Greetings from the April Alumni Blogger

Good afternoon and welcome to April! I’m Mathew and I will be your humble Alumni Guest Blogger for this fine, fine month.

I suppose I should start off by noting that I don’t practice law. Never have, never intended to. I’m starting with that note because I plan on bloggin’ about alternative uses for the law degree. That particular post is still incubating, but it has been subtly hinted to me that such an entry may be of interest. I earn a living as a clinical ethicist. Did you know that the law school has a joint degree program with the Medical College of Wisconsin?


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Jenkins Competitors Advance to Finals

Congratulations to the students who advanced to the Final Round of the Jenkins Honors Moot Court Competition:

Susan Barranco and Kyle Mayo

Matthew Hall and Nicholas Zepnick

All the teams did a spectacular job in the Semifinal Round tonight.  The Final Round will be held this Wednesday, April 6 at 6:00 p.m. in the Appellate Courtroom at the Law School.  A reception will follow.  Please rsvp online on the Law School’s website.

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