 29 185
45-59 11 28 17 45 194
60+ 19 22 10 49 294
Less than HS 20 26 26 28 45
HS graduate 13 23 15 48 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 7 34 19 41 222
Bachelor's degree 6 40 13 41 139
Post grad study/professional degree 20 38 14 28 156
Less than $30k 16 36 19 28 165
$30k to less than $50k 14 27 27 32 118
$50k to less than $75k 13 37 12 39 149
$75k to less than $100k 11 22 8 59 120
$100k or more 8 35 16 41 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 1 6 16 77 352
Independent 2 28 35 36 79
Democrat 25 59 12 4 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 1 7 15 77 261
Independent 6 30 23 40 262
Democrat 29 59 10 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 1 7 15 77 261
Lean Republican 0 3 18 78 91
Independent 2 28 35 36 79
Lean Democrat 15 60 18 7 92
Democrat 29 59 10 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 1 2 11 86 166
Weak Republican 1 16 22 61 95
Lean Republican 0 3 18 78 91
Independent 2 28 35 36 79
Lean Democrat 15 60 18 7 92
Weak Democrat 12 70 14 4 100
Strong Democrat 39 52 7 2 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 12 54 18 16 151
Single, living with a partner 6 37 28 28 79
Married 12 26 13 50 430
Separated 16 34 6 44 13
Widowed 20 11 20 49 30
Divorced 14 32 19 35 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 11 24 13 51 505
Black Non-Hispanic 27 49 20 3 89
Hispanic 10 48 22 20 122
Other 3 45 22 30 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 18 21 16 45 52
Once a week 9 23 9 59 158
Once or twice a month 15 26 18 41 57
A few times a year 13 37 18 32 107
Seldom 9 34 17 39 193
Never 13 39 19 28 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 10 17 13 59 175
Mainline Protestant 15 33 14 38 92
Roman Catholic 8 33 19 41 164
No religion 13 40 18 28 236
Other religion 15 39 14 32 120
Very conservative 1 2 8 88 116
Somewhat conservative 2 16 13 69 182
Moderate 14 40 21 25 271
Somewhat liberal 22 55 16 8 129
Very liberal 24 49 20 7 92
voter registration status
Yes 12 32 16 40 790

B1: Biden approval, 2-cat

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
Approve Disapprove n
Male 43 57 389
Female 46 54 390
Another gender 37 63 9
18-29 52 48 117
30-44 50 50 185
45-59 39 61 194
60+ 41 59 294
Less than HS 46 54 45
HS graduate 37 63 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 40 60 222
Bachelor's degree 46 54 139
Post grad study/professional degree 58 42 156
Less than $30k 52 47 165
$30k to less than $50k 41 59 118
$50k to less than $75k 50 50 149
$75k to less than $100k 33 67 120
$100k or more 43 57 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 7 93 352
Independent 29 71 79
Democrat 84 16 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 8 92 261
Independent 36 64 262
Democrat 87 12 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 8 92 261
Lean Republican 4 96 91
Independent 29 71 79
Lean Democrat 75 25 92
Democrat 87 12 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 3 97 166
Weak Republican 17 83 95
Lean Republican 4 96 91
Independent 29 71 79
Lean Democrat 75 25 92
Weak Democrat 82 18 100
Strong Democrat 91 9 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 66 34 151
Single, living with a partner 43 57 79
Married 37 63 430
Separated 50 50 13
Widowed 31 69 30
Divorced 46 54 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 35 65 505
Black Non-Hispanic 76 24 89
Hispanic 58 42 122
Other 48 52 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 39 61 52
Once a week 32 68 158
Once or twice a month 41 59 57
A few times a year 50 50 107
Seldom 44 56 193
Never 53 47 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 27 73 175
Mainline Protestant 48 52 92
Roman Catholic 41 59 164
No religion 53 47 236
Other religion 53 47 120
Very conservative 4 96 116
Somewhat conservative 18 82 182
Moderate 54 46 271
Somewhat liberal 77 23 129
Very liberal 73 27 92
voter registration status
Yes 44 56 790

B2: Supreme Court approval

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Supreme Court is handling its job?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove n
Male 9 43 26 22 389
Female 8 37 38 18 390
Another gender 0 0 23 77 9
18-29 4 28 43 24 117
30-44 5 39 33 24 185
45-59 8 44 32 17 194
60+ 13 41 27 19 294
Less than HS 3 50 38 9 45
HS graduate 10 43 30 17 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 8 34 37 21 222
Bachelor's degree 12 41 31 17 139
Post grad study/professional degree 5 36 27 31 156
Less than $30k 9 34 41 17 165
$30k to less than $50k 7 38 37 18 118
$50k to less than $75k 8 39 27 26 149
$75k to less than $100k 10 42 32 17 120
$100k or more 9 43 26 22 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 16 54 24 6 352
Independent 4 22 51 23 79
Democrat 2 28 36 34 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 16 53 25 7 261
Independent 7 34 39 20 262
Democrat 2 31 32 34 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 16 53 25 7 261
Lean Republican 15 58 23 4 91
Independent 4 22 51 23 79
Lean Democrat 2 19 46 32 92
Democrat 2 31 32 34 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 23 52 19 6 166
Weak Republican 4 54 34 8 95
Lean Republican 15 58 23 4 91
Independent 4 22 51 23 79
Lean Democrat 2 19 46 32 92
Weak Democrat 0 41 36 23 100
Strong Democrat 4 26 30 41 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 8 28 41 23 151
Single, living with a partner 5 33 38 24 79
Married 10 44 25 20 430
Separated 12 34 44 11 13
Widowed 2 53 39 7 30
Divorced 6 35 40 20 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 11 42 27 20 505
Black Non-Hispanic 6 38 38 19 89
Hispanic 4 33 37 26 122
Other 4 26 55 16 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 9 61 19 11 52
Once a week 19 48 25 8 158
Once or twice a month 4 46 41 9 57
A few times a year 6 37 37 20 107
Seldom 8 42 34 16 193
Never 3 25 33 38 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 17 47 25 11 175
Mainline Protestant 2 48 30 20 92
Roman Catholic 9 49 34 8 164
No religion 4 27 34 34 236
Other religion 8 33 35 24 120
Very conservative 21 51 20 8 116
Somewhat conservative 15 58 22 5 182
Moderate 4 43 38 15 271
Somewhat liberal 1 16 47 36 129
Very liberal 2 8 30 60 92
voter registration status
Yes 8 39 32 20 790

B2: Supreme Court approval, 2-cat

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Supreme Court is handling its job?
Approve Disapprove n
Male 52 48 389
Female 44 56 390
Another gender 0 100 9
18-29 32 68 117
30-44 43 57 185
45-59 51 49 194
60+ 54 46 294
Less than HS 52 48 45
HS graduate 53 47 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 42 58 222
Bachelor's degree 53 47 139
Post grad study/professional degree 41 59 156
Less than $30k 43 57 165
$30k to less than $50k 45 55 118
$50k to less than $75k 47 53 149
$75k to less than $100k 51 49 120
$100k or more 52 48 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 70 30 352
Independent 26 74 79
Democrat 31 69 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 69 31 261
Independent 41 59 262
Democrat 34 66 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 69 31 261
Lean Republican 73 27 91
Independent 26 74 79
Lean Democrat 22 78 92
Democrat 34 66 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 75 25 166
Weak Republican 58 42 95
Lean Republican 73 27 91
Independent 26 74 79
Lean Democrat 22 78 92
Weak Democrat 41 59 100
Strong Democrat 29 71 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 36 64 151
Single, living with a partner 38 62 79
Married 55 45 430
Separated 45 55 13
Widowed 54 46 30
Divorced 41 59 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 53 47 505
Black Non-Hispanic 43 57 89
Hispanic 37 63 122
Other 29 71 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 70 30 52
Once a week 67 33 158
Once or twice a month 50 50 57
A few times a year 43 57 107
Seldom 50 50 193
Never 28 72 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 64 36 175
Mainline Protestant 51 49 92
Roman Catholic 58 42 164
No religion 32 68 236
Other religion 41 59 120
Very conservative 72 28 116
Somewhat conservative 73 27 182
Moderate 47 53 271
Somewhat liberal 17 83 129
Very liberal 10 90 92
voter registration status
Yes 48 52 790

B3: Congress approval

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Congress is handling its job?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove n
Male 2 26 35 37 389
Female 2 31 47 19 390
Another gender 0 0 80 20 9
18-29 0 28 62 10 117
30-44 1 32 44 23 185
45-59 1 31 38 29 194
60+ 4 25 34 36 294
Less than HS 1 51 42 6 45
HS graduate 3 29 43 25 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 3 23 44 30 222
Bachelor's degree 1 24 43 32 139
Post grad study/professional degree 1 34 34 31 156
Less than $30k 3 32 49 16 165
$30k to less than $50k 4 25 48 23 118
$50k to less than $75k 1 33 40 26 149
$75k to less than $100k 2 26 32 39 120
$100k or more 2 26 40 32 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 2 20 39 39 352
Independent 0 12 53 35 79
Democrat 2 41 41 15 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 3 21 41 36 261
Independent 1 17 46 35 262
Democrat 2 48 38 12 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 3 21 41 36 261
Lean Republican 1 17 34 48 91
Independent 0 12 53 35 79
Lean Democrat 3 22 52 23 92
Democrat 2 48 38 12 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 4 17 36 42 166
Weak Republican 0 27 49 25 95
Lean Republican 1 17 34 48 91
Independent 0 12 53 35 79
Lean Democrat 3 22 52 23 92
Weak Democrat 0 54 38 8 100
Strong Democrat 4 44 37 15 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 3 35 46 16 151
Single, living with a partner 3 27 47 23 79
Married 2 24 40 34 430
Separated 0 17 53 30 13
Widowed 7 28 49 16 30
Divorced 1 42 32 25 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 2 23 41 34 505
Black Non-Hispanic 4 48 42 6 89
Hispanic 1 34 43 21 122
Other 0 37 45 18 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 3 31 38 27 52
Once a week 2 29 40 29 158
Once or twice a month 1 31 44 24 57
A few times a year 5 28 44 23 107
Seldom 2 31 43 23 193
Never 1 25 40 34 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 5 24 37 35 175
Mainline Protestant 1 43 38 18 92
Roman Catholic 3 31 46 20 164
No religion 1 24 42 33 236
Other religion 2 30 43 25 120
Very conservative 4 14 29 53 116
Somewhat conservative 1 26 42 31 182
Moderate 3 34 44 20 271
Somewhat liberal 0 36 44 20 129
Very liberal 3 25 46 25 92
voter registration status
Yes 2 29 42 28 790

B3: Congress approval, 2-cat

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Congress is handling its job?
Approve Disapprove n
Male 28 72 389
Female 34 66 390
Another gender 0 100 9
18-29 28 72 117
30-44 33 67 185
45-59 33 67 194
60+ 29 71 294
Less than HS 52 48 45
HS graduate 32 68 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 25 75 222
Bachelor's degree 25 75 139
Post grad study/professional degree 35 64 156
Less than $30k 35 65 165
$30k to less than $50k 29 71 118
$50k to less than $75k 34 66 149
$75k to less than $100k 29 71 120
$100k or more 28 72 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 22 78 352
Independent 12 88 79
Democrat 43 56 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 24 76 261
Independent 18 81 262
Democrat 50 50 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 24 76 261
Lean Republican 18 82 91
Independent 12 88 79
Lean Democrat 24 75 92
Democrat 50 50 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 22 78 166
Weak Republican 27 73 95
Lean Republican 18 82 91
Independent 12 88 79
Lean Democrat 24 75 92
Weak Democrat 54 46 100
Strong Democrat 47 53 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 37 63 151
Single, living with a partner 30 70 79
Married 26 74 430
Separated 17 83 13
Widowed 35 65 30
Divorced 43 57 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 25 75 505
Black Non-Hispanic 51 49 89
Hispanic 36 64 122
Other 37 63 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 34 66 52
Once a week 31 69 158
Once or twice a month 32 68 57
A few times a year 33 67 107
Seldom 33 67 193
Never 26 74 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 28 72 175
Mainline Protestant 44 56 92
Roman Catholic 34 66 164
No religion 25 75 236
Other religion 32 68 120
Very conservative 18 82 116
Somewhat conservative 27 73 182
Moderate 37 63 271
Somewhat liberal 36 64 129
Very liberal 28 72 92
voter registration status
Yes 31 69 790

B4: Fav/Unfav: Biden

[Joe Biden] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 42 56 2 389
Female 45 54 1 390
Another gender 27 25 47 9
18-29 48 48 4 117
30-44 51 45 4 185
45-59 36 63 1 194
60+ 41 57 2 294
Less than HS 42 52 5 45
HS graduate 36 61 4 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 40 58 2 222
Bachelor's degree 43 57 1 139
Post grad study/professional degree 60 39 1 156
Less than $30k 48 45 7 165
$30k to less than $50k 44 54 2 118
$50k to less than $75k 48 50 2 149
$75k to less than $100k 34 66 0 120
$100k or more 42 57 1 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 5 94 1 352
Independent 32 55 13 79
Democrat 83 16 1 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 6 92 1 261
Independent 36 60 4 262
Democrat 86 12 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 6 92 1 261
Lean Republican 3 97 0 91
Independent 32 55 13 79
Lean Democrat 73 26 1 92
Democrat 86 12 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 3 97 0 166
Weak Republican 12 85 3 95
Lean Republican 3 97 0 91
Independent 32 55 13 79
Lean Democrat 73 26 1 92
Weak Democrat 74 23 2 100
Strong Democrat 94 5 1 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 63 33 4 151
Single, living with a partner 39 56 5 79
Married 38 61 2 430
Separated 45 53 1 13
Widowed 31 68 1 30
Divorced 46 54 0 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 34 65 1 505
Black Non-Hispanic 72 21 7 89
Hispanic 55 40 5 122
Other 60 40 1 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 35 64 0 52
Once a week 30 68 2 158
Once or twice a month 33 65 1 57
A few times a year 47 49 4 107
Seldom 42 55 4 193
Never 56 42 2 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 25 73 1 175
Mainline Protestant 48 50 1 92
Roman Catholic 38 60 2 164
No religion 54 43 3 236
Other religion 54 44 3 120
Very conservative 3 97 0 116
Somewhat conservative 14 84 2 182
Moderate 53 44 3 271
Somewhat liberal 75 23 2 129
Very liberal 78 16 5 92
voter registration status
Yes 43 54 2 790

B5: Fav/Unfav: Trump

[Donald Trump] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 37 61 2 389
Female 35 62 3 390
Another gender 0 100 0 9
18-29 24 76 0 117
30-44 30 67 4 185
45-59 41 57 2 194
60+ 41 57 2 294
Less than HS 32 58 10 45
HS graduate 46 53 1 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 40 58 2 222
Bachelor's degree 30 70 0 139
Post grad study/professional degree 21 75 4 156
Less than $30k 30 65 5 165
$30k to less than $50k 38 60 2 118
$50k to less than $75k 36 63 0 149
$75k to less than $100k 47 51 2 120
$100k or more 31 67 2 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 70 28 2 352
Independent 31 63 6 79
Democrat 3 95 2 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 72 25 3 261
Independent 33 65 3 262
Democrat 3 96 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 72 25 3 261
Lean Republican 63 37 0 91
Independent 31 63 6 79
Lean Democrat 4 93 3 92
Democrat 3 96 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 80 20 0 166
Weak Republican 57 35 7 95
Lean Republican 63 37 0 91
Independent 31 63 6 79
Lean Democrat 4 93 3 92
Weak Democrat 4 93 3 100
Strong Democrat 2 97 1 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 14 86 0 151
Single, living with a partner 34 62 4 79
Married 43 55 2 430
Separated 49 51 0 13
Widowed 47 49 4 30
Divorced 33 63 4 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 44 54 2 505
Black Non-Hispanic 7 87 6 89
Hispanic 22 76 2 122
Other 32 65 3 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 35 61 5 52
Once a week 53 46 1 158
Once or twice a month 44 49 7 57
A few times a year 36 59 5 107
Seldom 39 60 1 193
Never 19 80 1 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 56 40 3 175
Mainline Protestant 38 58 3 92
Roman Catholic 36 62 2 164
No religion 21 78 1 236
Other religion 30 67 4 120
Very conservative 84 15 0 116
Somewhat conservative 59 37 4 182
Moderate 24 73 3 271
Somewhat liberal 5 94 2 129
Very liberal 6 94 0 92
voter registration status
Yes 36 62 2 790

B6: Fav/Unfav: Pence

[Mike Pence] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 34 54 12 389
Female 40 44 16 390
Another gender 0 92 8 9
18-29 21 58 21 117
30-44 27 59 15 185
45-59 39 46 15 194
60+ 48 43 9 294
Less than HS 35 39 27 45
HS graduate 39 45 16 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 36 51 12 222
Bachelor's degree 43 47 10 139
Post grad study/professional degree 31 59 9 156
Less than $30k 31 42 26 165
$30k to less than $50k 34 51 14 118
$50k to less than $75k 45 49 6 149
$75k to less than $100k 44 44 12 120
$100k or more 34 57 10 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 53 33 14 352
Independent 27 40 32 79
Democrat 23 68 9 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 56 30 14 261
Independent 30 51 19 262
Democrat 25 67 8 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 56 30 14 261
Lean Republican 45 39 16 91
Independent 27 40 32 79
Lean Democrat 19 71 10 92
Democrat 25 67 8 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 54 34 12 166
Weak Republican 59 24 17 95
Lean Republican 45 39 16 91
Independent 27 40 32 79
Lean Democrat 19 71 10 92
Weak Democrat 34 51 15 100
Strong Democrat 19 77 3 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 19 64 16 151
Single, living with a partner 29 50 21 79
Married 41 47 12 430
Separated 63 27 10 13
Widowed 46 28 26 30
Divorced 46 48 6 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 42 47 11 505
Black Non-Hispanic 25 51 24 89
Hispanic 28 58 14 122
Other 27 55 18 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 55 29 17 52
Once a week 53 33 14 158
Once or twice a month 45 41 14 57
A few times a year 37 43 20 107
Seldom 37 51 12 193
Never 19 70 11 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 45 40 15 175
Mainline Protestant 43 50 7 92
Roman Catholic 41 40 19 164
No religion 26 63 11 236
Other religion 36 50 14 120
Very conservative 53 40 7 116
Somewhat conservative 57 28 15 182
Moderate 36 45 19 271
Somewhat liberal 18 72 10 129
Very liberal 7 87 7 92
voter registration status
Yes 37 50 14 790

B7: Fav/Unfav: DeSantis

[Ron DeSantis] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough Web blank n
Male 44 41 15 0 389
Female 30 42 28 0 390
Another gender 0 37 63 0 9
18-29 17 43 39 0 117
30-44 22 49 28 0 185
45-59 45 34 20 0 194
60+ 47 40 12 0 294
Less than HS 24 26 49 1 45
HS graduate 42 31 26 0 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 43 37 20 0 222
Bachelor's degree 34 50 16 0 139
Post grad study/professional degree 26 59 14 0 156
Less than $30k 26 40 32 1 165
$30k to less than $50k 37 43 20 0 118
$50k to less than $75k 32 42 26 0 149
$75k to less than $100k 50 34 16 0 120
$100k or more 38 45 17 0 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 71 10 19 0 352
Independent 25 37 39 0 79
Democrat 5 73 21 0 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 70 9 21 0 261
Independent 35 44 21 0 262
Democrat 6 70 24 0 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 70 9 21 0 261
Lean Republican 75 12 13 0 91
Independent 25 37 39 0 79
Lean Democrat 4 82 15 0 92
Democrat 6 70 24 0 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 86 6 8 1 166
Weak Republican 43 14 43 0 95
Lean Republican 75 12 13 0 91
Independent 25 37 39 0 79
Lean Democrat 4 82 15 0 92
Weak Democrat 10 58 31 0 100
Strong Democrat 3 78 19 0 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 19 49 32 0 151
Single, living with a partner 25 54 21 0 79
Married 44 36 21 0 430
Separated 33 41 26 0 13
Widowed 52 21 23 3 30
Divorced 38 52 10 1 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 47 35 18 0 505
Black Non-Hispanic 14 51 34 1 89
Hispanic 20 55 25 0 122
Other 13 50 37 0 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 41 30 29 0 52
Once a week 55 24 21 0 158
Once or twice a month 49 25 27 0 57
A few times a year 34 38 28 1 107
Seldom 37 42 21 0 193
Never 20 62 18 0 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 58 21 20 1 175
Mainline Protestant 39 38 22 1 92
Roman Catholic 41 35 25 0 164
No religion 22 58 19 0 236
Other religion 26 50 24 0 120
Very conservative 90 3 7 0 116
Somewhat conservative 62 17 21 0 182
Moderate 24 43 33 0 271
Somewhat liberal 2 80 17 1 129
Very liberal 4 79 18 0 92
voter registration status
Yes 37 41 22 0 790

B8: Fav/Unfav: Kemp

[Brian Kemp] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 15 20 64 389
Female 12 19 69 390
Another gender 0 37 63 9
18-29 10 20 70 117
30-44 6 24 70 185
45-59 16 16 69 194
60+ 19 20 61 294
Less than HS 1 18 81 45
HS graduate 14 17 69 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 13 22 65 222
Bachelor's degree 20 19 61 139
Post grad study/professional degree 13 22 64 156
Less than $30k 9 27 64 165
$30k to less than $50k 10 22 69 118
$50k to less than $75k 12 16 72 149
$75k to less than $100k 17 15 67 120
$100k or more 19 19 62 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 23 10 67 352
Independent 11 16 73 79
Democrat 6 30 64 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 22 9 69 261
Independent 13 19 67 262
Democrat 6 31 63 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 22 9 69 261
Lean Republican 24 15 61 91
Independent 11 16 73 79
Lean Democrat 5 26 69 92
Democrat 6 31 63 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 27 9 64 166
Weak Republican 15 8 77 95
Lean Republican 24 15 61 91
Independent 11 16 73 79
Lean Democrat 5 26 69 92
Weak Democrat 4 16 80 100
Strong Democrat 7 41 52 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 8 22 69 151
Single, living with a partner 4 23 72 79
Married 19 18 63 430
Separated 14 10 76 13
Widowed 6 13 82 30
Divorced 9 25 66 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 16 16 68 505
Black Non-Hispanic 8 32 60 89
Hispanic 9 29 62 122
Other 13 15 72 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 15 13 72 52
Once a week 19 19 62 158
Once or twice a month 22 26 52 57
A few times a year 13 14 73 107
Seldom 14 18 69 193
Never 9 25 66 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 16 20 64 175
Mainline Protestant 8 21 71 92
Roman Catholic 15 16 69 164
No religion 9 21 69 236
Other religion 20 22 58 120
Very conservative 24 14 62 116
Somewhat conservative 24 11 65 182
Moderate 10 17 73 271
Somewhat liberal 7 24 69 129
Very liberal 2 46 52 92
voter registration status
Yes 14 20 66 790

