Results of the 2023 Jenkins Honors Moot Court Competition

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Jenkins Honors Moot Court Competition, Samantha Dorning and Ciara Hudson. Congratulations also go to finalists Lauren Hudon and Mikela Ryan.

All four competitors gave strong arguments. This year, Samantha Dorning won the Ramon A. Klitzke Prize for Best Oralist, and she and teammate Ciara Hudson won the Franz C. Eschweiler Prize for Best Brief.

The final round was held in a packed Lubar Center at Marquette Law School. We appreciate the participation of Judge Michael Scudder (Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals), Judge Timothy Dugan (Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District 1), and Judge Beth Hanan (U.S. Bankruptcy Court, E.D. Wisconsin) in judging the final round. We are grateful for the judges’ time and enthusiasm in all the rounds of competition.

Many thanks to the 3Ls Travis Goeden and Fefe Jaber, the Associate Justices who organized the competition, as well as the member of the Marquette Moot Court Association and Law School administration and staff. Special thanks to Dean Kearney for his support.

Students are selected to participate in the competition based on their success in Marquette’s Appellate Writing and Advocacy class.

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