Usufructuary Rights and the Chippewa

I am only kidding when I tell my Property students that using the word “usufruct” on their finals will yield extra credit, but I am in fact intrigued by the venerable notion of usufructuary rights. The holders of usufructuary rights may use and enjoy real property that is vested in another as long as they do not use up that property or do harm to it.

The potential assertion of usufructuary rights has surfaced recently in conjunction with Governor Walker’s efforts to prompt iron ore mining along the northern rim of Wisconsin and to create sales opportunities for manufacturers of mining equipment. Native Americans and particularly several bands of Chippewa (formally recognized branches of the Ojibwe people) have opposed the development of the mines because mining waste contains sulfides that pollute wetlands, streams, and groundwater. And, as it turns out, the Chippewa have usufructuary rights related to the lands where the projected mines will be located!

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Life Is Short–Appreciate It

It’s easy to be consumed by one’s work. In fact, most individuals in legal pursuits seem to pride themselves in it. Unfortunately, this can cause one to lose sight of the things that matter most—our loved ones and health in mind, body, and spirit.

Within the span of two weeks, a dear family friend was gone. Returning home from a favorite pastime, a Florida golf outing, a vivacious family man and father figure to many, suddenly found himself in the final stages of interstitial lung disease. In the coming days his condition worsened until the Lord eventually called him home at the age of 66.

As I sat in church last Friday, all I could think about was how quickly it happened. It wasn’t until the familiar arm around the neck never came, though, that reality set in. But what was that reality? That I was dejected? That a man who always had time for others, and lived life to the fullest, had been taken too early? Or, was it that maybe my own work had begun to blur important aspects of my life?

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Marquette NAAC Team Advances to Quarterfinals

NAACAfter three rounds of oral argument at the National Appellate Advocacy Competition (NAAC) regional in New York City this weekend, Marquette University Law School students Brett Schnepper (3L) and Adam Koenings (3L) were 3-0 and seeded eighth out of 49 teams.  Schnepper and Koenings advanced to the quarterfinals, but unfortunately lost a very close match to another team. Annie Halverson-Piron was also a member of the team. Attorneys Jesse Blocher and Michael Cerjak coached Schnepper and Koenings.

Bailey Briggs (3L) and Jenna Leslie (3L) also competed in the New York regional competition, facing tough competition.  Their team was coached by attorneys Alyssa Dowse and Lindsey Johnson.  Professor Lisa Mazzie is the faculty advisor for both teams.

The NAAC is sponsored by the American Bar Association Law Student Division.

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