Appellate Judicial Efficiency

WisconsinSupremeCourtSealThe timing of released Wisconsin Supreme Court opinions is a popular topic this time of year among many members of the legal community.  The Wisconsin Supreme Court begins hearing cases in September every year and generally hears between six and ten cases each month through April.  In May, oral argument dates are set but not always used.  No oral arguments are held in June, and the term officially ends at the end of June.  This year, the court decided 57 cases.  Of those decisions, 23 cases (40 percent) were released after the term ended, i.e., on or after July 1.  In May and June, a total of 18 cases (32 percent) were released.  Does it really matter that over 70 percent of the court’s cases were released either after the term ended or in the last two months of the term?  I m not sure what the answer is to that question, but I do believe the Wisconsin Supreme Court should take measures to improve its appellate judicial efficiency. 

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The Debate over Statutory History

An interesting debate about statutory history emerged at the Wisconsin Supreme Court this past term in County of Dane v. LIRC (2009 WI 9).  By statutory history, the court is referring to previous versions of a statute, which the legislature has subsequently repealed or revised.  Even prior to County of Dane, the court had stated, “By analyzing the changes the legislature has made over the course of several years, we may be assisted in arriving at the meaning of a statute.”  Richards v. Badger Mutual Insurance (2008 WI 52).

The current debate centers on whether reliance on statutory history is consistent with a plain meaning analysis.  Justice Roggensack has asserted, “statutory history is part of a plain meaning analysis because it is part of the context in which we interpret statutory terms.”  Chief Justice Abrahamson, on the other hand, asserts that statutory history is inconsistent with a plain meaning analysis because if the text is plain, there is no need to go beyond the text.

While the intellectual debate over statutory history is commendable, the arguments thus far have been misplaced, and as a result, we should refocus the debate.  The debate should not center on whether statutory history is consistent with a plain meaning analysis because such a debate does not answer when and how statutory history can be utilized.  As such, the current debate is meaningless.   Rather, the debate should center on whether statutory history is an intrinsic or extrinsic aid to interpretation.    

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More on Coulee Catholic Schools v. LIRC

discriminationAs Professor Esenberg has just posted about, earlier this week, the Wisconsin Supreme Court handed down a very important decision, Coulee Catholic Schools v. LIRC (2009 WI 88). Although some describe the holding as “a dramatic change” in Wisconsin employment law, I think the case is more important for its constitutional discussion. On the actual question presented, I think the Court’s holding was straightforward, correct, and not very dramatic.

In Coulee Catholic Schools, the Court was asked whether a first grade teacher in a Catholic school was subject to the “ministerial exception,” meaning that the school’s religious freedom to select its own ministers and leaders barred her age discrimination claim. Half the courts in the country that have considered this question concluded that a religious school teacher is engaged in sufficient ministry to be included, while half have said that such a teacher is not. The Wisconsin Supreme Court decided that the religious school teacher in this case did engage in and lead sufficient religious activities to fall within the exception.

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