Earlier this week, Marquette University announced that remote learning will be extended until May 10. As of yesterday morning, and for the next 30 days, Wisconsin residents are subject to the State’s Safer at Home order.
I posted just over a week ago about some of the ways our faculty and students were coping with the ever-changing global pandemic; in the week since, the world has changed even more. And it’s going to be ever-changing for the weeks to come.
There are so many ways that this virus has affected us—or yet will affect us—that it’s difficult for me to try to list them. Instead, I’ll just pass along three specific resources I’ve come across.
First, Marquette University itself has a page dedicated to COVID-19. That page contains many resources for students, faculty, and staff, including links to resources for remote learning and technology. It also links to external city, state, and national sites on COVID-19.
Second, the latest National Jurist has published a Coronavirus Survival Guide. The guide is geared for students, but its suggestions are applicable to almost anyone.
Finally, the Association for Women Lawyers compiled a list of resources, which those with children at home may find particularly useful. The resources include links to educational sites that have waived their fees, lists of activities, projects, and interactive tours for families, and a sample daily schedule for school-age children at home. There are also lists for the adults: at-home work outs, uplifting podcasts, and ideas for virtual happy hour.
Stay healthy.