Duberstein Team Battles Competitors, Nor’Easter

Head shot photo of AlexanderO'Reilly.Head shot photo of Bradley Suiters.Head shot photo of Jacob Heuett.Welcome home to the Law School team that participated last weekend in the annual Duberstein Bankruptcy Law Moot Court Competition at St. John’s University in New York City.  This is the first year that the Marquette University Law School has entered a team in the Duberstein Competition, which has a reputation for fierce competition and high quality judging.  Our team of Jacob Heuett, Bradley Suiters and Alexander O’Reilly worked long hours to prepare for the competition, only to do battle with a Nor’Easter that closed airports in New York City and delayed their arrival until early Sunday morning.  The storm interfered with the travel of numerous teams, and the competition organizers were forced to cancel the first round of arguments and schedule some teams to argue back to back.  Despite facing adversity, our team performed admirably.  While the team did not advance to the  octo-finals, they set a foundation upon which future Law School teams can build.  Special thanks to Len Leverson for serving as the team’s practitioner coach.  Congratulations!

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Congratulations to Marquette’s Evans Moot Court Competition Team

This weekend 3ls Isabelle Faust and Jessica Lothman competed in the Evans Moot Court Competition at the University of Wisconsin Law School.  The team advanced to the quarterfinals (final eight), and they were seeded first in that round as well as in the final sixteen.  Isabelle was designated the third best oralist in the competition out of 52 individual competitors.  Isabelle and Jessica were coached by Attorneys Nick Chmurski, Erin Karshen, Matt Torbenson, Prashant Dayal, and Patrick Ruelle and faculty advisors Scott Idleman and Jacob Carpenter.  Their time and assistance is much appreciated.  Congratulations team!

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NAAC Team Wins Fourth Best Brief at San Francisco Regional

pic of Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith, 3L
pic of AJ Lawton
AJ Lawton, 3L
pic of Anjali Sharma
Anjali Sharma, 3L
pic of Adam Woodside
Adam Woodside, 3L

Thirty-two teams from across the country arrived in San Francisco at the United States District Court for the Northern District of California on March 1, all prepared to present oral arguments in the National Appellate Advocacy Competition regional. Two Marquette Law teams were among those.

Andrew (AJ) Lawton and Ashley Smith were seeded 10th after three rounds of argument. They advanced to the fourth round but faced a tough bench. They lost that round to one of the top four teams from the regional. However, their brief was named the fourth best in the competition. Anjali Sharma and Adam Woodside presented outstanding oral arguments in their three rounds, often facing tough questions from an engaged bench. They kept their composure throughout, achieving commendable oral argument scores.

Both teams were assisted by practitioner coaches Elleny Christopolous, Kate Maternowski, and Zachary Willenbrink (L’11). Congratulations to team members for their outstanding representation of Marquette Law.

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