Looking for Advice on Contract Drafting

evowaAbout four years ago, when I started working for my current employer, I was an administrative assistant to a division president. It wasn’t exactly my dream job, but all in all I enjoyed it. One of the things I assisted with was the maintenance of our standard contract templates. It was very much an administrative task (I took dictation and changed what I was told to change), but I did it with pride because it was the only part of my job that was remotely related to the legal field. Throughout my advancements within the division, contract edits never left my realm of responsibilities, and I have now ventured into the area of drafting. (Woo-hoo, fun, you’re probably thinking; but, no, seriously, it is fun.)

What I have grown to appreciate is how difficult it is to maintain contract templates and to ensure that Sales has all the right schedules and exhibits. It seems like every week I am getting requests for reviews, redlines, or amendments, all of which have to be done ASAP. I cringe a little when I hear someone jokingly say “Talk to our resident contract expert” because I know that means me and I know the next contract “fire drill” is about to come my way.

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Finding the Spirit of God, and the Law, in All Things

In my final post I simply want to express gratitude for the opportunity to learn about myself as a Marquette lawyer, and my passions in the law, by making the choices of what to say in posting over the course of this past month. 

As I see it, the Law School’s Blog is a collective forum for sharing diverse opinions, the dynamic evolution of legal concepts, and freedom of expression, and for honoring the unique attributes of each writer. Each individual contributor chooses to contribute to the discourse on justice, the law, and the interrelationship of those concepts in our world, which far too easily becomes compartmentalized into unrealistic and unhelpful hierarchies like legal and non-legal, students and faculty, lawyers and non-lawyers.  That this forum exists, and exists at Marquette University Law School, is a gift, as it reminds us that we have a completely free choice, always, of how to exist in a world that needs lawyers with compassion, integrity, and purpose so badly. That choice is determinative and illustrative, for each person, of an inner fire that is the only source for renewal of a continued, sustainable commitment to being Marquette lawyers, who are, first and foremost, men and women for others. 

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