Most United States Supreme Court Justices Have Lacked Prior Judicial Experience

In response to my earlier post about Chief Justices of the United States Supreme Court who were also the Court’s senior justice in terms of years of service, Nick Zales posed the question as to whether the late William Rehnquist was the only Chief Justice to have had no prior judicial experience before becoming a member of the Supreme Court. (While Rehnquist had served for 13 years as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court before being elevated to the Chief position, that was his only prior judicial experience.)

As it turns out, Rehnquist shared a lack of prior judicial experience with a majority of the men who have held the nation’s highest judicial office. Altogether, nine, or slightly more than half, of the 17 men who have held the position of Chief Justice were appointed without prior judicial experience.

Moreover, of the eight who had previously been judges, several had very limited judicial experience. Edward White, for example, had served for only a single year on a state court, and that had been fourteen years prior to his appointment to the United States Supreme Court. The judicial service of the first Chief Justice, John Jay, constituted two years as the Chief Justice of the New York Supreme Court a decade before his appointment as the U. S. Supreme Court. The current Chief Justice, John Roberts, served for only two years and three months as a federal judge before his elevation to the Supreme Court in 2005.

While prior judicial experience appears to have become a prerequisite for a Supreme Court appointment in our own time, historically, there clearly was no such requirement. None of the men appointed Chief Justice in the 19th century (Marshall, Taney, Chase, Waite, and Fuller) possessed any prior judicial experience, and only four of the eight appointed in the 20th century (White, Taft, Vinson, and Burger) had previously served as judges at any level below the Supreme Court.

Moreover, other than the three who were promoted from the ranks of Associate Justices (White, Stone, and Rehnquist), only three Chief Justices (Rutledge, Burger, and Roberts) were sitting judges at the time that they were appointed Chief Justice, and one of them, John Rutledge, had his appointment rejected by the Senate, requiring him to step down after less than six months in office.

Several of the best known Chief Justices—John Marshall, Roger Taney, Charles Evans Hughes, and Earl Warren—had no prior judicial experience at all before their appointment to the Supreme Court, but this lack of time on the bench did not work to deny them entry into the pantheon of great Supreme Court justices.

The following chart summarizes the prior judicial experiences, or lack thereof, of the 17 Chief Justices.


John Jay (1789-1795) –former Chief Justice of the New York Supreme Court.

John Rutledge (1795-1975)—member of the South Carolina Court of Chancery, the South Carolina Court of Pleas, and prior service on the United States Supreme Court.

Oliver Ellsworth (1796-1800) – member of the Connecticut Superior Court.

John Marshall (1801-1835) – no prior judicial experience.

Roger Taney (1835-1864) – no prior judicial experience.

Salmon Chase (1864-1873) – no prior judicial experience.

Morrison Waite (1974-1888) – no prior judicial experience (declined appt. to the Ohio Supreme Court).

Melville Fuller (1888-1910) – no prior judicial experience.

Edward White (1910-1921) – served one year on the Louisiana Supreme Court before being appointed an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1894.

William Howard Taft (1921-1930) – member of the Ohio Superior Court and the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in addition to a four-year stint as President of the United States.

Charles Evans Hughes (1930-1941) – no prior judicial experience before his appointment to the Supreme Court in 1910. Resigned to run for President of the United States in 1916. Reappointed, 1930.

Harlan Fiske Stone (1941-1945) – no prior judicial experience.

Fred Vinson (1946-1953) – served on the United States Circuit Court for the District of Columbia.

Earl Warren (1953-1969) – no prior judicial experience.

Warren Burger (1969-1986) – served on the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

William Rehnquist (1986-2005) – no prior judicial experience other than years as Associate Justice.

John Roberts (2005- ) — served on the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.


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United States Supreme Court Chief Justice Unlikely to Be the Court’s Most Senior Member

Wisconsin, like a number of states, designates the senior member of its state supreme court in terms of service as the Chief Justice.  The United States Supreme Court, in contrast, uses a system in which the President of the United States chooses a new Chief Justice every time the existing Chief dies or steps down.

Although the new Chief Justice can be chosen from the ranks of sitting justices, thirteen of the sixteen Chief Justices in U.S. history were appointed to the position from outside the court (although one, Charles Evans Hughes, was a former Associate Justice).  The Associate Justices elevated to the head of the Supreme Court were Justices Edward White (1910), Harlan Fiske Stone (1941), and Wisconsin’s own, William Rehnquist (1986).

One of the consequences of this system of appointment is that it has been quite rare in American history for the Chief Justice also to be the senior justice in terms of service on the court.  Ordinarily the senior justice is not the Chief Justice, but the justice who sits on the Chief Justice’s immediate right.

Only four times in the Court’s 200+ year history has the Chief Justice also been its most senior member.

The first occasion came following the death of Justice Bushrod Washington in 1829.  With Washington’s death, his Federalist colleague Chief Justice John Marshall became the Court’s senior member and continued to be until his death in 1835.

The other three Chief Justices to achieve “senior-most justice” status, were, not surprisingly, the three Chief Justices appointed from the ranks of the Associate Justices.

Following the death of John Marshall Harlan the elder in October of 1911, Chief Justice Edward White, who had only been Chief Justice for 10 months, but who had served on the Court since 1894, became the senior member and remained so until his death in May 1921.  Harlan Fiske Stone (appointed in 1925) was already the senior member of the Court when he was appointed Chief Justice in 1941, a position he held until his death in 1945.  (Stone’s seniority may have been the reason why President Franklin Roosevelt chose the liberal Republican over numerous Democratic contenders for the honor.)

The most recent Chief Justice to achieve senior justice status was William Rehnquist.  Following the retirements of Associate Justices Byron “Whizzer” White and Harry Blackmun in 1993 and 1994, respectively, Rehnquist (appointed 1973) became the Court’s longest-serving member.   He also served longer in that dual capacity, from August 3, 1994 (the day of Blackmun’s retirement), to September 3, 2005 (Rehnquist’s death), a period of 11 years and one month.

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The Resurrection of the “Trespass” Element of Fourth Amendment Law

Recently, in United States v. Jones, the Supreme Court ruled that the attaching of a GPS tracking device to a suspect’s car without his knowledge and monitoring of the vehicle’s movements violated the suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure.  See generally 132 S.Ct. 945 (2012).  In so doing, the Court resurrected an idea relating to Fourth Amendment law that had been dormant for almost 50 years – the idea of common-law trespass as a test for violations of the amendment.

Specifically, police officers obtained a warrant to put the tracking device on a car registered to Jones’ wife.  Jones, 132 S.Ct. at 948.  Officers then placed the GPS tracker on the undercarriage of the car while it was parked in a public parking lot.  Id.  The officers then monitored the car’s movements for 28 days.  Id.  Eventually, the Government indicted Jones on charges of (among other things) conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine.  Id.  Jones moved to suppress the evidence from the GPS device.  

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