B9: Fav/Unfav: Abbot

[Greg Abbott] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 26 34 40 389
Female 20 28 52 390
Another gender 0 25 75 9
18-29 9 32 59 117
30-44 12 34 54 185
45-59 23 27 50 194
60+ 35 32 33 294
Less than HS 10 32 58 45
HS graduate 28 25 47 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 27 29 44 222
Bachelor's degree 22 29 49 139
Post grad study/professional degree 14 44 41 156
Less than $30k 17 29 54 165
$30k to less than $50k 23 35 41 118
$50k to less than $75k 20 38 41 149
$75k to less than $100k 33 21 45 120
$100k or more 23 31 46 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 46 7 46 352
Independent 11 32 57 79
Democrat 2 54 43 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 47 6 47 261
Independent 19 30 51 262
Democrat 3 56 41 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 47 6 47 261
Lean Republican 44 12 44 91
Independent 11 32 57 79
Lean Democrat 1 47 52 92
Democrat 3 56 41 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 59 3 38 166
Weak Republican 25 10 64 95
Lean Republican 44 12 44 91
Independent 11 32 57 79
Lean Democrat 1 47 52 92
Weak Democrat 2 33 66 100
Strong Democrat 4 71 26 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 10 34 55 151
Single, living with a partner 12 34 54 79
Married 30 29 42 430
Separated 33 36 31 13
Widowed 28 23 48 30
Divorced 16 38 47 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 30 25 45 505
Black Non-Hispanic 8 43 49 89
Hispanic 13 52 35 122
Other 4 30 66 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 23 21 57 52
Once a week 40 21 39 158
Once or twice a month 29 39 32 57
A few times a year 19 28 52 107
Seldom 24 25 51 193
Never 9 46 45 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 41 20 39 175
Mainline Protestant 25 32 42 92
Roman Catholic 24 27 49 164
No religion 10 41 49 236
Other religion 18 33 48 120
Very conservative 66 4 30 116
Somewhat conservative 38 15 46 182
Moderate 10 32 58 271
Somewhat liberal 1 49 50 129
Very liberal 5 70 25 92
voter registration status
Yes 23 31 46 790

B10: Fav/Unfav: Harris

[Kamala Harris] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 28 63 9 389
Female 42 49 9 390
Another gender 36 27 37 9
18-29 36 50 14 117
30-44 37 48 15 185
45-59 32 62 6 194
60+ 35 59 6 294
Less than HS 44 40 17 45
HS graduate 28 60 11 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 34 57 9 222
Bachelor's degree 30 63 8 139
Post grad study/professional degree 48 47 5 156
Less than $30k 44 40 16 165
$30k to less than $50k 36 53 12 118
$50k to less than $75k 40 53 7 149
$75k to less than $100k 23 72 4 120
$100k or more 31 61 8 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 5 90 4 352
Independent 21 52 27 79
Democrat 67 23 10 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 5 89 5 261
Independent 25 61 14 262
Democrat 73 17 10 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 5 89 5 261
Lean Republican 5 92 3 91
Independent 21 52 27 79
Lean Democrat 48 40 13 92
Democrat 73 17 10 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 2 95 3 166
Weak Republican 11 79 9 95
Lean Republican 5 92 3 91
Independent 21 52 27 79
Lean Democrat 48 40 13 92
Weak Democrat 65 22 13 100
Strong Democrat 78 15 8 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 46 41 13 151
Single, living with a partner 42 43 15 79
Married 29 64 7 430
Separated 35 56 10 13
Widowed 25 66 9 30
Divorced 42 48 10 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 24 67 9 505
Black Non-Hispanic 71 16 13 89
Hispanic 51 38 11 122
Other 40 53 8 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 33 59 8 52
Once a week 25 69 6 158
Once or twice a month 30 58 12 57
A few times a year 42 45 13 107
Seldom 36 54 10 193
Never 40 52 8 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 23 71 6 175
Mainline Protestant 36 51 12 92
Roman Catholic 32 57 11 164
No religion 41 49 10 236
Other religion 43 46 10 120
Very conservative 2 97 1 116
Somewhat conservative 12 80 8 182
Moderate 44 46 11 271
Somewhat liberal 59 28 13 129
Very liberal 62 25 13 92
voter registration status
Yes 35 56 9 790

B11: Fav/Unfav: Whitmer

[Gretchen Whitmer] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 21 31 48 389
Female 18 23 59 390
Another gender 0 0 100 9
18-29 7 16 77 117
30-44 20 18 62 185
45-59 17 29 54 194
60+ 26 35 39 294
Less than HS 19 9 73 45
HS graduate 14 32 55 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 16 31 53 222
Bachelor's degree 18 26 56 139
Post grad study/professional degree 34 20 45 156
Less than $30k 17 25 58 165
$30k to less than $50k 19 24 57 118
$50k to less than $75k 18 26 56 149
$75k to less than $100k 15 38 46 120
$100k or more 25 25 51 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 5 46 49 352
Independent 13 14 73 79
Democrat 35 10 54 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 5 44 51 261
Independent 17 26 57 262
Democrat 36 11 53 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 5 44 51 261
Lean Republican 4 53 43 91
Independent 13 14 73 79
Lean Democrat 32 9 59 92
Democrat 36 11 53 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 4 51 44 166
Weak Republican 5 31 63 95
Lean Republican 4 53 43 91
Independent 13 14 73 79
Lean Democrat 32 9 59 92
Weak Democrat 18 12 70 100
Strong Democrat 47 10 43 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 15 14 71 151
Single, living with a partner 15 21 63 79
Married 22 32 46 430
Separated 7 39 54 13
Widowed 21 13 66 30
Divorced 22 30 48 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 16 32 52 505
Black Non-Hispanic 25 15 60 89
Hispanic 28 18 54 122
Other 23 22 55 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 9 17 74 52
Once a week 11 40 49 158
Once or twice a month 28 46 25 57
A few times a year 21 16 63 107
Seldom 15 29 55 193
Never 29 17 53 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 10 42 48 175
Mainline Protestant 19 31 50 92
Roman Catholic 17 28 55 164
No religion 25 17 58 236
Other religion 25 17 57 120
Very conservative 4 63 33 116
Somewhat conservative 7 41 52 182
Moderate 19 17 64 271
Somewhat liberal 41 6 53 129
Very liberal 37 12 51 92
voter registration status
Yes 19 27 54 790

B12: Fav/Unfav: Buttigieg

[Pete Buttigieg] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 30 41 29 389
Female 28 28 44 390
Another gender 7 15 77 9
18-29 24 16 60 117
30-44 26 27 47 185
45-59 25 38 37 194
60+ 35 44 21 294
Less than HS 18 15 67 45
HS graduate 18 39 43 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 27 37 36 222
Bachelor's degree 32 36 31 139
Post grad study/professional degree 48 29 24 156
Less than $30k 22 28 49 165
$30k to less than $50k 30 33 38 118
$50k to less than $75k 31 28 41 149
$75k to less than $100k 24 52 24 120
$100k or more 34 36 30 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 6 60 34 352
Independent 18 22 60 79
Democrat 53 13 34 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 6 58 36 261
Independent 24 33 43 262
Democrat 55 13 32 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 6 58 36 261
Lean Republican 6 63 31 91
Independent 18 22 60 79
Lean Democrat 48 12 40 92
Democrat 55 13 32 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 4 73 23 166
Weak Republican 9 33 58 95
Lean Republican 6 63 31 91
Independent 18 22 60 79
Lean Democrat 48 12 40 92
Weak Democrat 41 16 43 100
Strong Democrat 64 11 25 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 37 15 47 151
Single, living with a partner 15 31 54 79
Married 29 41 29 430
Separated 33 37 29 13
Widowed 22 40 38 30
Divorced 26 34 40 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 25 42 33 505
Black Non-Hispanic 36 18 47 89
Hispanic 36 26 39 122
Other 38 11 51 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 9 30 61 52
Once a week 20 48 31 158
Once or twice a month 23 50 28 57
A few times a year 35 30 35 107
Seldom 29 35 35 193
Never 37 23 39 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 16 52 32 175
Mainline Protestant 30 37 33 92
Roman Catholic 22 35 43 164
No religion 37 26 36 236
Other religion 40 22 38 120
Very conservative 1 77 22 116
Somewhat conservative 8 58 34 182
Moderate 30 20 49 271
Somewhat liberal 63 4 32 129
Very liberal 52 19 29 92
voter registration status
Yes 29 34 37 790

B13: Fav/Unfav: Sanders

[Bernie Sanders] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 41 51 9 389
Female 43 43 14 390
Another gender 100 0 0 9
18-29 60 23 17 117
30-44 53 35 13 185
45-59 32 56 12 194
60+ 37 56 7 294
Less than HS 30 43 27 45
HS graduate 37 50 13 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 44 45 11 222
Bachelor's degree 46 49 5 139
Post grad study/professional degree 51 39 10 156
Less than $30k 46 34 20 165
$30k to less than $50k 46 46 8 118
$50k to less than $75k 48 42 10 149
$75k to less than $100k 33 60 7 120
$100k or more 41 49 10 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 11 80 9 352
Independent 40 37 23 79
Democrat 75 14 11 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 9 82 10 261
Independent 45 42 13 262
Democrat 74 15 11 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 9 82 10 261
Lean Republican 16 77 7 91
Independent 40 37 23 79
Lean Democrat 78 12 11 92
Democrat 74 15 11 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 4 89 7 166
Weak Republican 17 70 14 95
Lean Republican 16 77 7 91
Independent 40 37 23 79
Lean Democrat 78 12 11 92
Weak Democrat 62 23 14 100
Strong Democrat 81 10 9 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 67 20 13 151
Single, living with a partner 55 29 16 79
Married 32 59 9 430
Separated 57 42 1 13
Widowed 22 52 26 30
Divorced 45 44 11 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 34 57 9 505
Black Non-Hispanic 58 23 19 89
Hispanic 60 24 16 122
Other 57 32 11 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 24 62 14 52
Once a week 26 64 10 158
Once or twice a month 39 51 9 57
A few times a year 41 46 14 107
Seldom 44 45 11 193
Never 60 29 11 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 21 71 8 175
Mainline Protestant 43 49 8 92
Roman Catholic 37 49 15 164
No religion 61 30 8 236
Other religion 45 36 19 120
Very conservative 2 94 4 116
Somewhat conservative 18 73 9 182
Moderate 45 37 17 271
Somewhat liberal 75 14 10 129
Very liberal 89 3 8 92
voter registration status
Yes 43 46 11 790

B14: Fav/Unfav: McCarthy

[Kevin McCarthy] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 27 49 24 389
Female 16 41 43 390
Another gender 0 42 58 9
18-29 8 40 53 117
30-44 10 46 44 185
45-59 20 49 31 194
60+ 34 44 22 294
Less than HS 14 31 56 45
HS graduate 27 39 34 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 23 42 35 222
Bachelor's degree 21 47 32 139
Post grad study/professional degree 13 60 26 156
Less than $30k 17 42 42 165
$30k to less than $50k 16 46 38 118
$50k to less than $75k 24 45 32 149
$75k to less than $100k 28 43 29 120
$100k or more 22 49 29 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 40 21 39 352
Independent 10 37 54 79
Democrat 5 70 25 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 42 18 40 261
Independent 16 43 41 262
Democrat 6 73 22 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 42 18 40 261
Lean Republican 33 30 37 91
Independent 10 37 54 79
Lean Democrat 4 62 34 92
Democrat 6 73 22 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 55 15 29 166
Weak Republican 20 23 58 95
Lean Republican 33 30 37 91
Independent 10 37 54 79
Lean Democrat 4 62 34 92
Weak Democrat 5 59 36 100
Strong Democrat 6 81 13 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 13 47 41 151
Single, living with a partner 9 44 47 79
Married 28 43 29 430
Separated 25 48 27 13
Widowed 22 34 44 30
Divorced 14 57 30 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 26 40 35 505
Black Non-Hispanic 8 54 38 89
Hispanic 21 54 25 122
Other 6 55 38 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 12 33 55 52
Once a week 34 34 32 158
Once or twice a month 28 51 21 57
A few times a year 21 42 37 107
Seldom 25 41 33 193
Never 9 58 33 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 33 34 33 175
Mainline Protestant 21 45 35 92
Roman Catholic 27 38 35 164
No religion 11 58 31 236
Other religion 18 43 40 120
Very conservative 53 21 27 116
Somewhat conservative 38 25 37 182
Moderate 11 47 41 271
Somewhat liberal 3 70 27 129
Very liberal 2 73 25 92
voter registration status
Yes 21 45 34 790

B15: Fav/Unfav: Pelosi

[Nancy Pelosi] Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the following people or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 30 65 5 389
Female 37 53 10 390
Another gender 8 43 49 9
18-29 21 52 27 117
30-44 36 54 10 185
45-59 30 66 4 194
60+ 39 59 2 294
Less than HS 22 49 29 45
HS graduate 27 65 8 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 31 61 8 222
Bachelor's degree 32 63 5 139
Post grad study/professional degree 52 46 3 156
Less than $30k 28 57 15 165
$30k to less than $50k 36 51 13 118
$50k to less than $75k 40 51 9 149
$75k to less than $100k 27 70 2 120
$100k or more 35 62 3 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 4 93 4 352
Independent 22 52 26 79
Democrat 65 27 8 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 5 91 4 261
Independent 22 65 12 262
Democrat 72 20 8 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 5 91 4 261
Lean Republican 1 98 1 91
Independent 22 52 26 79
Lean Democrat 44 45 10 92
Democrat 72 20 8 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 1 97 2 166
Weak Republican 10 82 8 95
Lean Republican 1 98 1 91
Independent 22 52 26 79
Lean Democrat 44 45 10 92
Weak Democrat 53 35 12 100
Strong Democrat 83 12 5 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 40 42 18 151
Single, living with a partner 29 60 11 79
Married 32 63 5 430
Separated 33 64 3 13
Widowed 30 69 1 30
Divorced 34 60 6 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 23 72 5 505
Black Non-Hispanic 66 19 15 89
Hispanic 43 43 14 122
Other 48 40 12 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 32 67 1 52
Once a week 25 68 7 158
Once or twice a month 28 57 15 57
A few times a year 34 52 14 107
Seldom 33 60 7 193
Never 41 53 7 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 24 71 5 175
Mainline Protestant 31 60 9 92
Roman Catholic 32 59 10 164
No religion 38 55 6 236
Other religion 42 46 13 120
Very conservative 2 95 3 116
Somewhat conservative 11 84 5 182
Moderate 41 49 10 271
Somewhat liberal 57 33 10 129
Very liberal 62 27 11 92
voter registration status
Yes 33 59 8 790

C1: Confidence in SCOTUS

[The US Supreme Court] Here is a list of institutions in American society. How much confidence do you have in each one?
A great deal Quite a lot Some Very little None at all n
Male 8 29 32 22 9 389
Female 9 24 40 22 6 390
Another gender 0 0 8 75 17 9
18-29 9 13 35 34 10 117
30-44 9 21 34 26 10 185
45-59 7 31 41 16 6 194
60+ 9 31 34 21 5 294
Less than HS 6 25 41 18 10 45
HS graduate 9 28 36 20 8 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 9 23 36 26 6 222
Bachelor's degree 10 25 38 20 8 139
Post grad study/professional degree 7 29 33 26 6 156
Less than $30k 11 22 35 23 8 165
$30k to less than $50k 5 25 35 25 9 118
$50k to less than $75k 8 24 39 23 6 149
$75k to less than $100k 10 27 40 18 5 120
$100k or more 8 29 33 24 6 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 13 37 37 11 2 352
Independent 7 16 41 28 7 79
Democrat 5 17 34 32 12 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 13 37 37 11 2 261
Independent 6 23 38 26 7 262
Democrat 6 18 34 31 12 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 13 37 37 11 2 261
Lean Republican 10 36 38 14 2 91
Independent 7 16 41 28 7 79
Lean Democrat 1 15 35 38 12 92
Democrat 6 18 34 31 12 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 17 36 35 9 2 166
Weak Republican 7 37 40 13 2 95
Lean Republican 10 36 38 14 2 91
Independent 7 16 41 28 7 79
Lean Democrat 1 15 35 38 12 92
Weak Democrat 6 20 38 30 6 100
Strong Democrat 6 16 31 31 16 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 8 13 38 30 10 151
Single, living with a partner 8 23 31 29 9 79
Married 9 31 35 19 7 430
Separated 12 16 58 13 1 13
Widowed 12 26 41 21 1 30
Divorced 5 27 37 26 5 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 8 29 34 22 7 505
Black Non-Hispanic 6 20 43 24 8 89
Hispanic 9 24 32 27 8 122
Other 14 15 42 21 8 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 16 28 34 16 6 52
Once a week 14 35 35 12 3 158
Once or twice a month 10 37 38 12 2 57
A few times a year 6 23 42 24 5 107
Seldom 7 22 43 22 5 193
Never 4 20 27 34 15 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 14 35 30 17 4 175
Mainline Protestant 3 28 42 19 8 92
Roman Catholic 9 33 36 19 3 164
No religion 4 16 35 31 13 236
Other religion 11 20 40 22 7 120
Very conservative 17 32 36 11 4 116
Somewhat conservative 13 43 33 9 3 182
Moderate 6 23 45 22 4 271
Somewhat liberal 3 14 35 38 9 129
Very liberal 4 6 17 44 28 92
voter registration status
Yes 8 26 36 23 7 790

C2: Confidence in Congress

[Congress] Here is a list of institutions in American society. How much confidence do you have in each one?
A great deal Quite a lot Some Very little None at all n
Male 3 10 35 36 16 389
Female 5 9 50 31 5 390
Another gender 0 0 8 87 5 9
18-29 7 6 42 37 8 117
30-44 5 10 40 34 11 185
45-59 4 9 47 29 11 194
60+ 3 11 41 36 10 294
Less than HS 7 11 56 16 11 45
HS graduate 4 10 44 30 12 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 5 6 41 37 11 222
Bachelor's degree 4 8 42 36 10 139
Post grad study/professional degree 1 16 40 37 6 156
Less than $30k 7 11 37 35 10 165
$30k to less than $50k 7 9 44 34 7 118
$50k to less than $75k 2 7 50 31 10 149
$75k to less than $100k 5 11 43 29 13 120
$100k or more 2 10 40 38 10 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 3 8 40 35 14 352
Independent 5 7 32 38 18 79
Democrat 5 12 46 32 5 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 3 10 42 33 12 261
Independent 3 5 36 41 16 262
Democrat 6 15 49 28 3 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 3 10 42 33 12 261
Lean Republican 4 3 36 40 18 91
Independent 5 7 32 38 18 79
Lean Democrat 2 5 38 44 11 92
Democrat 6 15 49 28 3 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 4 7 40 35 14 166
Weak Republican 3 14 45 30 8 95
Lean Republican 4 3 36 40 18 91
Independent 5 7 32 38 18 79
Lean Democrat 2 5 38 44 11 92
Weak Democrat 3 16 47 31 3 100
Strong Democrat 7 14 50 26 3 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 7 6 44 34 10 151
Single, living with a partner 3 14 34 41 8 79
Married 3 9 43 34 11 430
Separated 4 13 38 34 11 13
Widowed 12 4 40 41 2 30
Divorced 4 14 46 26 10 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 2 7 42 37 11 505
Black Non-Hispanic 8 9 53 27 3 89
Hispanic 5 17 39 27 14 122
Other 12 17 41 29 2 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 4 5 49 33 9 52
Once a week 5 13 40 32 10 158
Once or twice a month 8 17 39 21 15 57
A few times a year 3 9 51 31 6 107
Seldom 3 12 40 36 9 193
Never 3 4 41 39 13 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 5 6 40 36 12 175
Mainline Protestant 5 11 46 31 6 92
Roman Catholic 4 15 44 27 11 164
No religion 2 6 43 40 10 236
Other religion 6 15 37 30 11 120
Very conservative 5 4 30 36 24 116
Somewhat conservative 5 10 42 33 9 182
Moderate 3 13 48 29 8 271
Somewhat liberal 3 8 48 34 6 129
Very liberal 6 8 34 45 7 92
voter registration status
Yes 4 10 42 34 10 790

