Marquette 2009-10 Moot Court Program Achievements

The close of the school year is a good time to reflect on our students’ accomplishments in the 2009-10 Moot Court Program.

First, a summary of the efforts of the mostly third-year students who competed in what we call the “national competitions,” i.e., competitions among students from different law schools.  This year, 40 Marquette Law School students in 15 teams competed in 12 different competitions, in various locations throughout the United States.

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2010 Jenkins Competition Winners

Please congratulate the winners of the 2010 Jenkins Honors Moot Court Competition, Gabe Johnson-Karp and Alexandra Grimley. Congratulations also go to Emily Lonergan and Ashley Roth as finalists.

Gabe and Alexandra received the Franz C. Eschweiler Prize for Best Brief. Emily Lonergan received the Ramon A. Klitzke Prize for Best Oral Advocate.

Special thanks to the judges of the final round: the Honorable Jeffrey S. Sutton, the Honorable Diane S. Sykes, and the Honorable Charles N. Clevert.

We are also very grateful for the assistance of the semifinal round judges: the Honorable Mel Flanagan, the Honorable Jeffrey A. Kremers, the Honorable Dennis P. Moroney, the Honorable William S. Pocan, the Honorable Bruce E. Schroeder, and the Honorable Mary K. Wagner.

Finally, thank you to the numerous preliminary round judges and brief graders who are listed on the Law School’s website. The time and support of all of our judges is greatly appreciated.

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April 12: The Voices of MPS Leadership Experience

Who knows better the challenges and problems of heading up the Milwaukee Public Schools system than the people who have done it previously? 

While former MPS superintendents have generally adhered to a policy of not speaking up on what their successors ought to do, four people who have held the top post in the system will appear together at Marquette University Law School on Monday, April 12, to share their thoughts.

The four are Robert Peterkin, superintendent from 1988 to 1991 and a professor at Harvard since then; Howard Fuller, superintendent from 1991 to 1995 and head of the Institute for the Transformation of Learning at Marquette since then; Barbara Horton, acting superintendent in 1999 and now head of a charter school in Milwaukee; and Spence Korte, superintendent from 1999 to 2002, now retired.

Peterkin has headed Harvard’s program to train urban superintendents in recent years and has rarely spoken publicly about Milwaukee issues. While Fuller has been one of the nation’s most prominent voices for school choice programs, he has been cautious about speaking about MPS. Korte has also generally avoided the spotlight since retiring from MPS. Horton has the unusual distinction of having also been a member of the Milwaukee School Board for five years.

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