Applicants Named for Eastern and Western District Positions

As Dean Kearney observed in an earlier post, I am chairing the Federal Nominating Commission that is reviewing applications for the United States Attorney post in the Eastern District of Wisconsin.  Dean Ken Davis of Wisconsin is chairing a counterpart commission that is reviewing applications for a federal judgeship in the Western District.  Both sets of applications were due yesterday.  The list of U.S. Attorney applicants is here, and the list of judicial applicants is here.  Both groups include many individuals with impressive professional credentials.  I think the people of Wisconsin should be pleased that so many well-qualified applicants have indicated an interest in these important positions of public service.  If members of the public would like to comment on the qualifications of any of the applicants, they may send letters to Adam C. Korbitz, Government Relations Coordinator, State Bar of Wisconsin, 5302 Eastpark Boulevard, P.O. Box 7158, Madison, WI 53707-7158.

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At Least We’re Not Facing Relegation

We argue around here about the extent to which Wisconsin is a “tax hell” or has a bad business climate. Each side marshals the facts that support its position.  Our tax burden is extremely high, but our spending levels are closer to average.  Part of that is that we tend not to employ users fees.  On the other hand, the spending numbers have to be read in light of our low levels of federal aid and below-average state income and so on.

William Ruger and Jason Sorens at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University have developed indices of personal and economic freedom and compared all 50 states. The economic index is, of course, value driven. They are looking for low taxes and spending, less regulation, and a greater degree of local control over resources. They prefer user fees to taxes.

On this measure, Wisconsin does poorly. It is 42nd in fiscal policy, 35th in overall economic freedom, and 37th in the overall freedom ranking.

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Congratulations to the Marquette National Appellate Advocacy Competition Team

Congratulations to the Marquette National Appellate Advocacy Competition (NAAC) team!  On Saturday, our students distinguished themselves at the Boston regional NAAC competition.  Stephen Boyett, Carrie Devitt, and Jessie Franklin won each of their five rounds of competition, and they will be advancing to the National Finals in April.  Elizabeth Champeau and Thomas Worsfold advanced to the semifinal round.  The students also distinguished themselves in obtaining high scores on their briefs. 

Approximately 190 teams entered the competition and are participating in six regional competitions.  Only the top four teams from each regional round advance to the National Finals in Chicago.

Both teams have worked hard to prepare for competition.  The students put many hours into preparing their briefs and oral arguments.  We appreciate the assistance that many local practitioners and law faculty gave us in preparing for the oral arguments.  We are especially grateful to Attorney Michael Cerjak, a 2008 law alum and former NAAC competitor, who organized and attended numerous practice rounds.  Michael surprised the team by flying out for the final rounds on Saturday. 

Congratulations, Team!  I’m proud of you!!

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