This third and final post reflecting the “In Search of Better Outcomes” theme of the new Marquette Lawyer magazine begins with a third pair of articles, the one that actually provides the quoted phrase (see here and here for the previous posts and previous pairs). These last two articles, with a brief introduction, look at the impact of law enforcement on people on different sides of the badge—and at possibilities for better outcomes both for those in law enforcement who are affected negatively by the cumulative trauma with which they deal and for offenders upon release, after they have served time in incarceration.
“Behind the Badge: A Growing Sense of the Need in Law Enforcement to C ope with Trauma” is an edited transcript of a panel discussion involving four people who have served in law enforcement. They offer insights on the need for better avenues for getting help for those who see so much violence and extreme behavior as part of their jobs protecting the public. The discussion was part of Law School’s Restorative Justice Initiative conference on November 9, 2018, titled “The Power of Restorative Justice in Healing Trauma in Our Community.”
“Putting a Period at the End of the Sentence,” an article by Alan Borsuk, draws on a conference, on October 4, 2018, of the Law School’s Lubar Center for Public Policy Research and Civic Education. Titled “Racial Inequality, Poverty, and the Criminal Justice System,” the gathering focused on issues facing people who are returning to the general community after incarceration. The story features some of the keynote remarks by Bruce Western, a sociology professor at Columbia University and author of Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison (2018). It also reports on observations by leaders of programs in the Milwaukee area that aim to help people leaving incarceration establish stable lives in the community.
To be sure, there is more to the magazine even than the three pairs of substantial articles that have been the focus of this series of blog posts. To take it from the beginning of the issue:
- My column, titled “Of Human Nature—and Thus of Both Law and Culture,” primarily reflecting on the paired articles, may be read by clicking here.
- The “Law School News” section of the magazine provides a profile of Aurusa Kabani, who graduated in May with a goal of becoming an arbitrator at the Olympics—and with an impressive start on pursuing that goal. The news section also reports on a talk given by Professor Matthew Mitten and Professor Andrea Schneider about sports arbitration and negotiation strategies in cases involving sports, and on recognition from Marquette University President Michael R. Lovell for the Law School’s Public Service Program as a “difference maker.” It also offers nine short pieces of wisdom (“25 words or less”) from recent programs in the Law School’s Lubar Center.And for a change of pace, read about Kaitlyn (Katie) Gould, a first-year student last winter who had to wait for several hours in the Atlanta airport for a flight to Milwaukee and turned that into a chance to produce a video of her dancing to the 1980 song by Daryl Hall and John Oates, “You Make My Dreams (Come True).” The video has since then been viewed more than 9 million times, including by Hall and Oates.
- In the “From the Podium” section of this issue of Marquette Lawyer, former Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle provides perspective on the tenth anniversary of the approval of the Great Lakes Compact. Doyle spoke at a conference evaluating the compact at Eckstein Hall on October 2, 2018.The “Podium” section also gives a warm farewell to Bev Franklin, who retired at the end of 2018 after 40 years of service to Marquette Law School. Given their subject, the remarks at a luncheon on the last day Bev was on duty at the Eckstein Hall welcome desk will bring a smile to the thousands who knew her.
- Finally, catch up on the doings of various Marquette lawyers by reading the Class Notes.
The full magazine and past issues are available by clicking here.