Marquette Law School Poll: October 26 - November 2, 2023

Registered voters

This file contains registered voter crosstabulations of each non-demographic question with variables for sex, age, education, income, party identification with leaning independents, party identification without leaners, marital status, race and ethnicity, religious service attendance, religious affiliation, born again or evangelical identification, political ideology, and region of the state. To calculate the numeric size of a response, multiply the percent by the subsample size, indicated in the “n” column. Statistics for very small samples (such as “Don’t Know” responses) have very high margins of error and should be disregarded.

A1: Follow politics

Some people seem to follow what's going on in politics most of the time, whether there's an election going on or not. Others aren't that interested. Would you say you follow what's going on in politics most of the time, some of the time, only now and then, or hardly at all?
Most of the time Some of the time Only now and then Hardly at all Don't know n
Man 69 22 7 2 0 444
Woman 51 32 13 4 0 458
Some other way 100 0 0 0 0 6
18-29 39 33 21 7 0 132
30-44 50 34 17 0 0 211
45-59 63 28 5 4 0 214
60+ 72 20 5 3 0 351
Not HS 32 36 32 0 0 21
HS 51 31 13 5 0 243
Some Coll 68 23 6 3 0 178
AA 51 31 13 5 0 115
BA+ 67 24 7 2 0 350
Under $40k 44 37 16 4 0 199
$40k to $74k 66 23 7 4 0 215
$75k up 65 26 8 2 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 61 26 8 5 0 270
Independent 60 27 10 3 0 377
Democrat 60 27 11 2 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 63 26 7 3 0 402
Independent 43 29 22 6 0 118
Democrat 62 28 9 2 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 61 26 8 5 0 270
Lean Rep 69 25 5 0 0 132
Ind 43 29 22 6 0 118
Lean Dem 66 28 4 2 0 127
Dem 60 27 11 2 0 259
marital status
Married 64 23 10 3 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 62 32 4 2 0 170
Never Married 44 35 17 4 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 61 27 9 3 0 782
Black 23 52 25 0 0 42
Hispanic 50 24 16 10 0 32
Other 70 14 15 1 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 54 25 7 14 0 42
1/week 65 24 8 4 0 152
1-2 month 56 25 17 2 0 92
few times a year 62 27 10 1 0 150
Seldom 64 25 10 2 0 196
Never 56 31 9 4 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 59 28 8 4 0 134
Mainline Protestant 59 30 9 2 0 253
Roman Catholic 63 20 11 6 0 237
No religion 60 30 10 1 0 226
Other religion 40 35 22 3 0 45
Very conservative 63 18 11 9 0 103
Conservative 64 26 6 4 0 245
Moderate 51 32 15 2 0 295
Liberal 65 27 7 1 0 170
Very liberal 67 23 10 0 0 90
Don't know 46 54 0 0 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 58 35 7 0 0 51
another household member 70 26 5 0 0 38
nobody in household 60 27 10 3 0 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 58 26 16 0 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 63 26 5 6 0 225
Madison media market 68 23 6 3 0 165
Green Bay media market 56 27 14 2 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 54 32 10 3 0 205

A2: Chances will vote in 2024

What are the chances that you will vote in the November 2024 general election for president, Congress, and other offices -- are you absolutely certain to vote, very likely to vote, are the chances 50-50, or don't you think you will vote?
Absolutely certain Very likely 50-50 Will not vote n
Man 85 11 4 0 444
Woman 80 10 9 0 458
Some other way 100 0 0 0 6
18-29 71 16 13 0 132
30-44 77 12 10 1 211
45-59 88 11 1 0 214
60+ 88 7 5 0 351
Not HS 49 32 19 0 21
HS 73 9 18 0 243
Some Coll 88 10 1 1 178
AA 83 14 2 0 115
BA+ 89 9 2 0 350
Under $40k 65 16 19 1 199
$40k to $74k 79 12 8 0 215
$75k up 91 8 1 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 92 4 4 0 270
Independent 77 15 7 0 377
Democrat 82 10 8 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 89 7 4 0 402
Independent 57 27 15 0 118
Democrat 85 8 6 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 92 4 4 0 270
Lean Rep 82 14 4 0 132
Ind 57 27 15 0 118
Lean Dem 91 5 3 0 127
Dem 82 10 8 1 259
marital status
Married 86 9 5 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 86 10 3 0 170
Never Married 70 17 13 1 176
race and ethnicity
White 85 10 5 0 782
Black 49 8 41 2 42
Hispanic 82 18 0 0 32
Other 80 20 0 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 88 6 6 0 42
1/week 88 11 0 0 152
1-2 month 82 10 8 0 92
few times a year 83 14 3 0 150
Seldom 82 10 7 1 196
Never 80 9 11 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 83 13 4 0 134
Mainline Protestant 83 12 5 0 253
Roman Catholic 83 11 5 0 237
No religion 82 8 10 0 226
Other religion 78 10 12 0 45
Very conservative 88 6 5 0 103
Conservative 87 9 4 0 245
Moderate 74 17 9 0 295
Liberal 89 5 6 0 170
Very liberal 85 10 4 0 90
Don't know 45 9 46 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 87 11 2 0 51
another household member 90 10 0 0 38
nobody in household 82 10 7 0 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 82 12 6 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 83 11 6 0 225
Madison media market 91 6 3 0 165
Green Bay media market 74 16 10 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 84 8 8 0 205

A3: Enthusiasm about voting

How enthusiastic are you about voting in the elections in November 2024 for president and other offices? Would you say you are very, somewhat, not too, or not at all enthusiastic?
Very enthusiastic Somewhat enthusiastic Not too enthusiastic Not at all enthusiastic Don't know n
Man 48 26 18 6 2 444
Woman 44 30 20 6 0 458
Some other way 27 71 0 2 0 6
18-29 29 28 38 5 0 132
30-44 30 35 24 9 2 211
45-59 51 30 14 3 2 214
60+ 58 23 12 6 0 351
Not HS 0 81 19 0 0 21
HS 48 26 19 6 1 243
Some Coll 55 17 21 8 0 178
AA 35 40 22 2 0 115
BA+ 46 29 18 7 1 350
Under $40k 44 31 19 7 0 199
$40k to $74k 50 26 21 3 0 215
$75k up 45 29 19 6 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 55 29 13 2 1 270
Independent 41 26 23 9 1 377
Democrat 44 30 20 4 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 53 27 13 5 1 402
Independent 34 28 26 12 0 118
Democrat 42 29 23 5 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 55 29 13 2 1 270
Lean Rep 51 24 14 9 2 132
Ind 34 28 26 12 0 118
Lean Dem 37 27 29 7 0 127
Dem 44 30 20 4 1 259
marital status
Married 50 28 15 6 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 48 27 17 8 0 170
Never Married 30 32 33 5 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 48 29 18 4 1 782
Black 22 30 32 15 0 42
Hispanic 27 17 40 16 0 32
Other 55 22 15 8 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 29 44 16 7 5 42
1/week 54 28 16 2 0 152
1-2 month 46 36 15 3 0 92
few times a year 45 28 17 7 2 150
Seldom 54 23 14 9 0 196
Never 39 28 27 6 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 55 30 12 4 0 134
Mainline Protestant 49 28 16 6 1 253
Roman Catholic 49 31 17 3 0 237
No religion 39 26 26 7 2 226
Other religion 33 30 29 8 0 45
Very conservative 73 23 2 1 0 103
Conservative 49 28 15 6 2 245
Moderate 35 33 26 6 0 295
Liberal 48 25 19 8 1 170
Very liberal 36 28 30 6 0 90
Don't know 45 32 0 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 55 29 10 6 0 51
another household member 36 33 22 9 0 38
nobody in household 46 28 19 6 1 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 46 25 21 8 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 46 32 19 3 0 225
Madison media market 49 27 18 7 0 165
Green Bay media market 46 24 23 7 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 44 31 15 7 2 205

B1: Biden’s overall job

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
Approve Disapprove Don't know n
Man 37 62 1 444
Woman 48 52 0 458
Some other way 27 73 0 6
18-29 44 56 0 132
30-44 39 59 0 211
45-59 36 62 2 214
60+ 47 52 0 351
Not HS 43 57 0 21
HS 41 57 1 243
Some Coll 36 61 0 178
AA 30 69 0 115
BA+ 50 50 0 350
Under $40k 47 53 0 199
$40k to $74k 39 59 2 215
$75k up 44 56 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 5 95 0 270
Independent 42 56 1 377
Democrat 82 18 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 7 92 1 402
Independent 38 62 0 118
Democrat 80 18 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 5 95 0 270
Lean Rep 10 87 3 132
Ind 38 62 0 118
Lean Dem 77 19 0 127
Dem 82 18 0 259
marital status
Married 40 59 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 43 55 2 170
Never Married 50 50 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 42 57 0 782
Black 68 31 1 42
Hispanic 27 73 0 32
Other 36 64 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 20 80 0 42
1/week 20 80 0 152
1-2 month 36 64 0 92
few times a year 33 65 2 150
Seldom 50 49 0 196
Never 59 39 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 23 77 0 134
Mainline Protestant 39 61 0 253
Roman Catholic 38 61 2 237
No religion 63 37 0 226
Other religion 45 54 1 45
Very conservative 10 90 0 103
Conservative 9 91 0 245
Moderate 51 47 1 295
Liberal 81 19 0 170
Very liberal 67 33 0 90
Don't know 77 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 48 52 0 51
another household member 25 75 0 38
nobody in household 43 56 1 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 52 48 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 36 63 0 225
Madison media market 57 43 0 165
Green Bay media market 35 64 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 37 62 0 205

B1: Biden’s overall job (4-cat)

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Don't know n
Man 15 22 11 50 1 444
Woman 20 28 13 39 0 458
Some other way 27 0 71 2 0 6
18-29 4 39 26 31 0 132
30-44 10 29 14 45 0 211
45-59 16 20 10 52 2 214
60+ 27 20 8 44 0 351
Not HS 30 13 0 57 0 21
HS 14 28 13 44 1 243
Some Coll 11 25 12 49 0 178
AA 11 19 18 52 0 115
BA+ 24 26 11 40 0 350
Under $40k 18 29 16 37 0 199
$40k to $74k 15 24 12 47 2 215
$75k up 19 26 11 45 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 1 4 10 85 0 270
Independent 13 28 15 41 1 377
Democrat 40 42 10 7 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 1 6 9 83 1 402
Independent 10 28 21 41 0 118
Democrat 37 44 13 5 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 1 4 10 85 0 270
Lean Rep 0 10 8 79 3 132
Ind 10 28 21 41 0 118
Lean Dem 30 48 18 2 0 127
Dem 40 42 10 7 0 259
marital status
Married 18 22 9 50 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 18 26 11 44 2 170
Never Married 14 35 24 27 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 18 24 12 45 0 782
Black 19 48 16 15 1 42
Hispanic 2 25 7 67 0 32
Other 14 21 20 45 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 3 17 10 70 0 42
1/week 6 14 15 65 0 152
1-2 month 11 25 9 55 0 92
few times a year 10 22 11 54 2 150
Seldom 25 25 14 35 0 196
Never 26 34 12 27 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 3 20 7 70 0 134
Mainline Protestant 18 21 11 50 0 253
Roman Catholic 18 20 13 47 2 237
No religion 23 40 15 22 0 226
Other religion 23 21 16 38 1 45
Very conservative 2 8 1 90 0 103
Conservative 1 9 8 83 0 245
Moderate 19 32 19 27 1 295
Liberal 41 40 10 9 0 170
Very liberal 29 38 21 12 0 90
Don't know 23 54 0 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 20 28 8 44 0 51
another household member 6 19 21 54 0 38
nobody in household 18 25 12 44 1 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 22 30 11 37 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 14 21 12 50 0 225
Madison media market 25 32 16 27 0 165
Green Bay media market 13 21 12 52 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 14 24 11 51 0 205

B2: Evers’ overall job

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Tony Evers is handling his job as Governor of Wisconsin?
Approve Disapprove Don't know n
Man 47 52 2 444
Woman 58 40 2 458
Some other way 98 2 0 6
18-29 58 39 3 132
30-44 52 45 2 211
45-59 46 51 2 214
60+ 54 45 1 351
Not HS 43 57 0 21
HS 51 47 3 243
Some Coll 50 50 0 178
AA 42 53 5 115
BA+ 59 40 1 350
Under $40k 57 41 2 199
$40k to $74k 51 47 2 215
$75k up 52 46 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 12 87 1 270
Independent 55 42 3 377
Democrat 91 8 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 16 82 2 402
Independent 52 45 3 118
Democrat 91 8 1 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 12 87 1 270
Lean Rep 24 73 4 132
Ind 52 45 3 118
Lean Dem 91 7 2 127
Dem 91 8 1 259
marital status
Married 48 51 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 53 45 2 170
Never Married 67 30 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 51 47 2 782
Black 81 19 0 42
Hispanic 32 59 9 32
Other 59 41 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 20 79 1 42
1/week 30 68 2 152
1-2 month 41 59 0 92
few times a year 45 53 2 150
Seldom 62 37 1 196
Never 71 26 3 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 27 73 0 134
Mainline Protestant 50 50 0 253
Roman Catholic 44 51 4 237
No religion 74 23 3 226
Other religion 64 36 0 45
Very conservative 10 89 0 103
Conservative 20 80 1 245
Moderate 62 35 3 295
Liberal 93 7 0 170
Very liberal 84 11 5 90
Don't know 77 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 52 48 0 51
another household member 38 58 4 38
nobody in household 53 45 2 817
Don't know 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 60 38 2 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 42 56 2 225
Madison media market 74 26 0 165
Green Bay media market 48 50 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 46 51 3 205

B2: Evers’ overall job (4-cat)

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way Tony Evers is handling his job as Governor of Wisconsin?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Don't know n
Man 29 18 19 33 2 444
Woman 34 24 19 21 2 458
Some other way 98 0 2 0 0 6
18-29 24 34 24 15 3 132
30-44 27 25 18 27 2 211
45-59 28 18 17 34 2 214
60+ 39 15 18 26 1 351
Not HS 30 13 38 19 0 21
HS 27 24 23 24 3 243
Some Coll 34 16 19 30 0 178
AA 17 25 21 32 5 115
BA+ 39 21 14 25 1 350
Under $40k 33 24 23 19 2 199
$40k to $74k 28 23 18 29 2 215
$75k up 34 19 16 29 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 1 11 32 55 1 270
Independent 30 25 19 23 3 377
Democrat 67 25 6 2 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 2 14 30 52 2 402
Independent 24 28 25 20 3 118
Democrat 65 26 6 2 1 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 1 11 32 55 1 270
Lean Rep 4 19 26 47 4 132
Ind 24 28 25 20 3 118
Lean Dem 63 28 5 1 2 127
Dem 67 25 6 2 1 259
marital status
Married 29 19 19 32 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 36 17 22 23 2 170
Never Married 35 33 17 13 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 33 19 19 28 2 782
Black 33 48 10 10 0 42
Hispanic 8 23 46 13 9 32
Other 34 25 15 26 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 5 15 29 50 1 42
1/week 16 14 23 45 2 152
1-2 month 19 23 20 39 0 92
few times a year 23 22 24 28 2 150
Seldom 42 20 17 20 1 196
Never 46 25 13 13 3 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 13 14 22 51 0 134
Mainline Protestant 32 18 20 30 0 253
Roman Catholic 25 20 21 30 4 237
No religion 47 27 12 11 3 226
Other religion 33 31 30 6 0 45
Very conservative 6 4 21 68 0 103
Conservative 3 17 26 54 1 245
Moderate 34 28 24 10 3 295
Liberal 66 26 6 1 0 170
Very liberal 67 17 3 7 5 90
Don't know 68 9 0 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 40 11 20 28 0 51
another household member 38 0 4 54 4 38
nobody in household 31 22 20 25 2 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 37 23 18 20 2 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 28 13 19 37 2 225
Madison media market 47 27 6 20 0 165
Green Bay media market 24 24 23 27 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 26 20 26 24 3 205

B3: Legislature’s overall job

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way the Wisconsin legislature is handling its job?
Approve Disapprove Don't know n
Man 37 61 2 444
Woman 43 52 4 458
Some other way 0 100 0 6
18-29 37 59 4 132
30-44 39 59 3 211
45-59 42 57 2 214
60+ 41 55 4 351
Not HS 0 81 19 21
HS 47 51 1 243
Some Coll 41 56 3 178
AA 47 47 6 115
BA+ 35 63 2 350
Under $40k 39 57 4 199
$40k to $74k 51 48 0 215
$75k up 34 62 4 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 51 43 6 270
Independent 42 56 2 377
Democrat 25 73 2 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 53 42 4 402
Independent 41 56 3 118
Democrat 26 73 2 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 51 43 6 270
Lean Rep 58 41 2 132
Ind 41 56 3 118
Lean Dem 27 71 1 127
Dem 25 73 2 259
marital status
Married 42 55 2 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 37 57 6 170
Never Married 35 62 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 39 57 4 782
Black 48 52 0 42
Hispanic 45 55 0 32
Other 33 67 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 36 61 2 42
1/week 54 43 3 152
1-2 month 45 52 3 92
few times a year 43 53 4 150
Seldom 41 57 2 196
Never 28 68 4 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 44 50 7 134
Mainline Protestant 42 58 1 253
Roman Catholic 48 48 4 237
No religion 29 69 2 226
Other religion 33 60 7 45
Very conservative 56 37 7 103
Conservative 56 40 3 245
Moderate 40 58 3 295
Liberal 19 80 1 170
Very liberal 17 80 3 90
Don't know 32 68 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 35 62 3 51
another household member 32 64 4 38
nobody in household 41 56 3 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 35 64 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 43 52 5 225
Madison media market 24 74 2 165
Green Bay media market 49 50 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 45 49 5 205

