Lessons from my Grandmother

It has been ten days since my grandmother’s funeral and I have been, if not enjoying this past week, definitely enjoying telling stories about her life and her influence on her grandchildren.  She died at age 99, laying down to take a rest because she did not feel well — the Torah writes that those who die in their sleep are Tzadek, truly righteous, and I know she belongs in that category.  I popped in last week to talk to my dean briefly and proceeded to tell him the following:  I made it all the way through law school before I believed at all that perhaps, perhaps, women were not quite as assertive as men in negotiations when I found, in the year that I taught negotiation at Stanford, more of the women needed some work on being more assertive and more of the men needed some work on listening.   Now, that has not been the case in every class that I have taught over the years and it was a pretty simplistic view of each student’s skill sets at the time but . . . the point was that it did not even occur to me that there were gender differences in levels of assertiveness because I never saw any in my family. (Just ask my brother, husband, or brothers-in-law!)   I had read about these so-called gender differences in my negotiation class.   I just did not buy it — no one I knew would ever have been subject to that description.  And, with Mama’s passing, I realize how indebted I am to her for my understanding of negotiation. 

Over the past 15 years in particular, as I have led an “adult” life — marriage, kids, career — I also started to view my grandmother as a three-dimensional adult and not just the relatively limited view that grandchildren tend to have of their grandparents, particularly when we are children. 

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Mainstreaming International Law in Legal Education

globeThis week is “International Education Week”, a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to promote “programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences in the United States.”  Schools and other educational institutions around the country have been carrying out activities around this national theme, including Marquette University.

The thematic week prompts me to explore the role of international law in the American law school setting. Although the curriculum of law schools in the United States has traditionally offered a narrow focus on domestic law, it has slowly expanded over the last century to include an international focus, albeit a limited one.   While this development can be seen most readily with the proliferation of foreign exchange programs such as Marquette Law School’s own summer program in Giessen, Germany, it also appears through the positioning of international law classes in the curriculum of traditional legal education.

Since the mid-century, it has become common for law schools to sprinkle course listings with upper-level and elective classes in international law. 

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The Tierneys and the Law

nsliI had the opportunity last month to be involved in the presentation by our National Sports Law Institute of its Master of the Game Award. The NSLI has given out this award, over the years, to such distinguished individuals as Hank Aaron, Donna de Varona, Bob Harlan, Al McGuire, Bud Selig, and Bart Starr. This year the award was presented to the Tierney family, especially to recognize the contributions of the late Joseph E. Tierney, Jr., of our law class of 1941, and his wife, the late Mrs. Bernice Tierney. The Tierneys are an historic family at Marquette, with Joe Tierney “the first” having been a member of our law class of 1911. As dean, I had the privilege to get to know the late Mrs. Tierney before her death earlier this year. As I explained in my remarks at the NSLI’s luncheon where the award was presented, Mrs. Tierney possessed an unusual combination of intelligence, grace, conversational skills, wit, and good humor; truly she was a remarkable woman. The more impressive remarks, from my perspective, were those of Joseph E. Tierney, III, of our law class of 1966 (and of Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols), who recalled his parents—their involvement in the Law School and the sports law program in particular, to be sure, but more generally as well. As Joe noted in his closing, “To be masters of the game, it is important to identify the game. For both of them, the game was life.” Joe’s remarks, which touch eloquently in just a few words on such varied topics as law, sports, family, and filial piety and such individuals as Marty Greenberg and the late Chuck Mentkowski and Jane Bradley Pettit, are well worth reading.

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