Copenhagen Conundrum

We are only a week away from the beginning of the highly anticipated global climate summit in Copenhagen.  I recently took part in a mock negotiation session (I represented Mexico), and I can attest to just how difficult it will be to reach any agreement at the summit – even, as has been suggested lately, an agreement in principle without a formally binding treaty.  World leaders recognized as much at the recent Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting, and admitted that it was unrealistic to expect that a legally binding international treaty could be negotiated at Copenhagen.  From the basics of climate science to poverty abatement, the issues that divide the parties are vast.  Those issues have been discussed extensively, so I will instead point out three recent events that may affect the likelihood of a deal:

November 20, 2009: An electronic break-in at the University of East Anglia reveals documents and e-mails that appear to show intent to withhold or manipulate certain data; quickly dubbed “Climategate” by climate skeptics, the leaks are at best embarrassing for prominent climate scientists.

November 25, 2009: President Obama announces that the United States will commit to emissions cuts of 17 percent by 2020 and about 83 percent by 2050; Obama also announced that he will personally attend part of the summit.  The pledges are expected to break a logjam of countries that had been waiting for a United States commitment. 

November 29, 2009: India and China indicate that they may walk out of the negotiations if the developed countries do not agree to the sharing of “green” technology and massive economic transfers for a variety of climate change mitigation and abatement purposes, such as stopping deforestation and forest degradation.

No matter what your position is, the challenges are daunting and the stakes are high.  Whatever happens, the Copenhagen summit will be a fascinating opportunity to observe international diplomacy in the environmental context.

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Seventh Circuit Criminal Case of the Week: Yes, Eco-Terrorists Are Real Terrorists

seventh-circuit51On the night of July 20, 2000, Katherine Christianson, Bryan Rivera, and two companions damaged or destroyed more than 500 trees at a United States Forest Service facility.  Was it a prank?  A dare?  A harvest for the thneed industry? No, Christianson and Rivera were members of the eco-terrorist group Earth Liberation Front, and their target was the Forest Service’s genetic-engineering experiments on trees in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.  ELF issued a press release the next day claiming responsibility for the attack and asserting that “the Forest Service, like industry, are [sic] capitalists driven by insane desire to make money and control life.”

Eight years later, Christianson and Rivera pled guilty to destroying government property and were sentenced to two and three years of prison, respectively.  On appeal, Rivera challenged the district judge’s decision to apply the terrorism enhancement of the sentencing guidelines.  He argued that he was not a terrorist because his motivation was “the hope of saving our earth from destruction.”  The Seventh Circuit, however, rejected his argument and affirmed the sentence in United States v. Christianson (No. 09-1526) (Manion, J.). 

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Commodifying Environmental Resources

grand canyonMany people value certain environmental resources even if they have never actually visited or “used” those resources.  For example, a person might assign what economists call “nonuse values” to the Grand Canyon, the Great Barrier Reef, or a particular endangered animal species even if she has never hiked the Canyon, gone scuba diving on the Reef, or personally encountered that endangered species.   Some scholars have categorized nonuse values into three types: the “option value” is the value a person places on preserving an environmental resource so that she has the option of using it in the future; the “bequest value” is the value the person places on being able to preserve the resource for the enjoyment of future generations; and the “existence value” is the value the person places on the mere knowledge that the resource exists. 

Consensus has proved elusive on whether and how nonuse values should be considered in cost-benefit analysis of new environmental projects or regulations.  In economic terms, such valuation will have the positive effect of incentivizing people not to destroy the resource.  But economists have struggled to assign actual dollar values suitable for use in such a calculus.  One widely used but controversial method called “contingent valuation” involves the use of surveys to find out what individuals would pay to preserve environmental resources.  Survey results are then averaged and generalized across entire populations.  The design of the survey questions is controversial, and the results are often rigidly contested or even rejected out of hand.  One famous CV study estimated the nonuse harm of the Exxon Valdez disaster at between two and eight billion dollars. 

Quite apart from the raging debate over the validity of contingent valuation, other scholars are waging a separate struggle over whether it is harmful for society to “commodify” or “commoditize” certain things. 

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