B3: Legislature’ overall job (4-cat)

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way the Wisconsin legislature is handling its job?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Don't know n
Man 4 33 36 26 2 444
Woman 5 38 29 24 4 458
Some other way 0 0 7 93 0 6
18-29 0 37 36 23 4 132
30-44 5 34 35 24 3 211
45-59 5 37 28 29 2 214
60+ 5 36 31 24 4 351
Not HS 0 0 49 32 19 21
HS 5 43 36 15 1 243
Some Coll 6 35 29 28 3 178
AA 5 42 31 16 6 115
BA+ 3 31 30 33 2 350
Under $40k 4 34 39 18 4 199
$40k to $74k 7 45 27 21 0 215
$75k up 4 31 33 29 4 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 7 44 34 9 6 270
Independent 4 38 32 24 2 377
Democrat 2 23 31 43 2 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 8 45 35 8 4 402
Independent 2 39 31 25 3 118
Democrat 2 24 30 43 2 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 7 44 34 9 6 270
Lean Rep 10 48 36 5 2 132
Ind 2 39 31 25 3 118
Lean Dem 0 27 28 44 1 127
Dem 2 23 31 43 2 259
marital status
Married 6 37 29 26 2 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 1 36 37 20 6 170
Never Married 3 32 35 27 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 5 35 32 25 4 782
Black 2 45 27 26 0 42
Hispanic 2 43 48 7 0 32
Other 0 33 36 31 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 10 26 44 17 2 42
1/week 10 45 32 11 3 152
1-2 month 3 42 20 32 3 92
few times a year 4 39 34 19 4 150
Seldom 4 37 27 30 2 196
Never 1 27 36 32 4 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 6 37 37 12 7 134
Mainline Protestant 3 38 31 27 1 253
Roman Catholic 6 42 30 18 4 237
No religion 2 27 33 36 2 226
Other religion 2 31 37 24 7 45
Very conservative 12 44 31 6 7 103
Conservative 8 48 29 11 3 245
Moderate 1 39 36 22 3 295
Liberal 1 18 30 49 1 170
Very liberal 1 16 29 51 3 90
Don't know 23 9 68 0 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 9 26 43 19 3 51
another household member 4 27 62 2 4 38
nobody in household 4 37 30 26 3 817
Don't know 0 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 1 34 36 28 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 5 38 32 20 5 225
Madison media market 4 19 28 46 2 165
Green Bay media market 4 45 30 20 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 6 40 34 16 5 205

B4: State Supreme Court’s job

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way the Wisconsin state Supreme Court is handling its job?
Approve Disapprove Don't know n
Man 50 44 5 444
Woman 52 43 4 458
Some other way 27 73 0 6
18-29 48 48 4 132
30-44 47 46 4 211
45-59 59 36 3 214
60+ 49 44 6 351
Not HS 32 68 0 21
HS 52 43 4 243
Some Coll 45 49 4 178
AA 49 42 8 115
BA+ 55 40 5 350
Under $40k 49 47 4 199
$40k to $74k 57 41 2 215
$75k up 49 45 6 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 39 55 5 270
Independent 53 39 6 377
Democrat 59 38 2 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 38 55 6 402
Independent 54 38 6 118
Democrat 63 33 3 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 39 55 5 270
Lean Rep 37 56 7 132
Ind 54 38 6 118
Lean Dem 70 22 5 127
Dem 59 38 2 259
marital status
Married 52 41 5 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 50 47 3 170
Never Married 47 47 4 176
race and ethnicity
White 50 43 5 782
Black 47 50 3 42
Hispanic 63 37 0 32
Other 51 49 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 38 56 6 42
1/week 43 51 6 152
1-2 month 48 44 7 92
few times a year 55 41 5 150
Seldom 58 38 3 196
Never 51 42 4 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 40 54 6 134
Mainline Protestant 53 45 2 253
Roman Catholic 51 42 5 237
No religion 52 41 6 226
Other religion 63 28 8 45
Very conservative 33 57 9 103
Conservative 40 52 7 245
Moderate 59 37 3 295
Liberal 62 35 2 170
Very liberal 50 43 4 90
Don't know 77 0 23 4
labor union membership
respondent 41 52 7 51
another household member 35 57 4 38
nobody in household 52 42 5 817
Don't know 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 53 46 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 46 47 5 225
Madison media market 55 40 5 165
Green Bay media market 49 44 6 171
Rest of north & west of state 53 39 6 205

B4: State Supreme Court’ job (4-cat)

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way the Wisconsin state Supreme Court is handling its job?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Don't know n
Man 8 42 33 11 5 444
Woman 7 45 27 16 4 458
Some other way 0 27 73 0 0 6
18-29 8 40 35 13 4 132
30-44 4 44 32 14 4 211
45-59 8 51 25 11 3 214
60+ 9 40 31 14 6 351
Not HS 0 32 49 19 0 21
HS 7 45 29 14 4 243
Some Coll 9 36 34 15 4 178
AA 8 40 31 11 8 115
BA+ 7 49 27 12 5 350
Under $40k 9 40 28 19 4 199
$40k to $74k 4 53 29 11 2 215
$75k up 9 40 33 12 6 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 3 37 39 15 5 270
Independent 6 47 26 13 6 377
Democrat 13 46 26 11 2 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 2 36 38 17 6 402
Independent 5 49 25 13 6 118
Democrat 13 50 23 10 3 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 3 37 39 15 5 270
Lean Rep 2 35 37 20 7 132
Ind 5 49 25 13 6 118
Lean Dem 12 58 16 6 5 127
Dem 13 46 26 11 2 259
marital status
Married 7 45 28 13 5 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 5 44 34 14 3 170
Never Married 9 38 32 15 4 176
race and ethnicity
White 7 44 30 13 5 782
Black 14 34 32 18 3 42
Hispanic 5 58 29 8 0 32
Other 14 37 35 14 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 12 26 49 8 6 42
1/week 6 37 35 16 6 152
1-2 month 3 46 26 18 7 92
few times a year 7 48 23 18 5 150
Seldom 10 48 25 13 3 196
Never 7 44 33 8 4 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 4 36 39 15 6 134
Mainline Protestant 5 47 28 17 2 253
Roman Catholic 7 44 31 12 5 237
No religion 8 44 30 11 6 226
Other religion 18 46 20 9 8 45
Very conservative 1 33 31 26 9 103
Conservative 3 37 37 15 7 245
Moderate 7 52 30 7 3 295
Liberal 15 48 20 15 2 170
Very liberal 10 40 30 13 4 90
Don't know 32 45 0 0 23 4
labor union membership
respondent 9 32 33 18 7 51
another household member 3 32 52 5 4 38
nobody in household 7 45 29 13 5 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 12 41 34 12 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 4 42 32 15 5 225
Madison media market 15 40 26 14 5 165
Green Bay media market 4 46 31 13 6 171
Rest of north & west of state 4 49 27 12 6 205

C1: 2024 GOP primary

Here are some candidates for the Republican presidential nomination. If the primary were today, whom would you vote for or haven’t you decided?
Doug Burgum Chris Christie Ron DeSantis Nikki Haley Asa Hutchinson Mike Pence Vivek Ramaswamy Tim Scott Donald Trump Haven't decided n
Man 2 2 19 15 0 3 4 1 35 19 228
Woman 0 1 15 5 0 2 3 1 43 31 174
18-29 0 6 15 4 0 4 0 0 19 52 43
30-44 0 1 28 11 0 5 6 0 39 11 91
45-59 0 0 15 9 0 1 4 2 44 26 106
60+ 2 1 14 13 0 3 2 1 40 23 161
Not HS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 4
HS 3 1 11 4 0 1 3 0 51 25 112
Some Coll 0 3 17 11 0 2 6 0 38 23 83
AA 0 0 11 11 0 2 0 0 52 24 56
BA+ 0 2 26 15 0 5 3 3 22 25 147
Under $40k 0 5 10 2 0 2 1 0 49 32 68
$40k to $74k 0 0 10 5 0 4 8 0 50 22 98
$75k up 2 1 22 17 0 2 2 2 30 23 213
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 1 1 20 7 0 4 3 2 40 21 270
Independent 0 2 12 17 0 0 3 0 35 30 132
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 1 1 18 11 0 3 3 1 38 24 402
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 1 1 20 7 0 4 3 2 40 21 270
Lean Rep 0 2 12 17 0 0 3 0 35 30 132
marital status
Married 1 1 23 12 0 2 4 1 36 20 280
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 0 1 5 7 0 2 1 0 52 32 78
Never Married 0 7 7 8 0 10 0 0 29 38 44
race and ethnicity
White 1 1 17 11 0 3 4 1 38 24 365
Black 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 1
Hispanic 0 0 11 17 0 0 0 0 38 34 14
Other 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 37 31 18
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 0 0 35 4 0 0 7 3 18 33 35
1/week 3 0 12 13 0 2 6 2 38 24 103
1-2 month 0 2 12 6 0 9 1 1 41 27 47
few times a year 0 3 16 9 0 3 2 0 40 26 80
Seldom 0 0 17 14 0 2 0 2 33 31 75
Never 0 2 23 11 0 1 3 0 51 8 63
religious preference
Born again Protestant 4 0 12 6 0 3 4 3 54 14 94
Mainline Protestant 0 1 17 13 0 2 5 0 32 29 113
Roman Catholic 0 3 19 8 0 4 1 1 32 32 133
No religion 0 1 23 14 0 0 5 0 42 15 44
Other religion 0 0 31 33 0 5 0 0 17 14 15
Very conservative 4 0 20 5 0 2 0 1 53 14 92
Conservative 0 0 18 14 0 3 5 1 37 22 205
Moderate 0 5 14 10 0 2 1 2 29 36 100
Liberal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 4
Very liberal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 1
Don't know 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 1
labor union membership
respondent 0 0 7 9 0 2 0 0 71 10 21
another household member 0 0 0 2 0 5 1 0 68 24 23
nobody in household 1 2 19 11 0 3 4 1 35 25 358
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 0 6 5 6 0 7 4 0 26 45 48
Rest of Milwaukee media market 0 0 21 13 0 1 3 0 37 24 132
Madison media market 8 3 15 28 0 0 0 0 35 13 43
Green Bay media market 0 0 22 5 0 6 7 4 33 22 80
Rest of north & west of state 0 0 17 6 0 1 1 0 52 22 99

C2: Trump vs. Biden

If the 2024 election for president were held today between [Former President Donald Trump, the Republican,] and [President Joe Biden, the Democrat,] would you vote for [Donald Trump] or for [Joe Biden] or haven’t you decided?
Donald Trump Joe Biden Haven't decided n
Man 46 41 11 444
Woman 39 48 13 458
Some other way 0 98 2 6
18-29 22 54 24 132
30-44 46 41 11 211
45-59 55 39 7 214
60+ 40 48 11 351
Not HS 38 43 19 21
HS 44 37 17 243
Some Coll 47 44 7 178
AA 52 33 14 115
BA+ 35 55 10 350
Under $40k 34 45 21 199
$40k to $74k 47 40 11 215
$75k up 42 48 9 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 85 3 11 270
Independent 39 46 14 377
Democrat 3 87 9 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 82 6 11 402
Independent 37 35 24 118
Democrat 2 88 9 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 85 3 11 270
Lean Rep 77 12 11 132
Ind 37 35 24 118
Lean Dem 0 90 9 127
Dem 3 87 9 259
marital status
Married 48 42 10 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 44 44 9 170
Never Married 23 56 21 176
race and ethnicity
White 43 45 11 782
Black 5 54 33 42
Hispanic 59 28 13 32
Other 45 46 9 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 68 14 18 42
1/week 65 23 13 152
1-2 month 41 37 20 92
few times a year 55 36 10 150
Seldom 37 53 7 196
Never 23 64 13 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 68 22 9 134
Mainline Protestant 46 40 14 253
Roman Catholic 47 37 15 237
No religion 19 71 10 226
Other religion 40 53 6 45
Very conservative 87 10 2 103
Conservative 78 11 9 245
Moderate 31 49 21 295
Liberal 5 86 7 170
Very liberal 1 89 10 90
Don't know 0 68 32 4
labor union membership
respondent 42 49 6 51
another household member 54 42 4 38
nobody in household 42 45 13 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 31 54 14 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 54 39 8 225
Madison media market 22 62 14 165
Green Bay media market 50 35 15 171
Rest of north & west of state 47 41 11 205

C2b: Trump vs. Biden, leaners

If you had to choose, would you vote for Biden or for Trump?
Definitely Trump Probably Trump Probably Biden Definitely Biden Don't know n
Man 5 44 34 4 9 50
Woman 6 36 44 7 5 59
Some other way 0 100 0 0 0 0
18-29 0 66 34 0 0 31
30-44 8 18 57 11 1 23
45-59 4 57 34 1 3 14
60+ 9 26 35 9 17 40
Not HS 0 100 0 0 0 4
HS 5 28 53 7 7 42
Some Coll 13 49 24 6 9 12
AA 9 42 17 15 17 16
BA+ 3 43 42 1 2 35
Under $40k 7 40 42 10 0 42
$40k to $74k 3 37 44 0 9 24
$75k up 6 42 35 5 10 40
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 12 46 33 0 9 29
Independent 2 39 38 8 8 55
Democrat 6 36 50 9 0 24
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 8 46 36 0 9 43
Independent 4 34 35 11 12 29
Democrat 4 37 47 9 0 36
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 12 46 33 0 9 29
Lean Rep 0 47 43 0 8 14
Ind 4 34 35 11 12 29
Lean Dem 0 41 41 10 0 12
Dem 6 36 50 9 0 24
marital status
Married 8 38 32 8 11 56
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 0 39 48 3 8 16
Never Married 4 43 46 3 0 37
race and ethnicity
White 5 38 40 5 8 87
Black 10 58 27 4 0 14
Hispanic 0 21 27 28 10 4
Other 0 30 70 0 0 4
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 1 36 13 0 36 7
1/week 11 50 29 1 4 19
1-2 month 8 58 23 6 4 18
few times a year 3 52 40 4 2 15
Seldom 11 34 35 0 20 13
Never 2 23 59 12 1 36
religious preference
Born again Protestant 0 60 23 0 7 12
Mainline Protestant 11 59 23 5 3 34
Roman Catholic 5 37 36 9 13 37
No religion 1 11 74 6 3 23
Other religion 13 0 68 0 0 3
Very conservative 28 72 0 0 0 2
Conservative 14 38 24 1 16 22
Moderate 4 44 39 8 6 62
Liberal 0 8 86 0 2 12
Very liberal 0 46 29 15 0 9
Don't know 0 72 28 0 0 1
labor union membership
respondent 0 70 30 0 0 3
another household member 35 0 65 0 0 2
nobody in household 5 39 39 6 7 104
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 7 47 41 3 0 20
Rest of Milwaukee media market 6 58 27 7 2 17
Madison media market 6 40 31 0 17 23
Green Bay media market 0 32 53 1 12 25
Rest of north & west of state 9 27 41 19 0 23

C2: Trump vs. Biden, w/leaners

2024 Trump vs Biden vote preference with leaners
Donald Trump Joe Biden Haven't decided/Neither n
Man 52 45 1 444
Woman 44 55 1 458
Some other way 2 98 0 6
18-29 38 62 0 132
30-44 49 49 1 211
45-59 59 41 0 214
60+ 44 53 2 351
Not HS 57 43 0 21
HS 50 48 1 243
Some Coll 52 46 1 178
AA 59 38 2 115
BA+ 40 59 1 350
Under $40k 44 56 0 199
$40k to $74k 52 45 2 215
$75k up 46 52 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 91 7 1 270
Independent 45 53 2 377
Democrat 7 93 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 88 10 1 402
Independent 47 47 4 118
Democrat 6 94 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 91 7 1 270
Lean Rep 82 17 1 132
Ind 47 47 4 118
Lean Dem 4 95 1 127
Dem 7 93 0 259
marital status
Married 52 46 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 48 49 1 170
Never Married 33 67 1 176
race and ethnicity
White 48 50 1 782
Black 28 65 0 42
Hispanic 62 35 3 32
Other 48 52 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 75 16 9 42
1/week 72 26 1 152
1-2 month 54 43 1 92
few times a year 60 40 0 150
Seldom 40 55 1 196
Never 26 74 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 73 24 2 134
Mainline Protestant 56 44 0 253
Roman Catholic 53 44 2 237
No religion 20 79 1 226
Other religion 41 58 1 45
Very conservative 90 10 0 103
Conservative 83 13 2 245
Moderate 40 58 1 295
Liberal 6 92 0 170
Very liberal 6 93 1 90
Don't know 23 77 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 46 51 0 51
another household member 55 45 0 38
nobody in household 48 50 1 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 39 61 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 58 41 0 225
Madison media market 29 66 3 165
Green Bay media market 55 43 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 51 47 0 205