C3: Confidence in the Presidency

[The Presidency] Here is a list of institutions in American society. How much confidence do you have in each one?
A great deal Quite a lot Some Very little None at all n
Male 8 19 27 23 23 389
Female 12 20 32 24 13 390
Another gender 0 8 7 85 0 9
18-29 3 15 37 35 9 117
30-44 7 17 42 19 16 185
45-59 11 17 28 26 19 194
60+ 13 24 19 22 22 294
Less than HS 23 17 17 31 13 45
HS graduate 12 14 22 28 23 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 6 18 32 23 21 222
Bachelor's degree 7 19 32 32 10 139
Post grad study/professional degree 10 31 37 10 13 156
Less than $30k 17 17 29 23 14 165
$30k to less than $50k 11 26 21 27 15 118
$50k to less than $75k 8 19 31 22 20 149
$75k to less than $100k 8 13 32 22 25 120
$100k or more 5 22 31 26 16 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 3 7 21 36 33 352
Independent 9 9 33 31 17 79
Democrat 16 34 36 11 3 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 3 9 21 36 32 261
Independent 5 14 33 28 21 262
Democrat 21 36 33 8 1 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 3 9 21 36 32 261
Lean Republican 3 3 23 35 37 91
Independent 9 9 33 31 17 79
Lean Democrat 3 29 43 18 7 92
Democrat 21 36 33 8 1 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 4 7 15 38 37 166
Weak Republican 1 11 32 33 23 95
Lean Republican 3 3 23 35 37 91
Independent 9 9 33 31 17 79
Lean Democrat 3 29 43 18 7 92
Weak Democrat 9 30 47 11 3 100
Strong Democrat 28 40 26 7 0 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 8 21 41 21 9 151
Single, living with a partner 6 24 22 39 10 79
Married 8 18 28 23 22 430
Separated 14 24 11 28 24 13
Widowed 20 12 20 24 24 30
Divorced 18 22 24 19 16 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 6 17 26 29 22 505
Black Non-Hispanic 23 25 39 12 1 89
Hispanic 10 25 32 19 15 122
Other 19 27 34 11 9 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 11 14 37 20 18 52
Once a week 10 15 24 28 22 158
Once or twice a month 16 22 26 22 14 57
A few times a year 6 26 29 23 16 107
Seldom 8 17 32 25 18 193
Never 10 22 29 22 16 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 11 13 22 30 24 175
Mainline Protestant 13 25 28 22 14 92
Roman Catholic 9 15 31 24 21 164
No religion 8 23 32 23 13 236
Other religion 10 25 31 18 16 120
Very conservative 7 4 11 27 52 116
Somewhat conservative 4 11 23 40 21 182
Moderate 11 23 38 16 12 271
Somewhat liberal 14 35 32 14 5 129
Very liberal 14 23 35 25 3 92
voter registration status
Yes 10 20 29 24 18 790

C4: Confidence in State Supreme Court

[Your state Supreme Court or highest court in your state] Here is a list of institutions in American society. How much confidence do you have in each one?
A great deal Quite a lot Some Very little None at all n
Male 7 30 38 18 7 389
Female 8 26 48 16 3 390
Another gender 0 0 23 65 12 9
18-29 10 12 52 23 4 117
30-44 6 26 44 19 5 185
45-59 7 32 43 11 6 194
60+ 8 32 38 18 5 294
Less than HS 5 28 40 19 8 45
HS graduate 6 25 39 23 7 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 8 25 45 19 4 222
Bachelor's degree 11 31 45 9 4 139
Post grad study/professional degree 7 33 44 14 2 156
Less than $30k 9 23 42 21 5 165
$30k to less than $50k 4 29 40 21 5 118
$50k to less than $75k 8 24 47 18 3 149
$75k to less than $100k 6 26 47 15 6 120
$100k or more 9 32 41 13 4 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 9 27 41 17 6 352
Independent 5 19 38 29 8 79
Democrat 6 29 46 15 4 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 11 27 39 19 4 261
Independent 5 24 44 19 8 262
Democrat 8 31 45 14 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 11 27 39 19 4 261
Lean Republican 6 26 47 11 10 91
Independent 5 19 38 29 8 79
Lean Democrat 3 24 47 18 8 92
Democrat 8 31 45 14 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 13 27 34 19 7 166
Weak Republican 6 28 46 19 1 95
Lean Republican 6 26 47 11 10 91
Independent 5 19 38 29 8 79
Lean Democrat 3 24 47 18 8 92
Weak Democrat 7 26 53 13 1 100
Strong Democrat 8 35 40 14 3 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 8 17 48 22 5 151
Single, living with a partner 4 27 43 18 8 79
Married 8 31 40 16 5 430
Separated 8 34 47 9 1 13
Widowed 11 34 40 14 2 30
Divorced 6 27 45 16 5 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 6 28 42 18 6 505
Black Non-Hispanic 5 25 50 17 3 89
Hispanic 9 28 41 17 6 122
Other 20 28 41 9 1 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 9 27 44 11 10 52
Once a week 16 29 36 16 3 158
Once or twice a month 9 37 35 14 5 57
A few times a year 5 22 51 18 3 107
Seldom 5 26 43 20 5 193
Never 4 27 45 17 6 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 9 26 41 20 4 175
Mainline Protestant 10 24 46 15 4 92
Roman Catholic 9 30 41 14 6 164
No religion 4 25 47 19 5 236
Other religion 9 35 36 15 5 120
Very conservative 11 28 34 15 12 116
Somewhat conservative 10 27 41 18 4 182
Moderate 4 29 46 18 3 271
Somewhat liberal 9 30 47 11 3 129
Very liberal 7 19 41 26 7 92
voter registration status
Yes 8 27 43 17 5 790

C5: Confidence in state legislature

[Your state legislature] Here is a list of institutions in American society. How much confidence do you have in each one?
A great deal Quite a lot Some Very little None at all n
Male 9 20 39 21 11 389
Female 7 19 51 18 5 390
Another gender 0 8 25 60 7 9
18-29 7 15 50 24 4 117
30-44 9 14 49 22 6 185
45-59 6 22 40 24 8 194
60+ 9 23 43 15 10 294
Less than HS 5 10 57 21 8 45
HS graduate 7 18 42 24 10 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 9 15 43 24 9 222
Bachelor's degree 11 20 50 13 5 139
Post grad study/professional degree 6 29 44 16 5 156
Less than $30k 10 17 43 24 7 165
$30k to less than $50k 8 17 45 23 7 118
$50k to less than $75k 5 23 47 20 5 149
$75k to less than $100k 8 20 45 16 11 120
$100k or more 9 20 45 19 8 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 10 18 40 22 11 352
Independent 5 11 41 33 10 79
Democrat 7 23 50 16 4 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 10 18 42 21 10 261
Independent 6 14 42 28 10 262
Democrat 8 26 51 12 4 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 10 18 42 21 10 261
Lean Republican 9 17 37 24 13 91
Independent 5 11 41 33 10 79
Lean Democrat 4 14 48 27 7 92
Democrat 8 26 51 12 4 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 11 17 39 18 14 166
Weak Republican 8 20 46 25 2 95
Lean Republican 9 17 37 24 13 91
Independent 5 11 41 33 10 79
Lean Democrat 4 14 48 27 7 92
Weak Democrat 4 20 62 12 2 100
Strong Democrat 10 29 44 13 5 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 8 14 52 21 5 151
Single, living with a partner 2 24 44 20 10 79
Married 9 20 43 19 9 430
Separated 12 25 54 8 1 13
Widowed 10 38 36 14 2 30
Divorced 8 15 44 28 6 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 7 19 44 21 9 505
Black Non-Hispanic 6 18 55 14 6 89
Hispanic 10 15 42 27 6 122
Other 12 35 41 11 2 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 5 19 47 18 12 52
Once a week 14 22 39 18 7 158
Once or twice a month 13 24 39 18 6 57
A few times a year 5 24 46 20 4 107
Seldom 5 18 49 21 8 193
Never 7 16 46 23 9 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 10 22 37 21 10 175
Mainline Protestant 6 18 57 13 6 92
Roman Catholic 8 17 48 19 7 164
No religion 5 16 45 26 8 236
Other religion 12 24 42 15 7 120
Very conservative 11 20 34 17 17 116
Somewhat conservative 10 17 42 24 8 182
Moderate 4 19 51 21 5 271
Somewhat liberal 6 26 48 17 4 129
Very liberal 14 16 41 19 11 92
voter registration status
Yes 8 19 45 20 8 790

C6: Confidence in the Police

[The police] Here is a list of institutions in American society. How much confidence do you have in each one?
A great deal Quite a lot Some Very little None at all n
Male 21 40 21 12 6 389
Female 17 33 33 13 5 390
Another gender 0 8 7 17 68 9
18-29 7 14 33 31 15 117
30-44 14 28 32 12 14 185
45-59 22 42 25 9 3 194
60+ 23 45 23 7 1 294
Less than HS 15 17 39 26 3 45
HS graduate 20 43 21 11 4 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 21 35 23 13 8 222
Bachelor's degree 20 32 30 11 7 139
Post grad study/professional degree 12 36 37 9 6 156
Less than $30k 16 31 29 14 10 165
$30k to less than $50k 14 38 21 18 9 118
$50k to less than $75k 16 37 32 11 4 149
$75k to less than $100k 32 26 32 6 4 120
$100k or more 17 43 23 10 6 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 31 41 20 6 2 352
Independent 15 25 34 18 9 79
Democrat 7 34 33 17 10 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 33 41 19 6 1 261
Independent 16 30 28 15 11 262
Democrat 6 36 35 16 7 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 33 41 19 6 1 261
Lean Republican 25 39 23 7 5 91
Independent 15 25 34 18 9 79
Lean Democrat 8 26 28 18 20 92
Democrat 6 36 35 16 7 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 40 37 17 5 1 166
Weak Republican 22 48 22 8 1 95
Lean Republican 25 39 23 7 5 91
Independent 15 25 34 18 9 79
Lean Democrat 8 26 28 18 20 92
Weak Democrat 7 41 35 11 7 100
Strong Democrat 6 33 34 19 7 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 7 16 39 25 13 151
Single, living with a partner 15 27 24 22 13 79
Married 23 43 22 8 4 430
Separated 12 47 31 10 0 13
Widowed 34 41 14 8 3 30
Divorced 12 40 38 5 5 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 22 41 22 9 6 505
Black Non-Hispanic 10 17 42 23 8 89
Hispanic 12 26 31 20 11 122
Other 18 41 33 5 3 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 24 33 26 17 0 52
Once a week 33 42 22 2 1 158
Once or twice a month 17 35 34 8 7 57
A few times a year 21 33 28 13 4 107
Seldom 13 41 30 9 7 193
Never 11 30 26 21 13 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 25 39 26 8 2 175
Mainline Protestant 19 45 26 8 3 92
Roman Catholic 27 35 24 9 5 164
No religion 11 31 24 21 14 236
Other religion 11 34 41 10 4 120
Very conservative 42 31 20 6 1 116
Somewhat conservative 28 45 21 3 3 182
Moderate 13 37 35 11 4 271
Somewhat liberal 6 39 25 26 5 129
Very liberal 4 17 27 21 31 92
voter registration status
Yes 18 36 27 12 7 790

C7: Confidence in the FBI

[The FBI] Here is a list of institutions in American society. How much confidence do you have in each one?
A great deal Quite a lot Some Very little None at all n
Male 12 27 30 15 15 389
Female 15 31 31 16 7 390
Another gender 0 8 61 15 15 9
18-29 10 20 46 14 9 117
30-44 12 26 38 11 13 185
45-59 13 35 30 14 7 194
60+ 15 30 21 20 14 294
Less than HS 17 22 32 20 9 45
HS graduate 16 25 31 15 13 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 12 25 29 19 15 222
Bachelor's degree 10 34 31 16 9 139
Post grad study/professional degree 11 38 34 9 8 156
Less than $30k 19 27 31 15 8 165
$30k to less than $50k 14 27 31 14 14 118
$50k to less than $75k 12 28 36 16 9 149
$75k to less than $100k 12 27 28 15 18 120
$100k or more 10 34 30 17 9 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 7 19 29 25 20 352
Independent 14 23 37 13 12 79
Democrat 19 40 32 7 3 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 8 24 27 23 19 261
Independent 9 24 33 19 15 262
Democrat 22 39 32 5 1 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 8 24 27 23 19 261
Lean Republican 4 7 33 31 24 91
Independent 14 23 37 13 12 79
Lean Democrat 9 40 30 12 9 92
Democrat 22 39 32 5 1 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 8 18 24 27 23 166
Weak Republican 7 34 34 15 10 95
Lean Republican 4 7 33 31 24 91
Independent 14 23 37 13 12 79
Lean Democrat 9 40 30 12 9 92
Weak Democrat 19 33 42 4 2 100
Strong Democrat 25 43 26 5 0 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 14 23 45 10 8 151
Single, living with a partner 9 30 29 21 11 79
Married 13 28 29 16 15 430
Separated 15 42 38 3 1 13
Widowed 21 26 28 22 4 30
Divorced 12 44 20 18 7 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 12 26 29 19 14 505
Black Non-Hispanic 25 25 38 10 2 89
Hispanic 9 37 35 12 7 122
Other 17 44 32 2 5 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 14 27 32 15 12 52
Once a week 14 21 29 20 15 158
Once or twice a month 7 35 29 14 15 57
A few times a year 13 35 25 18 9 107
Seldom 13 26 41 12 9 193
Never 14 34 27 14 11 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 14 21 24 23 17 175
Mainline Protestant 11 37 33 13 6 92
Roman Catholic 12 32 32 15 9 164
No religion 14 24 37 14 11 236
Other religion 13 40 25 10 12 120
Very conservative 6 12 23 29 30 116
Somewhat conservative 10 21 34 22 13 182
Moderate 14 35 33 10 8 271
Somewhat liberal 20 45 27 8 1 129
Very liberal 16 27 36 12 9 92
voter registration status
Yes 13 29 31 15 11 790

C8: Justice nomination majority

What is your guess as to whether a majority of the current US Supreme Court Justices were appointed by Democratic or Republican presidents?
Definitely a majority appointed by Democratic presidents Probably a majority appointed by Democratic presidents Probably a majority appointed by Republican presidents Definitely a majority appointed by Republican presidents n
Male 2 13 35 49 389
Female 3 22 45 30 390
Another gender 0 0 75 25 9
18-29 4 24 48 24 117
30-44 4 19 43 35 185
45-59 4 22 38 35 194
60+ 1 11 37 50 294
Less than HS 11 33 39 17 45
HS graduate 5 23 39 33 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 2 15 46 36 222
Bachelor's degree 0 13 44 44 139
Post grad study/professional degree 2 12 32 55 156
Less than $30k 3 32 40 24 165
$30k to less than $50k 3 18 44 35 118
$50k to less than $75k 5 15 42 38 149
$75k to less than $100k 4 16 37 44 120
$100k or more 1 8 40 51 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 3 21 40 35 352
Independent 1 19 54 23 79
Democrat 3 13 38 46 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 4 22 40 34 261
Independent 1 17 45 36 262
Democrat 4 13 36 47 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 4 22 40 34 261
Lean Republican 1 20 40 39 91
Independent 1 19 54 23 79
Lean Democrat 1 13 43 43 92
Democrat 4 13 36 47 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 4 16 37 42 166
Weak Republican 4 32 44 20 95
Lean Republican 1 20 40 39 91
Independent 1 19 54 23 79
Lean Democrat 1 13 43 43 92
Weak Democrat 3 20 45 32 100
Strong Democrat 4 10 31 56 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 2 19 51 27 151
Single, living with a partner 2 19 45 33 79
Married 3 13 36 47 430
Separated 0 10 31 58 13
Widowed 4 39 32 25 30
Divorced 1 28 41 31 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 2 17 39 41 505
Black Non-Hispanic 4 25 30 40 89
Hispanic 6 14 52 28 122
Other 4 18 36 41 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 1 32 38 28 52
Once a week 5 17 33 45 158
Once or twice a month 3 29 45 24 57
A few times a year 7 16 39 38 107
Seldom 2 17 46 33 193
Never 0 13 40 47 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 1 19 37 43 175
Mainline Protestant 1 18 39 42 92
Roman Catholic 6 18 48 27 164
No religion 2 12 41 45 236
Other religion 5 24 34 37 120
Very conservative 8 17 31 45 116
Somewhat conservative 2 22 43 33 182
Moderate 3 21 47 29 271
Somewhat liberal 0 15 41 44 129
Very liberal 2 3 28 66 92
voter registration status
Yes 3 17 40 39 790

C9: Justice motivations

In general, what most often motivates Supreme Court justices’ decisions?
Mainly politics Mainly the law n
Male 45 55 389
Female 50 50 390
Another gender 92 8 9
18-29 66 34 117
30-44 55 45 185
45-59 46 54 194
60+ 38 62 294
Less than HS 44 56 45
HS graduate 45 55 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 56 44 222
Bachelor's degree 52 48 139
Post grad study/professional degree 39 61 156
Less than $30k 51 49 165
$30k to less than $50k 53 47 118
$50k to less than $75k 52 48 149
$75k to less than $100k 43 57 120
$100k or more 43 57 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 33 67 352
Independent 62 38 79
Democrat 60 40 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 34 66 261
Independent 52 48 262
Democrat 58 42 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 34 66 261
Lean Republican 32 68 91
Independent 62 38 79
Lean Democrat 65 35 92
Democrat 58 42 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 27 73 166
Weak Republican 45 55 95
Lean Republican 32 68 91
Independent 62 38 79
Lean Democrat 65 35 92
Weak Democrat 52 48 100
Strong Democrat 62 38 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 66 34 151
Single, living with a partner 47 53 79
Married 44 56 430
Separated 48 52 13
Widowed 35 65 30
Divorced 43 57 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 43 57 505
Black Non-Hispanic 54 46 89
Hispanic 58 42 122
Other 58 42 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 40 60 52
Once a week 35 65 158
Once or twice a month 43 57 57
A few times a year 51 49 107
Seldom 51 49 193
Never 57 43 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 38 62 175
Mainline Protestant 45 55 92
Roman Catholic 41 59 164
No religion 59 41 236
Other religion 52 48 120
Very conservative 29 71 116
Somewhat conservative 34 66 182
Moderate 51 49 271
Somewhat liberal 60 40 129
Very liberal 76 24 92
voter registration status
Yes 48 52 790

C10: consider public opinion

Should justices of the Supreme Court consider public opinion about a case when making decisions or should they ignore public opinion?
Should consider public opinion Should ignore public opinion n
Male 43 57 389
Female 58 41 390
Another gender 100 0 9
18-29 79 20 117
30-44 54 46 185
45-59 49 51 194
60+ 40 60 294
Less than HS 86 14 45
HS graduate 52 48 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 53 47 222
Bachelor's degree 39 61 139
Post grad study/professional degree 49 51 156
Less than $30k 69 31 165
$30k to less than $50k 60 40 118
$50k to less than $75k 53 47 149
$75k to less than $100k 39 61 120
$100k or more 40 60 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 29 71 352
Independent 62 38 79
Democrat 71 28 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 29 71 261
Independent 50 50 262
Democrat 76 24 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 29 71 261
Lean Republican 29 71 91
Independent 62 38 79
Lean Democrat 60 40 92
Democrat 76 24 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 23 77 166
Weak Republican 38 62 95
Lean Republican 29 71 91
Independent 62 38 79
Lean Democrat 60 40 92
Weak Democrat 75 25 100
Strong Democrat 76 24 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 77 23 151
Single, living with a partner 67 33 79
Married 42 58 430
Separated 59 41 13
Widowed 41 59 30
Divorced 44 56 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 43 57 505
Black Non-Hispanic 78 22 89
Hispanic 66 34 122
Other 62 38 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 39 61 52
Once a week 31 69 158
Once or twice a month 55 45 57
A few times a year 63 37 107
Seldom 54 46 193
Never 61 39 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 32 68 175
Mainline Protestant 58 42 92
Roman Catholic 48 51 164
No religion 63 37 236
Other religion 57 43 120
Very conservative 14 86 116
Somewhat conservative 33 67 182
Moderate 60 40 271
Somewhat liberal 75 25 129
Very liberal 75 24 92
voter registration status
Yes 51 48 790

C11: consider precedent

Should justices of the Supreme Court follow previous decisions whenever possible or should the Court overturn previous decisions if a majority of the Court believes the case was wrongly decided?
Follow previous decisions Overturn if a majority think it was wrongly decided n
Male 29 70 389
Female 27 73 390
Another gender 32 68 9
18-29 26 74 117
30-44 24 76 185
45-59 29 71 194
60+ 32 68 294
Less than HS 28 72 45
HS graduate 27 73 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 26 74 222
Bachelor's degree 26 74 139
Post grad study/professional degree 36 64 156
Less than $30k 31 69 165
$30k to less than $50k 35 65 118
$50k to less than $75k 24 76 149
$75k to less than $100k 30 70 120
$100k or more 25 75 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 16 84 352
Independent 29 71 79
Democrat 41 59 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 14 86 261
Independent 31 69 262
Democrat 40 59 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 14 86 261
Lean Republican 22 78 91
Independent 29 71 79
Lean Democrat 43 57 92
Democrat 40 59 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 16 84 166
Weak Republican 9 91 95
Lean Republican 22 78 91
Independent 29 71 79
Lean Democrat 43 57 92
Weak Democrat 27 73 100
Strong Democrat 49 51 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 27 73 151
Single, living with a partner 28 72 79
Married 29 71 430
Separated 26 74 13
Widowed 29 71 30
Divorced 33 67 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 24 76 505
Black Non-Hispanic 37 63 89
Hispanic 34 66 122
Other 46 54 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 33 66 52
Once a week 20 80 158
Once or twice a month 33 67 57
A few times a year 37 63 107
Seldom 26 74 193
Never 31 69 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 22 78 175
Mainline Protestant 25 75 92
Roman Catholic 27 73 164
No religion 32 68 236
Other religion 35 65 120
Very conservative 16 84 116
Somewhat conservative 19 81 182
Moderate 29 71 271
Somewhat liberal 46 54 129
Very liberal 38 62 92
voter registration status
Yes 29 71 790

C12: heard about Russia/Ukraine

[The Russian invasion of Ukraine] Here are some recent topics in the news. How much have you heard or read about each of these?
A lot A little Nothing at all n
Male 81 17 1 389
Female 68 29 3 390
Another gender 70 22 8 9
18-29 63 30 6 117
30-44 66 30 4 185
45-59 67 32 2 194
60+ 89 10 1 294
Less than HS 55 34 11 45
HS graduate 73 23 2 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 71 28 2 222
Bachelor's degree 82 16 2 139
Post grad study/professional degree 81 18 1 156
Less than $30k 66 30 4 165
$30k to less than $50k 71 26 3 118
$50k to less than $75k 72 26 2 149
$75k to less than $100k 78 20 3 120
$100k or more 81 17 1 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 75 22 2 352
Independent 59 33 9 79
Democrat 76 22 1 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 73 25 2 261
Independent 72 24 4 262
Democrat 77 21 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 73 25 2 261
Lean Republican 81 14 3 91
Independent 59 33 9 79
Lean Democrat 74 26 0 92
Democrat 77 21 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 84 15 2 166
Weak Republican 55 42 2 95
Lean Republican 81 14 3 91
Independent 59 33 9 79
Lean Democrat 74 26 0 92
Weak Democrat 74 26 0 100
Strong Democrat 79 18 3 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 68 30 2 151
Single, living with a partner 63 31 3 79
Married 77 20 3 430
Separated 82 12 6 13
Widowed 78 22 0 30
Divorced 78 22 0 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 75 22 2 505
Black Non-Hispanic 67 31 2 89
Hispanic 76 20 4 122
Other 73 25 2 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 71 29 0 52
Once a week 76 22 3 158
Once or twice a month 67 25 8 57
A few times a year 79 20 1 107
Seldom 75 23 1 193
Never 73 24 3 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 80 18 2 175
Mainline Protestant 70 29 1 92
Roman Catholic 76 20 5 164
No religion 76 22 1 236
Other religion 63 33 4 120
Very conservative 89 8 3 116
Somewhat conservative 70 27 2 182
Moderate 68 28 3 271
Somewhat liberal 79 19 2 129
Very liberal 75 23 2 92
voter registration status
Yes 74 23 2 790

