Seventh Circuit Week in Review: A Sentencing Remand Based on Mental Disability

The Seventh Circuit had only one new opinion in a criminal case last week.  United States v. Williams (No. 07-1573) arose from a series of bank robberies.  Four codefendants were convicted and sentenced to lengthy terms of imprisonment, ranging from 221 months to life.  All four defendants appealed on a variety of different issues, although only one, Clinton Williams, obtained any relief.  Williams was sentenced to 552 months’ imprisonment, notwithstanding evidence that he suffered from significant mental impairments and had become involved in the robberies only as a result of manipulation by his brother.  In light of this mitigating evidence, which was not seriously contested by the government, Williams’ lawyer argued for a sentence at the low end of the 519- to 552-month guidelines range.  However, the sentencing judge did not squarely address this evidence.  Instead, the judge selected a sentence at the top of the range in light of a report by an expert who evaluated Williams and found that he was exaggerating his disability.

The Seventh Circuit (per Judge Williams) vacated and remanded for resentencing.  As the court sensibly observed, there is no logical inconsistency between the evidence that Williams suffered from a mental disability and the observation that he was exaggerating the disability.  Indeed, the very expert who made the obervation estimated Williams’ IQ at 72, which is considered borderline mentally retarded.  The sentencing judge was required to address this and the other evidence of mental disability, as well as the related claim that Williams’ diminished capacity made him susceptible to manipulation by his brother.

Williams thus joins an interesting line of recent Seventh Circuit cases that require sentencing judges to explain why they reject defendants’ arguments for leniency.  I have a forthcoming article about these cases in the Florida State Law Review.  As I explain in the article, there are good procedural justice reasons to favor the Seventh Circuit approach.  It is unfortunate that other circuits have not adopted as robust an explanation requirement.

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Seventh Circuit Week in Review: Prior Crimes Evidence, Career Offender Guideline, and More

The Seventh Circuit had four new opinions in criminal cases last week.  In United States v. Millbrook (No. 07-2931), the court (per Judge Rovner) affirmed the defendant’s conviction and sentence for drug trafficking and other offenses.  The defendant’s appeal raised several issues, the most interesting of which was yet another Rule 404(b) question regarding the use of prior crimes evidence.  I have blogged about several of these cases recently, criticizing the Seventh Circuit’s deference to poorly justified decisions by district court judges to admit highly prejudicial prior crimes evidence.  In Millbrook, the court once again affirmed, albeit with a caution that the case was “at the outer limits of what is permissible under Rule 404(b).”

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Seventh Circuit Week in Review, Part II: Piling on the Mandatory Minimums

In addition to the two cases covered in my prior post, the Seventh Circuit had four new sentencing opinions last week.  Only one warrants any extended discussion.  And that case, United States v. Easter (Nos. 07-2433, 2435, 3118, 3203, 3540 & 3628), actually presented several different issues raised by multiple defendants.

In Easter, several codefendants appealed their sentences for various drug trafficking convictions.  One, McKay, challenged the application of a mandatory minimum sentence to him based on the quantity of drugs involved in his offense.  The ten-year minimum was applied to McKay because he and his coconspirators were responsible for at least 50 grams of crack or one kilogram of heroin (the actual basis was unclear).  McKay’s appeal centered on the fact that, for purposes of calculating his sentence under the federal sentencing guidelines, the district court found him responsible for only 960 grams of heroin and 45-75 grams of crack.  However, the Seventh Circuit (in a per curiam decision) noted that the guidelines do not hold defendants responsible for as much of the conduct of their coconspirators as do the mandatory minimum statutes.  (For an earlier post on this topic, see here.)  Considering the full set of drug sales foreseeably perpetrated by McKay’s coconspirators, the district court could permissibly reach the quantity thresholds for the ten-year prison sentence.

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