Theory to Practice (and the Lovely Results)

This morning our Marquette Foreclosure Mediation Program was singled out as a primary reason that the Mayor of Milwaukee won a public policy award for “Innovative Response to Economic Downturn” from the Public Policy Forum, and last week the MFMP won “Lawyer of the Year” from the Milwaukee Bar Association. Not a bad week!

I have to got to say that the public response to our program — and more importantly, the response of the people we have helped in the past year to stay in their homes — has been more than gratifying. 

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New Issue of IP Law Review Available

Congratulations to the staff of the Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review for the completion of a new issue.  All of the articles are available in pdf here.  Outgoing editor-in-chief Laura Steele sends along the following announcement and summary of the issue:

On behalf of the staff of the Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review, I am pleased to announce the arrival of the second issue of volume fourteen, available now in print and online.

This issue highlights the work of several scholars. The issue opens with the Thirteenth Annual Helen Wilson Nies Memorial Lecture in Intellectual Property Law. The lecture was given this fall by John F. Duffy, the Oswald Symister Colclough Research Professor of Law at George Washington University Law School. Professor Duffy has updated and expanded his speech, “Innovation and Recovery,” to reflect recent developments in scholarship and patent law.

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Marquette Sports Law Abroad

Last month I had the opportunity to participate in a sports law conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.  This event–styled Arab Lex Sportiva–was billed as the first ever sports law conference in the Arab world, and it was held in the conference center where the 1994 Israeli-Jordanian peace accords were signed.

It was fascinating to see how a culture very different than our own is trying to come to grips with the globalization of world sport.  I spoke on the intersection of copyright law and sports broadcasting, particularly as it has been affected by the TRIPS agreement.  As always, I end up learning an enormous amount.

It was  also fascinating to see how well known Marquette is in sports law circles, even in Egypt.  To my surprise, the local advertising for the event touted the fact that there would be a speaker from Marquette University, as well as representatives from FIFA, CAS, and other international sporting agencies.  Several people attending the conference asked me about the LLM program for foreign lawyers, and expressed interest in enrolling (if they could figure out how to pay the tuition).  Most of the non-Arab speakers were from Europe, and almost every one of them inquired about Professor Mitten, who seems to be known by the entire international sports community.

My personal highlight came when a speaker from Greece mistook me for Marty Greenburg.

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