Overcoming Gender Stereotypes: What Can Law Schools Do?

As Andrea Schneider observes in a new article, media coverage of the 2008 election nicely illustrates the dilemma facing many women in leadership roles: they are apt to be perceived as either competent but unlikeable (the way that Hillary Clinton was often portrayed) or likeable but incompetent (the way that Sarah Palin was often portrayed).  Andrea and her coauthors also discuss research indicating that this dilemma is not limited to the political sphere, but may be experienced by professional women in many other settings, including the practice of law.

Although the problem they discuss seems to arise from deeply rooted gender stereotypes, Andrea and her coauthors believe that educational institutions (including law schools) can help to reduce the negative effects of the stereotypes.  For instance, they suggest a number of specific exercises that can help to raise awareness among students of the persistence of gender bias, such as having students evaluate two hypothetical job applicants with identical credentials, one male and one female.

The article, coauthored with Catherine Tinsley, Sandra Cheldelin, and Emily Amanatullah, is entitled “Leadership and Lawyering Lessons From the 2008 Elections.”  It was recently published at 30 Hamline J. Pub. L. & Pol’y 581.

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So You Think You Can Bring Peace to the Middle East?

I’ve never used a computer game in my teaching, but Andrea Schneider and Kathleen Goodrich ‘o8 make a good case that the game PeaceMaker has a lot to teach dispute resolution students.  The game puts players into the position of either the Israeli Prime Minister or the Palestinian President, with an opportunity to achieve peace and win a Nobel Prize or fail and lose office.  Andrea and Kathleen describe how the game can be used to teach principles of dispute resolution in a new paper entitled “The Classroom Can Be All Fun & Games.”  Their paper, which is available on SSRN here, was recently published at 25 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 87.  The abstract appears after the jump.  Do readers have any other suggestions for computer games that can be usefully incorporated into law-school teaching?

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When Battered Women Kill . . .

Do feminist concerns regarding violence against women justify expanding the self-protection defense in criminal law?  This was the topic of the second annual George and Margaret Barrock Lecture on Criminal Law, which was delivered Thursday afternoon by Professor Joshua Dressler of Ohio State.  Dressler left no doubt about where he stands on the issue: whether motivated by domestic-violence concerns or otherwise, recent proposals to expand the right to use deadly force are inconsistent with a due regard for the value of human life.  To be clear, Dressler would not deny the right to use deadly force when a woman is actually being attacked or threatened — his focus is more on cases in which a sleeping or otherwise nonthreatening batterer is killed. 

The webcast of Dressler’s provocative lecture is available here.   The lecture will also be published later this year in the Marquette Law Review.

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