Good Reasons and Bad Reasons to Start Your Own Practice

In early 2008, I left a great job as a senior associate at one of Wisconsin’s oldest, largest, and most prestigious firms to start my own practice across the Milwaukee River in an office share on Old World Third Street.  After a whole lot of work, it’s all coming together.  In the past two and a half years, I can’t begin to tell you how many lawyers I have spoken to who have told me that they too want to do this too.  But then they list a number of reasons why they aren’t ready yet and may never be ready.  I’m sure there are a number of lawyers out there who have the same thoughts, and maybe some of them are reading this blog (maybe even while they are supposed to be working billable hours).

So, rather than focus on new cases or a specific area of law, I am going to devote my month as guest blogger to issues associated with starting a law practice.  If my anecdotal evidence is correct, it is likely to have a wider appeal than anything that is substantively narrow.

This first week I will devote to the soul searching aspect of the decision.  The “why” aspect. 

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Court Unanimously Affirms Diploma Privilege

The Wisconsin Supreme Court voted this morning, 7-0, to maintain the state’s longstanding diploma privilege, in its current form. The unanimous ruling denied rulemaking petition 09-09, in which Steve Levine and various other members of the bar sought either to extend the diploma privilege, as embodied in Wisconsin Supreme Court Rule 40.03, to all ABA-accredited law schools (well beyond Marquette and Wisconsin) or to abolish it altogether. The Court’s ruling was foreshadowed by comments that individual Justices had made in an open administrative hearing and subsequent conference this past Thursday, suggesting that the Court, for all of its members’ varied backgrounds, did not favor the petition. I was among the members of the public speaking before the Court on Thursday and emphasized two points: (1) that the existing approach has been beneficial public policy for the state’s courts and the public and (2) that, in fact, both Marquette and Wisconsin are distinguishable from every other ABA-accredited law school in the important extent to which their students are exposed to precepts of Wisconsin law (as well as in other respects). I also mentioned an additional consideration, with reference both to the petition to amend or repeal and to the recently (and favorably) concluded constitutional challenge to the diploma privilege: requests such as this are destabilizing, imposing costs with no offsetting benefits. They divert the law schools from other important public policy concerns, including ones in which I would rather expect the entire bar to be interested: e.g., how to provide leadership in facilitating access to justice. This additional consideration suggested that, if the Court were inclined in the direction of denying the petition, it should leave no doubt on the matter. The Court—through its unanimous ruling and the strong comments of individual Justices during the open administrative conference—did precisely that.

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Wrong Advice About Civil Commitment Law Constitutes Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

Last spring, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Padilla v. Kentucky that an attorney’s incorrect advice regarding the deportation consequences of a guilty plea might violate the client’s Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel.  Padilla was a surprisingly broadly worded expansion of the Sixth Amendment right into the realm of advice on the collateral consequences of a conviction.  Although Padilla raised more questions than it answered, the decision may prove an extraordinarily important one in light of the proliferation of collateral consequences over the past couple of decades.

Now the Eleventh Circuit has indicated that Padilla does indeed extend beyond deportation advice.  In Bauder v. Dep’t of Corrections (No. 10-10657), the court affirmed a grant of habeas relief based on an attorney’s incorrect advice that the petitioner would not face the possibility of civil commitment as a sexually violent predator if he pled no contest to a stalking charge.

In addition to its extension of the Padilla reasoning to a new collateral consequence, Bauder strikes me as quite significant for at least two reasons.  

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