C13: Heard about final Jan. 6th report

[The final report of the House Select Committee on January 6th] Here are some recent topics in the news. How much have you heard or read about each of these?
A lot A little Nothing at all n
Male 36 46 18 389
Female 33 45 23 390
Another gender 20 57 23 9
18-29 17 56 27 117
30-44 28 47 26 185
45-59 28 51 21 194
60+ 49 38 14 294
Less than HS 22 49 29 45
HS graduate 28 45 27 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 33 48 19 222
Bachelor's degree 32 51 16 139
Post grad study/professional degree 50 38 12 156
Less than $30k 26 47 27 165
$30k to less than $50k 33 51 16 118
$50k to less than $75k 37 42 22 149
$75k to less than $100k 35 47 17 120
$100k or more 38 45 17 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 21 52 26 352
Independent 25 46 29 79
Democrat 48 39 12 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 20 53 27 261
Independent 29 48 23 262
Democrat 52 37 11 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 20 53 27 261
Lean Republican 24 51 25 91
Independent 25 46 29 79
Lean Democrat 39 47 14 92
Democrat 52 37 11 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 23 53 23 166
Weak Republican 15 52 33 95
Lean Republican 24 51 25 91
Independent 25 46 29 79
Lean Democrat 39 47 14 92
Weak Democrat 41 43 15 100
Strong Democrat 58 33 9 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 32 48 19 151
Single, living with a partner 29 42 29 79
Married 36 45 19 430
Separated 36 40 24 13
Widowed 32 38 29 30
Divorced 32 51 17 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 31 49 20 505
Black Non-Hispanic 41 36 23 89
Hispanic 38 42 19 122
Other 40 46 14 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 30 35 35 52
Once a week 31 49 19 158
Once or twice a month 33 44 21 57
A few times a year 36 47 17 107
Seldom 37 45 18 193
Never 34 46 20 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 34 45 21 175
Mainline Protestant 35 51 14 92
Roman Catholic 31 46 23 164
No religion 35 44 21 236
Other religion 36 46 18 120
Very conservative 22 51 28 116
Somewhat conservative 24 57 19 182
Moderate 37 38 24 271
Somewhat liberal 46 40 13 129
Very liberal 43 46 12 92
voter registration status
Yes 34 46 20 790

C14: Heard about new Speaker

[The election of a new Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives] Here are some recent topics in the news. How much have you heard or read about each of these?
A lot A little Nothing at all n
Male 67 25 8 389
Female 50 32 18 390
Another gender 32 44 23 9
18-29 32 40 28 117
30-44 47 36 17 185
45-59 51 37 12 194
60+ 80 15 5 294
Less than HS 20 41 38 45
HS graduate 55 27 18 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 58 32 10 222
Bachelor's degree 62 29 9 139
Post grad study/professional degree 71 24 6 156
Less than $30k 42 36 22 165
$30k to less than $50k 62 27 11 118
$50k to less than $75k 59 27 13 149
$75k to less than $100k 63 27 10 120
$100k or more 65 27 8 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 58 29 14 352
Independent 31 43 26 79
Democrat 65 26 9 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 57 30 13 261
Independent 51 32 17 262
Democrat 66 25 9 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 57 30 13 261
Lean Republican 58 26 16 91
Independent 31 43 26 79
Lean Democrat 60 30 10 92
Democrat 66 25 9 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 69 22 9 166
Weak Republican 38 43 19 95
Lean Republican 58 26 16 91
Independent 31 43 26 79
Lean Democrat 60 30 10 92
Weak Democrat 52 33 15 100
Strong Democrat 75 20 5 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 43 44 13 151
Single, living with a partner 46 24 30 79
Married 64 26 10 430
Separated 72 9 19 13
Widowed 63 21 16 30
Divorced 63 28 9 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 62 26 12 505
Black Non-Hispanic 51 30 20 89
Hispanic 53 37 10 122
Other 52 33 16 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 38 46 16 52
Once a week 67 25 8 158
Once or twice a month 50 33 17 57
A few times a year 57 27 16 107
Seldom 60 27 13 193
Never 58 29 13 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 62 26 11 175
Mainline Protestant 57 29 14 92
Roman Catholic 62 27 11 164
No religion 57 30 12 236
Other religion 52 33 16 120
Very conservative 69 24 7 116
Somewhat conservative 56 33 11 182
Moderate 49 32 19 271
Somewhat liberal 62 27 11 129
Very liberal 71 20 9 92
voter registration status
Yes 58 29 13 790

C15: Heard about affirmative action case

[A Supreme Court case concerning the use of race in college admissions] Here are some recent topics in the news. How much have you heard or read about each of these?
A lot A little Nothing at all n
Male 22 49 29 389
Female 14 50 36 390
Another gender 49 20 31 9
18-29 17 44 38 117
30-44 16 46 38 185
45-59 18 44 38 194
60+ 21 56 23 294
Less than HS 6 30 64 45
HS graduate 15 50 35 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 19 49 31 222
Bachelor's degree 19 45 36 139
Post grad study/professional degree 27 56 17 156
Less than $30k 13 46 41 165
$30k to less than $50k 18 46 36 118
$50k to less than $75k 18 47 35 149
$75k to less than $100k 13 63 24 120
$100k or more 26 48 26 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 18 46 36 352
Independent 14 53 33 79
Democrat 20 51 28 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 15 47 38 261
Independent 20 47 33 262
Democrat 21 52 27 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 15 47 38 261
Lean Republican 26 42 31 91
Independent 14 53 33 79
Lean Democrat 18 47 34 92
Democrat 21 52 27 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 17 49 33 166
Weak Republican 11 43 46 95
Lean Republican 26 42 31 91
Independent 14 53 33 79
Lean Democrat 18 47 34 92
Weak Democrat 18 54 28 100
Strong Democrat 23 51 25 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 16 48 35 151
Single, living with a partner 25 36 39 79
Married 20 51 29 430
Separated 16 70 14 13
Widowed 15 34 50 30
Divorced 12 54 35 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 16 49 35 505
Black Non-Hispanic 19 49 32 89
Hispanic 22 57 21 122
Other 27 41 32 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 14 40 45 52
Once a week 21 53 26 158
Once or twice a month 25 46 29 57
A few times a year 17 52 31 107
Seldom 21 46 34 193
Never 16 50 34 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 20 46 34 175
Mainline Protestant 11 61 29 92
Roman Catholic 19 52 29 164
No religion 20 47 32 236
Other religion 17 45 38 120
Very conservative 22 41 38 116
Somewhat conservative 15 56 29 182
Moderate 19 46 35 271
Somewhat liberal 17 47 36 129
Very liberal 23 58 19 92
voter registration status
Yes 19 49 32 790

C16: Heard about independent legislature case

[A Supreme Court case concerning the powers of state legislatures to set the rules for federal elections for congress and president] Here are some recent topics in the news. How much have you heard or read about each of these?
A lot A little Nothing at all n
Male 21 50 29 389
Female 14 48 38 390
Another gender 37 48 15 9
18-29 10 43 46 117
30-44 13 47 40 185
45-59 17 52 30 194
60+ 24 50 26 294
Less than HS 8 45 48 45
HS graduate 16 46 38 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 19 51 31 222
Bachelor's degree 19 39 42 139
Post grad study/professional degree 20 61 18 156
Less than $30k 16 47 37 165
$30k to less than $50k 25 44 31 118
$50k to less than $75k 10 58 33 149
$75k to less than $100k 19 54 27 120
$100k or more 19 46 35 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 16 46 39 352
Independent 24 33 42 79
Democrat 18 56 26 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 13 44 42 261
Independent 23 42 35 262
Democrat 17 60 23 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 13 44 42 261
Lean Republican 23 49 28 91
Independent 24 33 42 79
Lean Democrat 20 44 36 92
Democrat 17 60 23 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 15 46 39 166
Weak Republican 10 42 48 95
Lean Republican 23 49 28 91
Independent 24 33 42 79
Lean Democrat 20 44 36 92
Weak Democrat 9 55 35 100
Strong Democrat 22 63 15 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 19 45 36 151
Single, living with a partner 11 50 39 79
Married 18 50 32 430
Separated 41 28 31 13
Widowed 19 53 29 30
Divorced 17 53 30 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 19 45 36 505
Black Non-Hispanic 17 58 25 89
Hispanic 15 61 24 122
Other 13 49 37 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 8 49 43 52
Once a week 20 50 31 158
Once or twice a month 21 50 29 57
A few times a year 17 48 35 107
Seldom 22 45 33 193
Never 15 53 33 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 19 49 33 175
Mainline Protestant 21 43 36 92
Roman Catholic 13 58 29 164
No religion 19 46 35 236
Other religion 17 47 36 120
Very conservative 24 46 29 116
Somewhat conservative 11 50 39 182
Moderate 17 46 36 271
Somewhat liberal 16 55 29 129
Very liberal 25 50 24 92
voter registration status
Yes 18 49 33 790

C17: Heard about Zelenskyy’s speach

[Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress] Here are some recent topics in the news. How much have you heard or read about each of these?
A lot A little Nothing at all n
Male 41 46 13 389
Female 31 43 27 390
Another gender 0 75 25 9
18-29 16 54 29 117
30-44 21 52 27 185
45-59 29 46 24 194
60+ 56 35 9 294
Less than HS 8 62 30 45
HS graduate 34 41 25 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 34 44 21 222
Bachelor's degree 35 45 20 139
Post grad study/professional degree 47 45 8 156
Less than $30k 27 47 25 165
$30k to less than $50k 37 44 20 118
$50k to less than $75k 34 38 28 149
$75k to less than $100k 43 43 15 120
$100k or more 38 48 15 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 32 46 21 352
Independent 26 46 29 79
Democrat 40 42 17 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 31 46 23 261
Independent 36 42 22 262
Democrat 39 45 16 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 31 46 23 261
Lean Republican 36 47 18 91
Independent 26 46 29 79
Lean Democrat 44 35 20 92
Democrat 39 45 16 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 36 46 18 166
Weak Republican 23 46 31 95
Lean Republican 36 47 18 91
Independent 26 46 29 79
Lean Democrat 44 35 20 92
Weak Democrat 29 47 24 100
Strong Democrat 45 43 12 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 29 47 24 151
Single, living with a partner 25 45 30 79
Married 36 46 17 430
Separated 59 27 15 13
Widowed 48 31 22 30
Divorced 42 41 18 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 37 41 21 505
Black Non-Hispanic 34 45 21 89
Hispanic 29 53 17 122
Other 35 56 9 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 26 51 23 52
Once a week 42 39 19 158
Once or twice a month 31 52 18 57
A few times a year 33 46 20 107
Seldom 35 45 20 193
Never 35 44 21 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 37 41 22 175
Mainline Protestant 34 43 23 92
Roman Catholic 36 43 21 164
No religion 36 47 18 236
Other religion 32 48 19 120
Very conservative 38 40 22 116
Somewhat conservative 32 51 17 182
Moderate 34 43 22 271
Somewhat liberal 42 39 18 129
Very liberal 33 47 20 92
voter registration status
Yes 35 45 20 790

C18: Republican majority approval

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republican majority in the House of Representatives is handling its job?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove n
Male 10 32 27 30 389
Female 8 38 26 28 390
Another gender 0 0 55 45 9
18-29 3 30 32 35 117
30-44 7 30 28 34 185
45-59 7 42 28 24 194
60+ 13 34 24 28 294
Less than HS 7 30 51 13 45
HS graduate 11 40 28 20 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 7 36 30 27 222
Bachelor's degree 10 32 22 35 139
Post grad study/professional degree 6 28 21 45 156
Less than $30k 4 30 39 25 165
$30k to less than $50k 9 35 28 29 118
$50k to less than $75k 11 35 19 35 149
$75k to less than $100k 15 43 23 20 120
$100k or more 7 33 26 34 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 18 54 23 4 352
Independent 1 26 51 20 79
Democrat 1 17 26 56 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 19 55 22 4 261
Independent 6 32 35 27 262
Democrat 1 17 25 56 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 19 55 22 4 261
Lean Republican 16 53 27 4 91
Independent 1 26 51 20 79
Lean Democrat 0 16 28 57 92
Democrat 1 17 25 56 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 26 52 18 4 166
Weak Republican 7 61 28 5 95
Lean Republican 16 53 27 4 91
Independent 1 26 51 20 79
Lean Democrat 0 16 28 57 92
Weak Democrat 0 30 36 34 100
Strong Democrat 2 10 19 69 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 2 25 34 38 151
Single, living with a partner 5 30 34 31 79
Married 12 38 24 26 430
Separated 0 23 42 36 13
Widowed 13 39 27 21 30
Divorced 7 39 24 30 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 11 39 24 26 505
Black Non-Hispanic 3 25 41 31 89
Hispanic 6 24 33 38 122
Other 5 34 21 40 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 6 44 30 19 52
Once a week 16 50 24 11 158
Once or twice a month 7 35 38 19 57
A few times a year 7 38 26 29 107
Seldom 9 38 26 27 193
Never 5 17 28 50 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 14 48 23 15 175
Mainline Protestant 9 37 27 27 92
Roman Catholic 10 41 28 22 164
No religion 5 21 30 44 236
Other religion 6 32 28 34 120
Very conservative 30 51 16 4 116
Somewhat conservative 12 55 25 7 182
Moderate 4 34 37 25 271
Somewhat liberal 0 11 25 63 129
Very liberal 0 7 18 74 92
voter registration status
Yes 9 35 27 29 790

C18: Republican majority approval, 2-pt

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republican majority in the House of Representatives is handling its job?
Approve Disapprove n
Male 42 58 389
Female 45 55 390
Another gender 0 100 9
18-29 32 67 117
30-44 38 62 185
45-59 48 52 194
60+ 48 52 294
Less than HS 36 64 45
HS graduate 51 48 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 43 57 222
Bachelor's degree 42 57 139
Post grad study/professional degree 34 66 156
Less than $30k 35 64 165
$30k to less than $50k 43 56 118
$50k to less than $75k 46 54 149
$75k to less than $100k 58 42 120
$100k or more 40 60 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 73 27 352
Independent 27 71 79
Democrat 18 82 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 74 26 261
Independent 37 62 262
Democrat 19 81 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 74 26 261
Lean Republican 68 32 91
Independent 27 71 79
Lean Democrat 16 84 92
Democrat 19 81 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 78 22 166
Weak Republican 67 33 95
Lean Republican 68 32 91
Independent 27 71 79
Lean Democrat 16 84 92
Weak Democrat 30 70 100
Strong Democrat 12 88 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 27 72 151
Single, living with a partner 36 64 79
Married 50 50 430
Separated 23 77 13
Widowed 52 48 30
Divorced 45 55 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 50 50 505
Black Non-Hispanic 27 72 89
Hispanic 30 70 122
Other 39 61 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 51 49 52
Once a week 65 35 158
Once or twice a month 42 57 57
A few times a year 45 55 107
Seldom 47 53 193
Never 22 78 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 61 38 175
Mainline Protestant 46 54 92
Roman Catholic 51 49 164
No religion 25 74 236
Other religion 38 62 120
Very conservative 81 19 116
Somewhat conservative 68 32 182
Moderate 38 62 271
Somewhat liberal 11 89 129
Very liberal 7 91 92
voter registration status
Yes 43 57 790

C19: Democratic majority approval

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate is handling its job?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove n
Male 8 34 19 39 389
Female 12 35 32 21 390
Another gender 8 30 58 5 9
18-29 4 44 38 12 117
30-44 5 45 29 21 185
45-59 8 29 27 37 194
60+ 16 29 18 37 294
Less than HS 4 36 38 22 45
HS graduate 12 25 28 35 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 8 35 24 33 222
Bachelor's degree 8 36 27 29 139
Post grad study/professional degree 12 47 21 20 156
Less than $30k 12 39 27 21 165
$30k to less than $50k 13 30 32 25 118
$50k to less than $75k 10 39 22 29 149
$75k to less than $100k 6 26 24 44 120
$100k or more 8 36 25 31 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 0 9 33 58 352
Independent 1 28 44 24 79
Democrat 20 62 15 3 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 0 10 32 57 261
Independent 4 30 35 31 262
Democrat 24 64 10 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 0 10 32 57 261
Lean Republican 0 4 35 61 91
Independent 1 28 44 24 79
Lean Democrat 10 57 28 6 92
Democrat 24 64 10 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 0 4 28 68 166
Weak Republican 0 21 40 38 95
Lean Republican 0 4 35 61 91
Independent 1 28 44 24 79
Lean Democrat 10 57 28 6 92
Weak Democrat 2 78 18 1 100
Strong Democrat 37 56 5 2 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 10 53 23 13 151
Single, living with a partner 11 28 43 18 79
Married 8 31 23 38 430
Separated 11 26 46 18 13
Widowed 12 16 32 40 30
Divorced 13 36 24 27 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 9 27 26 37 505
Black Non-Hispanic 18 51 26 4 89
Hispanic 8 42 29 20 122
Other 3 59 22 17 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 12 22 39 26 52
Once a week 7 25 27 41 158
Once or twice a month 3 34 31 32 57
A few times a year 17 36 22 26 107
Seldom 7 35 27 31 193
Never 12 44 21 23 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 11 18 29 43 175
Mainline Protestant 12 34 25 30 92
Roman Catholic 7 35 24 34 164
No religion 10 43 25 21 236
Other religion 10 44 23 23 120
Very conservative 1 3 19 77 116
Somewhat conservative 2 18 30 50 182
Moderate 9 42 33 16 271
Somewhat liberal 16 60 16 8 129
Very liberal 27 51 17 3 92
voter registration status
Yes 10 35 26 30 790

C19: Democratic majority approval, 2-pt

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate is handling its job?
Approve Disapprove n
Male 42 58 389
Female 47 53 390
Another gender 37 63 9
18-29 48 51 117
30-44 50 50 185
45-59 36 64 194
60+ 45 55 294
Less than HS 40 60 45
HS graduate 37 63 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 43 57 222
Bachelor's degree 44 56 139
Post grad study/professional degree 59 41 156
Less than $30k 51 48 165
$30k to less than $50k 44 56 118
$50k to less than $75k 49 51 149
$75k to less than $100k 32 68 120
$100k or more 44 56 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 9 91 352
Independent 30 68 79
Democrat 82 18 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 11 89 261
Independent 34 66 262
Democrat 88 12 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 11 89 261
Lean Republican 4 96 91
Independent 30 68 79
Lean Democrat 66 34 92
Democrat 88 12 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 4 96 166
Weak Republican 21 79 95
Lean Republican 4 96 91
Independent 30 68 79
Lean Democrat 66 34 92
Weak Democrat 81 19 100
Strong Democrat 92 8 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 63 36 151
Single, living with a partner 39 61 79
Married 39 61 430
Separated 36 64 13
Widowed 29 71 30
Divorced 49 51 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 37 63 505
Black Non-Hispanic 69 31 89
Hispanic 51 49 122
Other 61 39 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 34 66 52
Once a week 32 68 158
Once or twice a month 37 63 57
A few times a year 52 48 107
Seldom 42 57 193
Never 56 44 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 28 72 175
Mainline Protestant 45 55 92
Roman Catholic 42 58 164
No religion 53 46 236
Other religion 54 46 120
Very conservative 4 96 116
Somewhat conservative 20 80 182
Moderate 51 49 271
Somewhat liberal 76 24 129
Very liberal 79 20 92
voter registration status
Yes 44 55 790

C20: Can House Reps unite

Do you think the Republicans in the House of Representatives can unite to govern effectively, or were the divisions over the election of a Speaker of the House an indication that they cannot unite to govern effectively?
Can unite Cannot unite n
Male 41 58 389
Female 43 57 390
Another gender 0 100 9
18-29 26 74 117
30-44 37 63 185
45-59 48 52 194
60+ 48 52 294
Less than HS 40 60 45
HS graduate 48 52 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 39 61 222
Bachelor's degree 38 62 139
Post grad study/professional degree 41 59 156
Less than $30k 40 60 165
$30k to less than $50k 44 56 118
$50k to less than $75k 36 63 149
$75k to less than $100k 53 47 120
$100k or more 41 59 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 68 32 352
Independent 34 65 79
Democrat 18 82 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 68 32 261
Independent 38 61 262
Democrat 20 80 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 68 32 261
Lean Republican 70 30 91
Independent 34 65 79
Lean Democrat 11 89 92
Democrat 20 80 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 74 26 166
Weak Republican 56 44 95
Lean Republican 70 30 91
Independent 34 65 79
Lean Democrat 11 89 92
Weak Democrat 30 70 100
Strong Democrat 15 85 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 21 79 151
Single, living with a partner 35 65 79
Married 50 50 430
Separated 33 67 13
Widowed 50 50 30
Divorced 44 56 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 47 53 505
Black Non-Hispanic 25 75 89
Hispanic 29 71 122
Other 50 49 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 48 52 52
Once a week 56 43 158
Once or twice a month 51 49 57
A few times a year 44 56 107
Seldom 42 58 193
Never 27 73 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 56 44 175
Mainline Protestant 55 45 92
Roman Catholic 47 53 164
No religion 24 76 236
Other religion 38 61 120
Very conservative 76 24 116
Somewhat conservative 64 36 182
Moderate 37 63 271
Somewhat liberal 11 89 129
Very liberal 14 86 92
voter registration status
Yes 42 58 790

