Marquette Law School Supreme Court Poll July 24 - August 1, 2024

Supreme Court issues only

(Percentages are rounded to whole numbers for reporting of results. Frequencies have been rounded to whole numbers but percentages are calculated based on non-integer weighted sample sizes.)

Results for survey items among all respondents are presented here (unless otherwise indicated). Please note that some questions are only asked of particular groups of respondents. In these instances, the row “NA’s” includes the number and percent of total respondents omitted from the question. These omitted cases are ignored when calculating the “Valid” and “Cumulative” percent columns.

C1: SCOTUS approval

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Supreme Court is handling its job?
Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove n
Male 14 34 21 31 481
Female 9 29 31 31 502
Another gender 0 0 0 100 12
18-29 4 33 29 33 211
30-44 7 30 33 30 248
45-59 11 38 24 27 241
60+ 20 27 18 35 305
Less than HS 13 39 30 17 90
HS graduate 10 42 21 27 283
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 11 29 31 28 266
Bachelor's degree 13 19 24 44 202
Post grad study/professional degree 9 30 24 37 159
Less than $30k 10 38 24 27 265
$30k to less than $50k 10 30 26 34 160
$50k to less than $75k 8 32 30 30 176
$75k to less than $100k 15 28 25 32 128
$100k or more 14 27 24 35 268
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 22 45 22 11 442
Independent 5 34 29 32 100
Democrat 2 18 28 51 462
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 26 46 18 10 291
Independent 7 30 32 32 412
Democrat 3 20 25 52 302
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 26 46 18 10 291
Lean Republican 15 43 30 12 151
Independent 5 34 29 32 100
Lean Democrat 0 15 35 50 161
Democrat 3 20 25 52 302
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 32 46 16 6 186
Weak Republican 16 46 20 18 105
Lean Republican 15 43 30 12 151
Independent 5 34 29 32 100
Lean Democrat 0 15 35 50 161
Weak Democrat 5 31 34 31 130
Strong Democrat 2 13 18 67 172
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 14 31 22 33 609
Black Non-Hispanic 4 35 26 35 120
Hispanic 7 32 35 26 169
Other 10 32 31 28 93
religious service attendance
More than once a week 28 45 14 13 57
Once a week 17 41 22 21 141
Once or twice a month 17 41 25 17 82
A few times a year 8 40 26 26 186
Seldom 15 27 29 30 249
Never 3 21 26 49 289
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 20 45 23 12 232
Mainline Protestant 11 38 25 26 183
Roman Catholic 13 37 25 25 193
No religion 5 18 28 49 303
Other religion 9 22 23 46 93
Very conservative 33 44 20 4 118
Somewhat conservative 25 52 14 8 224
Moderate 4 31 35 30 382
Somewhat liberal 2 15 28 54 152
Very liberal 1 5 17 77 124
voter registration status
Yes 13 29 24 34 759
No 6 40 30 24 246

C1: SCOTUS approval (2-cat)

Overall, how much do you approve or disapprove of the way the US Supreme Court is handling its job?
Approve Disapprove n
Male 49 51 481
Female 38 62 502
Another gender 0 100 12
18-29 37 63 211
30-44 37 63 248
45-59 49 51 241
60+ 47 53 305
Less than HS 52 48 90
HS graduate 52 48 283
Vocational/tech school/some college/ associates 40 60 266
Bachelor's degree 32 68 202
Post grad study/professional degree 39 61 159
Less than $30k 48 52 265
$30k to less than $50k 40 60 160
$50k to less than $75k 40 60 176
$75k to less than $100k 43 57 128
$100k or more 41 59 268
party ID, leaners as partisans
Republican 67 33 442
Independent 39 61 100
Democrat 21 79 462
party ID, leaners as independents
Republican 72 28 291
Independent 37 63 412
Democrat 24 76 302
party ID, leaners separate
Republican 72 28 291
Lean Republican 58 42 151
Independent 39 61 100
Lean Democrat 15 85 161
Democrat 24 76 302
party ID, 7-category
Strong Republican 78 22 186
Weak Republican 62 38 105
Lean Republican 58 42 151
Independent 39 61 100
Lean Democrat 15 85 161
Weak Democrat 35 65 130
Strong Democrat 15 85 172
race and ethnicity
White Non-Hispanic 45 55 609
Black Non-Hispanic 40 60 120
Hispanic 39 61 169
Other 41 59 93
religious service attendance
More than once a week 73 27 57
Once a week 57 43 141
Once or twice a month 58 42 82
A few times a year 48 52 186
Seldom 42 58 249
Never 24 76 289
religious preference
Born-again Protestant 65 35 232
Mainline Protestant 49 51 183
Roman Catholic 50 50 193
No religion 22 78 303
Other religion 31 69 93
Very conservative 76 24 118
Somewhat conservative 77 23 224
Moderate 35 65 382
Somewhat liberal 18 82 152
Very liberal 6 94 124
voter registration status
Yes 42 58 759
No 46 54 246

C2: Confidence in SCOTUS

[The US Supreme Court] Here is a list of institutions in American society. How much confidence do you have in each one?
A great deal Quite a lot Some Very little None at all n
Male 13 22 27 22 17 481
Female 7 12 36 31 14 502