C3: DeSantis vs. Biden

If the 2024 election for president were held today between [Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the Republican,] and [President Joe Biden, the Democrat,] would you vote for [Ron DeSantis] or for [Joe Biden] or haven’t you decided?
Ron DeSantis Joe Biden Haven't decided n
Man 49 40 11 444
Woman 35 45 19 458
Some other way 2 98 0 6
18-29 23 53 24 132
30-44 42 42 15 211
45-59 51 34 15 214
60+ 43 45 12 351
Not HS 19 43 38 21
HS 40 35 25 243
Some Coll 45 44 12 178
AA 49 34 16 115
BA+ 40 51 9 350
Under $40k 29 43 27 199
$40k to $74k 41 43 16 215
$75k up 46 44 10 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 83 2 15 270
Independent 39 41 20 377
Democrat 3 89 8 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 82 3 15 402
Independent 33 32 35 118
Democrat 3 88 9 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 83 2 15 270
Lean Rep 79 5 15 132
Ind 33 32 35 118
Lean Dem 1 86 12 127
Dem 3 89 8 259
marital status
Married 50 38 12 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 41 44 15 170
Never Married 17 58 25 176
race and ethnicity
White 43 43 14 782
Black 13 65 22 42
Hispanic 46 19 34 32
Other 31 46 23 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 72 14 14 42
1/week 61 19 20 152
1-2 month 48 34 16 92
few times a year 48 34 19 150
Seldom 36 48 16 196
Never 24 66 10 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 68 17 13 134
Mainline Protestant 48 38 15 253
Roman Catholic 45 32 23 237
No religion 19 74 7 226
Other religion 30 44 26 45
Very conservative 95 2 3 103
Conservative 81 5 13 245
Moderate 26 46 28 295
Liberal 1 91 9 170
Very liberal 1 92 6 90
Don't know 23 68 9 4
labor union membership
respondent 38 47 12 51
another household member 52 42 6 38
nobody in household 42 43 16 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 30 53 17 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 54 33 13 225
Madison media market 26 61 13 165
Green Bay media market 44 34 21 171
Rest of north & west of state 47 40 13 205

C3b: DeSantis vs. Biden, leaners

If you had to choose, would you vote for Biden or for DeSantis?
Definitely DeSantis Probably DeSantis Probably Biden Don't know n
Man 1 63 25 9 49
Woman 11 40 39 10 88
18-29 0 44 56 0 32
30-44 21 49 30 1 32
45-59 10 44 30 16 32
60+ 0 55 24 19 42
Not HS 0 50 50 0 8
HS 7 45 42 5 60
Some Coll 25 53 18 4 21
AA 1 69 9 22 18
BA+ 1 39 41 17 31
Under $40k 7 44 43 6 54
$40k to $74k 16 61 23 0 35
$75k up 2 46 34 17 45
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 21 64 8 8 40
Independent 2 45 41 12 77
Democrat 0 35 65 0 20
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 14 48 28 10 60
Independent 4 67 15 15 41
Democrat 0 30 70 0 35
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 21 64 8 8 40
Lean Rep 0 18 67 15 20
Ind 4 67 15 15 41
Lean Dem 0 22 78 0 15
Dem 0 35 65 0 20
marital status
Married 9 60 18 12 68
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 14 19 49 19 25
Never Married 0 48 52 0 44
race and ethnicity
White 6 57 25 12 106
Black 0 15 85 0 9
Hispanic 0 44 47 4 11
Other 27 0 73 0 11
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 0 45 0 45 6
1/week 5 71 21 3 30
1-2 month 0 25 63 12 15
few times a year 0 58 37 5 28
Seldom 11 40 40 9 32
Never 17 37 33 13 27
religious preference
Born again Protestant 0 61 35 5 18
Mainline Protestant 9 51 41 0 37
Roman Catholic 0 53 30 16 54
No religion 24 30 26 20 17
Other religion 21 28 46 0 12
Very conservative 48 52 0 0 3
Conservative 1 55 21 23 31
Moderate 10 53 31 7 82
Liberal 0 27 68 1 15
Very liberal 0 12 88 0 5
Don't know 0 0 100 0 0
labor union membership
respondent 0 72 15 14 6
another household member 69 0 31 0 2
nobody in household 6 48 35 9 129
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 0 28 71 1 24
Rest of Milwaukee media market 26 43 22 9 30
Madison media market 1 17 59 21 22
Green Bay media market 1 76 21 3 35
Rest of north & west of state 6 63 14 17 27

C3: DeSantis vs. Biden, w/leaners

2024 DeSantis vs Biden vote preference with leaners
Ron DeSantis Joe Biden Haven't decided n
Man 56 43 1 444
Woman 45 53 2 458
Some other way 2 98 0 6
18-29 33 67 0 132
30-44 52 46 0 211
45-59 59 39 2 214
60+ 49 48 2 351
Not HS 38 62 0 21
HS 53 46 1 243
Some Coll 54 46 0 178
AA 60 35 3 115
BA+ 44 54 2 350
Under $40k 43 55 2 199
$40k to $74k 53 46 0 215
$75k up 51 47 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 95 3 1 270
Independent 48 49 2 377
Democrat 6 94 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 91 7 2 402
Independent 58 37 5 118
Democrat 5 94 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 95 3 1 270
Lean Rep 82 16 2 132
Ind 58 37 5 118
Lean Dem 4 95 0 127
Dem 6 94 0 259
marital status
Married 58 40 2 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 46 51 3 170
Never Married 29 71 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 52 46 2 782
Black 16 84 0 42
Hispanic 62 35 3 32
Other 37 63 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 79 14 8 42
1/week 77 23 1 152
1-2 month 52 44 2 92
few times a year 59 40 1 150
Seldom 44 54 1 196
Never 30 69 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 76 22 1 134
Mainline Protestant 56 44 0 253
Roman Catholic 57 39 4 237
No religion 23 76 1 226
Other religion 43 56 1 45
Very conservative 98 2 0 103
Conservative 89 8 3 245
Moderate 44 55 2 295
Liberal 3 97 0 170
Very liberal 1 98 0 90
Don't know 23 77 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 47 49 2 51
another household member 56 44 0 38
nobody in household 50 48 2 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 35 65 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 63 36 1 225
Madison media market 28 68 3 165
Green Bay media market 60 39 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 56 42 2 205

C4: Haley vs. Biden

If the 2024 election for president were held today between Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, the Republican, and President Joe Biden, the Democrat, would you vote for Nikki Haley or for Joe Biden or haven’t you decided?
Nikki Haley Joe Biden Haven't decided n
Man 47 36 17 444
Woman 36 36 28 458
Some other way 2 98 0 6
18-29 20 42 37 132
30-44 45 34 21 211
45-59 46 32 22 214
60+ 43 38 18 351
Not HS 19 43 38 21
HS 40 31 30 243
Some Coll 39 41 21 178
AA 48 31 20 115
BA+ 42 40 18 350
Under $40k 31 38 31 199
$40k to $74k 37 35 28 215
$75k up 46 38 15 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 76 0 24 270
Independent 42 32 26 377
Democrat 4 81 15 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 78 2 20 402
Independent 36 23 41 118
Democrat 4 77 19 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 76 0 24 270
Lean Rep 82 5 13 132
Ind 36 23 41 118
Lean Dem 6 68 25 127
Dem 4 81 15 259
marital status
Married 49 31 19 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 37 39 22 170
Never Married 19 49 32 176
race and ethnicity
White 43 37 20 782
Black 18 54 28 42
Hispanic 29 19 51 32
Other 38 29 33 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 73 3 24 42
1/week 60 13 27 152
1-2 month 38 25 36 92
few times a year 47 29 24 150
Seldom 40 42 17 196
Never 24 59 17 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 64 10 27 134
Mainline Protestant 47 31 22 253
Roman Catholic 43 29 27 237
No religion 21 64 14 226
Other religion 36 34 30 45
Very conservative 81 2 17 103
Conservative 76 5 19 245
Moderate 32 34 34 295
Liberal 3 80 17 170
Very liberal 1 87 12 90
Don't know 23 68 9 4
labor union membership
respondent 41 44 13 51
another household member 59 30 11 38
nobody in household 40 36 23 817
Don't know 0 0 100 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 27 49 25 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 51 27 21 225
Madison media market 28 52 19 165
Green Bay media market 45 27 27 171
Rest of north & west of state 46 33 20 205

C4b: Haley vs. Biden, leaners

If you had to choose, would you vote for Biden or for Haley?
Definitely Haley Probably Haley Probably Biden Don't know n
Man 8 53 30 9 77
Woman 8 41 37 13 126
18-29 3 44 53 0 48
30-44 5 48 41 4 44
45-59 10 65 16 8 47
60+ 12 30 30 27 64
Not HS 0 0 100 0 8
HS 5 50 31 14 72
Some Coll 18 59 18 5 37
AA 10 57 14 20 23
BA+ 6 35 48 8 62
Under $40k 15 34 39 12 62
$40k to $74k 8 48 34 8 60
$75k up 3 55 32 8 69
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 12 69 10 9 65
Independent 9 40 36 14 97
Democrat 0 21 71 8 40
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 18 64 10 8 82
Independent 4 51 19 27 48
Democrat 0 21 73 5 72
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 12 69 10 9 65
Lean Rep 44 45 9 3 17
Ind 4 51 19 27 48
Lean Dem 0 21 76 0 32
Dem 0 21 71 8 40
marital status
Married 7 50 30 12 107
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 23 31 30 15 38
Never Married 0 46 47 6 57
race and ethnicity
White 6 51 29 14 158
Black 0 0 100 0 12
Hispanic 0 58 36 3 17
Other 43 15 42 0 15
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 5 45 18 26 10
1/week 12 60 26 2 42
1-2 month 9 42 40 9 33
few times a year 7 61 25 7 36
Seldom 15 35 24 26 34
Never 1 30 58 10 47
religious preference
Born again Protestant 10 63 22 4 36
Mainline Protestant 14 46 31 9 56
Roman Catholic 7 41 31 21 64
No religion 0 34 56 7 32
Other religion 3 48 45 0 13
Very conservative 25 75 0 0 18
Conservative 14 44 24 17 46
Moderate 2 49 37 13 99
Liberal 13 32 52 1 28
Very liberal 0 6 72 14 11
Don't know 0 0 0 100 0
labor union membership
respondent 3 82 15 0 7
another household member 56 9 0 35 4
nobody in household 7 46 35 11 189
Don't know 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 18 34 43 6 35
Rest of Milwaukee media market 6 75 17 2 48
Madison media market 0 27 48 20 31
Green Bay media market 4 42 49 6 47
Rest of north & west of state 14 38 23 25 42

C4: Haley vs. Biden, w/leaners

2024 Haley vs Biden vote preference with leaners
Nikki Haley Joe Biden Haven't decided n
Man 57 41 2 444
Woman 50 46 4 458
Some other way 2 98 0 6
18-29 37 62 0 132
30-44 56 42 1 211
45-59 62 35 2 214
60+ 51 44 5 351
Not HS 19 81 0 21
HS 56 40 4 243
Some Coll 54 45 1 178
AA 62 34 4 115
BA+ 49 48 2 350
Under $40k 46 50 4 199
$40k to $74k 53 44 3 215
$75k up 55 43 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 95 3 2 270
Independent 55 41 4 377
Democrat 7 92 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 94 4 2 402
Independent 58 31 11 118
Democrat 8 90 1 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 95 3 2 270
Lean Rep 93 6 0 132
Ind 58 31 11 118
Lean Dem 11 87 1 127
Dem 7 92 1 259
marital status
Married 60 37 2 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 49 46 3 170
Never Married 33 64 2 176
race and ethnicity
White 54 43 3 782
Black 18 82 0 42
Hispanic 59 38 3 32
Other 57 43 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 85 7 8 42
1/week 80 20 1 152
1-2 month 57 39 3 92
few times a year 63 35 2 150
Seldom 48 46 5 196
Never 30 68 2 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 83 16 1 134
Mainline Protestant 60 38 2 253
Roman Catholic 56 38 6 237
No religion 26 72 1 226
Other religion 51 47 1 45
Very conservative 98 2 0 103
Conservative 87 9 3 245
Moderate 49 46 4 295
Liberal 11 88 0 170
Very liberal 1 96 3 90
Don't know 23 68 9 4
labor union membership
respondent 52 46 0 51
another household member 66 30 4 38
nobody in household 53 44 3 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 39 59 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 69 31 1 225
Madison media market 33 61 5 165
Green Bay media market 58 40 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 57 38 5 205

C5: RFJ, Jr. as independent

If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is on the presidential ballot as an independent candidate, how likely would you be to vote for him instead of the Democratic or Republican candidates?
Definitely vote for Kennedy Probably vote for Kennedy Probably not vote for Kennedy Definitely not vote for Kennedy Don't know n
Man 6 17 32 43 2 444
Woman 5 30 27 35 3 458
Some other way 0 0 0 100 0 6
18-29 7 27 25 38 3 132
30-44 5 27 25 39 3 211
45-59 5 26 34 33 2 214
60+ 4 18 30 44 2 351
Not HS 0 38 49 13 0 21
HS 7 30 33 27 3 243
Some Coll 4 26 28 42 1 178
AA 5 35 22 32 4 115
BA+ 5 12 29 50 3 350
Under $40k 7 29 26 36 2 199
$40k to $74k 8 25 31 36 0 215
$75k up 3 21 31 42 3 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 3 28 39 26 4 270
Independent 6 27 28 35 3 377
Democrat 5 12 22 60 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 6 30 37 25 3 402
Independent 8 36 26 22 6 118
Democrat 4 13 23 60 1 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 3 28 39 26 4 270
Lean Rep 10 33 33 24 0 132
Ind 8 36 26 22 6 118
Lean Dem 0 14 23 59 3 127
Dem 5 12 22 60 0 259
marital status
Married 5 23 29 40 3 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 9 25 29 36 2 170
Never Married 2 24 31 41 2 176
race and ethnicity
White 5 22 30 41 2 782
Black 5 42 16 37 0 42
Hispanic 7 47 34 2 9 32
Other 15 19 22 41 4 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 7 26 23 36 8 42
1/week 8 19 35 30 6 152
1-2 month 3 38 29 28 1 92
few times a year 5 29 38 28 1 150
Seldom 7 21 23 49 0 196
Never 3 19 27 48 3 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 8 26 33 28 3 134
Mainline Protestant 6 27 31 34 2 253
Roman Catholic 4 19 37 36 4 237
No religion 5 17 23 54 2 226
Other religion 3 46 10 41 0 45
Very conservative 8 20 30 36 5 103
Conservative 3 28 43 24 2 245
Moderate 7 30 30 31 3 295
Liberal 5 16 17 62 1 170
Very liberal 2 6 17 71 4 90
Don't know 0 9 0 91 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 3 27 24 43 0 51
another household member 4 26 49 19 1 38
nobody in household 5 23 29 40 3 817
Don't know 0 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 6 20 29 43 2 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 5 24 29 40 2 225
Madison media market 2 20 24 49 4 165
Green Bay media market 5 29 32 31 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 7 22 33 36 2 205

D1: Fav/Unfav Tammy Baldwin

[Tammy Baldwin] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 37 51 10 2 444
Woman 44 37 19 0 458
Some other way 93 2 5 0 6
18-29 29 30 37 4 132
30-44 36 46 18 0 211
45-59 43 45 10 1 214
60+ 47 45 7 0 351
Not HS 43 19 38 0 21
HS 39 43 17 1 243
Some Coll 36 48 15 1 178
AA 30 55 12 3 115
BA+ 48 39 12 0 350
Under $40k 40 36 23 2 199
$40k to $74k 41 43 16 0 215
$75k up 44 47 8 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 9 81 8 2 270
Independent 39 40 21 1 377
Democrat 78 10 13 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 11 77 11 2 402
Independent 28 48 24 0 118
Democrat 76 8 16 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 9 81 8 2 270
Lean Rep 14 68 16 2 132
Ind 28 48 24 0 118
Lean Dem 73 3 22 1 127
Dem 78 10 13 0 259
marital status
Married 38 50 11 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 47 43 9 0 170
Never Married 43 24 31 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 42 45 12 1 782
Black 51 6 43 0 42
Hispanic 19 35 46 0 32
Other 36 46 18 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 10 70 20 0 42
1/week 24 63 10 3 152
1-2 month 35 49 16 0 92
few times a year 36 54 8 2 150
Seldom 54 30 15 0 196
Never 50 30 19 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 14 71 14 1 134
Mainline Protestant 41 45 13 1 253
Roman Catholic 39 46 13 2 237
No religion 56 24 19 1 226
Other religion 51 38 10 0 45
Very conservative 1 84 15 0 103
Conservative 12 76 10 2 245
Moderate 49 30 19 1 295
Liberal 78 11 11 0 170
Very liberal 68 11 19 2 90
Don't know 54 46 0 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 40 50 9 0 51
another household member 34 51 16 0 38
nobody in household 41 43 15 1 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 47 34 18 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 32 52 14 2 225
Madison media market 57 33 10 0 165
Green Bay media market 36 51 13 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 36 44 18 2 205

