New MMAC Leader Says, “We’re Going to Fight for the Whole Community”

What does Dale Kooyenga like about Milwaukee?

The question came from a member of the audience at a program at Marquette Law School’s Eckstein Hall on Tuesday (April 25, 2023). The questioner said she assumed that Kooyenga didn’t like Milwaukee because he was formerly a Republican member of the Wisconsin legislature who lives in the Milwaukee suburb of Brookfield. The way Republicans in the legislature have butted heads with Milwaukee leaders, generally Democrats, is a long-standing dynamic of Wisconsin politics.

But Kooyenga answered empathically that he shouldn’t be counted as part of that, not when looking at his past record and especially not when looking at his new role as senior vice president of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce. Kooyenga is expected to succeed the long-time president of the MMAC, Tim Sheehy.

For one thing, Kooyenga said, his state Senate district in recent years included some parts of the city of Milwaukee, and he was proud to represent the full district. For another thing, Kooyenga said, ask former Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett if Kooyenga was someone who Milwaukee leaders could talk to.

But, more broadly, Kooyenga had to pause before answering what he  likes about Milwaukee because, as he put it, “it’s a long list.” Recreational opportunities, spectator sports, the ease of doing things, the life his family is able to live, the diverse people of the metropolitan area, and, simply, the friendly character of Milwaukee and Milwaukeeans. Kooyenga said he grew up in Chicago and came to the Milwaukee area initially to go to college. He assumed he’d move back to Chicago as soon as he could. But he quickly decided Milwaukee was a great place to live — and he hasn’t left.

Furthermore, he said, don’t peg him in his new role by his partisanship in the past. “We’re going to fight for the whole community. . . . That’s important to me,” he said. “The MMAC will do what’s in Milwaukee’s best interest.”

Kooyenga said that for years, the MMAC has based its programs on four goals for the Milwaukee area: livability, growth, talent, and equity. He said the organization will continue to pursue those goals.

He praised Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson and Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley for the effort they are putting into building relationships with state leaders in Madison, including Republican legislative leaders. Their work will pay “huge dividends,” he said. And allowing local sales taxes to support government in Milwaukee – an idea that Johnson, Crowley, the MMAC, and others are supporting — “has to happen.”   

Kooyenga’s spoke at the first session of a new program of the Law School’s Lubar Center for Public Policy Research and Civic Education. Called “Get to Know,” the programs will be hosted by Derek Mosley, the new director of the Lubar Center, and are intended to provide a somewhat informal chance to meet interesting people involved in Milwaukee and the rest of Wisconsin.

The conversation with Kooyenga, Mosley, and members of the audience may be viewed by clicking below.

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New Milwaukee Leaders Offer Inspiring Personal Stories in Lubar Center Program  

When four of Milwaukee’s still-new, still-young elected leaders gathered for a program in the Lubar Center of Marquette Law School on Tuesday (March 21, 2023), they gave their perspectives on “a tale of two cities,” as Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley put it. One was the Milwaukee that is thriving socially and economically, one was the Milwaukee where that is far less true.

A striking aspect of the leaders is that all four come from some of those “far less true” neighborhoods, and each found a path to success. If you were looking for inspiration or role modeling, the leaders offered it in their personal stories.

A common denominator for all four was they were helped by adults – teachers, youth program workers, and others – who cared personally about them, put them in constructive settings, and showed them ways to help their communities.

Derek Mosley, the new director of the Law School’s Lubar Center for Public Policy Research and Civic Education, began the session by asking each of the four what it was like for them growing up in Milwaukee.

Crowley said he lived much of his childhood in the neighborhood around N. 23rd and W. Burleigh St. His family life included drug addiction and mental health problems. But he praised the mentoring he found in Milwaukee Public Schools (there were times when MPS teachers were the most stable factor in his life) and in involvement in the Urban Underground youth organization.

Marcelia Nicholson, chair of the Milwaukee County Board, grew up in the same part of the city. “I remember learning having to go under the bed when we heard gun shots at night,” she said. “I saw all sorts of things that no child should ever see.” But her parents instilled in her the value of education. She said, “When I was hiding under the bed, I was reading books, and it was the teachers in the Milwaukee Public School system who nurtured me.” 

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson went to seven elementary schools, experienced homelessness and food insecurity, and lived some of the time in the same 53206 zip code where Crowley and Nicholson lived. His involvement in the YMCA made a big difference to him, involving him with adults who helped care for him. He later worked for the Y.

Jose Perez, president of the Milwaukee Common Council, grew up on the south side. There were good and bad aspects to the neighborhood, but he learned to maneuver through all of it. The Felix Mantilla Little League, a youth sports program, became an important involvement for him as a youth.

As Mosley pointed out, each of them is a trailblazer in city leadership – Crowley and Johnson the first elected Black heads of county and city government, Nicholson the first Black and Hispanic woman to lead the County Board, and Perez the first Hispanic president of the Common Council.

The four talked about what they are doing to tackle major issues facing Milwaukee – a long-term decline in population, safety and crime issues, the social service needs of many city residents, the need for more family-supporting jobs, the financial pressures on both the county and city due to aid from the state of Wisconsin stagnating while the cost of services increases.

They pointed to bright spots – Milwaukee has one of the lowest per capita rates of long-term homelessness of any city in the nation, crime overall declined  from 2021 to 2022 (although it is still higher than in prior years and homicide records have been set in recent years), some large employers are expanding in the city, and relations with Republican legislative leaders  have improved (although no results yet in getting more state aid).

Overall, there was an atmosphere of cooperation, determination to address needs, and commitment to make Milwaukee a better place for all. And there was praise for the great things Milwaukee has to offer people.

Referring to the work being done by each of the four, Mosley pointed to the impact on them of their personal backgrounds. “A lot of that has to do with how you all lead,” Mosley said.

Four people who might have ended up on paths full of personal problems. Four people who found role models, stability, and help getting them on to positive paths. Four people boosted by teachers and youth workers, as well as by family members.

And now, four adults who have become influential leaders in Milwaukee.

Leaders are generally judged by their policies, decisions, and whether they can show tangible progress due to their work. But intangibles and personal stories matter and can offer valuable lessons. Both the tangibles and intangibles were the subject of the program in the Lubar Center, and both were important.

The program may be viewed here.

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New Marquette Lawyer Magazine Spotlights the Work of Public Defenders and Provides Other Glimpses into the Law

2022 Marquette Lawyer CoverIt is nearly 60 years since the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously held, in Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), that individuals facing criminal charges are constitutionally entitled to representation by lawyers. And it has been just over 20 years since the death of Marquette Law School Dean Howard B. Eisenberg, who, early in his career, was a central figure in Wisconsin’s effort to comply with Gideon—in designing the state’s system for providing publicly funded representation for defendants unable to afford an attorney.

The cover package of the Fall 2022 issue of Marquette Lawyer magazine examines how Wisconsin’s system works today.

This means, in particular, an article profiling the work lives of five current Wisconsin public defenders. The piece includes the context of their work in a system that serves tens of thousands of defendants annually even while it is under constant stress—a system where needs outstrip available staff and resources.

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