The thirteenth volume of the Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review (Summer Edition 2009) has recently been published and is now available. Our outgoing editor-in-chief, Melissa Benko and her excellent board have done an outstanding job once again.
Highlights of the issue include:
* Jessica Litman’s wonderful and innovative Nies lecture on current copyright reform;
* Interesting articles by Vanessa Rollins, Amy Tindall, Dmitriy Vinarov (and me, but I am not wearing that hat today!) on diverse subjects such as trademark fair use, the impact of the Seventh Amendment on patent litigation, and the re-thinking of patent fraud enforcement in light of current congressional reform;
* Our initial entry in the Emerging Scholars Series, which highlights works of intellectual property scholars in the first three years of their career, by Marketa Trimble, on cross border injunctions in the United States; and
* Our Annual Intellectual Property Law Review Banquet Speech, by the General Counsel of the Subway Advertising Trust Fund, Mary Jane Saunders, on her practitioner’s life in copyright.
In particular, I want to highlight the scholarship of two our students—Renee Metzler and Kevin Rizzuto—who in their comments, undertook innovative scholarship on grace periods in patent law as well as an empirical look at fixing continuation application at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
I look forward to the work of incoming Board in the new school year!