D2: Fav/Unfav Ron Johnson

[Ron Johnson] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 48 46 5 1 444
Woman 32 53 15 0 458
Some other way 2 98 0 0 6
18-29 19 60 18 3 132
30-44 36 47 18 0 211
45-59 48 46 6 0 214
60+ 45 50 4 1 351
Not HS 19 43 38 0 21
HS 37 46 17 0 243
Some Coll 44 48 7 1 178
AA 47 40 10 3 115
BA+ 38 57 5 0 350
Under $40k 26 53 21 1 199
$40k to $74k 42 50 8 0 215
$75k up 44 50 5 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 78 12 8 2 270
Independent 38 50 12 0 377
Democrat 2 89 8 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 77 14 7 1 402
Independent 32 46 23 0 118
Democrat 3 88 8 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 78 12 8 2 270
Lean Rep 75 19 6 0 132
Ind 32 46 23 0 118
Lean Dem 6 85 9 0 127
Dem 2 89 8 0 259
marital status
Married 48 44 8 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 40 55 5 0 170
Never Married 13 64 21 2 176
race and ethnicity
White 43 49 7 1 782
Black 3 56 41 0 42
Hispanic 29 39 32 0 32
Other 23 68 9 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 68 24 8 0 42
1/week 66 25 6 3 152
1-2 month 37 51 12 0 92
few times a year 54 41 5 0 150
Seldom 32 56 13 0 196
Never 20 67 13 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 64 29 7 0 134
Mainline Protestant 44 46 10 1 253
Roman Catholic 47 40 12 2 237
No religion 17 73 9 0 226
Other religion 23 61 15 0 45
Very conservative 82 3 15 0 103
Conservative 81 15 3 1 245
Moderate 23 57 18 1 295
Liberal 3 94 3 0 170
Very liberal 2 91 6 0 90
Don't know 32 45 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 42 56 2 0 51
another household member 55 41 4 0 38
nobody in household 39 50 10 1 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 25 64 11 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 52 36 10 2 225
Madison media market 25 67 7 0 165
Green Bay media market 43 47 10 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 45 44 10 1 205

D3: Fav/Unfav Robin Vos

[Robin Vos] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 23 39 35 2 444
Woman 10 33 55 2 458
Some other way 2 32 66 0 6
18-29 5 17 72 6 132
30-44 12 31 54 2 211
45-59 17 39 43 1 214
60+ 23 45 32 1 351
Not HS 0 43 57 0 21
HS 14 24 62 0 243
Some Coll 22 34 43 1 178
AA 23 30 40 6 115
BA+ 15 47 36 2 350
Under $40k 13 29 56 2 199
$40k to $74k 14 34 52 0 215
$75k up 19 41 38 3 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 28 17 51 3 270
Independent 19 33 47 0 377
Democrat 1 59 37 2 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 31 19 47 2 402
Independent 12 33 55 0 118
Democrat 3 55 41 2 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 28 17 51 3 270
Lean Rep 38 23 39 0 132
Ind 12 33 55 0 118
Lean Dem 5 45 48 1 127
Dem 1 59 37 2 259
marital status
Married 21 37 40 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 12 42 45 2 170
Never Married 7 26 63 4 176
race and ethnicity
White 18 38 42 2 782
Black 0 19 81 0 42
Hispanic 6 20 74 0 32
Other 14 28 58 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 24 23 53 0 42
1/week 23 26 47 3 152
1-2 month 17 26 55 0 92
few times a year 23 32 41 4 150
Seldom 17 42 40 1 196
Never 7 45 47 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 22 23 52 1 134
Mainline Protestant 17 35 47 1 253
Roman Catholic 24 32 42 3 237
No religion 7 43 49 1 226
Other religion 5 60 29 6 45
Very conservative 37 19 40 4 103
Conservative 32 19 48 1 245
Moderate 11 37 50 2 295
Liberal 0 60 40 0 170
Very liberal 2 53 40 6 90
Don't know 0 45 55 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 12 49 37 0 51
another household member 31 11 55 4 38
nobody in household 16 36 46 2 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 15 42 41 2 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 30 29 39 2 225
Madison media market 14 51 33 2 165
Green Bay media market 8 34 57 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 13 29 56 3 205

D4: Fav/Unfav Tony Evers

[Tony Evers] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 47 49 3 1 444
Woman 53 37 10 1 458
Some other way 98 2 0 0 6
18-29 56 32 12 0 132
30-44 48 40 12 0 211
45-59 46 49 4 1 214
60+ 51 44 4 1 351
Not HS 43 19 38 0 21
HS 46 47 7 0 243
Some Coll 48 45 4 2 178
AA 42 51 7 0 115
BA+ 57 37 6 1 350
Under $40k 53 37 10 0 199
$40k to $74k 46 45 9 0 215
$75k up 51 44 5 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 10 83 7 0 270
Independent 51 38 9 2 377
Democrat 90 6 4 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 12 80 7 1 402
Independent 48 40 12 0 118
Democrat 90 5 5 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 10 83 7 0 270
Lean Rep 16 73 7 4 132
Ind 48 40 12 0 118
Lean Dem 90 1 8 1 127
Dem 90 6 4 0 259
marital status
Married 45 48 6 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 51 45 4 0 170
Never Married 66 22 12 1 176
race and ethnicity
White 49 45 5 0 782
Black 71 3 26 0 42
Hispanic 28 47 25 0 32
Other 62 30 9 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 14 81 4 0 42
1/week 30 67 3 0 152
1-2 month 42 44 14 0 92
few times a year 42 56 0 3 150
Seldom 57 34 9 1 196
Never 69 21 9 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 24 69 7 0 134
Mainline Protestant 49 47 4 0 253
Roman Catholic 43 50 7 0 237
No religion 70 19 10 1 226
Other religion 64 28 9 0 45
Very conservative 7 88 5 0 103
Conservative 16 76 5 2 245
Moderate 57 32 11 0 295
Liberal 92 6 3 0 170
Very liberal 87 2 10 1 90
Don't know 77 23 0 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 57 38 4 0 51
another household member 42 56 2 0 38
nobody in household 50 42 7 1 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 61 28 12 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 39 55 5 2 225
Madison media market 72 22 6 1 165
Green Bay media market 45 48 7 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 42 51 6 1 205

D5: Fav/Unfav Joe Biden

[Joe Biden] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 37 62 2 0 444
Woman 47 50 2 0 458
Some other way 27 73 0 0 6
18-29 41 53 6 0 132
30-44 40 58 1 0 211
45-59 37 63 1 0 214
60+ 46 52 1 0 351
Not HS 43 57 0 0 21
HS 41 59 0 0 243
Some Coll 36 60 1 0 178
AA 31 67 3 0 115
BA+ 48 49 3 0 350
Under $40k 44 51 2 0 199
$40k to $74k 39 59 2 0 215
$75k up 43 55 2 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 3 96 1 NA 270
Independent 39 56 4 NA 377
Democrat 85 14 0 NA 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 4 95 2 NA 402
Independent 37 54 6 NA 118
Democrat 82 16 1 NA 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 3 96 1 NA 270
Lean Rep 5 92 3 NA 132
Ind 37 54 6 NA 118
Lean Dem 76 22 2 NA 127
Dem 85 14 0 NA 259
marital status
Married 38 60 2 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 46 53 1 0 170
Never Married 49 47 4 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 41 56 2 0 782
Black 77 21 0 0 42
Hispanic 18 80 0 2 32
Other 41 59 0 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 8 91 0 1 42
1/week 20 78 3 0 152
1-2 month 39 61 0 0 92
few times a year 35 65 0 0 150
Seldom 47 47 5 0 196
Never 60 38 1 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 17 79 1 0 134
Mainline Protestant 41 58 0 0 253
Roman Catholic 36 61 4 0 237
No religion 62 36 2 0 226
Other religion 47 47 5 1 45
Very conservative 6 90 0 0 103
Conservative 8 91 1 0 245
Moderate 48 47 4 0 295
Liberal 83 15 1 0 170
Very liberal 73 27 0 0 90
Don't know 68 23 9 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 46 52 2 0 51
another household member 29 71 0 0 38
nobody in household 42 56 2 0 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 55 42 3 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 31 66 2 0 225
Madison media market 55 44 1 0 165
Green Bay media market 36 62 2 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 39 60 2 0 205

D6: Fav/Unfav Donald Trump

[Donald Trump] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 38 59 3 0 444
Woman 37 61 2 0 458
Some other way 0 100 0 0 6
18-29 26 72 2 0 132
30-44 37 62 1 0 211
45-59 45 53 3 0 214
60+ 36 60 3 0 351
Not HS 57 43 0 0 21
HS 44 54 2 0 243
Some Coll 38 58 3 1 178
AA 44 50 5 0 115
BA+ 28 70 1 0 350
Under $40k 37 62 1 0 199
$40k to $74k 43 54 3 0 215
$75k up 34 65 1 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 71 26 3 0 270
Independent 35 62 3 0 377
Democrat 5 95 0 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 69 28 3 0 402
Independent 34 57 7 1 118
Democrat 4 96 0 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 71 26 3 0 270
Lean Rep 65 32 3 0 132
Ind 34 57 7 1 118
Lean Dem 3 97 0 0 127
Dem 5 95 0 0 259
marital status
Married 38 59 3 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 43 55 1 0 170
Never Married 26 72 2 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 36 61 2 0 782
Black 28 72 0 0 42
Hispanic 49 51 0 0 32
Other 41 56 4 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 56 42 1 0 42
1/week 56 41 3 1 152
1-2 month 41 59 0 0 92
few times a year 49 45 5 0 150
Seldom 32 65 4 0 196
Never 19 80 0 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 61 36 3 0 134
Mainline Protestant 43 55 2 0 253
Roman Catholic 42 53 4 0 237
No religion 14 85 1 1 226
Other religion 20 80 0 0 45
Very conservative 80 16 3 0 103
Conservative 66 31 2 0 245
Moderate 26 70 4 0 295
Liberal 5 95 1 0 170
Very liberal 5 95 0 0 90
Don't know 9 91 0 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 40 60 0 0 51
another household member 54 46 0 0 38
nobody in household 36 61 3 0 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 29 71 0 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 45 53 2 0 225
Madison media market 21 78 1 1 165
Green Bay media market 41 54 5 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 43 54 3 0 205

D7: Fav/Unfav Ron DeSantis

[Ron DeSantis] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 43 49 7 1 444
Woman 32 48 20 0 458
Some other way 2 98 0 0 6
18-29 17 57 23 3 132
30-44 35 48 16 0 211
45-59 45 42 13 0 214
60+ 41 50 8 0 351
Not HS 19 62 19 0 21
HS 39 42 19 0 243
Some Coll 38 48 14 0 178
AA 39 39 19 3 115
BA+ 36 56 7 0 350
Under $40k 25 47 28 0 199
$40k to $74k 38 50 12 0 215
$75k up 42 50 7 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 76 12 11 1 270
Independent 33 50 17 0 377
Democrat 3 86 10 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 73 15 11 1 402
Independent 30 42 28 0 118
Democrat 3 86 11 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 76 12 11 1 270
Lean Rep 66 21 13 0 132
Ind 30 42 28 0 118
Lean Dem 1 87 12 0 127
Dem 3 86 10 0 259
marital status
Married 44 43 13 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 37 48 14 0 170
Never Married 15 68 15 2 176
race and ethnicity
White 39 48 11 1 782
Black 3 44 53 0 42
Hispanic 41 45 13 0 32
Other 25 64 11 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 68 18 14 0 42
1/week 58 27 12 3 152
1-2 month 43 32 24 0 92
few times a year 43 46 11 0 150
Seldom 32 56 12 0 196
Never 20 67 13 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 62 24 14 0 134
Mainline Protestant 44 40 16 0 253
Roman Catholic 41 44 14 2 237
No religion 14 74 12 0 226
Other religion 24 70 6 0 45
Very conservative 76 9 15 0 103
Conservative 74 16 10 0 245
Moderate 24 52 23 1 295
Liberal 3 92 5 0 170
Very liberal 2 93 5 0 90
Don't know 23 45 32 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 25 60 15 0 51
another household member 40 48 12 0 38
nobody in household 38 48 13 0 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 26 60 14 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 44 35 19 2 225
Madison media market 25 68 7 0 165
Green Bay media market 46 41 13 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 40 47 12 0 205

D8: Fav/Unfav Nikki Haley

[Nikki Haley] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 38 38 24 1 444
Woman 24 29 43 3 458
Some other way 0 98 2 0 6
18-29 13 46 39 3 132
30-44 28 32 37 2 211
45-59 32 33 33 2 214
60+ 38 31 28 1 351
Not HS 0 36 64 0 21
HS 28 27 45 0 243
Some Coll 31 39 27 0 178
AA 29 29 38 5 115
BA+ 35 37 25 3 350
Under $40k 17 28 53 0 199
$40k to $74k 25 39 35 1 215
$75k up 38 35 24 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 53 16 29 2 270
Independent 30 29 37 2 377
Democrat 9 59 31 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 54 18 27 2 402
Independent 23 22 50 2 118
Democrat 9 54 35 2 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 53 16 29 2 270
Lean Rep 56 22 21 0 132
Ind 23 22 50 2 118
Lean Dem 11 43 43 3 127
Dem 9 59 31 1 259
marital status
Married 37 29 31 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 26 38 34 1 170
Never Married 15 43 39 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 33 33 31 2 782
Black 2 33 64 0 42
Hispanic 21 37 43 0 32
Other 18 47 35 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 54 20 19 6 42
1/week 48 22 28 3 152
1-2 month 37 14 49 0 92
few times a year 39 28 31 2 150
Seldom 27 41 31 1 196
Never 13 47 36 2 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 48 17 32 0 134
Mainline Protestant 37 27 34 2 253
Roman Catholic 33 33 33 2 237
No religion 11 50 37 2 226
Other religion 27 39 28 6 45
Very conservative 49 23 22 2 103
Conservative 53 16 30 1 245
Moderate 27 28 43 2 295
Liberal 10 58 32 0 170
Very liberal 1 68 25 6 90
Don't know 23 45 32 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 15 54 31 0 51
another household member 31 42 24 4 38
nobody in household 31 32 34 2 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 18 43 39 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 39 27 30 2 225
Madison media market 25 47 23 5 165
Green Bay media market 34 26 39 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 32 30 36 2 205

D9: Fav/Unfav Mike Pence

[Mike Pence] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 27 64 7 1 444
Woman 27 60 13 0 458
Some other way 2 98 0 0 6
18-29 14 71 13 3 132
30-44 28 62 10 0 211
45-59 31 62 7 1 214
60+ 28 60 11 1 351
Not HS 19 49 32 0 21
HS 29 58 14 0 243
Some Coll 25 66 8 1 178
AA 20 63 14 3 115
BA+ 29 65 5 1 350
Under $40k 25 55 20 0 199
$40k to $74k 26 66 8 0 215
$75k up 27 66 6 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 48 42 8 2 270
Independent 24 62 13 0 377
Democrat 8 85 7 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 46 46 7 1 402
Independent 20 53 27 1 118
Democrat 9 83 8 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 48 42 8 2 270
Lean Rep 41 54 5 0 132
Ind 20 53 27 1 118
Lean Dem 11 79 9 1 127
Dem 8 85 7 0 259
marital status
Married 31 59 9 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 25 66 8 1 170
Never Married 14 71 13 2 176
race and ethnicity
White 29 61 9 1 782
Black 22 43 36 0 42
Hispanic 4 76 19 0 32
Other 13 85 3 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 57 31 12 0 42
1/week 41 48 9 2 152
1-2 month 31 55 14 0 92
few times a year 35 54 10 2 150
Seldom 21 68 11 0 196
Never 12 79 8 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 42 49 8 0 134
Mainline Protestant 29 57 14 0 253
Roman Catholic 31 53 13 3 237
No religion 12 82 6 0 226
Other religion 25 73 2 0 45
Very conservative 43 42 14 2 103
Conservative 42 48 10 0 245
Moderate 28 56 14 2 295
Liberal 7 90 3 0 170
Very liberal 2 94 4 0 90
Don't know 9 68 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 16 71 11 2 51
another household member 29 68 3 0 38
nobody in household 27 61 10 1 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 21 68 12 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 34 52 11 3 225
Madison media market 17 77 7 0 165
Green Bay media market 33 56 10 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 25 64 10 1 205

D10: Fav/Unfav Vivek Ramaswamy

[Vivek Ramaswamy] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 27 36 36 1 444
Woman 13 31 53 3 458
Some other way 0 34 66 0 6
18-29 13 34 51 3 132
30-44 24 25 49 2 211
45-59 22 28 47 2 214
60+ 20 42 38 1 351
Not HS 19 32 49 0 21
HS 19 25 55 1 243
Some Coll 24 34 42 1 178
AA 19 24 53 5 115
BA+ 20 42 35 2 350
Under $40k 15 29 54 2 199
$40k to $74k 15 34 50 1 215
$75k up 24 36 39 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 35 19 44 2 270
Independent 21 31 46 2 377
Democrat 2 53 43 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 39 17 42 2 402
Independent 15 25 54 6 118
Democrat 2 53 44 1 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 35 19 44 2 270
Lean Rep 48 15 37 0 132
Ind 15 25 54 6 118
Lean Dem 0 53 47 1 127
Dem 2 53 43 1 259
marital status
Married 24 32 43 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 13 38 45 3 170
Never Married 15 32 49 4 176
race and ethnicity
White 19 34 44 2 782
Black 15 21 65 0 42
Hispanic 38 14 47 0 32
Other 23 48 29 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 25 13 56 6 42
1/week 28 28 42 3 152
1-2 month 19 24 55 1 92
few times a year 28 23 47 2 150
Seldom 21 41 36 2 196
Never 11 43 45 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 31 20 49 0 134
Mainline Protestant 16 31 50 3 253
Roman Catholic 23 31 44 2 237
No religion 16 44 39 1 226
Other religion 15 37 43 6 45
Very conservative 37 23 37 2 103
Conservative 42 17 39 2 245
Moderate 13 27 57 3 295
Liberal 2 61 38 0 170
Very liberal 0 61 37 3 90
Don't know 0 0 100 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 14 45 41 0 51
another household member 30 10 57 4 38
nobody in household 20 34 44 2 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 16 38 45 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 27 25 46 2 225
Madison media market 15 47 35 3 165
Green Bay media market 23 27 50 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 18 34 45 3 205

Q11: Fav/Unfav RFJ, Jr.

