Drugs and Long-Term Care

Video is now available here from the Elder’s Advisor‘s fine conference last month on drugs and long-term care.  Here is the description of the conference:

For this symposium, we bring together a variety of practitioners and academics to speak on current topics about the use of pharmaceuticals for residents of long-term care facilities. Our speakers will address the impact of regulatory requirements on the timely delivery of medications to residents in long-term care facilities. They will discuss the impact of consumer choice and cost on the drug markets. They will also consider the implications of the medicalization of aging as a disease rather than treating aging as a natural process. Finally, we will close with a discussion of the legal, ethical, and medical concerns surrounding the ability of long-term care residents and their decision-makers to refuse medications and treatment.

I learned a great deal from the portions of the conference I attended — much of it rather disquieting — and I would recommend the video to anyone with a professional or personal interest in the way that drugs are administered in long-term care facilities.

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DeGuire Award Winner Explores Copyright Remedies

Congratulations to 3L Andy Spillane, the winner of this year’s DeGuire Award for best student comment published in the Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review.  Andy’s paper discusses the availability of injunctive relief for copyright violations.  Recently, some courts have abandoned the presumption of irreparable harm that traditionally benefitted copyright plaintiffs seeking injunctive relief.  In the face of this emerging trend, Andy presents a strong case for maintaining the traditional presumption.

Andy’s paper, “The Continuing Vitality of the Presumption of Irreparable Harm in Copyright Cases,” is available here on SSRN.

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