Kleefisch and Nygren Describe “An American Epidemic” in Law School Program

Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch asked the audience in Eckstein Hall’s Appellate Courtroom a question: How many of you have been given a prescription for opioid pain medication in the last several years?

A large number of hands – perhaps a majority – went up.

Among these people, the drugs had been provided legally. But the large response illustrated one of Kleefisch’s main points at an “On the Issues with Mike Gousha” program on Thursday:

Powerful drugs are all over our communities. And, in a shocking number of cases, they are ending up being used for illegal purposes, they are triggering or feeding dangerous addictions, and they are leading the way for people to become involved in illegal drugs such as heroin.

Kleefisch and State Rep. John Nygren (R-Marinette) are co-chairs of Gov. Scott Walker’s Task Force on Opioid Abuse, created last fall. Nygren is co-chair of the legislature’s powerful Joint Committee on Finance, but also has a daughter who has struggled with heroin addiction.

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Abele Offers Big Ideas in Law School Session — Like Making Milwaukee the State Capital

Chris Abele likes to think big. How big? Try this on:

“Move the capital.”

What? Move the state capital from Madison to Milwaukee? The idea was greeted with laughter when Abele, the Milwaukee County executive, floated it during an “On the Issues with Mike Gousha” program at Marquette Law School on Wednesday.

It’s hard to picture the odds of that coming to pass as anything other than flat zero. But Abele was serious – sort of. He knew it was not going to happen, but, he said, “you can’t talk me out of thinking about it.” There is “plenty of research” that shows the advantages in terms of economic impact and government efficiency of the state capital and the state’s largest population center being the same. Think of Boston, Denver, and Minnesota’s Twin Cities. 

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On the Issues: “Politically Homeless” Activist Calls for Change in the System

Katherine Gehl says, “I like to say I’m politically homeless.” It was clear at an “On the Issues with Mike Gousha” program at Marquette Law School on Wednesday that she does not use that label because she is not involved. In fact, the opposite is true: She is deeply involved.

Her sense of “homelessness” comes from her frustration with what she calls “the political-industry complex.” The two major parties, Congress, the executive branch, Washington lobbyists, and the national media are all thriving, but they are not producing solutions to the nation’s problems, Gehl said. And while Washington thrives, problems go unsolved and people grow increasingly dissatisfied. She said the system and particularly the two major political parties do not have the incentives businesses have to respond constructively to competition. “Two parties equals zero results,” she said.

Gehl (pronounced Gayle) is a former Democrat who describes herself now as “a proud independent, a centrist, a pro-problem-solving, non-ideological citizen who wants to see government deliver on its promise to the citizens.” She adds, “That is not an ideology that fits with either of the parties.”

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