D1: SCOTUS ideology

[The US Supreme Court] In general, would you describe each of the following as…?
Very conservative Somewhat conservative Moderate Somewhat liberal Very liberal n
Male 23 41 27 8 1 389
Female 20 37 33 8 2 390
Another gender 7 93 0 0 0 9
18-29 14 42 33 7 3 117
30-44 29 41 24 5 1 185
45-59 12 38 38 11 1 194
60+ 25 40 25 8 2 294
Less than HS 3 28 50 12 7 45
HS graduate 15 41 32 10 2 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 21 33 33 11 1 222
Bachelor's degree 19 53 21 6 0 139
Post grad study/professional degree 37 39 21 1 2 156
Less than $30k 16 33 38 9 3 165
$30k to less than $50k 24 36 27 14 0 118
$50k to less than $75k 25 38 28 6 2 149
$75k to less than $100k 16 47 27 8 2 120
$100k or more 24 45 26 4 1 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 2 43 40 14 1 352
Independent 10 40 34 6 7 79
Democrat 42 37 17 3 1 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 3 42 40 15 0 261
Independent 22 39 28 7 3 262
Democrat 39 38 20 3 1 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 3 42 40 15 0 261
Lean Republican 2 43 41 10 3 91
Independent 10 40 34 6 7 79
Lean Democrat 51 34 11 4 0 92
Democrat 39 38 20 3 1 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 2 43 42 13 0 166
Weak Republican 4 40 36 19 1 95
Lean Republican 2 43 41 10 3 91
Independent 10 40 34 6 7 79
Lean Democrat 51 34 11 4 0 92
Weak Democrat 28 42 28 3 0 100
Strong Democrat 46 35 15 2 2 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 20 48 23 6 2 151
Single, living with a partner 23 39 31 2 5 79
Married 20 40 30 9 1 430
Separated 8 68 20 4 0 13
Widowed 15 30 50 6 0 30
Divorced 29 26 30 11 4 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 19 39 32 9 1 505
Black Non-Hispanic 25 37 28 5 4 89
Hispanic 27 41 25 5 2 122
Other 21 49 17 12 0 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 14 39 34 10 3 52
Once a week 12 51 24 12 1 158
Once or twice a month 8 30 54 7 1 57
A few times a year 22 30 36 8 4 107
Seldom 16 44 30 9 0 193
Never 37 35 21 4 2 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 13 45 30 10 1 175
Mainline Protestant 20 30 40 8 1 92
Roman Catholic 16 40 33 10 1 164
No religion 31 39 24 3 2 236
Other religion 22 41 22 12 2 120
Very conservative 2 49 32 17 0 116
Somewhat conservative 3 45 37 14 2 182
Moderate 18 37 36 6 2 271
Somewhat liberal 49 32 18 1 0 129
Very liberal 51 36 8 2 2 92
voter registration status
Yes 21 40 29 8 2 790

D2: Biden ideology

[Joe Biden] In general, would you describe each of the following as…?
Very conservative Somewhat conservative Moderate Somewhat liberal Very liberal n
Male 2 5 26 26 41 389
Female 4 9 26 24 37 390
Another gender 0 25 25 49 0 9
18-29 1 10 26 29 33 117
30-44 3 10 34 26 26 185
45-59 5 7 23 22 42 194
60+ 2 4 22 26 46 294
Less than HS 6 5 40 6 43 45
HS graduate 5 9 20 25 41 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 2 8 23 23 44 222
Bachelor's degree 1 5 24 32 37 139
Post grad study/professional degree 1 4 37 31 28 156
Less than $30k 6 9 32 19 33 165
$30k to less than $50k 5 10 23 24 38 118
$50k to less than $75k 1 7 28 22 41 149
$75k to less than $100k 2 4 19 24 51 120
$100k or more 1 6 26 33 35 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 1 4 5 18 72 352
Independent 5 4 28 33 28 79
Democrat 4 11 45 32 8 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 2 5 4 18 72 261
Independent 4 7 28 25 36 262
Democrat 3 9 45 35 9 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 2 5 4 18 72 261
Lean Republican 1 1 8 19 72 91
Independent 5 4 28 33 28 79
Lean Democrat 7 16 47 23 7 92
Democrat 3 9 45 35 9 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 1 2 1 13 83 166
Weak Republican 3 9 10 26 52 95
Lean Republican 1 1 8 19 72 91
Independent 5 4 28 33 28 79
Lean Democrat 7 16 47 23 7 92
Weak Democrat 2 8 52 31 6 100
Strong Democrat 3 10 40 37 10 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 2 9 37 29 22 151
Single, living with a partner 3 20 28 19 30 79
Married 1 4 22 27 46 430
Separated 9 5 54 3 30 13
Widowed 3 3 21 24 49 30
Divorced 11 9 23 21 35 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 1 6 19 27 46 505
Black Non-Hispanic 8 14 38 21 18 89
Hispanic 4 10 40 21 26 122
Other 4 3 35 30 28 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 6 1 12 30 51 52
Once a week 2 4 16 17 61 158
Once or twice a month 4 14 28 11 44 57
A few times a year 3 13 28 21 35 107
Seldom 1 5 27 31 37 193
Never 4 8 34 32 22 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 2 6 13 15 64 175
Mainline Protestant 3 8 27 35 28 92
Roman Catholic 4 6 21 26 44 164
No religion 2 10 34 32 22 236
Other religion 4 3 35 23 34 120
Very conservative 2 0 1 9 88 116
Somewhat conservative 2 4 9 20 65 182
Moderate 3 10 39 25 22 271
Somewhat liberal 4 6 36 44 10 129
Very liberal 1 14 37 34 13 92
voter registration status
Yes 3 7 26 26 38 790

D3: Trump ideology

[Donald Trump] In general, would you describe each of the following as…?
Very conservative Somewhat conservative Moderate Somewhat liberal Very liberal n
Male 53 33 9 2 3 389
Female 47 30 15 3 5 390
Another gender 95 0 0 0 5 9
18-29 59 26 9 1 4 117
30-44 42 37 11 4 4 185
45-59 46 32 13 4 5 194
60+ 55 28 12 1 3 294
Less than HS 61 15 13 1 11 45
HS graduate 46 25 17 5 6 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 59 24 10 2 5 222
Bachelor's degree 48 44 7 1 0 139
Post grad study/professional degree 45 43 10 1 0 156
Less than $30k 49 17 19 4 10 165
$30k to less than $50k 50 31 12 2 4 118
$50k to less than $75k 56 30 7 2 4 149
$75k to less than $100k 46 40 12 1 1 120
$100k or more 49 38 9 3 1 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 45 37 13 2 2 352
Independent 35 31 19 5 7 79
Democrat 59 25 9 2 5 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 51 32 11 3 3 261
Independent 41 36 16 3 3 262
Democrat 59 25 8 2 6 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 51 32 11 3 3 261
Lean Republican 28 50 19 2 0 91
Independent 35 31 19 5 7 79
Lean Democrat 58 26 10 4 3 92
Democrat 59 25 8 2 6 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 59 29 9 3 0 166
Weak Republican 38 36 14 3 8 95
Lean Republican 28 50 19 2 0 91
Independent 35 31 19 5 7 79
Lean Democrat 58 26 10 4 3 92
Weak Democrat 50 32 8 1 10 100
Strong Democrat 65 21 8 2 3 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 57 28 7 3 4 151
Single, living with a partner 41 34 16 3 6 79
Married 53 33 10 2 3 430
Separated 82 15 3 0 0 13
Widowed 50 15 27 3 5 30
Divorced 32 33 20 6 9 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 54 30 10 2 3 505
Black Non-Hispanic 45 26 12 5 11 89
Hispanic 47 30 18 2 2 122
Other 38 46 10 3 3 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 54 33 10 1 2 52
Once a week 53 32 11 2 2 158
Once or twice a month 42 29 16 4 10 57
A few times a year 42 33 14 4 8 107
Seldom 49 34 10 2 4 193
Never 56 27 12 3 2 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 45 35 14 4 3 175
Mainline Protestant 53 25 10 3 9 92
Roman Catholic 49 33 14 0 3 164
No religion 51 31 10 3 5 236
Other religion 59 25 11 2 1 120
Very conservative 55 33 11 0 0 116
Somewhat conservative 43 42 9 2 4 182
Moderate 41 29 18 5 7 271
Somewhat liberal 56 31 7 2 3 129
Very liberal 77 15 5 0 1 92
voter registration status
Yes 50 31 12 3 4 790

D4: Democratic party ideology

[The Democratic party] In general, would you describe each of the following as…?
Very conservative Somewhat conservative Moderate Somewhat liberal Very liberal n
Male 1 5 18 27 47 389
Female 2 8 24 28 38 390
Another gender 0 15 60 25 0 9
18-29 2 9 29 33 26 117
30-44 3 10 23 30 34 185
45-59 2 9 21 20 47 194
60+ 1 3 18 28 50 294
Less than HS 1 9 46 6 37 45
HS graduate 3 9 20 22 45 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 2 6 19 28 45 222
Bachelor's degree 0 9 17 29 45 139
Post grad study/professional degree 1 3 24 39 33 156
Less than $30k 4 9 38 20 27 165
$30k to less than $50k 3 8 18 27 43 118
$50k to less than $75k 1 7 21 30 41 149
$75k to less than $100k 1 5 15 22 57 120
$100k or more 0 6 16 34 44 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 1 4 6 11 78 352
Independent 3 12 33 13 37 79
Democrat 2 9 35 46 8 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 1 5 4 11 79 261
Independent 3 8 22 27 39 262
Democrat 1 7 38 44 9 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 1 5 4 11 79 261
Lean Republican 1 1 10 13 75 91
Independent 3 12 33 13 37 79
Lean Democrat 5 13 25 53 4 92
Democrat 1 7 38 44 9 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 0 2 2 8 88 166
Weak Republican 3 11 8 15 63 95
Lean Republican 1 1 10 13 75 91
Independent 3 12 33 13 37 79
Lean Democrat 5 13 25 53 4 92
Weak Democrat 0 8 41 41 9 100
Strong Democrat 2 6 37 46 9 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 2 12 28 34 24 151
Single, living with a partner 3 14 35 16 32 79
Married 1 4 15 29 51 430
Separated 0 0 52 17 31 13
Widowed 0 5 22 27 46 30
Divorced 7 11 24 22 37 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 1 5 15 26 53 505
Black Non-Hispanic 5 17 32 31 16 89
Hispanic 6 8 38 22 26 122
Other 0 7 25 49 19 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 4 2 14 14 65 52
Once a week 1 6 11 21 61 158
Once or twice a month 4 12 30 15 40 57
A few times a year 0 10 30 24 37 107
Seldom 1 5 19 33 41 193
Never 3 8 27 36 27 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 2 5 10 15 68 175
Mainline Protestant 1 8 28 23 39 92
Roman Catholic 4 3 20 27 46 164
No religion 1 11 27 34 26 236
Other religion 1 8 23 34 33 120
Very conservative 1 2 0 2 94 116
Somewhat conservative 1 5 8 12 74 182
Moderate 2 11 33 30 25 271
Somewhat liberal 4 5 28 55 8 129
Very liberal 1 10 32 43 12 92
voter registration status
Yes 2 7 22 27 42 790

D5: Republican party ideology

[The Republican party] In general, would you describe each of the following as…?
Very conservative Somewhat conservative Moderate Somewhat liberal Very liberal n
Male 39 41 14 4 1 389
Female 42 39 14 4 1 390
Another gender 95 0 0 5 0 9
18-29 56 28 15 1 0 117
30-44 53 30 10 4 2 185
45-59 27 43 24 5 1 194
60+ 37 47 10 5 1 294
Less than HS 42 19 34 1 3 45
HS graduate 32 39 21 7 1 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 41 39 12 6 2 222
Bachelor's degree 48 45 6 1 0 139
Post grad study/professional degree 50 41 6 2 0 156
Less than $30k 36 30 26 5 3 165
$30k to less than $50k 43 42 10 3 1 118
$50k to less than $75k 49 36 10 3 1 149
$75k to less than $100k 31 53 9 5 1 120
$100k or more 45 40 12 3 0 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 18 59 18 5 0 352
Independent 25 33 25 11 3 79
Democrat 67 21 8 2 2 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 20 59 16 5 0 261
Independent 36 38 18 5 2 262
Democrat 67 21 8 3 1 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 20 59 16 5 0 261
Lean Republican 13 60 23 3 0 91
Independent 25 33 25 11 3 79
Lean Democrat 68 21 8 1 3 92
Democrat 67 21 8 3 1 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 19 64 13 4 0 166
Weak Republican 23 49 21 6 1 95
Lean Republican 13 60 23 3 0 91
Independent 25 33 25 11 3 79
Lean Democrat 68 21 8 1 3 92
Weak Democrat 53 30 11 3 3 100
Strong Democrat 75 16 6 2 1 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 55 27 12 2 3 151
Single, living with a partner 37 43 16 3 1 79
Married 40 43 11 5 1 430
Separated 51 27 18 4 0 13
Widowed 18 45 29 4 4 30
Divorced 32 38 22 7 1 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 39 44 12 4 1 505
Black Non-Hispanic 41 28 22 3 6 89
Hispanic 51 26 18 4 1 122
Other 44 44 9 3 0 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 27 48 17 9 0 52
Once a week 30 54 10 5 1 158
Once or twice a month 31 36 19 8 6 57
A few times a year 34 38 23 2 3 107
Seldom 41 42 10 6 0 193
Never 59 25 14 1 0 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 27 52 13 8 1 175
Mainline Protestant 36 37 20 5 2 92
Roman Catholic 35 47 17 2 0 164
No religion 53 31 11 2 2 236
Other religion 51 29 13 6 0 120
Very conservative 19 60 12 9 1 116
Somewhat conservative 18 61 15 5 0 182
Moderate 39 33 21 4 3 271
Somewhat liberal 64 26 8 2 1 129
Very liberal 88 7 3 1 0 92
voter registration status
Yes 41 39 14 4 1 790

H1: Affirmative action

[Rule that colleges cannot use race as one of several factors in deciding which applicants to admit.] Do you favor or oppose the following possible future Supreme Court decisions, or haven’t you heard enough about this to have an opinion?
Heard nothing at all Heard of but not enough for an opinion Favor Oppose n
Male 15 29 40 16 389
Female 19 28 34 18 390
Another gender 13 77 0 10 9
18-29 16 37 32 15 117
30-44 21 29 31 19 185
45-59 19 28 35 18 194
60+ 13 27 44 16 294
Less than HS 23 35 33 9 45
HS graduate 20 33 38 10 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 19 27 37 17 222
Bachelor's degree 18 28 36 18 139
Post grad study/professional degree 7 26 38 29 156
Less than $30k 18 37 33 12 165
$30k to less than $50k 18 33 34 15 118
$50k to less than $75k 25 33 30 12 149
$75k to less than $100k 16 18 49 17 120
$100k or more 10 26 40 25 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 19 21 53 6 352
Independent 22 33 31 15 79
Democrat 14 36 22 28 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 21 23 50 7 261
Independent 17 30 39 14 262
Democrat 13 34 23 30 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 21 23 50 7 261
Lean Republican 14 18 64 5 91
Independent 22 33 31 15 79
Lean Democrat 16 40 21 23 92
Democrat 13 34 23 30 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 17 19 58 6 166
Weak Republican 27 29 36 8 95
Lean Republican 14 18 64 5 91
Independent 22 33 31 15 79
Lean Democrat 16 40 21 23 92
Weak Democrat 13 42 27 18 100
Strong Democrat 14 29 20 37 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 15 42 23 21 151
Single, living with a partner 22 26 34 18 79
Married 16 26 43 15 430
Separated 4 31 52 13 13
Widowed 28 22 32 18 30
Divorced 20 28 35 18 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 16 26 44 14 505
Black Non-Hispanic 16 35 25 25 89
Hispanic 17 37 22 25 122
Other 23 34 28 14 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 27 28 35 10 52
Once a week 18 24 46 13 158
Once or twice a month 11 28 47 14 57
A few times a year 15 27 36 22 107
Seldom 17 33 37 13 193
Never 17 31 29 23 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 21 17 49 13 175
Mainline Protestant 14 31 35 19 92
Roman Catholic 15 34 36 15 164
No religion 12 35 31 21 236
Other religion 25 25 34 16 120
Very conservative 21 17 60 2 116
Somewhat conservative 16 27 48 8 182
Moderate 18 31 34 16 271
Somewhat liberal 16 40 22 22 129
Very liberal 11 26 15 48 92
voter registration status
Yes 17 29 37 17 790

H1: (those with opinions only)

[THOSE WITH OPINIONS ONLY] [Rule that colleges cannot use race as one of several factors in deciding which applicants to admit.] Do you favor or oppose the following possible future Supreme Court decisions, or haven’t you heard enough about this to have an opinion?
Favor Oppose n
Male 72 28 219
Female 65 35 205
Another gender 0 100 1
18-29 68 32 55
30-44 62 38 93
45-59 66 34 102
60+ 73 27 177
Less than HS 79 21 19
HS graduate 80 20 107
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 68 32 120
Bachelor's degree 67 33 76
Post grad study/professional degree 57 43 104
Less than $30k 74 26 74
$30k to less than $50k 69 31 59
$50k to less than $75k 72 28 62
$75k to less than $100k 74 26 79
$100k or more 61 39 152
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 89 11 210
Independent 68 32 36
Democrat 44 56 180
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 88 12 147
Independent 73 27 139
Democrat 43 57 140
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 88 12 147
Lean Republican 93 7 63
Independent 68 32 36
Lean Democrat 48 52 40
Democrat 43 57 140
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 90 10 106
Weak Republican 82 18 42
Lean Republican 93 7 63
Independent 68 32 36
Lean Democrat 48 52 40
Weak Democrat 59 41 45
Strong Democrat 36 64 95
marital status
Single, that is never married 52 48 65
Single, living with a partner 65 35 41
Married 74 26 250
Separated 80 20 9
Widowed 64 36 15
Divorced 66 34 46
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 76 24 292
Black Non-Hispanic 51 49 44
Hispanic 47 53 57
Other 66 34 27
religious service attendance
More than once a week 78 22 23
Once a week 79 21 92
Once or twice a month 78 22 35
A few times a year 62 38 63
Seldom 73 27 97
Never 55 45 117
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 79 21 109
Mainline Protestant 65 35 50
Roman Catholic 71 29 84
No religion 59 41 124
Other religion 68 32 60
Very conservative 96 4 72
Somewhat conservative 85 15 103
Moderate 68 32 137
Somewhat liberal 51 49 57
Very liberal 24 76 58
voter registration status
Yes 69 31 427

H2: LGBTQ discrimination

[Decide that a business owner’s religious beliefs or free speech rights can justify refusing some services to gay people.] Do you favor or oppose the following possible future Supreme Court decisions, or haven’t you heard enough about this to have an opinion?
Heard nothing at all Heard of but not enough for an opinion Heard of and favor the decision Heard of and oppose the decision n
Male 16 21 30 33 389
Female 19 22 24 36 390
Another gender 5 20 0 74 9
18-29 19 17 16 47 117
30-44 19 20 17 44 185
45-59 21 25 29 25 194
60+ 12 22 35 30 294
Less than HS 34 24 14 28 45
HS graduate 19 28 27 27 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 17 20 32 31 222
Bachelor's degree 15 21 28 36 139
Post grad study/professional degree 10 14 22 53 156
Less than $30k 20 25 22 33 165
$30k to less than $50k 18 26 22 34 118
$50k to less than $75k 22 18 21 39 149
$75k to less than $100k 18 20 36 26 120
$100k or more 10 20 31 39 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 23 21 49 8 352
Independent 22 29 19 30 79
Democrat 10 21 7 62 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 25 20 46 9 261
Independent 17 25 29 30 262
Democrat 10 19 6 65 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 25 20 46 9 261
Lean Republican 18 22 56 4 91
Independent 22 29 19 30 79
Lean Democrat 11 24 10 55 92
Democrat 10 19 6 65 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 21 19 55 5 166
Weak Republican 31 22 31 16 95
Lean Republican 18 22 56 4 91
Independent 22 29 19 30 79
Lean Democrat 11 24 10 55 92
Weak Democrat 13 27 6 54 100
Strong Democrat 8 15 5 71 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 17 26 14 44 151
Single, living with a partner 15 13 24 47 79
Married 17 21 32 31 430
Separated 4 28 38 25 13
Widowed 30 34 18 17 30
Divorced 17 20 27 35 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 16 20 31 33 505
Black Non-Hispanic 17 24 22 37 89
Hispanic 14 29 17 39 122
Other 28 20 12 40 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 22 26 45 8 52
Once a week 18 20 44 17 158
Once or twice a month 15 31 37 17 57
A few times a year 20 14 26 40 107
Seldom 15 23 22 40 193
Never 16 21 11 52 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 18 18 49 16 175
Mainline Protestant 18 27 17 38 92
Roman Catholic 15 31 26 28 164
No religion 14 19 17 50 236
Other religion 24 14 21 40 120
Very conservative 22 12 65 1 116
Somewhat conservative 19 26 43 12 182
Moderate 19 29 19 33 271
Somewhat liberal 13 17 5 65 129
Very liberal 5 9 0 85 92
voter registration status
Yes 17 21 27 35 790

H2: (those with opinions only)

