Meares on Race and Policing

In delivering the first annual Barrock Lecture on Criminal Law yesterday, Yale Professor Tracey Meares set a high bar for future speakers.  (A webcast is available here, and a written version will appear in the summer issue of the Marquette Law Review.)  Tracey’s talk was a call for police to move from an emphasis on deterring crime through the threat of harsh punishment to a more holistic approach to crime control that includes promoting more positive attitudes towards the law and legal authorities.  She identified procedural justice — basically, treating people with fairness and respect — as an important component of the more holistic strategy.  Her particular concern lies with crime and policing in inner-city, minority neighborhoods, where punishment-alone approaches have resulted in shockingly high incarceration rates among young, poorly educated, African-American men.  Tracey argues that an approach combining punishment with procedural justice offers better prospects for reducing crime and improving the quality of life in these difficult environments, and points to her own work with Project Safe Neighborhoods in Chicago as an example of the violence-reduction that can be accomplished when the police engage with the community in new ways.

I recently made a similar argument that the same sorts of benefits might be derived from prosecutors paying more attention to procedural justice in plea bargaining.  (A copy of my article is available here.) 

As Tracey indicated in her talk, there is plenty of evidence indicating that deterrence has limited value as a crime-control strategy. 

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Tracey Meares to Deliver First Barrock Lecture on Criminal Law

Professor Tracey Meares of Yale Law School will be here on Thursday to deliver the first annual George and Margaret Barrock Lecture on Criminal Law.  Tracey is one of my favorite authors on criminal justice issues, and I am looking forward to hearing what she has to say on a topic that should be of particular interest in Milwaukee: “The Legitimacy of Police Among Young African-American Men.”

Tracey has coauthored a number of publications with her Yale colleague Dan Kahan, who spent a couple days here in the fall as our Boden Lecturer.  In connection with Dan’s visit, I commented here on one of the seminal Meares-Kahan articles.  I expect that Tracey’s talk on Thursday will touch on some of the same themes that were raised in Dan’s exchange with Mike Gousha and Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm in October (webcast here).

In addition to the short-term prospect of Tracey’s visit, I am also delighted to know that the Barrock Lecture will provide many future opportunities for us to bring other criminal law luminaries to Marquette.  The lectureship was established through a generous gift from the estate of Mary Barrock Bonfield to honor her parents.  Her father, George, was a Marquette lawyer, Class of 1931.

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The Future of Milwaukee Public Schools

We are entering what may prove to be a remarkably rich and productive period of public conversation regarding the future of Milwaukee Public Schools.  As reported by Alan Borsuk in this morning’s Journal Sentinel, the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance just released a study that documents extraordinarily high costs in MPS, particularly with respect to employee benefits.  But, as Borsuk observes, this is just the first in “what is likely to be a parade of major developments and studies that may reshape the future of MPS.”

Next up is a report by the Public Policy Forum on school system governance issues, which will be the subject of a panel discussion at the Law School on Monday evening at 7:00.  Moderated by our own Mike Gousha, the panel will include many of the leading figures in local government and education, including:

  • William G. Andrekopoulos, superintendent, Milwaukee Public Schools
  • Dr. Howard Fuller, director, Institute for the Transformation of Learning, Marquette University
  • Alderman Willie L. Hines, Jr., president, City of Milwaukee Common Council
  • Jennifer Morales, director, District 5, Milwaukee Public Schools
  • Dennis Oulahan, president, Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association
  • Tim Sheehy, president, Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
  • Rep. Annette Polly Williams, 10th Assembly District, Wisconsin State Assembly

More information about this public event is here.

It is hard to think of any more important long-term challenge facing our community than improving the financial health and academic performance of MPS.  Let’s hope that the emerging public conversation at Marquette and elsewhere will contribute to thoughtful, well-informed change.

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