[Robert F. Kennedy Jr.] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 34 43 22 1 444
Woman 28 34 37 1 458
Some other way 0 100 0 0 6
18-29 17 35 45 3 132
30-44 29 35 34 2 211
45-59 39 36 24 1 214
60+ 32 44 24 0 351
Not HS 38 32 30 0 21
HS 33 29 37 0 243
Some Coll 31 39 30 0 178
AA 43 29 24 3 115
BA+ 25 48 26 1 350
Under $40k 26 31 43 0 199
$40k to $74k 26 42 32 0 215
$75k up 35 41 22 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 45 23 30 2 270
Independent 33 34 33 0 377
Democrat 13 61 25 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 48 21 29 2 402
Independent 34 26 40 0 118
Democrat 11 61 27 1 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 45 23 30 2 270
Lean Rep 56 15 29 0 132
Ind 34 26 40 0 118
Lean Dem 7 61 31 1 127
Dem 13 61 25 1 259
marital status
Married 37 38 24 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 29 35 34 1 170
Never Married 14 43 41 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 31 39 29 1 782
Black 31 27 41 0 42
Hispanic 33 27 40 0 32
Other 24 51 25 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 40 28 32 0 42
1/week 41 27 29 3 152
1-2 month 39 33 28 0 92
few times a year 37 37 24 2 150
Seldom 28 43 28 1 196
Never 20 47 33 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 49 24 26 0 134
Mainline Protestant 29 33 37 1 253
Roman Catholic 34 38 26 2 237
No religion 17 50 32 0 226
Other religion 36 50 8 6 45
Very conservative 40 21 36 3 103
Conservative 50 20 30 0 245
Moderate 31 37 31 2 295
Liberal 12 60 28 0 170
Very liberal 7 72 20 1 90
Don't know 9 68 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 33 51 16 0 51
another household member 50 18 32 0 38
nobody in household 30 39 30 1 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 29 38 32 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 31 36 31 2 225
Madison media market 20 53 26 1 165
Green Bay media market 36 36 28 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 36 33 30 1 205

Q12: Fav/Unfav Cornel West

[Cornel West] Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of <<INSERT NAME>> or haven't you heard enough about them yet?
Favorable Unfavorable Haven't heard enough Don't know n
Man 8 24 62 6 444
Woman 5 16 75 4 458
Some other way 0 2 98 0 6
18-29 4 9 82 5 132
30-44 6 19 71 4 211
45-59 8 20 66 6 214
60+ 6 24 64 5 351
Not HS 19 13 68 0 21
HS 5 21 70 3 243
Some Coll 9 26 62 3 178
AA 6 18 69 7 115
BA+ 5 17 71 7 350
Under $40k 6 23 68 4 199
$40k to $74k 8 18 72 2 215
$75k up 6 18 69 6 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 6 15 72 7 270
Independent 6 19 69 5 377
Democrat 7 25 65 3 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 6 21 68 6 402
Independent 8 14 71 7 118
Democrat 6 21 69 4 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 6 15 72 7 270
Lean Rep 5 32 58 4 132
Ind 8 14 71 7 118
Lean Dem 6 11 78 5 127
Dem 7 25 65 3 259
marital status
Married 5 21 69 5 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 11 20 65 4 170
Never Married 6 17 72 5 176
race and ethnicity
White 6 18 70 5 782
Black 19 22 59 0 42
Hispanic 0 21 72 7 32
Other 3 35 62 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 0 13 74 13 42
1/week 6 21 68 6 152
1-2 month 1 14 81 4 92
few times a year 5 20 67 8 150
Seldom 7 26 62 4 196
Never 9 17 70 3 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 7 16 74 3 134
Mainline Protestant 4 17 73 6 253
Roman Catholic 5 22 68 5 237
No religion 10 19 67 4 226
Other religion 1 33 51 14 45
Very conservative 8 26 62 3 103
Conservative 4 24 64 8 245
Moderate 5 12 78 4 295
Liberal 6 26 66 1 170
Very liberal 16 13 61 10 90
Don't know 0 0 100 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 5 41 52 3 51
another household member 2 29 65 4 38
nobody in household 7 18 70 5 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 11 22 63 3 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 4 19 74 2 225
Madison media market 7 21 66 5 165
Green Bay media market 6 14 77 4 171
Rest of north & west of state 5 22 62 10 205

E1: State of the nation’s economy

How would you describe the state of the nation's economy these days?
Excellent Good Not so good Poor Don't know n
Man 3 25 35 36 0 444
Woman 3 24 36 37 0 458
Some other way 0 27 71 2 0 6
18-29 0 15 63 20 1 132
30-44 1 15 43 41 0 211
45-59 3 24 35 38 0 214
60+ 5 34 21 40 0 351
Not HS 0 30 32 38 0 21
HS 4 20 36 40 0 243
Some Coll 1 21 30 48 1 178
AA 2 12 40 46 0 115
BA+ 4 33 37 26 0 350
Under $40k 0 21 43 36 1 199
$40k to $74k 4 20 35 42 0 215
$75k up 4 29 36 31 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 0 3 32 65 0 270
Independent 1 22 42 34 0 377
Democrat 8 50 31 10 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 0 4 34 61 0 402
Independent 0 19 38 43 0 118
Democrat 7 47 37 9 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 0 3 32 65 0 270
Lean Rep 1 7 39 53 0 132
Ind 0 19 38 43 0 118
Lean Dem 4 40 49 6 1 127
Dem 8 50 31 10 0 259
marital status
Married 4 26 31 40 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 1 26 32 41 0 170
Never Married 3 19 56 22 1 176
race and ethnicity
White 3 26 34 37 0 782
Black 2 18 63 16 0 42
Hispanic 2 0 36 62 0 32
Other 9 20 41 30 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 1 8 39 51 0 42
1/week 1 12 34 54 0 152
1-2 month 2 24 38 36 0 92
few times a year 2 21 37 39 1 150
Seldom 1 35 35 28 0 196
Never 6 29 36 30 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 1 11 31 57 0 134
Mainline Protestant 4 25 36 36 0 253
Roman Catholic 1 26 35 39 0 237
No religion 7 30 40 23 0 226
Other religion 0 30 43 27 0 45
Very conservative 0 3 25 71 0 103
Conservative 0 6 35 59 0 245
Moderate 3 30 40 27 0 295
Liberal 7 50 31 12 0 170
Very liberal 6 33 45 14 1 90
Don't know 0 32 45 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 3 36 20 40 0 51
another household member 0 9 32 59 0 38
nobody in household 3 24 37 36 0 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 4 31 35 30 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 2 20 34 44 0 225
Madison media market 5 34 37 24 0 165
Green Bay media market 2 21 40 37 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 2 20 34 44 0 205

E2: Wisconsin - wrong track or right direction

Thinking just about the state of Wisconsin, do you feel things in Wisconsin are generally going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten off on the wrong track?
Right direction Wrong track Don't know n
Man 40 59 2 444
Woman 32 66 2 458
Some other way 32 68 0 6
18-29 44 52 4 132
30-44 32 67 1 211
45-59 35 64 1 214
60+ 35 62 2 351
Not HS 13 87 0 21
HS 36 64 0 243
Some Coll 27 70 2 178
AA 35 60 4 115
BA+ 42 56 2 350
Under $40k 29 69 2 199
$40k to $74k 40 60 0 215
$75k up 38 60 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 13 84 2 270
Independent 39 59 2 377
Democrat 54 44 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 19 79 2 402
Independent 31 69 0 118
Democrat 54 43 2 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 13 84 2 270
Lean Rep 31 68 1 132
Ind 31 69 0 118
Lean Dem 55 40 5 127
Dem 54 44 1 259
marital status
Married 35 64 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 34 65 1 170
Never Married 41 55 4 176
race and ethnicity
White 36 62 2 782
Black 28 72 0 42
Hispanic 34 66 0 32
Other 35 63 3 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 17 79 5 42
1/week 26 71 3 152
1-2 month 34 66 1 92
few times a year 37 62 1 150
Seldom 42 56 1 196
Never 40 58 2 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 18 82 0 134
Mainline Protestant 35 64 1 253
Roman Catholic 35 63 2 237
No religion 46 50 3 226
Other religion 42 56 2 45
Very conservative 9 90 1 103
Conservative 21 78 1 245
Moderate 41 57 1 295
Liberal 59 40 1 170
Very liberal 44 50 6 90
Don't know 77 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 45 53 3 51
another household member 27 73 0 38
nobody in household 36 63 2 817
Don't know 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 40 59 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 30 67 3 225
Madison media market 34 63 3 165
Green Bay media market 38 62 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 39 59 1 205

E4: Property taxes vs. school spending

Which is more important to you: reduce property taxes or increase spending on public schools?
Reducing property taxes Increasing spending on public schools Don't know n
Man 53 44 2 444
Woman 51 48 1 458
Some other way 2 98 0 6
18-29 40 59 0 132
30-44 50 50 0 211
45-59 58 39 3 214
60+ 54 45 2 351
Not HS 0 81 19 21
HS 59 39 1 243
Some Coll 53 47 1 178
AA 61 37 1 115
BA+ 46 53 1 350
Under $40k 50 47 2 199
$40k to $74k 54 46 0 215
$75k up 51 47 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 81 17 1 270
Independent 53 44 2 377
Democrat 19 81 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 80 17 2 402
Independent 57 42 1 118
Democrat 21 78 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 81 17 1 270
Lean Rep 77 18 4 132
Ind 57 42 1 118
Lean Dem 26 73 0 127
Dem 19 81 0 259
marital status
Married 57 42 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 47 48 4 170
Never Married 40 60 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 54 44 1 782
Black 43 57 0 42
Hispanic 41 57 0 32
Other 29 71 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 82 18 0 42
1/week 75 24 1 152
1-2 month 58 42 0 92
few times a year 57 40 2 150
Seldom 47 50 2 196
Never 33 65 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 75 25 0 134
Mainline Protestant 55 45 0 253
Roman Catholic 62 35 2 237
No religion 27 70 3 226
Other religion 40 60 0 45
Very conservative 85 13 0 103
Conservative 78 17 4 245
Moderate 50 50 0 295
Liberal 21 79 0 170
Very liberal 5 95 0 90
Don't know 91 9 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 47 53 0 51
another household member 57 43 0 38
nobody in household 52 46 1 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 39 61 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 60 38 1 225
Madison media market 32 67 1 165
Green Bay media market 64 36 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 57 39 4 205

E5: Public school satisfaction

How satisfied are you with the job the public schools are doing in your community? Very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't know n
Man 11 51 25 11 2 444
Woman 13 50 25 10 2 458
Some other way 0 32 68 0 0 6
18-29 5 56 26 7 5 132
30-44 11 46 31 11 2 211
45-59 12 49 26 13 0 214
60+ 15 53 21 10 2 351
Not HS 0 100 0 0 0 21
HS 3 58 26 11 1 243
Some Coll 11 50 30 9 1 178
AA 15 42 25 12 5 115
BA+ 19 45 23 11 1 350
Under $40k 5 52 32 10 1 199
$40k to $74k 7 57 25 9 0 215
$75k up 17 47 22 11 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 9 42 27 18 3 270
Independent 12 48 28 10 1 377
Democrat 16 63 18 3 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 10 42 30 16 2 402
Independent 11 38 32 18 1 118
Democrat 14 64 18 3 1 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 9 42 27 18 3 270
Lean Rep 14 40 35 11 1 132
Ind 11 38 32 18 1 118
Lean Dem 11 66 18 2 2 127
Dem 16 63 18 3 1 259
marital status
Married 16 48 24 12 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 8 46 31 11 3 170
Never Married 4 63 23 6 4 176
race and ethnicity
White 13 51 25 10 2 782
Black 7 48 33 13 0 42
Hispanic 8 56 18 17 0 32
Other 4 46 34 16 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 15 27 33 25 0 42
1/week 13 50 21 12 4 152
1-2 month 19 43 24 14 0 92
few times a year 8 54 21 14 3 150
Seldom 12 51 27 9 1 196
Never 11 55 27 6 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 6 41 32 20 2 134
Mainline Protestant 19 52 18 9 1 253
Roman Catholic 9 55 22 11 2 237
No religion 11 48 34 5 2 226
Other religion 16 52 15 18 0 45
Very conservative 4 42 28 22 2 103
Conservative 14 40 31 15 0 245
Moderate 15 55 19 9 3 295
Liberal 12 61 23 4 1 170
Very liberal 9 57 28 3 3 90
Don't know 0 54 0 23 23 4
labor union membership
respondent 11 51 25 13 0 51
another household member 14 43 34 5 4 38
nobody in household 12 51 25 11 2 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 9 46 30 15 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 14 43 30 8 4 225
Madison media market 16 46 27 9 1 165
Green Bay media market 10 60 15 12 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 10 57 23 9 1 205

E6: Elected vs. appointed state justices

Some states appoint state supreme court justices, and other states elect them. Do you think it is better to have state supreme court justices appointed or to have justices elected?
Better to have justices be elected Better to have justices be appointed Don't know n
Man 88 12 1 444
Woman 87 12 1 458
Some other way 73 27 0 6
18-29 87 13 0 132
30-44 84 15 1 211
45-59 89 10 1 214
60+ 88 11 1 351
Not HS 43 57 0 21
HS 90 10 0 243
Some Coll 90 9 0 178
AA 92 8 0 115
BA+ 85 13 2 350
Under $40k 87 13 0 199
$40k to $74k 87 12 1 215
$75k up 87 12 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 85 14 1 270
Independent 88 11 1 377
Democrat 89 11 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 84 14 2 402
Independent 89 10 0 118
Democrat 90 10 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 85 14 1 270
Lean Rep 83 15 2 132
Ind 89 10 0 118
Lean Dem 92 8 0 127
Dem 89 11 0 259
marital status
Married 87 12 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 88 11 1 170
Never Married 87 13 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 88 10 1 782
Black 72 28 0 42
Hispanic 76 24 0 32
Other 86 14 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 79 21 0 42
1/week 80 16 3 152
1-2 month 88 11 1 92
few times a year 88 12 0 150
Seldom 90 9 1 196
Never 89 11 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 86 11 3 134
Mainline Protestant 91 8 1 253
Roman Catholic 84 15 0 237
No religion 88 12 0 226
Other religion 86 13 2 45
Very conservative 90 5 4 103
Conservative 84 15 1 245
Moderate 87 13 0 295
Liberal 91 8 0 170
Very liberal 85 15 0 90
Don't know 100 0 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 87 13 0 51
another household member 95 5 0 38
nobody in household 87 12 1 817
Don't know 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 83 15 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 92 8 0 225
Madison media market 88 12 0 165
Green Bay media market 80 18 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 90 9 1 205

E7: Judicial candidates & issues

Should judicial candidates discuss during campaigns issues likely to come before them if elected so voters know what the candidates stand for or should they avoid talking about such issues in order not to seem to be pre-judging the issues?
Discuss issues Avoid discussing issues Don't know n
Man 75 24 0 444
Woman 85 15 0 458
Some other way 98 2 0 6
18-29 86 14 0 132
30-44 83 17 0 211
45-59 78 21 0 214
60+ 77 22 0 351
Not HS 68 32 0 21
HS 86 14 0 243
Some Coll 78 21 0 178
AA 83 16 1 115
BA+ 77 23 0 350
Under $40k 85 15 0 199
$40k to $74k 82 17 0 215
$75k up 77 23 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 76 24 0 270
Independent 77 23 0 377
Democrat 89 11 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 71 29 0 402
Independent 80 19 0 118
Democrat 90 10 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 76 24 0 270
Lean Rep 60 40 0 132
Ind 80 19 0 118
Lean Dem 91 8 0 127
Dem 89 11 0 259
marital status
Married 79 21 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 83 16 0 170
Never Married 82 18 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 80 20 0 782
Black 91 9 0 42
Hispanic 91 9 0 32
Other 79 21 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 79 20 2 42
1/week 76 23 0 152
1-2 month 78 22 0 92
few times a year 83 17 0 150
Seldom 74 25 0 196
Never 87 13 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 79 20 1 134
Mainline Protestant 81 19 0 253
Roman Catholic 75 25 0 237
No religion 85 14 0 226
Other religion 87 13 0 45
Very conservative 78 22 0 103
Conservative 66 32 0 245
Moderate 83 17 0 295
Liberal 89 11 0 170
Very liberal 95 5 0 90
Don't know 77 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 87 13 0 51
another household member 78 22 0 38
nobody in household 80 20 0 817
Don't know 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 82 18 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 80 20 0 225
Madison media market 77 22 0 165
Green Bay media market 76 23 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 86 14 0 205

