Catholic Principles of Good Stewardship of the Physical World

Catholic belief includes both the terms “dominion” and “stewardship” in discussing the relationship of human beings to the physical world.  Lucia A. Silecchia definitely prefers “stewardship.”

Drawing especially on papal encyclicals, including those of Pope John Paul II and the current Pope Benedict XVI, Silecchia said in the Simmons Lecture at Eckstein Hall on Thursday that stewardship is an appropriate model for care for the environment because the world has been entrusted to people and, as trustees, people need to put broader interests ahead of their own interests. Silecchia is a professor of law at Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.

Individuals need to put aside their narrow self interests to serve the larger, enduring needs of all people, Silecchia said. Indeed our own best interest is actually served by enlarging our sense of ourselves as members of communities and even the earth as a whole.

In a lecture titled, “’More Will Be Expected’: Catholic Social Thought and international Environmental Stewardship,”   Silecchia discussed basic principles of Catholic teaching that provide a framework for dealing with ecological issues.

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Mediation Tournament a Great Learning Experience

Two weeks ago I had to opportunity to compete in a mediation tournament. This tournament involved three rounds where each student rotated from round to round playing an attorney, a client, and a mediator. Being a participant and working with my fellow teammates has increased my understanding and skills as an attorney and a mediator.   In preparation for the tournament each of the competitors underwent a training session on effective mediation. Not only were we there to represent our schools in competition, but the session before the tournament provided us with an additional teaching element.

Round One: Attorney in a landlord-tenant action My client was involved in eviction proceedings against an intimidating ex-hockey player who refused to pay rent.  

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Public Service Conference to Consider Consumer and Community Financial Protection

Please join us for “New Directions in Consumer and Community Financial Protection,” the 2011 Marquette University Law School Public Service Conference.  We have an outstanding lineup of speakers, including Greg Zoeller, the Attorney General of Indiana and co-chair of the National Association of Attorneys General Consumer Protection Committee; Charles Harwood, the Deputy Director for Consumer Protection at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission; Don Graves, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Small Business, Community Development, and Housing Policy, U.S. Department of Treasury; and Kathleen Keest, Policy Director at the Center for Responsible Lending.

The Conference will focus attention on consumer financial regulatory reform at both the state and federal level, with a particular emphasis on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and its implications for low-income and disadvantaged communities, and local enforcement of consumer protection laws.  The Conference will be held on Friday, February 25, 2011, in Eckstein Hall.  CLE credit is available, and attendees will enjoy breakfast, lunch, and a reception.  Review the entire Conference agenda here and register today.  I hope to see you there.

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