[THOSE WITH OPINIONS ONLY] [Decide that a business owner’s religious beliefs or free speech rights can justify refusing some services to gay people.] Do you favor or oppose the following possible future Supreme Court decisions, or haven’t you heard enough about this to have an opinion?
Heard of and favor the decision Heard of and oppose the decision n
Male 48 52 245
Female 40 60 232
Another gender 0 100 7
18-29 26 74 74
30-44 28 72 114
45-59 53 47 105
60+ 54 46 193
Less than HS 34 66 19
HS graduate 50 50 120
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 50 50 140
Bachelor's degree 44 56 89
Post grad study/professional degree 29 71 117
Less than $30k 40 60 91
$30k to less than $50k 39 61 65
$50k to less than $75k 35 65 89
$75k to less than $100k 58 42 75
$100k or more 44 56 165
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 86 14 198
Independent 39 61 39
Democrat 10 90 247
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 84 16 144
Independent 49 51 152
Democrat 8 92 187
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 84 16 144
Lean Republican 94 6 54
Independent 39 61 39
Lean Democrat 15 85 59
Democrat 8 92 187
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 91 9 100
Weak Republican 67 33 45
Lean Republican 94 6 54
Independent 39 61 39
Lean Democrat 15 85 59
Weak Democrat 10 90 60
Strong Democrat 7 93 128
marital status
Single, that is never married 24 76 87
Single, living with a partner 34 66 56
Married 51 49 268
Separated 60 40 8
Widowed 52 48 11
Divorced 44 56 54
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 48 52 323
Black Non-Hispanic 37 63 53
Hispanic 31 69 69
Other 24 76 33
religious service attendance
More than once a week 86 14 27
Once a week 72 28 97
Once or twice a month 68 32 31
A few times a year 40 60 71
Seldom 36 64 119
Never 18 82 140
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 76 24 112
Mainline Protestant 30 70 51
Roman Catholic 48 52 89
No religion 26 74 159
Other religion 35 65 74
Very conservative 99 1 76
Somewhat conservative 78 22 100
Moderate 36 64 140
Somewhat liberal 7 93 90
Very liberal 1 99 79
voter registration status
Yes 43 57 485

H3: Independent legislature theory

[Rule that under the Constitution, the state legislatures have the power to regulate federal elections and are not subject to review by state courts.] Do you favor or oppose the following possible future Supreme Court decisions, or haven’t you heard enough about this to have an opinion?
Heard nothing at all Heard of but not enough for an opinion Heard of and favor the decision Heard of and oppose the decision n
Male 23 35 14 28 389
Female 39 33 7 21 390
Another gender 21 47 12 20 9
18-29 48 32 7 13 117
30-44 35 32 7 26 185
45-59 32 33 13 23 194
60+ 21 37 13 29 294
Less than HS 49 37 9 6 45
HS graduate 37 28 13 22 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 30 35 14 21 222
Bachelor's degree 36 32 9 23 139
Post grad study/professional degree 15 41 3 41 156
Less than $30k 42 26 13 19 165
$30k to less than $50k 31 39 8 21 118
$50k to less than $75k 32 32 13 22 149
$75k to less than $100k 28 41 13 19 120
$100k or more 23 35 7 35 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 32 40 15 13 352
Independent 41 36 8 16 79
Democrat 28 28 6 38 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 34 42 14 11 261
Independent 31 33 13 23 262
Democrat 28 27 5 40 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 34 42 14 11 261
Lean Republican 27 33 20 20 91
Independent 41 36 8 16 79
Lean Democrat 28 31 11 31 92
Democrat 28 27 5 40 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 32 37 20 11 166
Weak Republican 37 50 3 10 95
Lean Republican 27 33 20 20 91
Independent 41 36 8 16 79
Lean Democrat 28 31 11 31 92
Weak Democrat 34 33 7 26 100
Strong Democrat 24 24 4 48 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 41 31 8 20 151
Single, living with a partner 42 27 9 22 79
Married 25 37 11 27 430
Separated 18 34 17 32 13
Widowed 38 35 10 17 30
Divorced 31 30 11 28 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 30 33 11 26 505
Black Non-Hispanic 33 30 8 29 89
Hispanic 31 36 14 19 122
Other 35 42 4 18 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 40 39 6 14 52
Once a week 26 40 15 19 158
Once or twice a month 35 37 20 8 57
A few times a year 28 40 10 22 107
Seldom 31 33 9 26 193
Never 33 26 7 35 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 34 36 13 16 175
Mainline Protestant 31 29 8 32 92
Roman Catholic 30 43 13 14 164
No religion 28 28 8 36 236
Other religion 31 35 9 25 120
Very conservative 26 45 20 9 116
Somewhat conservative 33 38 16 13 182
Moderate 35 32 8 25 271
Somewhat liberal 33 29 4 34 129
Very liberal 19 24 4 53 92
voter registration status
Yes 31 34 10 25 790

H3: (those with opinions only)

[THOSE WITH OPINIONS ONLY] [Rule that under the Constitution, the state legislatures have the power to regulate federal elections and are not subject to review by state courts.] Do you favor or oppose the following possible future Supreme Court decisions, or haven’t you heard enough about this to have an opinion?
Heard of and favor the decision Heard of and oppose the decision n
Male 33 67 163
Female 25 75 110
Another gender 38 62 3
18-29 33 67 23
30-44 21 79 61
45-59 36 64 69
60+ 30 70 124
Less than HS 59 41 6
HS graduate 37 63 79
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 40 60 78
Bachelor's degree 29 71 45
Post grad study/professional degree 8 92 69
Less than $30k 41 59 52
$30k to less than $50k 28 72 35
$50k to less than $75k 37 63 53
$75k to less than $100k 40 60 37
$100k or more 17 83 100
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 54 46 101
Independent 32 68 18
Democrat 14 86 157
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 56 44 64
Independent 37 63 93
Democrat 10 90 119
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 56 44 64
Lean Republican 50 50 36
Independent 32 68 18
Lean Democrat 25 75 38
Democrat 10 90 119
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 64 36 51
Weak Republican 25 75 13
Lean Republican 50 50 36
Independent 32 68 18
Lean Democrat 25 75 38
Weak Democrat 20 80 33
Strong Democrat 7 93 86
marital status
Single, that is never married 28 72 42
Single, living with a partner 30 70 25
Married 30 70 163
Separated 34 66 6
Widowed 36 64 8
Divorced 28 72 33
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 30 70 187
Black Non-Hispanic 22 78 33
Hispanic 43 57 40
Other 18 82 14
religious service attendance
More than once a week 30 70 11
Once a week 44 56 55
Once or twice a month 72 28 16
A few times a year 31 69 35
Seldom 26 74 69
Never 17 83 93
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 45 55 51
Mainline Protestant 20 80 36
Roman Catholic 49 51 44
No religion 18 82 105
Other religion 27 73 41
Very conservative 70 30 34
Somewhat conservative 54 46 53
Moderate 24 76 89
Somewhat liberal 10 90 49
Very liberal 7 93 52
voter registration status
Yes 30 70 277

J1: Expanded rights - LGBT

[Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people] Over the past 15 years or so would you say the Supreme Court has generally expanded or reduced the rights protected for each of these groups or has it not changed much either way?
Expanded rights Reduced rights Has not changed much either way n
Male 67 16 17 389
Female 65 17 18 390
Another gender 21 64 15 9
18-29 66 18 17 117
30-44 63 20 17 185
45-59 72 13 15 194
60+ 62 18 20 294
Less than HS 58 18 24 45
HS graduate 60 18 22 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 71 16 13 222
Bachelor's degree 67 17 16 139
Post grad study/professional degree 68 16 16 156
Less than $30k 55 23 21 165
$30k to less than $50k 63 16 21 118
$50k to less than $75k 61 21 18 149
$75k to less than $100k 70 16 14 120
$100k or more 74 11 15 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 78 4 18 352
Independent 61 22 16 79
Democrat 54 29 17 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 79 5 15 261
Independent 64 17 19 262
Democrat 53 29 18 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 79 5 15 261
Lean Republican 73 1 25 91
Independent 61 22 16 79
Lean Democrat 57 28 14 92
Democrat 53 29 18 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 79 3 17 166
Weak Republican 79 8 12 95
Lean Republican 73 1 25 91
Independent 61 22 16 79
Lean Democrat 57 28 14 92
Weak Democrat 55 20 26 100
Strong Democrat 52 34 14 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 58 23 19 151
Single, living with a partner 57 21 22 79
Married 70 15 15 430
Separated 78 5 17 13
Widowed 58 19 23 30
Divorced 61 17 21 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 69 13 18 505
Black Non-Hispanic 47 32 21 89
Hispanic 65 25 10 122
Other 62 16 22 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 77 6 16 52
Once a week 72 13 14 158
Once or twice a month 67 16 17 57
A few times a year 63 14 22 107
Seldom 65 15 19 193
Never 58 25 16 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 70 9 20 175
Mainline Protestant 68 11 21 92
Roman Catholic 66 16 17 164
No religion 59 27 14 236
Other religion 67 15 19 120
Very conservative 78 5 17 116
Somewhat conservative 72 6 21 182
Moderate 65 17 18 271
Somewhat liberal 59 30 12 129
Very liberal 46 36 18 92
voter registration status
Yes 65 17 17 790

J2: Expanded rights - religious people/orgs

[Religious people and organizations] Over the past 15 years or so would you say the Supreme Court has generally expanded or reduced the rights protected for each of these groups or has it not changed much either way?
Expanded rights Reduced rights Has not changed much either way n
Male 41 22 37 389
Female 32 26 42 390
Another gender 38 0 62 9
18-29 45 14 41 117
30-44 44 20 36 185
45-59 28 31 41 194
60+ 34 26 41 294
Less than HS 26 29 45 45
HS graduate 27 25 48 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 37 23 40 222
Bachelor's degree 43 27 30 139
Post grad study/professional degree 47 20 33 156
Less than $30k 32 21 48 165
$30k to less than $50k 35 24 41 118
$50k to less than $75k 48 20 31 149
$75k to less than $100k 24 34 42 120
$100k or more 40 22 38 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 21 33 46 352
Independent 26 27 47 79
Democrat 54 14 31 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 20 32 49 261
Independent 36 25 38 262
Democrat 53 15 32 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 20 32 49 261
Lean Republican 24 36 40 91
Independent 26 27 47 79
Lean Democrat 58 13 29 92
Democrat 53 15 32 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 18 33 49 166
Weak Republican 22 29 49 95
Lean Republican 24 36 40 91
Independent 26 27 47 79
Lean Democrat 58 13 29 92
Weak Democrat 48 12 40 100
Strong Democrat 56 16 27 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 43 20 37 151
Single, living with a partner 39 19 42 79
Married 37 25 38 430
Separated 21 24 56 13
Widowed 20 24 56 30
Divorced 28 28 44 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 34 24 42 505
Black Non-Hispanic 30 24 46 89
Hispanic 49 24 28 122
Other 47 25 28 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 13 55 32 52
Once a week 28 29 44 158
Once or twice a month 37 38 25 57
A few times a year 39 19 42 107
Seldom 38 17 46 193
Never 46 18 36 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 21 35 43 175
Mainline Protestant 30 19 51 92
Roman Catholic 35 25 40 164
No religion 49 15 36 236
Other religion 40 27 33 120
Very conservative 24 35 41 116
Somewhat conservative 19 37 44 182
Moderate 33 23 44 271
Somewhat liberal 57 9 35 129
Very liberal 70 8 22 92
voter registration status
Yes 37 24 40 790

J3: Expanded rights - gun owners

[Gun owners] Over the past 15 years or so would you say the Supreme Court has generally expanded or reduced the rights protected for each of these groups or has it not changed much either way?
Expanded rights Reduced rights Has not changed much either way n
Male 39 26 34 389
Female 33 29 38 390
Another gender 69 5 25 9
18-29 40 25 35 117
30-44 37 26 37 185
45-59 28 34 38 194
60+ 41 24 34 294
Less than HS 53 23 24 45
HS graduate 31 29 39 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 30 35 35 222
Bachelor's degree 44 20 36 139
Post grad study/professional degree 44 21 36 156
Less than $30k 39 31 30 165
$30k to less than $50k 34 31 35 118
$50k to less than $75k 39 24 37 149
$75k to less than $100k 29 29 41 120
$100k or more 39 23 38 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 19 37 43 352
Independent 34 37 29 79
Democrat 54 15 31 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 18 36 45 261
Independent 36 31 33 262
Democrat 55 15 30 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 18 36 45 261
Lean Republican 23 41 36 91
Independent 34 37 29 79
Lean Democrat 51 15 34 92
Democrat 55 15 30 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 16 34 48 166
Weak Republican 22 39 39 95
Lean Republican 23 41 36 91
Independent 34 37 29 79
Lean Democrat 51 15 34 92
Weak Democrat 45 23 32 100
Strong Democrat 61 10 29 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 38 29 33 151
Single, living with a partner 35 34 31 79
Married 36 25 39 430
Separated 32 30 38 13
Widowed 23 26 51 30
Divorced 45 29 26 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 33 28 38 505
Black Non-Hispanic 54 17 30 89
Hispanic 43 32 25 122
Other 31 21 48 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 33 16 45 52
Once a week 30 32 38 158
Once or twice a month 33 41 26 57
A few times a year 34 33 34 107
Seldom 32 25 42 193
Never 48 21 30 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 24 31 44 175
Mainline Protestant 40 25 36 92
Roman Catholic 36 30 34 164
No religion 46 26 28 236
Other religion 36 19 43 120
Very conservative 23 32 42 116
Somewhat conservative 20 36 44 182
Moderate 39 29 33 271
Somewhat liberal 48 16 35 129
Very liberal 64 12 23 92
voter registration status
Yes 37 27 36 790

J4: Expanded rights - abortion seekers

[Those seeking an abortion] Over the past 15 years or so would you say the Supreme Court has generally expanded or reduced the rights protected for each of these groups or has it not changed much either way?
Expanded rights Reduced rights Has not changed much either way n
Male 9 70 20 389
Female 13 75 12 390
Another gender 0 100 0 9
18-29 14 76 10 117
30-44 7 80 12 185
45-59 15 64 21 194
60+ 10 72 17 294
Less than HS 25 64 11 45
HS graduate 13 68 17 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 12 70 18 222
Bachelor's degree 6 77 17 139
Post grad study/professional degree 7 83 11 156
Less than $30k 13 74 13 165
$30k to less than $50k 17 67 16 118
$50k to less than $75k 12 79 8 149
$75k to less than $100k 11 69 20 120
$100k or more 5 73 21 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 15 54 30 352
Independent 15 73 12 79
Democrat 6 91 3 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 16 54 28 261
Independent 11 72 17 262
Democrat 6 91 3 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 16 54 28 261
Lean Republican 13 54 33 91
Independent 15 73 12 79
Lean Democrat 5 89 6 92
Democrat 6 91 3 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 17 49 32 166
Weak Republican 14 64 21 95
Lean Republican 13 54 33 91
Independent 15 73 12 79
Lean Democrat 5 89 6 92
Weak Democrat 6 89 4 100
Strong Democrat 6 92 2 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 9 80 10 151
Single, living with a partner 4 87 8 79
Married 11 68 20 430
Separated 25 72 4 13
Widowed 5 79 16 30
Divorced 19 67 15 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 11 70 19 505
Black Non-Hispanic 9 83 8 89
Hispanic 12 81 6 122
Other 16 68 16 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 17 64 12 52
Once a week 14 60 26 158
Once or twice a month 25 56 19 57
A few times a year 11 74 16 107
Seldom 10 77 14 193
Never 5 84 11 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 14 56 30 175
Mainline Protestant 20 67 13 92
Roman Catholic 11 75 14 164
No religion 4 85 11 236
Other religion 12 75 10 120
Very conservative 19 38 40 116
Somewhat conservative 13 62 25 182
Moderate 11 77 12 271
Somewhat liberal 3 95 2 129
Very liberal 6 93 0 92
voter registration status
Yes 11 73 16 790

J5: Expanded rights - minority voting rights

[Voting rights of racial or ethnic minorities] Over the past 15 years or so would you say the Supreme Court has generally expanded or reduced the rights protected for each of these groups or has it not changed much either way?
Expanded rights Reduced rights Has not changed much either way n
Male 30 28 40 389
Female 31 24 45 390
Another gender 13 27 60 9
18-29 25 21 53 117
30-44 29 32 39 185
45-59 37 21 42 194
60+ 28 29 42 294
Less than HS 30 15 55 45
HS graduate 30 24 44 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 29 26 46 222
Bachelor's degree 37 28 35 139
Post grad study/professional degree 28 33 39 156
Less than $30k 26 27 47 165
$30k to less than $50k 31 26 43 118
$50k to less than $75k 24 28 47 149
$75k to less than $100k 33 23 44 120
$100k or more 36 27 37 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 39 6 54 352
Independent 24 21 54 79
Democrat 23 48 29 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 41 6 51 261
Independent 26 24 49 262
Democrat 24 48 28 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 41 6 51 261
Lean Republican 34 4 61 91
Independent 24 21 54 79
Lean Democrat 21 47 32 92
Democrat 24 48 28 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 38 4 55 166
Weak Republican 45 10 45 95
Lean Republican 34 4 61 91
Independent 24 21 54 79
Lean Democrat 21 47 32 92
Weak Democrat 28 33 39 100
Strong Democrat 21 58 21 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 23 31 46 151
Single, living with a partner 23 35 42 79
Married 33 23 43 430
Separated 37 18 45 13
Widowed 32 18 50 30
Divorced 35 34 30 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 33 20 46 505
Black Non-Hispanic 16 42 41 89
Hispanic 33 36 32 122
Other 25 35 39 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 38 10 46 52
Once a week 35 20 45 158
Once or twice a month 38 23 39 57
A few times a year 29 28 43 107
Seldom 27 21 51 193
Never 27 40 33 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 35 17 48 175
Mainline Protestant 28 27 45 92
Roman Catholic 31 23 47 164
No religion 23 38 39 236
Other religion 37 24 36 120
Very conservative 36 3 59 116
Somewhat conservative 38 15 47 182
Moderate 33 25 42 271
Somewhat liberal 19 43 38 129
Very liberal 18 59 23 92
voter registration status
Yes 30 26 43 790

J6: Expanded rights - campaign donors

[Contributors to political campaigns] Over the past 15 years or so would you say the Supreme Court has generally expanded or reduced the rights protected for each of these groups or has it not changed much either way?
Expanded rights Reduced rights Has not changed much either way n
Male 52 10 37 389
Female 36 16 48 390
Another gender 17 8 75 9
18-29 37 9 54 117
30-44 49 11 40 185
45-59 41 18 40 194
60+ 45 12 42 294
Less than HS 31 16 53 45
HS graduate 39 10 50 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 44 12 43 222
Bachelor's degree 44 19 37 139
Post grad study/professional degree 54 12 34 156
Less than $30k 41 10 49 165
$30k to less than $50k 40 12 47 118
$50k to less than $75k 44 10 44 149
$75k to less than $100k 41 19 41 120
$100k or more 48 15 37 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 31 16 52 352
Independent 42 11 45 79
Democrat 56 10 33 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 30 18 52 261
Independent 48 9 43 262
Democrat 53 13 34 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 30 18 52 261
Lean Republican 34 11 54 91
Independent 42 11 45 79
Lean Democrat 65 4 31 92
Democrat 53 13 34 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 34 15 50 166
Weak Republican 24 22 54 95
Lean Republican 34 11 54 91
Independent 42 11 45 79
Lean Democrat 65 4 31 92
Weak Democrat 47 13 40 100
Strong Democrat 57 12 31 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 44 11 45 151
Single, living with a partner 39 14 47 79
Married 45 13 42 430
Separated 26 28 46 13
Widowed 22 12 63 30
Divorced 51 15 33 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 44 11 45 505
Black Non-Hispanic 39 18 44 89
Hispanic 45 14 41 122
Other 45 22 32 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 41 18 40 52
Once a week 37 15 47 158
Once or twice a month 47 24 29 57
A few times a year 45 9 44 107
Seldom 41 11 48 193
Never 50 11 39 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 34 17 49 175
Mainline Protestant 51 14 35 92
Roman Catholic 37 12 50 164
No religion 53 8 38 236
Other religion 42 17 41 120
Very conservative 36 12 53 116
Somewhat conservative 35 18 46 182
Moderate 43 15 41 271
Somewhat liberal 53 4 43 129
Very liberal 62 10 28 92
voter registration status
Yes 44 13 43 790

J7: overturned Roe

[In 2022 the Supreme Court overturned Roe versus Wade, thus striking down the 1973 decision that made abortion legal in all 50 states.] How much do you favor or oppose this decision?
Strongly favor Somewhat favor Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose n
Male 25 18 12 44 389
Female 18 13 16 53 390
Another gender 0 0 0 100 9
18-29 7 11 17 66 117
30-44 15 10 14 60 185
45-59 24 21 14 41 194
60+ 28 16 13 42 294
Less than HS 11 37 15 37 45
HS graduate 24 19 13 43 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 22 12 16 50 222
Bachelor's degree 25 15 10 51 139
Post grad study/professional degree 16 8 16 60 156
Less than $30k 14 22 16 49 165
$30k to less than $50k 18 10 22 50 118
$50k to less than $75k 21 10 13 55 149
$75k to less than $100k 36 20 9 35 120
$100k or more 20 13 12 54 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 42 24 15 18 352
Independent 15 13 26 45 79
Democrat 2 7 10 81 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 44 22 13 19 261
Independent 17 16 19 48 262
Democrat 3 8 9 81 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 44 22 13 19 261
Lean Republican 34 30 21 16 91
Independent 15 13 26 45 79
Lean Democrat 1 4 13 82 92
Democrat 3 8 9 81 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 59 18 9 13 166
Weak Republican 20 30 21 30 95
Lean Republican 34 30 21 16 91
Independent 15 13 26 45 79
Lean Democrat 1 4 13 82 92
Weak Democrat 4 11 15 71 100
Strong Democrat 2 6 6 86 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 8 10 14 68 151
Single, living with a partner 8 12 21 59 79
Married 28 16 13 42 430
Separated 33 23 3 41 13
Widowed 26 12 17 45 30
Divorced 16 19 14 51 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 27 16 12 44 505
Black Non-Hispanic 2 13 21 63 89
Hispanic 11 14 17 58 122
Other 12 13 14 60 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 47 14 11 22 52
Once a week 44 17 17 22 158
Once or twice a month 18 30 21 31 57
A few times a year 14 19 12 55 107
Seldom 17 13 14 56 193
Never 7 9 12 72 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 51 15 10 24 175
Mainline Protestant 12 19 23 47 92
Roman Catholic 21 16 15 48 164
No religion 7 12 12 69 236
Other religion 12 14 16 54 120
Very conservative 76 10 5 7 116
Somewhat conservative 28 34 17 21 182
Moderate 8 16 21 54 271
Somewhat liberal 1 1 10 88 129
Very liberal 3 1 4 91 92
voter registration status
Yes 21 15 14 49 790

