Farewell to a Beloved Professor

danfreedI was saddened today to learn that my dear mentor, Professor Dan Freed of Yale Law School, is dying.  I wrote a post about Dan on this blog some time ago.  Although word has just been getting out today, tributes and farewell messages to Dan are already starting to pour into this website.  It is amazing to read what a profound influence he had on so many people.  One line particularly caught my eye, from Professor Frank Bowman of Missouri:

Most importantly, I want to say that there are innumerable “professors” in American graduate education, but there are only a bare handful of teachers. You are one.

How perfectly fitting a tribute for Dan Freed — the teacher’s teacher.

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Happy New Year

new yearsMany thanks to last month’s featured bloggers, Professor David Papke and Stephen Boyett ’09.  The new Faculty Blogger of the Month is Judith McMullen.  The Alum Blogger is Michael Ariens ’82.  And the Student Blogger is Matthew Fernholz. 

Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy 2010!

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