E8: SCOWIS map case

A case currently before the state Supreme Court could require maps of the legislative districts for the state Senate and Assembly to be redrawn for upcoming elections. Do you favor redrawing the district maps or should the maps created prior to the 2022 elections remain in place until the next scheduled redistricting in 2031?
Redraw district maps Keep maps in place Don't know n
Man 42 54 3 444
Woman 47 48 4 458
Some other way 98 2 0 6
18-29 58 38 4 132
30-44 46 51 3 211
45-59 40 55 5 214
60+ 43 53 4 351
Not HS 81 19 0 21
HS 39 59 2 243
Some Coll 42 52 5 178
AA 38 52 10 115
BA+ 52 46 3 350
Under $40k 43 54 3 199
$40k to $74k 39 58 3 215
$75k up 51 46 3 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 20 77 3 270
Independent 43 51 6 377
Democrat 75 23 2 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 19 76 4 402
Independent 42 55 3 118
Democrat 73 23 4 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 20 77 3 270
Lean Rep 18 74 8 132
Ind 42 55 3 118
Lean Dem 70 24 6 127
Dem 75 23 2 259
marital status
Married 43 54 3 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 40 53 7 170
Never Married 57 38 5 176
race and ethnicity
White 47 49 4 782
Black 43 50 7 42
Hispanic 46 54 0 32
Other 29 68 3 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 37 63 0 42
1/week 19 74 7 152
1-2 month 37 52 11 92
few times a year 45 51 3 150
Seldom 47 51 2 196
Never 63 35 2 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 21 74 5 134
Mainline Protestant 45 53 2 253
Roman Catholic 39 57 5 237
No religion 64 31 5 226
Other religion 54 46 0 45
Very conservative 20 77 3 103
Conservative 16 80 4 245
Moderate 48 48 4 295
Liberal 75 21 4 170
Very liberal 92 5 3 90
Don't know 0 100 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 49 50 1 51
another household member 45 51 4 38
nobody in household 45 51 4 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 52 44 4 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 35 61 4 225
Madison media market 61 35 4 165
Green Bay media market 37 59 4 171
Rest of north & west of state 46 51 4 205

E9: Protasiewicz impeachment threat

How much have you heard or read about calls by some Republican legislators to consider impeaching state Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz?
A lot A little Nothing at all Don't know n
Man 37 39 23 1 444
Woman 24 39 36 1 458
Some other way 93 7 0 0 6
18-29 17 33 50 0 132
30-44 18 44 37 1 211
45-59 27 41 30 2 214
60+ 47 37 16 0 351
Not HS 30 51 19 0 21
HS 22 40 36 1 243
Some Coll 34 36 30 0 178
AA 19 48 32 0 115
BA+ 40 36 23 1 350
Under $40k 27 35 38 0 199
$40k to $74k 31 40 28 2 215
$75k up 34 42 24 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 18 46 36 1 270
Independent 31 40 28 1 377
Democrat 45 30 25 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 20 44 34 1 402
Independent 20 45 35 0 118
Democrat 46 32 23 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 18 46 36 1 270
Lean Rep 26 42 29 3 132
Ind 20 45 35 0 118
Lean Dem 48 34 18 0 127
Dem 45 30 25 0 259
marital status
Married 33 40 26 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 31 38 28 2 170
Never Married 25 35 39 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 34 40 26 1 782
Black 22 30 48 0 42
Hispanic 9 50 40 0 32
Other 18 27 55 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 18 40 42 0 42
1/week 27 42 30 0 152
1-2 month 24 43 33 0 92
few times a year 26 35 35 4 150
Seldom 35 40 25 0 196
Never 38 37 26 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 21 41 38 0 134
Mainline Protestant 32 38 30 0 253
Roman Catholic 31 45 23 1 237
No religion 37 38 25 0 226
Other religion 19 27 48 6 45
Very conservative 29 38 30 2 103
Conservative 21 46 33 0 245
Moderate 28 39 32 1 295
Liberal 45 34 21 0 170
Very liberal 47 30 23 0 90
Don't know 23 54 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 41 36 24 0 51
another household member 10 47 43 0 38
nobody in household 32 39 29 1 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 34 39 27 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 31 41 28 0 225
Madison media market 44 33 22 0 165
Green Bay media market 23 43 33 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 26 39 34 1 205

F1: Biden vs. Trump - economy

[The economy] Do you think Joe Biden or Donald Trump would do a better job handling each of the following issues, they are both about the same or would neither be good on the issue?
Biden Trump Both about the same Neither good Don't know n
Man 32 53 7 8 0 444
Woman 34 47 9 11 0 458
Some other way 98 2 0 0 0 6
18-29 39 36 12 13 0 132
30-44 26 53 10 11 0 211
45-59 30 62 2 5 0 214
60+ 37 45 9 9 0 351
Not HS 30 38 32 0 0 21
HS 30 52 12 7 0 243
Some Coll 34 56 4 7 0 178
AA 23 59 9 8 1 115
BA+ 39 43 6 13 0 350
Under $40k 32 41 13 13 1 199
$40k to $74k 32 55 4 9 0 215
$75k up 36 49 6 8 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 2 92 3 3 0 270
Independent 27 48 11 14 0 377
Democrat 75 8 9 8 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 2 90 3 5 0 402
Independent 20 47 12 21 0 118
Democrat 70 8 12 9 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 2 92 3 3 0 270
Lean Rep 2 86 1 11 0 132
Ind 20 47 12 21 0 118
Lean Dem 58 9 20 12 1 127
Dem 75 8 9 8 0 259
marital status
Married 31 53 7 8 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 32 56 5 7 0 170
Never Married 42 32 14 13 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 34 50 7 9 0 782
Black 43 32 22 2 0 42
Hispanic 14 63 4 19 0 32
Other 25 51 14 10 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 5 72 7 15 0 42
1/week 14 71 3 12 0 152
1-2 month 20 57 14 8 1 92
few times a year 22 63 12 2 0 150
Seldom 41 47 6 7 0 196
Never 53 27 8 12 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 8 76 3 13 0 134
Mainline Protestant 28 55 11 6 1 253
Roman Catholic 30 55 5 9 0 237
No religion 56 24 9 10 0 226
Other religion 44 36 9 10 0 45
Very conservative 2 90 4 4 0 103
Conservative 5 86 4 6 0 245
Moderate 30 43 13 13 0 295
Liberal 74 10 8 8 1 170
Very liberal 77 1 9 13 0 90
Don't know 68 32 0 0 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 40 49 7 5 0 51
another household member 25 64 10 2 0 38
nobody in household 33 49 8 10 0 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 39 40 8 13 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 23 59 8 9 0 225
Madison media market 47 34 9 10 0 165
Green Bay media market 30 54 8 8 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 32 54 7 7 0 205

F2: Biden vs. Trump - immigration

[Immigration and border security] Do you think Joe Biden or Donald Trump would do a better job handling each of the following issues, they are both about the same or would neither be good on the issue?
Biden Trump Both about the same Neither good Don't know n
Man 26 57 5 13 0 444
Woman 32 44 9 13 1 458
Some other way 93 2 0 5 0 6
18-29 43 30 9 18 0 132
30-44 27 51 7 14 0 211
45-59 22 61 7 9 0 214
60+ 30 51 6 12 1 351
Not HS 43 38 19 0 0 21
HS 26 58 7 7 1 243
Some Coll 33 53 3 10 0 178
AA 19 56 10 15 0 115
BA+ 33 42 6 18 0 350
Under $40k 32 41 9 17 1 199
$40k to $74k 26 56 8 10 0 215
$75k up 30 50 6 13 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 2 91 4 4 0 270
Independent 24 50 8 17 1 377
Democrat 66 9 9 16 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 1 89 4 5 0 402
Independent 15 51 7 24 2 118
Democrat 63 10 10 17 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 2 91 4 4 0 270
Lean Rep 0 86 5 8 0 132
Ind 15 51 7 24 2 118
Lean Dem 57 11 11 20 0 127
Dem 66 9 9 16 0 259
marital status
Married 26 57 6 11 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 29 50 5 14 1 170
Never Married 42 28 11 18 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 29 52 6 12 0 782
Black 47 9 23 19 1 42
Hispanic 14 63 0 23 0 32
Other 33 44 6 17 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 4 80 8 8 0 42
1/week 8 68 8 15 0 152
1-2 month 19 60 8 12 1 92
few times a year 20 69 3 7 0 150
Seldom 31 42 11 16 1 196
Never 53 28 5 14 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 6 77 2 15 0 134
Mainline Protestant 24 59 6 11 1 253
Roman Catholic 26 54 9 11 0 237
No religion 51 24 9 16 0 226
Other religion 38 38 9 15 0 45
Very conservative 2 90 4 4 0 103
Conservative 4 86 3 7 0 245
Moderate 26 44 10 18 1 295
Liberal 68 11 3 17 0 170
Very liberal 69 1 14 15 0 90
Don't know 23 32 45 0 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 30 58 6 6 0 51
another household member 35 58 7 0 0 38
nobody in household 29 50 7 14 0 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 39 36 9 14 2 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 20 63 6 12 0 225
Madison media market 45 32 6 17 0 165
Green Bay media market 23 58 8 11 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 27 55 6 11 0 205

F3: Biden vs. Trump - climate change

[Climate change] Do you think Joe Biden or Donald Trump would do a better job handling each of the following issues, they are both about the same or would neither be good on the issue?
Biden Trump Both about the same Neither good Don't know n
Man 45 30 9 16 1 444
Woman 46 26 11 17 1 458
Some other way 98 2 0 0 0 6
18-29 55 15 7 24 0 132
30-44 37 27 15 21 0 211
45-59 44 36 9 11 0 214
60+ 48 28 9 14 2 351
Not HS 30 0 38 13 19 21
HS 40 32 11 16 0 243
Some Coll 39 30 11 18 2 178
AA 39 27 15 18 0 115
BA+ 55 25 5 14 0 350
Under $40k 43 21 13 19 4 199
$40k to $74k 41 34 12 13 0 215
$75k up 49 26 8 17 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 7 60 14 17 2 270
Independent 44 23 10 23 1 377
Democrat 87 1 5 6 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 9 56 14 19 2 402
Independent 37 21 13 28 1 118
Democrat 86 1 4 9 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 7 60 14 17 2 270
Lean Rep 12 47 15 24 1 132
Ind 37 21 13 28 1 118
Lean Dem 83 0 1 15 0 127
Dem 87 1 5 6 0 259
marital status
Married 42 32 10 15 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 43 29 6 18 3 170
Never Married 57 12 12 18 1 176
race and ethnicity
White 46 29 9 15 1 782
Black 43 3 22 31 0 42
Hispanic 25 26 17 32 0 32
Other 48 30 7 16 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 25 53 16 6 0 42
1/week 24 45 12 17 1 152
1-2 month 36 28 19 16 1 92
few times a year 37 37 6 19 0 150
Seldom 53 23 8 15 0 196
Never 62 12 7 16 2 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 21 51 16 12 0 134
Mainline Protestant 44 28 8 19 1 253
Roman Catholic 38 30 13 16 2 237
No religion 66 13 7 14 0 226
Other religion 59 18 4 19 0 45
Very conservative 3 75 8 15 0 103
Conservative 12 49 18 17 3 245
Moderate 52 18 10 20 0 295
Liberal 88 0 1 11 0 170
Very liberal 82 1 5 13 0 90
Don't know 77 0 0 0 23 4
labor union membership
respondent 51 33 6 10 0 51
another household member 42 32 17 9 0 38
nobody in household 45 27 10 17 1 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 47 19 14 21 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 38 36 11 15 0 225
Madison media market 63 17 5 15 0 165
Green Bay media market 41 32 12 15 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 42 30 8 16 4 205

F4: Biden vs. Trump - foreign relations

[Foreign relations] Do you think Joe Biden or Donald Trump would do a better job handling each of the following issues, they are both about the same or would neither be good on the issue?
Biden Trump Both about the same Neither good Don't know n
Man 36 47 5 13 0 444
Woman 41 43 6 11 0 458
Some other way 98 2 0 0 0 6
18-29 41 34 9 16 0 132
30-44 30 44 6 20 0 211
45-59 36 55 2 7 0 214
60+ 44 42 6 7 0 351
Not HS 62 38 0 0 0 21
HS 31 51 10 7 0 243
Some Coll 35 48 7 10 0 178
AA 24 50 4 22 0 115
BA+ 49 36 2 13 0 350
Under $40k 38 37 14 12 0 199
$40k to $74k 36 49 4 11 0 215
$75k up 42 44 2 12 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 3 88 2 7 0 270
Independent 33 39 10 18 0 377
Democrat 84 7 2 7 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 4 83 3 10 0 402
Independent 22 43 15 21 0 118
Democrat 80 5 5 11 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 3 88 2 7 0 270
Lean Rep 6 74 5 15 0 132
Ind 22 43 15 21 0 118
Lean Dem 72 1 10 17 0 127
Dem 84 7 2 7 0 259
marital status
Married 36 49 4 10 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 37 46 4 13 0 170
Never Married 48 29 9 15 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 40 45 5 10 0 782
Black 45 12 19 22 1 42
Hispanic 2 58 0 40 0 32
Other 45 46 2 7 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 8 74 9 9 0 42
1/week 22 65 3 11 0 152
1-2 month 36 54 5 6 0 92
few times a year 33 55 5 7 0 150
Seldom 43 37 7 14 0 196
Never 54 25 6 15 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 15 67 5 13 0 134
Mainline Protestant 38 47 5 10 0 253
Roman Catholic 35 52 6 6 0 237
No religion 57 22 5 16 0 226
Other religion 44 36 0 19 0 45
Very conservative 3 84 6 7 0 103
Conservative 9 78 4 9 0 245
Moderate 40 36 9 16 0 295
Liberal 81 10 2 8 0 170
Very liberal 77 1 5 16 0 90
Don't know 68 9 0 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 41 44 7 7 0 51
another household member 34 47 11 9 0 38
nobody in household 39 44 5 12 0 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 46 34 5 14 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 29 55 6 10 0 225
Madison media market 56 25 4 14 0 165
Green Bay media market 33 51 3 13 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 35 50 7 8 0 205

F5: Biden vs. Trump - abortion policy

[Abortion policy] Do you think Joe Biden or Donald Trump would do a better job handling each of the following issues, they are both about the same or would neither be good on the issue?
Biden Trump Both about the same Neither good Don't know n
Man 40 36 9 14 0 444
Woman 45 33 8 13 0 458
Some other way 98 0 2 0 0 6
18-29 57 18 10 15 0 132
30-44 43 32 11 13 0 211
45-59 37 39 6 18 0 214
60+ 41 39 9 11 0 351
Not HS 30 19 38 13 0 21
HS 31 37 14 18 0 243
Some Coll 47 37 6 10 0 178
AA 30 39 8 23 0 115
BA+ 54 31 5 9 0 350
Under $40k 38 31 12 19 0 199
$40k to $74k 39 36 13 12 0 215
$75k up 48 33 6 13 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 6 73 8 14 0 270
Independent 41 30 10 19 0 377
Democrat 85 1 8 6 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 7 69 8 15 0 402
Independent 32 27 16 24 1 118
Democrat 83 1 7 9 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 6 73 8 14 0 270
Lean Rep 10 61 9 19 1 132
Ind 32 27 16 24 1 118
Lean Dem 80 0 5 14 0 127
Dem 85 1 8 6 0 259
marital status
Married 39 39 8 13 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 43 38 8 11 1 170
Never Married 56 15 12 17 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 43 36 8 13 0 782
Black 42 3 28 27 0 42
Hispanic 41 32 16 11 0 32
Other 46 38 8 9 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 6 71 10 13 0 42
1/week 15 60 7 18 0 152
1-2 month 30 39 15 15 1 92
few times a year 34 45 7 14 0 150
Seldom 55 29 8 8 0 196
Never 65 12 9 14 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 15 62 12 10 0 134
Mainline Protestant 39 36 9 17 0 253
Roman Catholic 32 41 9 17 1 237
No religion 69 11 9 11 0 226
Other religion 66 28 0 6 0 45
Very conservative 6 87 5 2 0 103
Conservative 5 67 10 17 0 245
Moderate 48 19 13 20 0 295
Liberal 84 2 4 9 0 170
Very liberal 93 1 4 2 0 90
Don't know 23 0 0 45 32 4
labor union membership
respondent 52 34 6 8 0 51
another household member 43 50 5 2 0 38
nobody in household 42 34 9 15 0 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 56 28 6 10 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 33 42 11 13 0 225
Madison media market 62 23 6 9 0 165
Green Bay media market 34 37 11 17 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 37 38 7 17 0 205

