Information About Legal Writing Competitions…and a Shameless Plug for a Nice Fall Photo I Took in DC.

I learned at yesterday’s faculty meeting that our Director of Student Affairs, Andrew Faltin, is maintaining a list of legal writing competitions on the law school web site.  You can find it here.  If you are a student, why not go check it out? A number of Marquette students have won prizes in these competitions.

You may also want to become a reader of the Legal Writing Competitions blog maintained by Kathryn Sampson at the University of Arkansas School of Law.  It is thorough, and frequently updated.  Another nice feature of that blog is that Kathryn includes nice photos with most of her posts.  For instance, in her recent post about a tax-related competition, for which the prize includes a trip to DC, Kathryn includes a photo I took when I was in DC for a conference.  (The conference was fantastic, and I still want to post about it, but I have not found the time yet.)

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Appreciating Our Professors: The Georgetown Experimental Curriculum

As much as I would like to single out one person who had the most influence during my law school experience at Georgetown, like Kali Murray, I am going to break the rules here a little bit.

The greatest influence on me was, in fact, the course of study that I chose to pursue in my first year of law school. While most 1L’s take the traditional torts, contracts, property, etc., I was treated to a different group of classes that included: Bargain, Exchange & Liability; Property in Time; and Democracy & Coercion, to name a few. In addition, I took a small 1L Seminar on the different schools of legal thought (Critical Race Theory, Legal Process, Law & Economics), as well as a jurisprudence class called Legal Theory (where we read books like Anthony Kronman’s Lost Lawyer and Ronald Dworkin’s Law’s Empire).

All of these classes were part of the Section 3 experimental curriculum at Georgetown Law, which was created by a forward-looking group of professors who challenged the normal way of teaching law to students. The group who taught me in this experimental curriculum included many luminaries: Mark Tushnet (Government Processes), Wendy Perdue (Process), Mike Seidman (Democracy & Coercion and 1L Seminar), Dennis Patterson (visiting that year) (Legal Theory), Mike Gottesman (Bargain, Exchange & Liability), and Dan Ernst (Property in Time).

The combined Section 3 experience had a peculiar way of binding together not only the students who took this curriculum, but also the professors and students.

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Marquette Legal Writing Professors Contribute to Column in Wisconsin Lawyer Magazine

Beginning with the current issue, the Wisconsin Lawyer magazine (a publication of the Wisconsin State Bar) will publish  a new column on legal writing.  The first contributor is the most experienced legal writing professor on the Marquette faculty, Jill Hayford.

As the magazine explains,

Through this new column, the legal writing faculty at Marquette University Law School and other contributors will help solve your vexing legal writing questions with practical guidance. 

Professor Hayford’s piece is entitled, “Style Books, Web Sites, and Podcasts:  A Lawyer’s Guide to the Guides,” and it offers up-to-the-minute information and advice about the available writing style manuals, websites, and pocasts for lawyers.  In a sidebar, the Wisconsin Lawyer invites questions or ideas for future columns about legal writing.  “Your question will be answered directly by the MU writing faculty and may appear in a future column.”  If you want to submit a question for the column via Wisconsin Lawyer, email, subject line:  legal writing.

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