Pickering a Fight with the Wrong Guy

Paul Secunda has a new paper on SSRN that provides the full story of the famous First Amendment case Pickering v. Board of Education.  Paul interviewed the plaintiff, Marvin Pickering (now in his 70s), and collected other historical records in order to supplement the background information supplied in the United States Supreme Court’s decision.  Pickering was fired from his job as a public school teacher in Lockport, Illinois, in 1964 after he wrote a letter to the editor criticizing the Lockport School Board.  Pickering challenged his dismissal all the way to the Supreme Court and eventually won reinstatement.

In addition to recounting Pickering’s colorful life story and the history of the case that made him famous, Paul’s paper also critically appraises the post-Pickering cases that have pared back the First Amendment rights of public employees.  The paper appears as a chapter in the book First Amendment Law Stories.  An abstract appears after the jump. 

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New Issue of IP Law Review Available

Congratulations to the staff of the Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review for the completion of a new issue.  All of the articles are available in pdf here.  Outgoing editor-in-chief Laura Steele sends along the following announcement and summary of the issue:

On behalf of the staff of the Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review, I am pleased to announce the arrival of the second issue of volume fourteen, available now in print and online.

This issue highlights the work of several scholars. The issue opens with the Thirteenth Annual Helen Wilson Nies Memorial Lecture in Intellectual Property Law. The lecture was given this fall by John F. Duffy, the Oswald Symister Colclough Research Professor of Law at George Washington University Law School. Professor Duffy has updated and expanded his speech, “Innovation and Recovery,” to reflect recent developments in scholarship and patent law.

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