Best of the Blogs: Time Waster Edition

At Concurring Opinions, Kaimipono Wegner directs our attention to an article by Adam Zimmerman in the Duke Law Journal explaining why we waste time. It turns out that we make decisions over time horizons that are too short. Five minutes of watching a parody video on You Tube may bring more pleasure than the productivity gain from five minutes of grading papers. If we were to choose four hours of You Tube, we’d see it differently. But we keep slacking in five minute intervals. 

At the Faculty Lounge, Jacqueline Lipton brings us academic humor. Reminds of the answer to whether one has read some one’s new article. “Read it? I haven’t even cited it yet!”

At the Conglomerate, Gordon Smith, following Ann Althouse, links to the site Subzin. It allows you to search for phrases and words (like your own name) in movie scripts. Don’t start if you have something to do. Those five minute blocs will turn into hours.

Finally, Above The Law announces its’ second annual contest for the best law firm holiday card with links to some of last year’s winners. Not as much fun as Subzin. Seriously, dude, do not start.

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