The Effect of the Internet on Reading

“Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.”

Nicholas Carr

While preparing for this fall semester, I came across the citation for an article from The Atlantic.  In mid-2008, writer Nicholas Carr asked, “Is Google making us stupid?”

Carr, a writer and former deep reader, noticed that after a decade of using the internet, he cannot engage with reading like he used to. “Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do. . . . The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle.” His article suggested that the way the internet works not only changes what we read, but how we read, and perhaps even changes the very way we think.

I’ve addressed the internet’s effect on our lives before, but here I want to address what the internet has done to our ability to read and to engage deeply with text. What Carr says about reading is, I notice, true. After spending more than a decade with volumes of information at my fingertips and with the ability to, in seconds, move from one bit of information to another to yet another, it’s much harder now to engage deeply with any single text.

For me, if I have to scroll down two or three or—gasp!—four times to completely read an article online, well, I’m going to be hard-pressed to do it in a single, uninterrupted session. I’m off, after that first screen’s worth of text, to see what’s trending on, to peek at the headlines on, to check my email again, to maybe order that shirt that I like (that I’ve looked at online five times already).  And this is a process I’m likely to repeat not 15 minutes later while trying to read the second or third screen’s worth of text, even though it’s likely that nothing has changed since I last checked those same sites. I’ve come to expect (and maybe at some level, require) my information in convenient bite-sized chunks; in this way, perhaps, I feel I can manage all the information that I will receive during the course of the day. If there’s something long that I must read—or really want to read—I’ll often print it out and save it for a later time, usually when I’ve removed myself from the computer, and even then, I’m still distracted.

Like Carr, I don’t think my experience is unusual. In fact, people’s lack of capacity for deep reading is probably more prevalent today than it was in 2008, when Carr published his article.

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Stand Out in Today’s Competitive Job Market

I know it’s the time of the year when the only thing law students are talking about is where they will be (or want to be) working next year; so, I thought I would write about how to land the legal job you want despite today’s competitive job market.


First and foremost, grades are not everything. This goes for everyone, no matter if you are currently in the top 10 or in the bottom half of your class. If you are ranked high in your class, my advice to you is do not act entitled or above others. Your classmates will be your future co-workers and colleagues. Also, interviewers will be less impressed with the accomplishments you’ve worked so hard for if they see or sense arrogance. On the other end of the spectrum, if you are in the bottom of your class, be happy for those who have found early success in their legal career because again, they will be your future co-workers and colleagues. Further, do not be discouraged from applying for any job you are interested in, even if there is a stated prerequisite such as being in the top 20%. Any good employer will consider much more than your law school GPA, especially if you have only completed your first year.


Law firms will look at where you completed your undergraduate work and how well you did, if you have any work experience (legal or non-legal, including unpaid internships), if you volunteer (firms can tell the difference between “real” and “resume builder” volunteer work), if you are on any committees and if you have leadership experience. This list is not comprehensive, but I have seen all of these factors used on a consistent basis. Therefore, if your grades are not the best but you have some of these other tangible factors, make sure to adequately illustrate them in both your resume and cover letter. Remember that you are your biggest advocate, so if you don’t share your experiences a potential employer will not be able to consider them as part of your candidacy.

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Expanding the Public Policy Initiative

Marquette University Law SchoolThis is a notable week in the Law School’s public policy initiative. First, it marks the beginning of Charles Franklin’s work as professor of law and public policy—an appointment announced this past May by Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., president of the University. Professor Franklin, formerly professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, will continue to direct the Marquette Law School Poll and, more broadly, will work with Mike Gousha, Alan Borsuk, and faculty at the Law School and beyond in the continuing development of the Law School’s public policy research and outreach. Second, Craig Gilbert joins us in a sense. Mr. Gilbert, the head of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Washington bureau and the author of The Wisconsin Voter blog at the newspaper, will hold a six-month fellowship established by the Law School through its Sheldon B. Lubar Fund for Public Policy Research. This is along the lines of work last academic year by the newspaper’s Rick Romell, which resulted in an extensive multipart series in the newspaper reporting on the economic future of this region. Mr. Gilbert is especially well-regarded in both journalism and the academy (you can get a sense of that here). His project during his time as a Lubar Fellow will focus on aspects of political polarization in the region, an activity that (to bring me back to where I began) no doubt will occasion his collaboration with Charles Franklin and Mike Gousha, among others at Marquette. On behalf of all who comprise the Marquette Law School community, it is a privilege for me welcome to both Charles and Craig as they expand the contributions we make to the community even beyond our core mission of legal education.

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