F6: Biden vs. Trump - Medicare

[Medicare & Social Security] Do you think Joe Biden or Donald Trump would do a better job handling each of the following issues, they are both about the same or would neither be good on the issue?
Biden Trump Both about the same Neither good Don't know n
Man 39 38 11 11 1 444
Woman 43 36 12 9 0 458
Some other way 98 2 0 0 0 6
18-29 50 24 9 17 0 132
30-44 37 38 12 13 0 211
45-59 36 46 11 7 0 214
60+ 44 34 12 7 1 351
Not HS 30 19 38 13 0 21
HS 36 39 15 9 1 243
Some Coll 45 43 6 6 1 178
AA 25 45 11 19 0 115
BA+ 49 30 11 9 0 350
Under $40k 39 31 14 15 0 199
$40k to $74k 41 39 10 9 1 215
$75k up 43 36 12 9 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 4 76 13 6 1 270
Independent 38 31 15 15 0 377
Democrat 86 3 5 6 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 6 72 13 8 1 402
Independent 25 30 19 25 1 118
Democrat 83 2 8 7 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 4 76 13 6 1 270
Lean Rep 12 63 14 12 0 132
Ind 25 30 19 25 1 118
Lean Dem 77 0 14 9 0 127
Dem 86 3 5 6 0 259
marital status
Married 37 41 12 9 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 45 41 7 6 1 170
Never Married 53 19 13 15 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 41 38 11 10 1 782
Black 54 5 29 12 0 42
Hispanic 29 40 16 14 0 32
Other 50 34 6 10 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 14 61 10 15 0 42
1/week 22 57 12 8 1 152
1-2 month 29 38 20 13 0 92
few times a year 32 48 10 10 0 150
Seldom 51 32 11 3 1 196
Never 58 18 10 14 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 19 62 7 12 1 134
Mainline Protestant 37 38 16 9 0 253
Roman Catholic 33 42 13 10 1 237
No religion 64 16 9 10 0 226
Other religion 53 27 8 12 0 45
Very conservative 2 81 9 7 0 103
Conservative 8 68 14 8 1 245
Moderate 42 27 16 15 0 295
Liberal 89 0 3 8 0 170
Very liberal 85 1 10 5 0 90
Don't know 68 0 9 23 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 48 37 9 6 0 51
another household member 33 48 19 0 0 38
nobody in household 41 36 11 11 1 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 52 28 7 13 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 31 47 13 9 0 225
Madison media market 60 20 12 8 1 165
Green Bay media market 35 39 17 9 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 36 43 9 11 1 205

F7: Describes Biden - too old

[Is too old to be president] How well does each of the following phrases describe Joe Biden?
Very well Somewhat well Not too well Not at all well Don't know n
Man 59 20 8 13 0 444
Woman 51 25 14 10 0 458
Some other way 68 32 0 0 0 6
18-29 64 21 7 8 0 132
30-44 66 18 9 7 0 211
45-59 53 25 15 8 0 214
60+ 46 24 12 17 0 351
Not HS 38 13 13 36 0 21
HS 53 23 16 7 1 243
Some Coll 53 25 10 13 0 178
AA 69 14 6 10 0 115
BA+ 53 24 10 12 0 350
Under $40k 48 25 14 14 0 199
$40k to $74k 55 23 13 9 0 215
$75k up 58 21 9 11 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 78 9 5 8 0 270
Independent 55 21 11 12 0 377
Democrat 29 38 18 14 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 74 10 6 9 0 402
Independent 56 23 12 10 0 118
Democrat 34 35 17 13 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 78 9 5 8 0 270
Lean Rep 65 11 9 14 1 132
Ind 56 23 12 10 0 118
Lean Dem 44 30 13 13 0 127
Dem 29 38 18 14 0 259
marital status
Married 56 24 9 11 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 46 20 18 16 0 170
Never Married 60 20 13 8 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 55 23 11 11 0 782
Black 33 28 22 17 0 42
Hispanic 85 6 0 10 0 32
Other 48 22 21 9 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 71 24 0 5 0 42
1/week 72 17 2 7 1 152
1-2 month 58 21 13 8 0 92
few times a year 53 19 16 13 0 150
Seldom 48 28 16 8 0 196
Never 47 23 12 17 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 62 25 7 5 1 134
Mainline Protestant 55 20 17 8 0 253
Roman Catholic 59 21 8 12 0 237
No religion 47 27 9 17 0 226
Other religion 60 10 22 8 0 45
Very conservative 70 17 8 4 0 103
Conservative 66 11 8 14 1 245
Moderate 57 27 8 9 0 295
Liberal 28 34 27 11 0 170
Very liberal 50 21 8 18 0 90
Don't know 32 0 0 68 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 48 12 19 19 0 51
another household member 77 10 0 9 4 38
nobody in household 54 24 11 11 0 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 46 25 10 17 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 58 19 10 13 0 225
Madison media market 54 21 15 10 0 165
Green Bay media market 62 25 8 4 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 52 24 13 12 0 205

F8: Describes Biden - shares values

[Shares your values] How well does each of the following phrases describe Joe Biden?
Very well Somewhat well Not too well Not at all well Don't know n
Man 17 23 14 46 1 444
Woman 20 32 15 33 0 458
Some other way 0 32 66 2 0 6
18-29 6 41 30 23 0 132
30-44 8 33 15 44 0 211
45-59 19 24 17 39 1 214
60+ 29 21 7 42 1 351
Not HS 17 26 0 57 0 21
HS 13 34 18 35 0 243
Some Coll 16 23 19 41 1 178
AA 18 17 8 56 1 115
BA+ 24 29 13 34 0 350
Under $40k 16 35 15 33 1 199
$40k to $74k 14 29 16 40 0 215
$75k up 22 24 13 40 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 3 3 17 76 1 270
Independent 12 34 19 36 0 377
Democrat 44 44 7 5 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 2 5 19 73 1 402
Independent 7 36 20 37 0 118
Democrat 39 48 9 4 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 3 3 17 76 1 270
Lean Rep 0 10 23 67 0 132
Ind 7 36 20 37 0 118
Lean Dem 29 56 13 2 0 127
Dem 44 44 7 5 0 259
marital status
Married 19 22 12 46 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 22 29 13 36 0 170
Never Married 12 43 24 20 1 176
race and ethnicity
White 19 25 15 40 0 782
Black 18 63 0 18 0 42
Hispanic 2 33 19 47 0 32
Other 16 33 14 36 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 9 6 26 59 0 42
1/week 8 18 14 59 1 152
1-2 month 15 22 20 42 0 92
few times a year 14 27 14 45 0 150
Seldom 27 27 14 32 0 196
Never 23 39 12 26 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 3 21 14 62 0 134
Mainline Protestant 23 20 15 41 1 253
Roman Catholic 20 22 15 42 0 237
No religion 21 45 15 19 1 226
Other religion 21 33 6 40 0 45
Very conservative 0 9 10 80 0 103
Conservative 3 9 16 70 1 245
Moderate 22 32 19 27 0 295
Liberal 40 50 3 6 0 170
Very liberal 27 43 23 7 0 90
Don't know 23 45 0 23 9 4
labor union membership
respondent 27 24 3 43 3 51
another household member 6 28 20 45 0 38
nobody in household 19 27 15 38 0 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 25 27 17 31 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 16 19 17 49 0 225
Madison media market 26 38 14 21 0 165
Green Bay media market 13 28 12 46 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 15 28 13 42 1 205

F10: Describes Biden - corrupt

[Has behaved corruptly] How well does each of the following phrases describe Joe Biden?
Very well Somewhat well Not too well Not at all well Don't know n
Man 35 16 14 32 2 444
Woman 26 17 17 40 0 458
Some other way 2 0 66 32 0 6
18-29 12 31 30 24 3 132
30-44 31 14 20 32 0 211
45-59 40 17 12 30 1 214
60+ 32 11 11 46 1 351
Not HS 45 0 19 36 0 21
HS 32 25 13 29 1 243
Some Coll 34 12 16 35 1 178
AA 37 11 20 28 4 115
BA+ 25 15 17 43 0 350
Under $40k 30 19 19 32 0 199
$40k to $74k 32 18 15 35 0 215
$75k up 30 15 16 38 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 57 18 8 14 3 270
Independent 26 21 19 32 1 377
Democrat 10 8 19 64 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 52 20 10 16 2 402
Independent 33 17 21 29 1 118
Democrat 7 12 20 59 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 57 18 8 14 3 270
Lean Rep 42 24 14 20 0 132
Ind 33 17 21 29 1 118
Lean Dem 3 21 24 48 1 127
Dem 10 8 19 64 0 259
marital status
Married 34 15 12 37 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 27 13 16 45 0 170
Never Married 21 23 28 24 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 32 15 15 36 1 782
Black 8 33 23 36 0 42
Hispanic 40 26 20 13 0 32
Other 27 8 21 44 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 43 30 5 22 1 42
1/week 46 14 15 19 5 152
1-2 month 21 18 23 38 0 92
few times a year 37 27 10 26 0 150
Seldom 33 12 16 39 0 196
Never 18 12 19 49 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 51 17 15 14 3 134
Mainline Protestant 29 16 18 38 0 253
Roman Catholic 37 19 12 30 2 237
No religion 17 11 20 51 2 226
Other religion 24 29 11 36 0 45
Very conservative 61 15 11 9 4 103
Conservative 55 18 8 18 1 245
Moderate 19 22 20 37 1 295
Liberal 11 7 15 67 0 170
Very liberal 3 13 31 52 1 90
Don't know 45 0 0 55 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 36 6 11 44 3 51
another household member 37 21 19 23 0 38
nobody in household 30 17 16 36 1 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 20 13 21 45 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 38 11 17 30 2 225
Madison media market 18 14 17 49 3 165
Green Bay media market 37 20 15 28 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 34 22 12 32 1 205

F11: Describes Biden - accomplishments

[Has a strong record of accomplishments as president] How well does each of the following phrases describe Joe Biden?
Very well Somewhat well Not too well Not at all well n
Man 20 17 17 46 444
Woman 20 25 19 35 458
Some other way 27 71 2 0 6
18-29 16 19 34 29 132
30-44 11 27 21 41 211
45-59 20 21 13 46 214
60+ 27 19 14 39 351
Not HS 30 0 32 38 21
HS 17 22 21 39 243
Some Coll 22 20 13 45 178
AA 13 14 22 52 115
BA+ 23 25 17 34 350
Under $40k 24 19 30 27 199
$40k to $74k 17 23 14 44 215
$75k up 21 22 15 42 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 2 2 18 78 270
Independent 13 28 21 38 377
Democrat 49 32 14 3 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 2 4 18 76 402
Independent 6 26 28 39 118
Democrat 43 38 16 3 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 2 2 18 78 270
Lean Rep 2 8 18 72 132
Ind 6 26 28 39 118
Lean Dem 29 50 18 2 127
Dem 49 32 14 3 259
marital status
Married 18 21 15 46 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 21 27 12 40 170
Never Married 24 18 35 21 176
race and ethnicity
White 21 21 18 40 782
Black 17 43 18 13 42
Hispanic 2 14 20 64 32
Other 19 17 23 42 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 5 2 30 62 42
1/week 10 16 14 60 152
1-2 month 12 22 22 44 92
few times a year 14 22 14 50 150
Seldom 29 20 20 31 196
Never 28 28 18 24 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 4 13 20 63 134
Mainline Protestant 21 18 14 47 253
Roman Catholic 22 17 19 42 237
No religion 27 31 21 19 226
Other religion 24 28 26 23 45
Very conservative 1 5 13 81 103
Conservative 2 7 18 73 245
Moderate 20 29 24 27 295
Liberal 48 33 11 5 170
Very liberal 37 34 20 8 90
Don't know 68 9 0 23 4
labor union membership
respondent 23 25 6 46 51
another household member 19 13 16 52 38
nobody in household 20 22 19 39 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 26 23 22 29 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 15 16 17 52 225
Madison media market 26 32 20 21 165
Green Bay media market 15 23 13 46 171
Rest of north & west of state 21 17 19 43 205

F12: Describes Trump - too old

[Is too old to be president] How well does each of the following phrases describe Donald Trump?
Very well Somewhat well Not too well Not at all well Don't know n
Man 26 29 22 22 1 444
Woman 24 29 26 21 0 458
Some other way 66 32 2 0 0 6
18-29 45 33 15 4 0 132
30-44 29 22 27 22 0 211
45-59 18 32 26 22 2 214
60+ 19 29 24 26 0 351
Not HS 0 64 19 17 0 21
HS 19 27 30 22 1 243
Some Coll 28 27 25 21 0 178
AA 27 21 20 28 0 115
BA+ 29 31 20 19 0 350
Under $40k 21 31 27 20 0 199
$40k to $74k 26 23 26 23 2 215
$75k up 27 30 22 19 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 7 31 24 36 0 270
Independent 28 25 28 18 1 377
Democrat 40 32 17 10 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 12 27 28 32 1 402
Independent 19 31 30 19 1 118
Democrat 40 30 18 11 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 7 31 24 36 0 270
Lean Rep 23 17 36 21 3 132
Ind 19 31 30 19 1 118
Lean Dem 41 28 19 13 0 127
Dem 40 32 17 10 0 259
marital status
Married 20 30 26 24 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 29 28 22 20 2 170
Never Married 38 26 21 13 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 24 29 25 21 0 782
Black 25 32 28 15 0 42
Hispanic 30 23 23 24 0 32
Other 34 37 6 23 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 13 27 23 37 0 42
1/week 15 26 20 37 0 152
1-2 month 13 30 31 25 1 92
few times a year 22 27 31 18 3 150
Seldom 25 34 25 16 0 196
Never 39 27 20 14 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 9 20 30 42 0 134
Mainline Protestant 21 26 33 20 0 253
Roman Catholic 20 38 16 22 2 237
No religion 43 28 17 11 0 226
Other religion 34 28 25 12 0 45
Very conservative 5 15 33 47 0 103
Conservative 10 31 25 34 0 245
Moderate 29 29 28 11 2 295
Liberal 34 40 20 6 0 170
Very liberal 60 18 6 13 0 90
Don't know 46 9 0 45 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 30 17 19 31 0 51
another household member 35 9 39 17 0 38
nobody in household 24 30 24 21 1 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 29 37 19 14 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 17 23 34 23 0 225
Madison media market 38 25 11 26 0 165
Green Bay media market 19 38 22 19 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 26 24 28 22 0 205

F13: Describes Trump - shares values

[Shares your values] How well does each of the following phrases describe Donald Trump?
Very well Somewhat well Not too well Not at all well Don't know n
Man 23 23 13 42 0 444
Woman 21 17 9 52 0 458
Some other way 0 0 2 98 0 6
18-29 9 18 16 57 0 132
30-44 18 20 18 44 0 211
45-59 27 25 10 39 0 214
60+ 26 17 6 50 1 351
Not HS 19 19 13 49 0 21
HS 29 17 15 40 0 243
Some Coll 24 23 6 46 1 178
AA 28 22 11 39 0 115
BA+ 14 20 11 55 0 350
Under $40k 18 17 11 54 1 199
$40k to $74k 28 21 11 40 0 215
$75k up 19 20 12 49 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 49 32 11 7 1 270
Independent 17 21 14 48 0 377
Democrat 0 4 7 88 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 44 34 13 8 0 402
Independent 16 27 14 43 0 118
Democrat 0 3 8 89 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 49 32 11 7 1 270
Lean Rep 35 37 18 11 0 132
Ind 16 27 14 43 0 118
Lean Dem 0 0 9 90 0 127
Dem 0 4 7 88 0 259
marital status
Married 26 19 11 44 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 24 25 8 44 0 170
Never Married 7 17 15 61 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 23 19 10 48 0 782
Black 0 13 28 59 0 42
Hispanic 28 33 16 23 0 32
Other 14 30 7 49 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 36 33 16 14 0 42
1/week 45 18 11 25 1 152
1-2 month 21 20 14 45 0 92
few times a year 26 28 13 33 0 150
Seldom 13 25 12 50 0 196
Never 11 11 7 71 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 39 29 11 21 0 134
Mainline Protestant 20 24 13 42 1 253
Roman Catholic 28 21 11 40 0 237
No religion 8 11 10 72 0 226
Other religion 13 15 12 60 0 45
Very conservative 66 22 8 4 0 103
Conservative 38 37 11 13 1 245
Moderate 11 20 18 51 0 295
Liberal 2 5 5 88 0 170
Very liberal 1 0 3 97 0 90
Don't know 0 0 0 91 9 4
labor union membership
respondent 28 18 5 49 0 51
another household member 33 17 13 38 0 38
nobody in household 21 20 11 47 0 817
Don't know 0 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 10 20 18 52 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 29 23 13 36 0 225
Madison media market 16 8 4 72 0 165
Green Bay media market 23 23 15 38 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 25 23 7 44 1 205