J8: same-sex marriage

In 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. How much do you favor or oppose this decision?
Strongly favor Somewhat favor Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose n
Male 40 23 11 25 389
Female 47 20 12 21 390
Another gender 100 0 0 0 9
18-29 66 18 4 11 117
30-44 61 19 8 12 185
45-59 32 24 13 29 194
60+ 33 22 15 30 294
Less than HS 37 32 9 21 45
HS graduate 35 22 16 27 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 42 22 11 24 222
Bachelor's degree 46 18 10 23 139
Post grad study/professional degree 63 19 7 12 156
Less than $30k 41 25 12 22 165
$30k to less than $50k 44 20 13 22 118
$50k to less than $75k 49 21 9 20 149
$75k to less than $100k 35 17 14 31 120
$100k or more 49 21 11 19 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 17 23 18 40 352
Independent 48 24 12 15 79
Democrat 70 19 5 6 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 16 20 18 45 261
Independent 46 26 11 16 262
Democrat 70 17 5 7 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 16 20 18 45 261
Lean Republican 21 31 18 28 91
Independent 48 24 12 15 79
Lean Democrat 69 23 4 4 92
Democrat 70 17 5 7 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 9 18 15 58 166
Weak Republican 28 25 22 21 95
Lean Republican 21 31 18 28 91
Independent 48 24 12 15 79
Lean Democrat 69 23 4 4 92
Weak Democrat 63 21 7 9 100
Strong Democrat 74 15 4 6 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 65 23 5 7 151
Single, living with a partner 59 22 7 12 79
Married 37 20 13 29 430
Separated 30 19 11 40 13
Widowed 29 22 15 30 30
Divorced 36 24 17 23 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 41 20 12 26 505
Black Non-Hispanic 37 30 14 19 89
Hispanic 54 25 9 11 122
Other 65 11 5 14 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 9 15 16 59 52
Once a week 19 24 17 38 158
Once or twice a month 32 27 19 23 57
A few times a year 38 33 8 21 107
Seldom 52 16 13 18 193
Never 70 18 5 7 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 15 18 14 52 175
Mainline Protestant 43 21 19 16 92
Roman Catholic 43 27 15 15 164
No religion 65 20 5 9 236
Other religion 46 21 8 22 120
Very conservative 7 13 10 69 116
Somewhat conservative 16 29 21 32 182
Moderate 48 28 12 12 271
Somewhat liberal 78 16 3 3 129
Very liberal 89 4 3 4 92
voter registration status
Yes 44 21 11 22 790

K1: Abortion legality

Do you think abortion should be legal in all cases, legal in most cases, illegal in most cases, or illegal in all cases?
Legal in all cases Legal in most cases Illegal in most cases Illegal in all cases n
Male 23 39 31 7 389
Female 28 37 27 7 390
Another gender 87 13 0 0 9
18-29 38 35 22 6 117
30-44 36 38 21 4 185
45-59 21 42 27 9 194
60+ 19 36 38 7 294
Less than HS 18 32 40 9 45
HS graduate 23 34 36 7 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 26 40 28 6 222
Bachelor's degree 31 33 28 9 139
Post grad study/professional degree 30 47 18 5 156
Less than $30k 30 35 29 7 165
$30k to less than $50k 30 34 30 6 118
$50k to less than $75k 31 34 25 10 149
$75k to less than $100k 17 34 40 8 120
$100k or more 24 47 24 5 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 6 30 51 13 352
Independent 24 48 23 5 79
Democrat 47 43 8 1 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 6 29 50 15 261
Independent 25 43 27 4 262
Democrat 48 41 10 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 6 29 50 15 261
Lean Republican 5 33 55 7 91
Independent 24 48 23 5 79
Lean Democrat 46 50 4 1 92
Democrat 48 41 10 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 4 19 57 20 166
Weak Republican 10 47 38 4 95
Lean Republican 5 33 55 7 91
Independent 24 48 23 5 79
Lean Democrat 46 50 4 1 92
Weak Democrat 32 54 12 2 100
Strong Democrat 57 33 8 1 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 44 40 12 5 151
Single, living with a partner 32 42 24 2 79
Married 20 36 36 8 430
Separated 25 22 37 16 13
Widowed 16 42 29 10 30
Divorced 28 39 25 8 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 23 33 35 8 505
Black Non-Hispanic 32 49 15 5 89
Hispanic 31 48 16 5 122
Other 37 43 18 2 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 12 17 46 25 52
Once a week 7 27 51 16 158
Once or twice a month 6 48 41 5 57
A few times a year 29 36 34 1 107
Seldom 25 48 23 5 193
Never 49 40 8 2 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 12 19 50 18 175
Mainline Protestant 18 51 26 5 92
Roman Catholic 19 43 33 5 164
No religion 44 41 14 1 236
Other religion 30 43 22 5 120
Very conservative 3 9 62 27 116
Somewhat conservative 6 38 50 7 182
Moderate 22 56 20 1 271
Somewhat liberal 50 42 5 3 129
Very liberal 76 15 6 3 92
voter registration status
Yes 26 38 29 7 790

P1: Ukraine support

When it comes to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, do you think the United States is providing too much support to Ukraine, not enough support to Ukraine, or about the right amount of support to Ukraine?
Too much support Not enough support About the right amount of support n
Male 30 21 49 389
Female 29 21 50 390
Another gender 15 70 15 9
18-29 24 28 48 117
30-44 28 24 48 185
45-59 36 23 40 194
60+ 28 17 55 294
Less than HS 21 29 50 45
HS graduate 33 24 43 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 32 20 48 222
Bachelor's degree 33 20 47 139
Post grad study/professional degree 21 19 60 156
Less than $30k 25 27 48 165
$30k to less than $50k 25 25 50 118
$50k to less than $75k 33 17 50 149
$75k to less than $100k 49 15 36 120
$100k or more 23 22 55 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 46 14 40 352
Independent 30 32 37 79
Democrat 13 27 60 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 43 15 42 261
Independent 35 23 43 262
Democrat 12 27 61 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 43 15 42 261
Lean Republican 54 12 34 91
Independent 30 32 37 79
Lean Democrat 19 25 57 92
Democrat 12 27 61 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 46 15 38 166
Weak Republican 37 15 48 95
Lean Republican 54 12 34 91
Independent 30 32 37 79
Lean Democrat 19 25 57 92
Weak Democrat 15 21 64 100
Strong Democrat 9 31 60 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 22 27 51 151
Single, living with a partner 27 20 53 79
Married 32 21 47 430
Separated 27 33 41 13
Widowed 40 13 47 30
Divorced 30 20 49 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 30 20 50 505
Black Non-Hispanic 24 22 54 89
Hispanic 31 22 46 122
Other 25 33 41 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 23 28 49 52
Once a week 42 13 44 158
Once or twice a month 34 31 35 57
A few times a year 24 18 58 107
Seldom 27 20 53 193
Never 26 27 47 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 41 13 46 175
Mainline Protestant 26 18 56 92
Roman Catholic 34 22 45 164
No religion 23 26 51 236
Other religion 23 27 50 120
Very conservative 52 17 31 116
Somewhat conservative 42 14 44 182
Moderate 26 23 52 271
Somewhat liberal 14 18 68 129
Very liberal 10 43 46 92
voter registration status
Yes 29 22 49 790

P2: Importance of Russia-Ukraine ward

How much do you think what happens in the Russia-Ukraine conflict matters to life in the United States?
A great deal Some Not much Not at all n
Male 30 48 13 9 389
Female 32 50 14 5 390
Another gender 51 49 0 0 9
18-29 28 45 19 8 117
30-44 25 54 13 8 185
45-59 28 53 13 5 194
60+ 39 44 12 5 294
Less than HS 24 54 14 7 45
HS graduate 36 42 16 7 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 30 49 14 6 222
Bachelor's degree 28 57 8 7 139
Post grad study/professional degree 32 50 14 5 156
Less than $30k 37 41 14 8 165
$30k to less than $50k 30 47 17 6 118
$50k to less than $75k 34 52 10 4 149
$75k to less than $100k 31 48 13 8 120
$100k or more 27 53 14 6 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 25 50 16 9 352
Independent 37 50 7 6 79
Democrat 37 47 12 4 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 26 52 15 7 261
Independent 28 48 14 10 262
Democrat 40 46 11 3 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 26 52 15 7 261
Lean Republican 20 44 18 18 91
Independent 37 50 7 6 79
Lean Democrat 27 51 16 6 92
Democrat 40 46 11 3 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 26 52 14 8 166
Weak Republican 26 52 18 4 95
Lean Republican 20 44 18 18 91
Independent 37 50 7 6 79
Lean Democrat 27 51 16 6 92
Weak Democrat 26 51 18 5 100
Strong Democrat 49 43 7 2 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 31 49 12 8 151
Single, living with a partner 28 50 16 5 79
Married 31 48 14 8 430
Separated 49 43 6 1 13
Widowed 45 35 19 0 30
Divorced 30 57 10 4 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 33 49 12 6 505
Black Non-Hispanic 32 39 24 5 89
Hispanic 29 49 12 10 122
Other 21 57 12 10 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 27 50 13 10 52
Once a week 28 52 10 10 158
Once or twice a month 22 55 17 5 57
A few times a year 32 42 18 8 107
Seldom 31 51 13 4 193
Never 37 45 13 5 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 31 50 10 9 175
Mainline Protestant 29 45 20 6 92
Roman Catholic 26 50 14 9 164
No religion 36 46 13 4 236
Other religion 32 50 13 5 120
Very conservative 25 48 11 16 116
Somewhat conservative 27 53 15 5 182
Moderate 27 51 16 7 271
Somewhat liberal 37 47 14 2 129
Very liberal 53 38 5 4 92
voter registration status
Yes 31 49 13 7 790

P3: US involvement in world affairs

Do you think it will be better for the future of the country if we take an active part in world affairs, or if we stay out of world affairs?
Take an active part in world affairs Stay out of world affairs n
Male 64 36 389
Female 58 42 390
Another gender 57 43 9
18-29 44 56 117
30-44 58 42 185
45-59 66 34 194
60+ 67 33 294
Less than HS 50 50 45
HS graduate 56 44 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 55 45 222
Bachelor's degree 67 33 139
Post grad study/professional degree 76 24 156
Less than $30k 58 42 165
$30k to less than $50k 53 47 118
$50k to less than $75k 65 35 149
$75k to less than $100k 59 41 120
$100k or more 66 34 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 50 50 352
Independent 46 54 79
Democrat 75 25 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 55 45 261
Independent 52 48 262
Democrat 77 23 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 55 45 261
Lean Republican 38 62 91
Independent 46 54 79
Lean Democrat 70 30 92
Democrat 77 23 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 57 43 166
Weak Republican 50 50 95
Lean Republican 38 62 91
Independent 46 54 79
Lean Democrat 70 30 92
Weak Democrat 62 38 100
Strong Democrat 86 14 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 52 48 151
Single, living with a partner 53 47 79
Married 66 34 430
Separated 65 35 13
Widowed 52 48 30
Divorced 66 34 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 62 38 505
Black Non-Hispanic 62 38 89
Hispanic 61 39 122
Other 57 43 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 66 33 52
Once a week 57 43 158
Once or twice a month 56 44 57
A few times a year 63 37 107
Seldom 56 44 193
Never 67 33 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 58 41 175
Mainline Protestant 51 49 92
Roman Catholic 56 44 164
No religion 65 35 236
Other religion 74 26 120
Very conservative 47 53 116
Somewhat conservative 51 48 182
Moderate 62 38 271
Somewhat liberal 74 26 129
Very liberal 79 21 92
voter registration status
Yes 61 39 790

P4: Confidence in 2022 election

How confident are you that, across the country, the votes for state and national offices were accurately cast and counted in the elections in November 2022?
Very confident Somewhat confident Not too confident Not at all confident n
Male 41 25 22 13 389
Female 37 32 22 9 390
Another gender 27 67 0 5 9
18-29 39 31 25 5 117
30-44 45 32 16 7 185
45-59 28 36 22 14 194
60+ 41 20 24 14 294
Less than HS 25 29 36 9 45
HS graduate 27 32 28 13 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 39 24 21 16 222
Bachelor's degree 42 35 15 8 139
Post grad study/professional degree 55 26 15 4 156
Less than $30k 31 40 22 7 165
$30k to less than $50k 36 30 21 13 118
$50k to less than $75k 44 24 21 11 149
$75k to less than $100k 32 23 29 16 120
$100k or more 46 26 20 9 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 10 31 37 22 352
Independent 22 30 40 9 79
Democrat 70 26 3 1 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 11 33 35 21 261
Independent 31 29 29 12 262
Democrat 73 24 2 1 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 11 33 35 21 261
Lean Republican 7 24 43 26 91
Independent 22 30 40 9 79
Lean Democrat 63 32 5 0 92
Democrat 73 24 2 1 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 9 24 41 26 166
Weak Republican 15 48 26 11 95
Lean Republican 7 24 43 26 91
Independent 22 30 40 9 79
Lean Democrat 63 32 5 0 92
Weak Democrat 62 34 2 2 100
Strong Democrat 79 18 2 0 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 44 34 18 4 151
Single, living with a partner 35 34 21 10 79
Married 38 25 23 14 430
Separated 49 20 30 1 13
Widowed 23 31 32 14 30
Divorced 40 33 17 10 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 34 27 25 14 505
Black Non-Hispanic 49 33 16 2 89
Hispanic 46 32 14 7 122
Other 46 31 18 5 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 28 36 24 12 52
Once a week 28 27 32 14 158
Once or twice a month 31 35 22 12 57
A few times a year 41 24 23 12 107
Seldom 38 32 21 10 193
Never 51 25 15 9 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 24 26 32 18 175
Mainline Protestant 42 32 17 10 92
Roman Catholic 35 31 26 8 164
No religion 48 26 18 8 236
Other religion 46 30 11 13 120
Very conservative 7 20 40 34 116
Somewhat conservative 15 38 32 14 182
Moderate 42 32 20 7 271
Somewhat liberal 68 26 5 1 129
Very liberal 77 14 7 2 92
voter registration status
Yes 39 28 22 11 790

P5: Confidence in 2020 election

How confident are you that, across the country, the votes for president were accurately cast and counted in [the 2020] election? Very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not at all confident.
Very confident Somewhat confident Not too confident Not at all confident n
Male 41 18 20 20 389
Female 40 22 20 16 390
Another gender 15 79 0 5 9
18-29 38 27 22 11 117
30-44 46 25 19 10 185
45-59 33 24 22 20 194
60+ 43 15 18 24 294
Less than HS 23 25 29 18 45
HS graduate 30 20 28 21 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 41 19 15 25 222
Bachelor's degree 44 24 17 14 139
Post grad study/professional degree 57 22 14 7 156
Less than $30k 32 32 18 16 165
$30k to less than $50k 43 16 21 21 118
$50k to less than $75k 46 18 18 18 149
$75k to less than $100k 31 20 24 25 120
$100k or more 47 19 20 14 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 8 23 33 36 352
Independent 26 25 35 13 79
Democrat 76 18 3 2 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 8 24 32 35 261
Independent 36 22 24 18 262
Democrat 77 17 3 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 8 24 32 35 261
Lean Republican 6 20 35 38 91
Independent 26 25 35 13 79
Lean Democrat 74 20 4 2 92
Democrat 77 17 3 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 6 19 31 45 166
Weak Republican 13 34 35 18 95
Lean Republican 6 20 35 38 91
Independent 26 25 35 13 79
Lean Democrat 74 20 4 2 92
Weak Democrat 67 24 3 3 100
Strong Democrat 82 13 3 1 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 44 32 15 9 151
Single, living with a partner 41 21 22 15 79
Married 38 18 21 22 430
Separated 49 13 31 8 13
Widowed 33 17 22 28 30
Divorced 46 19 16 16 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 36 19 23 22 505
Black Non-Hispanic 54 25 12 6 89
Hispanic 50 24 13 12 122
Other 43 26 20 11 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 35 21 23 21 52
Once a week 27 23 26 24 158
Once or twice a month 31 22 18 26 57
A few times a year 41 18 19 22 107
Seldom 40 24 21 15 193
Never 55 18 14 13 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 24 20 28 28 175
Mainline Protestant 42 20 16 19 92
Roman Catholic 37 23 22 18 164
No religion 49 21 17 12 236
Other religion 51 19 15 15 120
Very conservative 3 14 31 52 116
Somewhat conservative 16 27 31 26 182
Moderate 44 27 18 10 271
Somewhat liberal 75 16 5 4 129
Very liberal 78 9 8 3 92
voter registration status
Yes 41 21 20 18 790

P6: Donald Trump 2024

Would you like to see Donald Trump run for president in 2024, or not?
Yes No n
Male 30 70 389
Female 29 71 390
Another gender 0 100 9
18-29 25 75 117
30-44 27 73 185
45-59 35 65 194
60+ 28 72 294
Less than HS 40 60 45
HS graduate 39 61 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 29 70 222
Bachelor's degree 22 78 139
Post grad study/professional degree 18 82 156
Less than $30k 29 71 165
$30k to less than $50k 36 64 118
$50k to less than $75k 26 74 149
$75k to less than $100k 34 66 120
$100k or more 24 76 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 52 48 352
Independent 29 70 79
Democrat 7 93 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 55 45 261
Independent 26 74 262
Democrat 7 93 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 55 45 261
Lean Republican 42 58 91
Independent 29 70 79
Lean Democrat 6 94 92
Democrat 7 93 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 59 41 166
Weak Republican 47 53 95
Lean Republican 42 58 91
Independent 29 70 79
Lean Democrat 6 94 92
Weak Democrat 12 88 100
Strong Democrat 5 95 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 13 87 151
Single, living with a partner 28 72 79
Married 35 65 430
Separated 37 63 13
Widowed 32 68 30
Divorced 25 75 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 33 67 505
Black Non-Hispanic 11 89 89
Hispanic 24 76 122
Other 32 67 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 26 74 52
Once a week 38 62 158
Once or twice a month 40 60 57
A few times a year 29 71 107
Seldom 31 69 193
Never 19 81 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 38 62 175
Mainline Protestant 26 74 92
Roman Catholic 33 67 164
No religion 20 80 236
Other religion 29 71 120
Very conservative 54 46 116
Somewhat conservative 48 52 182
Moderate 22 78 271
Somewhat liberal 7 93 129
Very liberal 13 87 92
voter registration status
Yes 29 71 790

P7: Ron DeSantis 2024

Would you like to see Ron DeSantis run for president in 2024, or not?
Yes No n
Male 42 58 389
Female 31 68 390
Another gender 0 100 9
18-29 23 77 117
30-44 30 69 185
45-59 40 59 194
60+ 42 56 294
Less than HS 17 83 45
HS graduate 38 62 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 39 58 222
Bachelor's degree 39 61 139
Post grad study/professional degree 32 68 156
Less than $30k 21 79 165
$30k to less than $50k 32 65 118
$50k to less than $75k 34 65 149
$75k to less than $100k 48 51 120
$100k or more 44 56 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 64 34 352
Independent 36 63 79
Democrat 8 92 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 64 34 261
Independent 34 65 262
Democrat 10 90 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 64 34 261
Lean Republican 64 34 91
Independent 36 63 79
Lean Democrat 3 97 92
Democrat 10 90 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 71 27 166
Weak Republican 54 46 95
Lean Republican 64 34 91
Independent 36 63 79
Lean Democrat 3 97 92
Weak Democrat 18 82 100
Strong Democrat 5 95 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 21 79 151
Single, living with a partner 28 71 79
Married 44 56 430
Separated 36 64 13
Widowed 41 59 30
Divorced 28 68 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 44 55 505
Black Non-Hispanic 17 83 89
Hispanic 25 74 122
Other 17 82 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 54 46 52
Once a week 51 46 158
Once or twice a month 38 62 57
A few times a year 33 67 107
Seldom 37 62 193
Never 20 79 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 54 44 175
Mainline Protestant 30 70 92
Roman Catholic 39 61 164
No religion 25 75 236
Other religion 33 66 120
Very conservative 71 26 116
Somewhat conservative 61 39 182
Moderate 30 69 271
Somewhat liberal 4 96 129
Very liberal 3 97 92
voter registration status
Yes 36 63 790

P8: Trump vs DeSantis

If it were a choice between just the two of them, who would you prefer as the Republican nominee for president in 2024: [Donald Trump] or [Florida Governor Ron DeSantis]?
Donald Trump Ron DeSantis n
Male 31 68 389
Female 33 67 390
Another gender 33 67 9
18-29 43 57 117
30-44 33 66 185
45-59 29 69 194
60+ 29 70 294
Less than HS 49 51 45
HS graduate 32 66 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 32 67 222
Bachelor's degree 31 69 139
Post grad study/professional degree 28 71 156
Less than $30k 39 60 165
$30k to less than $50k 34 66 118
$50k to less than $75k 33 67 149
$75k to less than $100k 26 72 120
$100k or more 28 72 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 36 64 352
Independent 25 73 79
Democrat 30 69 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 38 62 261
Independent 35 63 262
Democrat 24 75 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 38 62 261
Lean Republican 31 68 91
Independent 25 73 79
Lean Democrat 47 50 92
Democrat 24 75 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 37 63 166
Weak Republican 39 61 95
Lean Republican 31 68 91
Independent 25 73 79
Lean Democrat 47 50 92
Weak Democrat 26 74 100
Strong Democrat 23 76 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 31 68 151
Single, living with a partner 38 60 79
Married 32 67 430
Separated 27 73 13
Widowed 27 71 30
Divorced 31 68 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 32 67 505
Black Non-Hispanic 30 70 89
Hispanic 32 68 122
Other 37 61 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 19 80 52
Once a week 35 64 158
Once or twice a month 35 65 57
A few times a year 34 65 107
Seldom 28 72 193
Never 35 64 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 26 73 175
Mainline Protestant 32 67 92
Roman Catholic 33 66 164
No religion 33 66 236
Other religion 36 64 120
Very conservative 31 68 116
Somewhat conservative 36 64 182
Moderate 24 76 271
Somewhat liberal 44 54 129
Very liberal 32 65 92
voter registration status
Yes 32 67 790

