The Constitutional Challenge to Act 10 is Serious

On Friday, Judge Juan Colas issued a ruling that struck down Act 10, the “Budget Repair Bill,” on the grounds that the law violates the Wisconsin and U.S. Constitutions.  In essence, he held that the law differentiates between entities that represent public employees in collective bargaining — imposing conditions on certain bargaining entities but not others – and that the State had failed to advance a sufficient justification for this disparate treatment.  According to Judge Colas, the differential treatment of bargaining entities violated the First Amendment right of the affected unions to association and expression, and it also violated the Equal Protection Clause.  Judge Colas also held that the law violates the Home Rule provisions of the Wisconsin Constitution by dictating rules for Milwaukee that the law did not apply to other municipalities.

The reaction to the ruling from the Walker Administration – that Judge Colas is a “liberal Dane County judge” — was as hollow as it was predictable.  Some supporters of the Governor view the judiciary as an obstacle to their political agenda.  Therefore, judges who do not agree with the Administration’s legal arguments become, in their mind, opponents who must be demonized (like Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi) or else targeted with frivolous disciplinary complaints.

Clearly, some supporters of the Walker Administration have a difficult time separating the political debate over Act 10 from the separate legal debate over its contents.

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New Poll Results: Presidential Race Tightens, Thompson Leads Baldwin

Marquette Law School Poll results released Wednesday show a two-point shift toward Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, compared to results from two weeks earlier.

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden lead among likely voters 49% to 46% over Romney and his recently named running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, in polling conducted Aug. 16 to 19. In early August polling, Obama led Romney, 50% to 45%.

Charles Franklin, visiting professor of law and public policy and director of the poll, said, ‘The two-point shift in Romney’s favor is within the margin of error of the poll but suggests Ryan’s addition to the ticket may have slightly increased Romney’s chances in Wisconsin.”

The new Law School Poll results for the US Senate race in Wisconsin put former Gov. Tommy Thompson, who won the Republican primary on Aug. 14, ahead of Rep. Tammy Baldwin, the Democratic candidate, by 50% to 41%. In the early August polling, Thompson led Baldwin 48% to 43%.

Full results of the poll may be found by clicking here.

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Of Paul Ryan and Buggy Whips

First of all, I have to admit that my prediction was wrong. I predicted that Paul Ryan would not be the Republican nominee for Vice President in 2012. My reasoning was simple: I didn’t believe that Mitt Romney would risk being overshadowed by his running mate on questions of economic policy. However, Mitt Romney did indeed choose Paul Ryan as his running mate late last Friday, thus demonstrating that he is comfortable running for President on a fiscal blueprint that is known as “The Ryan Plan” rather than “The Romney Plan.”

The selection of Paul Ryan immediately transforms the presidential race, turning it from an up or down referendum on President Obama’s performance into a choice between two starkly different views of economic policy. The Republican Party, which proudly labels itself a “brand,” will now embark on an effort to sell a plan that includes tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, reductions in monies spent on programs that benefit low income Americans, and the acceptance of unrestrained budget deficits because defense spending is left untouched.  The sales pitch is that this combination will lead to a faster economic recovery. The question is whether anyone will buy what they are selling.

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