Best of the Blogs: The Mess in Madison

This month’s Best of the Blogs feature takes a look at the budget debate in Madison.  In my opinion, it is myopic to focus solely on the budgetary aspects of the ongoing debate.  This is a raw political struggle, in which Governor Walker has attacked the primary source of campaign funding for Democrats.  The debate over the biennial budget is small potatoes to the leaders of the Democratic Party.  They perceive this bill as nothing less than an existential attack on their ability to raise funds (and therefore buy television advertising) in an amount sufficient to elect candidates in a closely divided state.

If anything, this current fight is only round one, with a second partisan fight over legislative re-districting yet to come.  The Voter ID bill, which previously was viewed by Democratic leaders as a dangerous assault on their electoral power, now in comparison seems to be a minor inconvenience.  While it is always entertaining to watch two political parties seek to destroy each other, one can’t help but feel that someone in Madison should actually be focused on governing the State.  Both Governor Walker, who picked this partisan fight, and the Democrats, who chose to grind government to a halt in order to defend partisan interests, share equal blame in my eyes.

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Erwin Chemerinsky to Speak in Milwaukee December 8

Erwin Chemerinsky — Dean of the University of California, Irvine School of Law and a noted constitutional law scholar — will speak in Milwaukee on December 8 at the Pfister Hotel.  The event is sponsored by the Milwaukee Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society (ACS).  Doors open at 5 pm. 

Dean Chemerinsky is expected to speak on the impact of the Roberts Court and on the future of constitutional law.  More information is available at the website of the American Constitution Society:

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Best of the Blogs: Grinch Edition

In honor of the holiday season, this week’s Best of the Blogs presents a special Grinch edition.  Click Here to watch the Grinch’s heart grow.

A group of law students at the Suffolk University Law School have put together a guide to suing Santa Clause. As a former litigator, I don’t know whether to be proud or to send them a lump of coal.  Check it out at the Above the Law Blog here.

I always dreaded holiday parties at my old law firm.  It seemed to me that these events presented a minefield of potential personal and professional disasters.  You can read about one law firm’s Christmas party hook up, and its legal consequences, at the FindLaw UK Blog here.

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