Doyle Puts Health Care and Education at the Top of His Accomplishments

Appearing relaxed and comfortable as the end of his eight years in office approaches, Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle said Tuesday  that he put his work on health care in Wisconsin at the top of his list of accomplishments.

“We have made Wisconsin really the health care leader in the United States,” Doyle said during an “On the Issues with Mike Gousha” conversation at Marquette University Law School. “We really have become the model for much of the nation on how to provide health care.”

During Doyle’s tenure, the Badger Care program for low to middle income working people has expanded and, Doyle said, Wisconsin has had the lowest percentage of uninsured residents of any state in the country except Massachusetts, which has a mandatory  health insurance law. 

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Some Exam-Taking Advice from Professor Kircher

[Editor’s note:  In this post, Professor John J. Kircher provides the first installment in our new series, “What are your best exam-taking tips for law students?”]

To begin with, always be careful to understand the “call” of the question. That is, what is the professor asking you to do? If he or she casts you in the role of the defense counsel and asks you to evaluate that side, don’t waste your time explaining what a great case the plaintiff has under the circumstances provided!

Also, if the question is jurisdiction-specific (e.g., Wisconsin), don’t waste your time and effort explaining the law of all other jurisdictions.

Finally, if you are uncertain about the answer to a particular question, go on to the other exam questions.  It is better to have one unanswered question than to spin your wheels and waste time trying to figure out its answer only to have inadequate time to properly answer the remaining questions.

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