P9: Joe Biden 2024

Would you like to see Joe Biden run for president in 2024, or not?
Yes No n
Male 30 70 389
Female 32 68 390
Another gender 27 73 9
18-29 24 76 117
30-44 25 75 185
45-59 32 68 194
60+ 36 64 294
Less than HS 38 62 45
HS graduate 30 69 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 29 71 222
Bachelor's degree 27 73 139
Post grad study/professional degree 34 66 156
Less than $30k 40 60 165
$30k to less than $50k 34 66 118
$50k to less than $75k 34 66 149
$75k to less than $100k 26 74 120
$100k or more 24 76 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 14 86 352
Independent 22 78 79
Democrat 49 51 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 14 86 261
Independent 23 77 262
Democrat 55 45 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 14 86 261
Lean Republican 16 84 91
Independent 22 78 79
Lean Democrat 32 68 92
Democrat 55 45 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 16 84 166
Weak Republican 10 90 95
Lean Republican 16 84 91
Independent 22 78 79
Lean Democrat 32 68 92
Weak Democrat 37 63 100
Strong Democrat 66 34 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 37 63 151
Single, living with a partner 21 79 79
Married 31 68 430
Separated 23 77 13
Widowed 20 80 30
Divorced 31 69 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 25 75 505
Black Non-Hispanic 58 42 89
Hispanic 34 66 122
Other 35 65 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 27 72 52
Once a week 28 72 158
Once or twice a month 34 66 57
A few times a year 40 60 107
Seldom 30 70 193
Never 29 71 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 28 72 175
Mainline Protestant 33 67 92
Roman Catholic 32 68 164
No religion 33 67 236
Other religion 29 71 120
Very conservative 17 83 116
Somewhat conservative 21 78 182
Moderate 33 67 271
Somewhat liberal 43 57 129
Very liberal 43 57 92
voter registration status
Yes 31 69 790

P10: Trump vs Biden

If the 2024 election for president were held today between [Former President Donald Trump, the Republican] and [President Joe Biden, the Democrat] would you vote for [Donald Trump] or for [Joe Biden]?
Donald Trump Joe Biden Someone else Wouldn't vote n
Male 43 37 16 3 389
Female 38 42 17 3 390
Another gender 0 72 28 0 9
18-29 30 42 25 2 117
30-44 31 47 16 6 185
45-59 46 32 19 2 194
60+ 46 40 12 2 294
Less than HS 44 32 23 2 45
HS graduate 49 30 16 5 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 43 37 16 3 222
Bachelor's degree 34 45 19 1 139
Post grad study/professional degree 27 57 14 2 156
Less than $30k 33 42 21 4 165
$30k to less than $50k 39 41 15 5 118
$50k to less than $75k 41 45 11 3 149
$75k to less than $100k 52 29 14 4 120
$100k or more 38 41 20 0 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 79 3 15 3 352
Independent 30 26 33 11 79
Democrat 4 80 15 1 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 81 3 14 2 261
Independent 36 32 25 6 262
Democrat 4 84 11 1 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 81 3 14 2 261
Lean Republican 74 2 17 7 91
Independent 30 26 33 11 79
Lean Democrat 4 68 26 3 92
Democrat 4 84 11 1 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 88 1 11 0 166
Weak Republican 68 6 20 5 95
Lean Republican 74 2 17 7 91
Independent 30 26 33 11 79
Lean Democrat 4 68 26 3 92
Weak Democrat 7 75 16 2 100
Strong Democrat 2 90 8 0 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 16 55 23 6 151
Single, living with a partner 37 42 20 1 79
Married 49 35 13 2 430
Separated 50 40 10 0 13
Widowed 46 31 15 8 30
Divorced 34 41 22 4 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 50 32 15 3 505
Black Non-Hispanic 10 68 20 2 89
Hispanic 25 47 24 4 122
Other 26 57 16 1 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 40 30 26 4 52
Once a week 60 23 16 1 158
Once or twice a month 51 32 15 2 57
A few times a year 39 46 13 2 107
Seldom 41 40 16 3 193
Never 23 55 17 5 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 62 26 11 2 175
Mainline Protestant 39 45 8 7 92
Roman Catholic 44 28 26 2 164
No religion 24 54 18 4 236
Other religion 32 49 18 1 120
Very conservative 90 2 8 0 116
Somewhat conservative 68 10 19 3 182
Moderate 27 45 21 6 271
Somewhat liberal 6 76 17 1 129
Very liberal 6 83 9 1 92
voter registration status
Yes 40 40 17 3 790

P11: DeSantis vs Biden

If the 2024 election for president were held today between [Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the Republican] and [President Joe Biden, the Democrat] would you vote for [Ron DeSantis] or for [Joe Biden]?
Ron DeSantis Joe Biden Someone else Wouldn't vote Web blank n
Male 50 35 11 4 0 389
Female 43 40 13 4 0 390
Another gender 0 35 65 0 0 9
18-29 32 37 29 2 0 117
30-44 39 44 10 7 0 185
45-59 48 31 16 4 1 194
60+ 54 39 6 2 0 294
Less than HS 32 36 26 6 0 45
HS graduate 49 29 15 6 0 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 50 32 13 4 1 222
Bachelor's degree 45 42 13 0 0 139
Post grad study/professional degree 37 55 6 2 0 156
Less than $30k 28 40 23 8 1 165
$30k to less than $50k 44 39 10 6 0 118
$50k to less than $75k 42 44 10 3 0 149
$75k to less than $100k 58 28 14 0 0 120
$100k or more 53 37 8 1 0 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 89 2 6 3 1 352
Independent 34 15 38 13 0 79
Democrat 5 78 14 2 0 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 90 2 4 3 1 261
Independent 42 27 24 7 0 262
Democrat 5 83 10 2 0 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 90 2 4 3 1 261
Lean Republican 85 1 11 4 0 91
Independent 34 15 38 13 0 79
Lean Democrat 6 64 26 5 0 92
Democrat 5 83 10 2 0 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 96 1 2 0 1 166
Weak Republican 80 5 9 6 0 95
Lean Republican 85 1 11 4 0 91
Independent 34 15 38 13 0 79
Lean Democrat 6 64 26 5 0 92
Weak Democrat 13 72 12 3 0 100
Strong Democrat 1 89 9 1 0 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 23 50 23 3 0 151
Single, living with a partner 34 40 17 9 0 79
Married 57 33 8 2 0 430
Separated 34 38 27 1 0 13
Widowed 53 29 7 11 0 30
Divorced 38 42 16 4 0 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 57 29 10 4 0 505
Black Non-Hispanic 13 63 19 4 0 89
Hispanic 28 48 20 4 0 122
Other 30 54 16 0 0 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 63 28 8 1 0 52
Once a week 64 23 10 2 0 158
Once or twice a month 53 31 12 4 0 57
A few times a year 41 46 11 2 0 107
Seldom 48 35 13 3 1 193
Never 26 51 17 7 0 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 69 25 6 0 0 175
Mainline Protestant 41 41 11 8 0 92
Roman Catholic 51 28 15 5 1 164
No religion 30 49 17 5 0 236
Other religion 37 47 14 2 0 120
Very conservative 96 1 3 0 0 116
Somewhat conservative 79 11 8 1 1 182
Moderate 36 41 17 7 0 271
Somewhat liberal 4 75 18 3 0 129
Very liberal 2 77 16 5 0 92
voter registration status
Yes 45 38 13 4 0 790

P12: Trump classified documents

Do you believe Donald Trump had top secret and other classified material or national security documents at his home in Mar-a-Lago this summer?
Yes No n
Male 74 25 389
Female 69 31 390
Another gender 100 0 9
18-29 73 27 117
30-44 77 23 185
45-59 71 28 194
60+ 69 30 294
Less than HS 74 26 45
HS graduate 66 33 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 68 31 222
Bachelor's degree 76 24 139
Post grad study/professional degree 82 18 156
Less than $30k 76 24 165
$30k to less than $50k 71 29 118
$50k to less than $75k 73 27 149
$75k to less than $100k 63 36 120
$100k or more 75 24 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 48 52 352
Independent 76 23 79
Democrat 95 5 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 44 56 261
Independent 77 22 262
Democrat 95 5 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 44 56 261
Lean Republican 58 41 91
Independent 76 23 79
Lean Democrat 97 3 92
Democrat 95 5 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 40 60 166
Weak Republican 52 48 95
Lean Republican 58 41 91
Independent 76 23 79
Lean Democrat 97 3 92
Weak Democrat 91 9 100
Strong Democrat 97 3 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 82 18 151
Single, living with a partner 74 26 79
Married 70 30 430
Separated 71 29 13
Widowed 53 47 30
Divorced 71 29 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 65 34 505
Black Non-Hispanic 93 7 89
Hispanic 83 17 122
Other 77 22 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 69 30 52
Once a week 58 41 158
Once or twice a month 62 38 57
A few times a year 79 21 107
Seldom 75 25 193
Never 79 20 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 56 43 175
Mainline Protestant 81 19 92
Roman Catholic 72 28 164
No religion 81 19 236
Other religion 73 26 120
Very conservative 34 65 116
Somewhat conservative 56 43 182
Moderate 82 18 271
Somewhat liberal 89 11 129
Very liberal 97 3 92
voter registration status
Yes 72 28 790

P13: Trump Jan. 6th responsibility

How much responsibility, if any, should Donald Trump bear for the violence of some of his supporters in the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021?
A lot A little None at all n
Male 42 21 37 389
Female 52 21 27 390
Another gender 100 0 0 9
18-29 50 30 20 117
30-44 55 21 25 185
45-59 39 24 37 194
60+ 48 16 37 294
Less than HS 38 30 31 45
HS graduate 39 24 37 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 45 17 37 222
Bachelor's degree 49 26 25 139
Post grad study/professional degree 64 15 21 156
Less than $30k 51 25 23 165
$30k to less than $50k 49 19 32 118
$50k to less than $75k 55 18 26 149
$75k to less than $100k 35 17 48 120
$100k or more 46 22 32 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 9 27 63 352
Independent 44 30 26 79
Democrat 86 12 1 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 10 27 63 261
Independent 44 25 31 262
Democrat 88 10 1 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 10 27 63 261
Lean Republican 7 27 66 91
Independent 44 30 26 79
Lean Democrat 79 19 2 92
Democrat 88 10 1 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 6 19 75 166
Weak Republican 18 41 41 95
Lean Republican 7 27 66 91
Independent 44 30 26 79
Lean Democrat 79 19 2 92
Weak Democrat 75 22 2 100
Strong Democrat 96 3 1 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 64 22 13 151
Single, living with a partner 55 28 18 79
Married 41 18 42 430
Separated 46 19 35 13
Widowed 37 23 40 30
Divorced 50 27 22 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 37 22 41 505
Black Non-Hispanic 80 15 4 89
Hispanic 64 22 13 122
Other 57 23 20 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 47 17 37 52
Once a week 27 24 49 158
Once or twice a month 32 32 35 57
A few times a year 47 28 25 107
Seldom 48 21 32 193
Never 67 14 20 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 32 16 53 175
Mainline Protestant 43 27 30 92
Roman Catholic 38 31 31 164
No religion 65 15 20 236
Other religion 53 21 25 120
Very conservative 5 13 82 116
Somewhat conservative 14 33 53 182
Moderate 57 25 18 271
Somewhat liberal 82 15 4 129
Very liberal 91 4 4 92
voter registration status
Yes 48 21 32 790

P14: Jan. 6th committee evidence

Has the House Select Committee on January 6th presented convincing evidence that Donald Trump sought to prevent or delay certification of the results of the 2020 presidential election or has the evidence not been convincing?
Has been convincing Has not been convincing n
Male 49 50 389
Female 55 44 390
Another gender 45 55 9
18-29 54 46 117
30-44 62 38 185
45-59 47 53 194
60+ 49 50 294
Less than HS 41 59 45
HS graduate 42 57 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 51 49 222
Bachelor's degree 58 42 139
Post grad study/professional degree 68 32 156
Less than $30k 54 46 165
$30k to less than $50k 55 45 118
$50k to less than $75k 53 46 149
$75k to less than $100k 40 60 120
$100k or more 56 44 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 18 82 352
Independent 47 52 79
Democrat 87 13 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 19 81 261
Independent 48 52 262
Democrat 90 10 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 19 81 261
Lean Republican 17 83 91
Independent 47 52 79
Lean Democrat 79 21 92
Democrat 90 10 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 14 86 166
Weak Republican 26 74 95
Lean Republican 17 83 91
Independent 47 52 79
Lean Democrat 79 21 92
Weak Democrat 83 17 100
Strong Democrat 94 6 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 68 32 151
Single, living with a partner 60 40 79
Married 46 53 430
Separated 53 45 13
Widowed 35 64 30
Divorced 54 46 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 43 57 505
Black Non-Hispanic 82 18 89
Hispanic 68 32 122
Other 61 39 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 49 50 52
Once a week 36 63 158
Once or twice a month 45 55 57
A few times a year 56 44 107
Seldom 54 46 193
Never 63 37 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 36 63 175
Mainline Protestant 51 49 92
Roman Catholic 48 52 164
No religion 65 35 236
Other religion 59 41 120
Very conservative 9 91 116
Somewhat conservative 29 70 182
Moderate 62 38 271
Somewhat liberal 79 21 129
Very liberal 87 13 92
voter registration status
Yes 52 48 790

P15: Fav/Unfav - Black Lives Matter Movement

Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of the Black Lives Matter movement or haven’t you heard enough yet to have an opinion?
Favorable opinion Unfavorable opinion Haven't heard enough n
Male 31 58 11 389
Female 47 39 14 390
Another gender 87 5 7 9
18-29 56 29 15 117
30-44 47 38 15 185
45-59 31 57 11 194
60+ 33 56 11 294
Less than HS 41 35 24 45
HS graduate 32 54 14 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 37 53 10 222
Bachelor's degree 40 50 10 139
Post grad study/professional degree 54 36 10 156
Less than $30k 45 42 13 165
$30k to less than $50k 43 44 13 118
$50k to less than $75k 47 37 16 149
$75k to less than $100k 23 67 9 120
$100k or more 38 51 11 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 8 84 8 352
Independent 44 34 21 79
Democrat 69 16 15 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 7 86 7 261
Independent 37 44 18 262
Democrat 73 14 13 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 7 86 7 261
Lean Republican 12 78 10 91
Independent 44 34 21 79
Lean Democrat 56 20 22 92
Democrat 73 14 13 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 3 93 4 166
Weak Republican 14 76 11 95
Lean Republican 12 78 10 91
Independent 44 34 21 79
Lean Democrat 56 20 22 92
Weak Democrat 65 23 13 100
Strong Democrat 79 9 12 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 56 32 12 151
Single, living with a partner 51 31 17 79
Married 33 55 12 430
Separated 35 55 10 13
Widowed 26 54 19 30
Divorced 39 52 9 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 29 57 13 505
Black Non-Hispanic 71 11 17 89
Hispanic 57 37 6 122
Other 45 45 10 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 28 55 17 52
Once a week 27 63 10 158
Once or twice a month 35 55 10 57
A few times a year 52 41 7 107
Seldom 38 49 13 193
Never 48 37 15 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 26 65 9 175
Mainline Protestant 38 45 17 92
Roman Catholic 33 55 12 164
No religion 51 37 12 236
Other religion 46 38 16 120
Very conservative 3 92 5 116
Somewhat conservative 11 80 9 182
Moderate 44 37 19 271
Somewhat liberal 67 17 16 129
Very liberal 90 5 5 92
voter registration status
Yes 39 48 12 790

P16: Racism in America today

How much of a problem do you think racism is in the country today?
A very big problem A moderately big problem A small problem Not a problem at all n
Male 30 35 26 8 389
Female 38 38 20 4 390
Another gender 93 7 0 0 9
18-29 44 34 17 6 117
30-44 41 39 14 6 185
45-59 29 42 21 6 194
60+ 30 32 32 6 294
Less than HS 52 19 17 12 45
HS graduate 28 35 30 6 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 35 37 22 6 222
Bachelor's degree 33 41 17 7 139
Post grad study/professional degree 40 37 20 3 156
Less than $30k 44 30 20 6 165
$30k to less than $50k 36 37 22 5 118
$50k to less than $75k 36 36 23 5 149
$75k to less than $100k 22 40 26 9 120
$100k or more 31 39 24 5 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 15 34 40 10 352
Independent 34 42 21 3 79
Democrat 54 37 7 3 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 15 36 38 9 261
Independent 33 37 23 7 262
Democrat 55 36 7 2 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 15 36 38 9 261
Lean Republican 15 29 43 13 91
Independent 34 42 21 3 79
Lean Democrat 51 40 6 4 92
Democrat 55 36 7 2 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 14 30 44 12 166
Weak Republican 17 48 28 3 95
Lean Republican 15 29 43 13 91
Independent 34 42 21 3 79
Lean Democrat 51 40 6 4 92
Weak Democrat 43 43 11 3 100
Strong Democrat 62 31 5 2 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 47 36 11 6 151
Single, living with a partner 42 34 20 5 79
Married 29 36 27 7 430
Separated 31 34 32 2 13
Widowed 30 40 30 0 30
Divorced 34 38 23 5 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 26 38 30 6 505
Black Non-Hispanic 61 28 4 7 89
Hispanic 49 35 11 5 122
Other 40 36 13 5 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 35 48 14 3 52
Once a week 22 31 36 9 158
Once or twice a month 26 41 22 11 57
A few times a year 40 37 18 6 107
Seldom 32 38 25 5 193
Never 44 35 17 4 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 23 36 30 11 175
Mainline Protestant 36 27 30 7 92
Roman Catholic 30 42 23 5 164
No religion 44 34 17 5 236
Other religion 37 41 16 3 120
Very conservative 15 24 40 21 116
Somewhat conservative 16 38 39 5 182
Moderate 34 43 19 4 271
Somewhat liberal 48 42 8 2 129
Very liberal 76 21 2 1 92
voter registration status
Yes 34 36 23 6 790

X1: Trust in government

How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right?...Just about always, most of the time, only some of the time, never?
Just about always Most of the time Only some of the time Never n
Male 0 20 59 20 389
Female 1 24 62 13 390
Another gender 0 8 49 43 9
18-29 1 12 67 20 117
30-44 0 18 64 17 185
45-59 1 23 59 17 194
60+ 0 28 57 15 294
Less than HS 0 33 41 26 45
HS graduate 1 23 55 21 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 0 20 63 17 222
Bachelor's degree 1 17 67 15 139
Post grad study/professional degree 0 26 64 10 156
Less than $30k 2 31 50 17 165
$30k to less than $50k 1 29 56 14 118
$50k to less than $75k 0 18 67 15 149
$75k to less than $100k 0 13 64 23 120
$100k or more 0 20 65 15 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 0 12 61 26 352
Independent 0 12 60 28 79
Democrat 1 33 60 6 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 1 15 63 21 261
Independent 0 10 65 25 262
Democrat 1 41 54 5 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 1 15 63 21 261
Lean Republican 0 6 56 38 91
Independent 0 12 60 28 79
Lean Democrat 0 12 78 10 92
Democrat 1 41 54 5 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 1 13 60 26 166
Weak Republican 0 18 68 13 95
Lean Republican 0 6 56 38 91
Independent 0 12 60 28 79
Lean Democrat 0 12 78 10 92
Weak Democrat 0 34 61 5 100
Strong Democrat 2 44 49 4 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 0 23 59 17 151
Single, living with a partner 2 16 69 13 79
Married 0 20 61 19 430
Separated 0 43 47 10 13
Widowed 0 27 64 8 30
Divorced 2 29 55 14 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 0 17 64 19 505
Black Non-Hispanic 2 38 54 6 89
Hispanic 2 25 57 16 122
Other 0 37 51 12 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 3 12 73 12 52
Once a week 1 24 58 17 158
Once or twice a month 1 36 38 25 57
A few times a year 1 25 58 16 107
Seldom 0 22 63 15 193
Never 0 18 64 18 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 1 20 61 18 175
Mainline Protestant 0 26 55 19 92
Roman Catholic 1 23 61 15 164
No religion 0 19 64 17 236
Other religion 1 28 58 14 120
Very conservative 1 5 55 39 116
Somewhat conservative 1 20 63 16 182
Moderate 1 28 57 14 271
Somewhat liberal 0 30 64 6 129
Very liberal 0 18 66 16 92
voter registration status
Yes 1 22 60 17 790

X2: Trust in others

Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or most people can't be trusted?
Most people can be trusted Most people can't be trusted n
Male 66 34 389
Female 59 41 390
Another gender 38 62 9
18-29 35 65 117
30-44 55 45 185
45-59 55 45 194
60+ 82 18 294
Less than HS 40 60 45
HS graduate 59 41 226
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 61 39 222
Bachelor's degree 61 39 139
Post grad study/professional degree 77 23 156
Less than $30k 46 54 165
$30k to less than $50k 64 36 118
$50k to less than $75k 68 32 149
$75k to less than $100k 69 31 120
$100k or more 67 33 235
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 64 36 352
Independent 42 58 79
Democrat 65 35 358
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 65 35 261
Independent 55 45 262
Democrat 67 33 266
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 65 35 261
Lean Republican 60 40 91
Independent 42 58 79
Lean Democrat 61 39 92
Democrat 67 33 266
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 62 38 166
Weak Republican 71 29 95
Lean Republican 60 40 91
Independent 42 58 79
Lean Democrat 61 39 92
Weak Democrat 57 43 100
Strong Democrat 72 28 166
marital status
Single, that is never married 44 56 151
Single, living with a partner 59 41 79
Married 69 31 430
Separated 60 40 13
Widowed 73 27 30
Divorced 62 38 87
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 67 33 505
Black Non-Hispanic 52 48 89
Hispanic 53 47 122
Other 57 43 63
religious service attendance
More than once a week 60 40 52
Once a week 71 29 158
Once or twice a month 46 54 57
A few times a year 62 38 107
Seldom 66 34 193
Never 58 42 223
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 62 38 175
Mainline Protestant 58 42 92
Roman Catholic 61 39 164
No religion 61 39 236
Other religion 72 28 120
Very conservative 60 40 116
Somewhat conservative 64 36 182
Moderate 63 37 271
Somewhat liberal 65 35 129
Very liberal 56 44 92
voter registration status
Yes 62 38 790