Legacies of Lincoln

legacies-of-lincolnThe Legacies of Lincoln Conference, a joint undertaking of the Law School and the Department of History, was an impressive event last week. It began on Thursday evening, with Allen Guelzo, Gettysburg College’s renowned Lincoln historian, delivering the History Department’s annual Klement Lecture. There then followed on Friday three panels, variously addressing “Lincoln and Politics,” “Lincoln and the Constitution,” and “Lincoln as Lawyer,” and respectively led by Heather Cox Richardson of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Michael Les Benedict of The Ohio State University, and Mark E. Steiner of the South Texas College of Law. The other panelists were James Marten and Alison Clark Efford of Marquette’s History Department (politics panel), Stephen Kantrowitz of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Kate Masur of Northwestern University (Constitution panel), and two of our part-time faculty (for the Lincoln-as-lawyer panel): Joseph S. Ranney, III, of Dewitt Ross & Stevens and Thomas L. Shriner, Jr., or Foley & Lardner. Audio of the three panels is available on the Law School’s webcast page.  A number of the participants will permit the Law School to publish papers reflecting their remarks, and I expect that, as the different papers are ready over the course of the time to come, Dan Blinka or I will use this blog to share them with interested readers. A special thanks to Jim Marten and to Dan Blinka for their roles in putting this conference together.

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Chilean Delegation Meets with Local Firm and Community Organizations

IMG_7727On their last day of the exchange program, October 2, the Chilean students visited an array of legal organizations working in the Milwaukee community. 

First, they visited the law firm of Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan LLP to meet with firm attorneys Hugo Rojas, Jeff Krill, Jean-Marie Feedham, and MULS graduate Natalia Minkel to learn about private law practice in Milwaukee and the nation as a whole.   The students were quite curious about the organizational structure of the associates and partners, and how they attract work.  Rojas explained that they rely mostly on word of mouth, pointing out that ethical guidelines limit aggressive forms of seeking new cases.  During the meeting, founding partner Jerry Gonzalez stopped by to greet the delegation and in particular mentioned the firm’s priority in assuring diversity among its attorneys, which only reflects the changing demographics of the country itself.

IMG_7739In the afternoon the students visited non-governmental agencies working with the Latino community in South Milwaukee. First, they visited Catholic Charities to learn about immigration work and the issues it raises, most notably the hardship faced by families that are often separated due to their immigrant status.   Attorney Barb Graham spoke of her tireless work to represent her clients, which frequently requires travelling to Chicago.  Afterwards, the students visited Centro Legal where Executive Director Heather Ramirez invited them to cookies and Alterra coffee.   The meeting featured staff lawyers Sam Levin and Jason Mishelow speaking about family law; and Mike Blater, criminal law. Board member Mike Balter also offered information about the organization, which offers legal services on a sliding scale.  The final stop was at Voces de la Frontera where the members of this association spoke of their grassroots movement to change policy in favor of immigrant and Latino populations, such as laws to allow for valid drivers licenses and fair wages.  They explained that their legal work (free clinics on Saturday) complement their activism to help stimulate broader policy change.

IMG_7750In the evening the Chilean delegation accepted the gracious invitation to attend the annual dinner of the MULS Hispanic Law Students Association which took place at Club Tres Hermanos  in South Milwaukee.  The festive event featured Mexican cuisine and conversation in both Spanish and English.  The Chileans sang songs along with the Mariachi band and demonstrated Chilean dances.  The occasion was a perfect ending to a full week of academic exploration.

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The Long Arm of the Law

PolanskiIFFKVI want to begin by thanking Dean O’Hear and Marquette University Law School for the opportunity to be October 2009’s “Alum Blogger of the Month.”

Roman Polanksi, a famous director of movies such as Chinatown and The Pianist, was recently arrested in Switzerland 32 years after he fled the United States after pleading guilty to a child sex offense in California.  According to Grand Jury testimony given by then 13 year-old Samantha Gailey, (viewable at the Smoking Gun website), Polanksi approached her to take pictures to be published in a magazine.  Gailey and her mother agreed and she went with him to Jack Nicholson’s home on March 10, 1977 to take pictures (apparently Jack wasn’t home that day, just an unknown woman).  After giving Gailey champagne while taking additional pictures of her, Polanski then gave her a Quaalude, which is a sedative similar in effect to barbiturates. 

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