I Started Law School . . .

booksThank you to Professor Slavin for asking me, back in my first month as a wide-eyed 1L, to be on the blog. I thank you for both your confidence in me and this opportunity to attempt to prove you correct.

I started law school at a disadvantage; I didn’t want to be a lawyer. I say this is a disadvantage because I met many people who not only wanted to be a lawyer but had known this about themselves since childhood. Some followed in the steps of a family member and some found their way by other means. That wasn’t me. I don’t want to dwell on myself for very long; I only introduce this to preface my assessment of the legal community in Milwaukee.

As a woman who knew nothing more about being a lawyer than the little that I had seen on television, I was surprised and pleased by what I have found through Marquette. I moved from one of the largest cities in the country with a huge, and quite imposing, legal community to Milwaukee—for reasons other than to go to Marquette University Law School. I allowed myself to be swayed by the sparse contact that I had with Marquette officials to move to a city that I had previously given little thought to, let alone visited.

I’m glad that I did.

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Come to the Seventeenth Annual Howard B. Eisenberg Do-Gooders’ (PILS) Auction

howard eisenbergThe Seventeenth Annual Howard B. Eisenberg Do-Gooders’ (PILS) Auction will be held on Friday, February 12, from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Italian Conference Center at 631 East Chicago Street in Milwaukee.

The event, which is named after the late Dean Howard Eisenberg, raises funds for the Public Interest Law Society’s Summer Fellowship Program.

The silent auction begins at 5:30 p.m. Complimentary beer, wine, and soda will be served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The live auction, MC’d by the very entertaining Professor Ed Fallone, will begin at 7:30 p.m. Appetizers and a light dinner will be served.

Tickets are $40 per person. Student tickets are $25 if purchased by February 9. Tickets may be purchased online or by check at www.law.marquette.edu, or may be purchased at the door. Tickets may also be purchased in the student lounge at the Law School. Special Fellowship and Do-Gooder tables are available.

This year’s auction features terrific live and silent auction items.

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New Law Review Website Debuts

The Marquette Law Review today launches its cutting-edge new website: http://law.marquette.edu/lawreview. Among other new features, the website includes the entire archive of the Law Review stretching back to 1916. With full-text searchability, the new archive represents a leap forward in the accessibility of scholarship published in the Law Review. (For those interested in the preoccupations of Marquette students and faculty members in earlier eras, individual issues are easily browsed.) The new website also includes draft versions of forthcoming articles, abstracts of recently published articles, links to the most downloaded articles, information for prospective authors and members, and a subscription feature. Coming soon will be video recordings and other media associated with recent Law Review symposia.

Today’s launch marks the culmination of a year’s worth of effort by many talented people. Particular thanks are owed to the Law Review’s Editor-in-Chief Marvin Bynum and Technology Editor Bryant Ferguson for their leadership. Thanks also to Raynor Library’s Ann Hanlon and to Dax Phillips, Julie Norton, and Megan O’Brien at the Law School for lending their expertise to the project. Ann played a particularly important role in helping us to work effectively with the Berkeley Electronic Press Digital Commons (where our diligent contact was Jonathan Cadle). Dan Blinka, Patricia Cervenka, Melissa McCord, and Stephen Boyett (the latter two of last year’s Law Review board) also made valuable contributions in the initial planning stages. Students Caitlin Brock and Mark Positano put a great deal of meticulous work into the creation of the archive PDFs. Finally, Dean Kearney has been unstintingly supportive of this initiative from start to finish.

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