F15: Describes Trump - corrupt

[Has behaved corruptly] How well does each of the following phrases describe Donald Trump?
Very well Somewhat well Not too well Not at all well Don't know n
Man 47 19 12 20 1 444
Woman 52 16 11 20 0 458
Some other way 98 0 0 2 0 6
18-29 55 19 16 9 0 132
30-44 54 14 13 19 0 211
45-59 43 23 14 19 1 214
60+ 50 15 8 25 1 351
Not HS 30 38 19 13 0 21
HS 40 21 16 22 0 243
Some Coll 59 15 10 15 2 178
AA 43 11 16 29 1 115
BA+ 56 17 8 19 0 350
Under $40k 45 18 15 21 1 199
$40k to $74k 47 16 13 24 0 215
$75k up 55 18 10 17 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 17 32 16 34 1 270
Independent 51 14 15 19 0 377
Democrat 83 7 2 7 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 21 30 18 30 1 402
Independent 40 11 17 30 1 118
Democrat 83 6 3 6 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 17 32 16 34 1 270
Lean Rep 29 26 22 23 0 132
Ind 40 11 17 30 1 118
Lean Dem 84 5 6 5 0 127
Dem 83 7 2 7 0 259
marital status
Married 48 19 11 21 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 52 14 14 20 0 170
Never Married 54 15 13 17 1 176
race and ethnicity
White 51 18 10 21 1 782
Black 44 19 32 6 0 42
Hispanic 34 14 32 19 0 32
Other 47 17 17 13 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 22 33 20 25 0 42
1/week 32 26 10 30 2 152
1-2 month 43 23 17 17 0 92
few times a year 39 19 17 22 0 150
Seldom 50 15 12 22 0 196
Never 72 9 7 12 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 25 27 17 31 0 134
Mainline Protestant 51 14 15 19 1 253
Roman Catholic 41 20 10 28 0 237
No religion 71 9 9 9 1 226
Other religion 46 39 0 9 0 45
Very conservative 13 29 24 34 0 103
Conservative 20 28 17 34 2 245
Moderate 58 14 12 15 0 295
Liberal 80 8 3 7 0 170
Very liberal 90 5 0 5 0 90
Don't know 46 0 0 54 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 46 9 5 37 3 51
another household member 46 8 19 28 0 38
nobody in household 51 18 12 19 0 817
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 58 11 13 18 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 46 16 16 22 0 225
Madison media market 65 16 6 10 1 165
Green Bay media market 40 24 12 24 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 45 18 10 25 2 205

F16: Describes Trump - accomplishments

[Has a strong record of accomplishments as president] How well does each of the following phrases describe Donald Trump?
Very well Somewhat well Not too well Not at all well n
Man 36 18 16 31 444
Woman 32 16 15 37 458
Some other way 0 2 0 98 6
18-29 15 20 33 32 132
30-44 33 16 16 35 211
45-59 44 17 13 26 214
60+ 34 15 10 41 351
Not HS 19 19 32 30 21
HS 38 17 20 25 243
Some Coll 37 15 10 37 178
AA 37 22 10 31 115
BA+ 28 15 15 42 350
Under $40k 27 14 25 34 199
$40k to $74k 38 20 11 30 215
$75k up 33 16 13 38 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 69 24 3 3 270
Independent 30 18 20 32 377
Democrat 2 7 21 71 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 66 24 7 3 402
Independent 28 23 16 32 118
Democrat 1 7 23 68 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 69 24 3 3 270
Lean Rep 59 23 15 2 132
Ind 28 23 16 32 118
Lean Dem 1 9 28 63 127
Dem 2 7 21 71 259
marital status
Married 37 17 11 35 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 43 11 14 32 170
Never Married 13 19 31 37 176
race and ethnicity
White 35 17 13 36 782
Black 3 21 33 42 42
Hispanic 34 22 21 23 32
Other 34 11 32 23 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 50 28 9 13 42
1/week 55 19 13 13 152
1-2 month 31 27 15 26 92
few times a year 52 12 13 23 150
Seldom 26 17 19 38 196
Never 15 12 16 57 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 59 18 12 12 134
Mainline Protestant 36 19 16 29 253
Roman Catholic 39 20 11 30 237
No religion 11 12 20 56 226
Other religion 32 10 21 37 45
Very conservative 79 12 5 4 103
Conservative 64 21 8 8 245
Moderate 19 26 22 32 295
Liberal 5 3 22 69 170
Very liberal 1 4 11 84 90
Don't know 0 32 0 68 4
labor union membership
respondent 39 9 11 41 51
another household member 44 14 14 28 38
nobody in household 33 17 15 35 817
Don't know 0 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 23 19 19 40 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 42 20 9 29 225
Madison media market 21 7 21 51 165
Green Bay media market 37 23 16 25 171
Rest of north & west of state 39 14 14 33 205

G1: Favor/Oppose overturn Roe

Do you favor or oppose the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe versus Wade, thus striking down the 1973 decision that made abortion legal in all 50 states?
Favor Oppose Haven't heard of decision Don't Know n
Man 42 53 3 1 444
Woman 29 61 9 1 458
Some other way 2 98 0 0 6
18-29 20 70 9 0 132
30-44 30 58 12 0 211
45-59 43 54 2 0 214
60+ 39 54 3 3 351
Not HS 13 49 38 0 21
HS 33 53 12 1 243
Some Coll 34 62 1 2 178
AA 43 44 9 2 115
BA+ 35 63 1 0 350
Under $40k 27 59 14 0 199
$40k to $74k 34 55 9 2 215
$75k up 38 60 1 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 69 23 5 2 270
Independent 31 60 7 1 377
Democrat 5 89 5 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 66 26 5 1 402
Independent 27 60 10 3 118
Democrat 5 89 6 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 69 23 5 2 270
Lean Rep 62 31 4 0 132
Ind 27 60 10 3 118
Lean Dem 4 88 7 0 127
Dem 5 89 5 0 259
marital status
Married 41 51 5 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 28 65 6 1 170
Never Married 21 69 10 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 37 58 3 1 782
Black 4 58 37 1 42
Hispanic 31 45 23 0 32
Other 32 60 8 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 80 16 4 0 42
1/week 70 21 5 3 152
1-2 month 35 55 7 2 92
few times a year 43 53 2 0 150
Seldom 26 66 6 1 196
Never 11 81 8 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 66 27 3 3 134
Mainline Protestant 35 55 9 0 253
Roman Catholic 42 50 5 2 237
No religion 12 83 5 0 226
Other religion 21 71 5 0 45
Very conservative 80 11 6 0 103
Conservative 68 27 3 2 245
Moderate 21 66 10 1 295
Liberal 1 96 3 0 170
Very liberal 2 93 4 0 90
Don't know 45 23 23 9 4
labor union membership
respondent 28 65 7 0 51
another household member 44 54 2 0 38
nobody in household 35 57 6 1 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 28 64 8 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 43 48 5 2 225
Madison media market 28 67 5 1 165
Green Bay media market 33 56 8 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 38 56 5 0 205

G2: Abortion personal importance

How important is the abortion issue to you--would you say it is one of the most important, somewhat important, not very important, or not important at all?
One of the most important issues Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Don't know n
Man 31 45 16 8 0 444
Woman 45 40 11 4 0 458
Some other way 93 5 2 0 0 6
18-29 56 35 7 2 0 132
30-44 40 45 6 9 0 211
45-59 27 46 23 5 0 214
60+ 38 41 14 6 0 351
Not HS 0 81 19 0 0 21
HS 38 43 13 6 0 243
Some Coll 34 42 15 9 0 178
AA 32 46 15 7 0 115
BA+ 45 38 12 5 0 350
Under $40k 46 40 11 3 0 199
$40k to $74k 38 43 14 5 0 215
$75k up 35 44 15 7 0 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 31 40 17 12 0 270
Independent 35 46 14 5 0 377
Democrat 51 39 8 2 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 28 42 19 11 0 402
Independent 19 59 18 4 0 118
Democrat 55 37 6 1 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 31 40 17 12 0 270
Lean Rep 21 46 23 10 1 132
Ind 19 59 18 4 0 118
Lean Dem 64 34 2 0 0 127
Dem 51 39 8 2 0 259
marital status
Married 34 46 13 7 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 40 33 19 7 1 170
Never Married 50 39 8 2 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 39 41 14 6 0 782
Black 38 45 14 4 0 42
Hispanic 32 46 13 8 0 32
Other 30 59 6 6 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 53 35 8 5 0 42
1/week 44 36 17 4 0 152
1-2 month 19 62 16 4 0 92
few times a year 23 53 12 12 0 150
Seldom 38 39 18 5 0 196
Never 48 36 9 6 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 50 40 8 2 0 134
Mainline Protestant 28 46 17 9 0 253
Roman Catholic 33 46 17 4 0 237
No religion 53 31 11 5 0 226
Other religion 16 64 5 14 0 45
Very conservative 45 38 9 8 0 103
Conservative 25 42 23 11 0 245
Moderate 27 51 15 6 0 295
Liberal 55 41 4 0 0 170
Very liberal 73 22 5 0 0 90
Don't know 68 9 0 0 23 4
labor union membership
respondent 37 44 12 7 0 51
another household member 30 47 23 0 0 38
nobody in household 39 42 13 6 0 817
Don't know 0 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 48 31 15 6 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 33 38 18 10 0 225
Madison media market 45 44 9 2 0 165
Green Bay media market 26 57 13 4 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 42 41 11 6 0 205

G3: Active part in world affairs or not

Do you think it will be better for the future of the country if we take an active part in world affairs, or if we stay out of world affairs?
Take an active part in world affairs Stay out of world affairs Don't know n
Man 62 37 1 444
Woman 63 35 1 458
Some other way 29 71 0 6
18-29 68 29 3 132
30-44 48 51 1 211
45-59 63 36 0 214
60+ 67 30 1 351
Not HS 49 51 0 21
HS 53 47 0 243
Some Coll 57 40 1 178
AA 51 45 4 115
BA+ 75 24 1 350
Under $40k 51 46 1 199
$40k to $74k 59 39 2 215
$75k up 68 31 1 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 55 44 1 270
Independent 58 40 2 377
Democrat 76 24 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 53 46 1 402
Independent 47 49 1 118
Democrat 75 23 2 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 55 44 1 270
Lean Rep 51 49 1 132
Ind 47 49 1 118
Lean Dem 75 21 3 127
Dem 76 24 1 259
marital status
Married 63 35 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 59 40 1 170
Never Married 61 37 2 176
race and ethnicity
White 63 35 1 782
Black 52 48 0 42
Hispanic 58 42 0 32
Other 60 40 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 73 25 2 42
1/week 66 34 1 152
1-2 month 59 38 3 92
few times a year 53 46 1 150
Seldom 61 39 0 196
Never 65 32 2 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 57 38 1 134
Mainline Protestant 63 36 1 253
Roman Catholic 61 38 1 237
No religion 67 31 2 226
Other religion 53 47 0 45
Very conservative 58 39 0 103
Conservative 50 48 2 245
Moderate 62 38 0 295
Liberal 80 19 1 170
Very liberal 70 26 4 90
Don't know 0 91 9 4
labor union membership
respondent 53 47 0 51
another household member 38 62 0 38
nobody in household 64 34 1 817
Don't know 0 100 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 68 32 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 66 32 0 225
Madison media market 68 32 1 165
Green Bay media market 57 41 1 171
Rest of north & west of state 52 44 3 205

G4: US support of Ukraine

When it comes to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, do you think the United States is providing too much support to Ukraine, not enough support to Ukraine, or about the right amount of support to Ukraine?
Too much support Not enough support About the right amount of support Don't know n
Man 39 20 38 2 444
Woman 32 23 44 1 458
Some other way 68 27 5 0 6
18-29 27 29 41 3 132
30-44 36 23 40 1 211
45-59 42 22 34 2 214
60+ 35 18 46 1 351
Not HS 19 49 32 0 21
HS 36 26 37 0 243
Some Coll 45 17 37 1 178
AA 48 12 36 3 115
BA+ 27 23 48 2 350
Under $40k 32 26 41 1 199
$40k to $74k 42 21 36 0 215
$75k up 34 20 43 2 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 56 12 30 2 270
Independent 37 20 41 1 377
Democrat 12 34 53 1 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 55 13 29 2 402
Independent 43 20 36 1 118
Democrat 12 31 55 1 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 56 12 30 2 270
Lean Rep 54 16 28 2 132
Ind 43 20 36 1 118
Lean Dem 14 25 59 2 127
Dem 12 34 53 1 259
marital status
Married 37 20 41 1 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 41 18 38 3 170
Never Married 24 31 43 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 35 21 42 1 782
Black 16 35 48 1 42
Hispanic 51 16 33 0 32
Other 43 33 21 3 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 19 30 49 3 42
1/week 42 13 43 2 152
1-2 month 44 24 30 1 92
few times a year 44 16 40 0 150
Seldom 34 26 37 2 196
Never 28 25 46 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 45 15 39 0 134
Mainline Protestant 39 26 34 1 253
Roman Catholic 37 18 43 2 237
No religion 25 27 46 2 226
Other religion 35 18 47 0 45
Very conservative 56 14 29 1 103
Conservative 59 11 29 1 245
Moderate 31 22 44 2 295
Liberal 7 34 58 1 170
Very liberal 16 36 46 2 90
Don't know 23 0 77 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 45 27 25 0 51
another household member 45 17 37 0 38
nobody in household 34 22 42 2 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 31 19 50 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 41 20 34 4 225
Madison media market 23 27 49 1 165
Green Bay media market 36 25 38 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 43 18 38 0 205

G5: US support of Israel

When it comes to Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza, do you think the United States is providing too much support to Israel, not enough support to Israel, or about the right amount of support to Israel?
Too much support Not enough support About the right amount of support Don't know n
Man 27 24 46 3 444
Woman 28 22 47 3 458
Some other way 71 2 27 0 6
18-29 48 18 31 3 132
30-44 41 18 39 1 211
45-59 21 24 50 6 214
60+ 16 27 54 3 351
Not HS 19 49 32 0 21
HS 22 30 46 2 243
Some Coll 28 23 47 2 178
AA 36 15 40 7 115
BA+ 29 18 49 3 350
Under $40k 28 29 43 1 199
$40k to $74k 25 22 51 1 215
$75k up 29 21 45 4 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 17 30 47 4 270
Independent 29 24 44 3 377
Democrat 36 14 49 2 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 18 32 45 4 402
Independent 29 28 39 4 118
Democrat 37 12 50 1 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 17 30 47 4 270
Lean Rep 19 35 41 5 132
Ind 29 28 39 4 118
Lean Dem 40 8 52 0 127
Dem 36 14 49 2 259
marital status
Married 22 24 51 3 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 27 25 45 4 170
Never Married 48 17 32 3 176
race and ethnicity
White 26 23 47 3 782
Black 37 18 46 0 42
Hispanic 41 35 25 0 32
Other 38 21 41 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 3 47 50 0 42
1/week 17 25 54 4 152
1-2 month 26 20 46 7 92
few times a year 12 24 58 5 150
Seldom 31 25 42 3 196
Never 44 16 38 1 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 21 36 41 1 134
Mainline Protestant 18 27 53 3 253
Roman Catholic 20 24 51 5 237
No religion 49 11 37 3 226
Other religion 36 21 43 0 45
Very conservative 14 43 41 2 103
Conservative 15 27 50 7 245
Moderate 30 21 47 2 295
Liberal 30 18 51 1 170
Very liberal 66 4 28 1 90
Don't know 0 0 100 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 23 20 50 4 51
another household member 51 13 36 0 38
nobody in household 27 24 47 3 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 39 17 42 1 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 23 27 44 6 225
Madison media market 30 19 50 1 165
Green Bay media market 24 23 50 2 171
Rest of north & west of state 25 25 45 5 205

G7: Personal financial situation

Thinking about your family's financial situation, would you say you are living comfortably, just getting by, or struggling to make ends meet?
Living comfortably Just getting by Struggling Don't know n
Man 52 36 12 0 444
Woman 45 36 19 0 458
Some other way 0 100 0 0 6
18-29 46 42 12 0 132
30-44 39 37 24 0 211
45-59 47 36 17 0 214
60+ 56 34 10 0 351
Not HS 17 64 19 0 21
HS 43 35 22 0 243
Some Coll 32 46 22 0 178
AA 39 44 16 0 115
BA+ 65 28 7 0 350
Under $40k 22 45 33 NA 199
$40k to $74k 39 39 22 NA 215
$75k up 63 30 6 NA 449
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 43 39 18 0 270
Independent 43 40 17 0 377
Democrat 62 28 11 0 259
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 42 41 17 0 402
Independent 29 40 31 0 118
Democrat 60 31 9 0 387
party ID, leaners separate
Rep 43 39 18 0 270
Lean Rep 41 44 15 0 132
Ind 29 40 31 0 118
Lean Dem 57 37 5 0 127
Dem 62 28 11 0 259
marital status
Married 56 31 14 0 562
Widow/Div/Sep/CoHab 40 41 19 0 170
Never Married 33 50 18 0 176
race and ethnicity
White 49 36 14 0 782
Black 28 42 30 0 42
Hispanic 37 47 17 0 32
Other 49 29 22 0 47
religious service attendance
More than 1/wk 57 37 6 0 42
1/week 45 36 19 0 152
1-2 month 50 32 18 0 92
few times a year 47 41 12 0 150
Seldom 48 37 16 0 196
Never 49 35 16 0 275
religious preference
Born again Protestant 37 36 28 0 134
Mainline Protestant 44 39 17 0 253
Roman Catholic 49 39 12 0 237
No religion 57 31 12 0 226
Other religion 55 33 11 0 45
Very conservative 36 40 24 0 103
Conservative 40 41 19 0 245
Moderate 50 36 14 0 295
Liberal 62 31 6 0 170
Very liberal 51 29 19 0 90
Don't know 55 45 0 0 4
labor union membership
respondent 35 51 14 0 51
another household member 31 60 9 0 38
nobody in household 50 34 16 0 817
Don't know 100 0 0 0 3
region of Wisconsin
Milwaukee City and County 45 39 16 0 142
Rest of Milwaukee media market 48 36 15 0 225
Madison media market 63 24 12 0 165
Green Bay media market 43 42 15 0 171
Rest of north & west of state 43 39 18 0 205