Can State Disapproval Violate the Establishment Clause?

Last week, the Ninth Circuit affirmed dismissal of a complaint brought by the Catholic League for Religious Liberties and Civil Rights against the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The Catholic League and two individual plaintiffs complained about a Board resolution condemning Archbishop William Levada for ordering Catholic Charities to stop placing children for adoption with same-sex couples. Slipping in a reference to the Inquisition, the resolution referred to Levada’s actions as hateful and discriminatory and urged Catholic Charities to disobey.

I think that the outcome is correct, but the rationale is wrong.

This isn’t the first time that the Ninth Circuit has been called upon to address a resolution by the Board of Supervisors condemning positions taken by a religious group. In American Family Association v. Board of Supervisors, a divided panel rejected a challenge to a resolution condemning an ad campaign conveying a religious message about homosexuality and promoting “reparative therapy.”

Without exploring the niceties of the various tests for Establishment, the Ninth Circuit’s point is that the message and its purpose are “secular.”

For reasons that I explore here and here and in a forthcoming piece in the William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal, I don’t think that characterization of the message as “secular” withstands scrutiny. 

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Seventh Circuit Case of the Week: Sentencing Judges, You’ve Got Some ‘Splaining to Do


David Morrow was sentenced to an eye-popping 504 months in prison for conspiring to sell crack cocaine.  This extraordinary punishment was ordered despite the fact that Morrow was diagnosed with diabetes in 2006 and had a leg amputated a few months later.  At sentencing, counsel identifed Morrow’s health concerns as a mitigating factor, as did the presentence investigation report prepared by a probation officer.  Yet, the sentencing judge said nothing about Morrow’s health problems in imposing a sentence twelve years above the minimum recommended by the federal sentencing guidelines.

Not so fast, said the Seventh Circuit last week in United States v. Harris (Nos. 08-1192, 08-1543, & 08-1694).  The court, per Judge Williams, vacated Morrow’s sentence because the sentencing judge failed to address the health argument, which was not an argument “clearly without merit”:

[W]e cannot assure ourselves that the district court weighed Morrow’s health complications against other factors when it imposed the 504-month sentence, as we see no indication that the district court considered it.  We therefore remand Morrow’s case for resentencing.

In emphasizing the importance of thorough sentence explanations, particularly to demonstrate that the defendant’s arguments for lenience were at least considered, Harris indicates (contrary to an earlier prediction of mine) that the Seventh Circuit’s important decision in United States v. Cunningham, 429 F.3d 673 (7th Cir. 2005), is still alive and well.  Sometimes it is nice to be proven wrong. 

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MULS 2009 Works-In-Progress Workshop (June Session)

champTo open my month as faculty blogger, I would first like to thank my colleague Michael O’Hear, whose dedication to, and work for, the Marquette Faculty Blog since its creation last summer have been incredible.  This is very much one of the major reasons why this project has been so successful and brought so many wonderful contributions to so many aspects of the law so far.

Another fundamental area where the Marquette Law School faculty is also showing important contributions to the law is the production of scholarship that results in law review articles, book chapters, textbooks, etc.  We often present and discuss these works when they are still in progress in conferences around the country with our colleagues in our areas at other schools.  Still, to facilitate even further these very important discussions, the MULS Academic Programs Committee, led by Professor Chad Oldfather, has organized two sessions of an in-house Works-in-Progress Workshop for June and July.

The June session was a great success. A group of eight of us met this past Wednesday and presented our works-in-progress, from very rough to more completed drafts of scholarship, to our colleagues participating in the program. 

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