Do the Justices Play Nicely Together?

SCOTUS justicesFor the second autumn in a row, the federal public defenders here in Milwaukee were kind enough to invite me to speak on the U.S. Supreme Court’s criminal docket, reviewing last term’s cases and previewing the new term.  The event is a great opportunity for me to think about patterns and themes that cut across individual cases.  I plan now to recapitulate some of my obervations in a series of short blog posts over the next couple weeks.  This is the first.

It is commonly thought that the Court is bitterly divided along ideological lines.  In criminal cases, the stereotypical picture in recent terms would look like this: four conservative Justices (Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, and Alito) vote for the government, four liberal Justices (Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer) vote for the defendant, and Justice Kennedy in the middle gets to decide what the law is.  The picture is not an attractive one, suggesting that most of the Justices decide cases on a knee-jerk basis, without really listening either to the advocates or to their own colleagues.

How well does the stereotype actually reflect reality?  The answer depends on what type of criminal case you are talking about. 

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SCOTUS Fantasy League Debuts

Hey, Supreme Court buffs, think you can handicap the high court’s cases better than you can Packers games?  If so, you might want to join the Premier Supreme Court Fantasy League.  As detailed in this post on the WSJ Law Blog, participants gets points for accurately predicting not only the bottom-line outcome of cases, but also the breakdown of Justices on each side.  Top point-gainer at the end of the term is declared Chief Justice.

Hat tip to 1L Timothy Shortess.

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$250 Million Worth of Fuss

The U.S. Department of Education released the final rules Thursday for the high-stakes competition called the Race to the Top. That’s the $4.35 billion in grants to be given out in the next year to spur states to take major steps aimed at improving a host of aspects of schooling, including the quality of teachers and the quality of education options open to children, especially those in historically low performing communities.

How much is at stake? Included in the material was a list of how much each state could potentially receive. For Wisconsin, the figure was $150 million to $250 million.

It is unlikely Wisconsin actually will get that much. It appears there are some points where Wisconsin will score well (atmosphere for creating charter schools), and other points where Wisconsin will not do well (track record on closing achievement gaps, such as the one between white and black students).

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