New Report on Contacts Between Police and the Public: Numbers Generally Look Good for Police, But Racial Disparities Are Also in Evidence

As I discussed here, there is a substantial body of social psychological research suggesting an important connection between crime levels and the way that police treat citizens – basically, the more that police are perceived to be fair and respectful, the more that citizens, in turn, will feel respect for the law and a sense of obligation to cooperate with the police. With that background in mind, the Bureau of Justice Statistics’s brand-new report Contacts Between Police and the Public, 2008 makes for some very interesting reading. The data are based on a national survey of U.S. residents that BJS has conducted every three years since 2002.

On the whole, police should regard the report as good news. Here are some of the basic findings.

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Barrock Lecture on Thursday

As described in greater detail here, Professor Robert Weisberg of Stanford Law School will be delivering our annual Barrock Lecture on Criminal Law at 12:15 on Thursday.  In anticipation of his visit, I’ve been reading a few of his recent law review articles.  Here are my reflections on these works:

Weisberg on Dan Kahan (our 2008 Boden Lecturer)

Weisberg on restorative justice

Weisberg on proposed reforms for the sentencing provisions of the Model Penal Code

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What Must a Defendant Do in Order to Go It Alone?

While awaiting trial on criminal charges in federal court, Michael Campbell wrote the following in a letter to the judge:

Your honor I am asking that John Taylor [Campbell’s court-appointed lawyer] be removed from my case. I am requesting that you appoint another lawyer to complete the process. If not I would like to proceed pro se.

As my Criminal Procedure students have heard me discuss at length, defendants do indeed have a Sixth Amendment right to represent themselves.  Yet, Campbell’s request was not satisfied: Taylor continued to serve as his lawyer through the time of his trial and conviction.  Campbell then raised the issue on appeal, but the Seventh Circuit nonetheless affirmed his conviction earlier this week (United States v. Campbell (No. 10-3002)).  The court held, in effect, that Campbell should have renewed his request to go it alone, rather than sitting quietly throughout the trial as his lawyer continued to represent him.

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