Seventh Circuit Criminal Case of the Week: If You Own a Gun, Don’t Steal Cable

seventh circuitIn 2005, Kevin Schultz pled guilty to one count of trafficking in counterfeit telecommunications instruments.  His offense involved modifying telecommunications equipment for the purpose of stealing cable.  His sentence? Two years on probation, including a period of home detention.

Two and a half years after his first conviction, federal agents searched Schultz’s home and found a shotgun.  He was convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm and sentenced this time to eighteen months in prison.

On appeal, Schultz argued that his telecoms offense, although a felony, did not expose him to liability under the felon-in-possession statute.  He relied on an exception in the law for prior convictions “pertaining to antitrust violations, unfair trade practices, restraints of trade, or similar offenses relating to the regulation of business practices.”  However, the Seventh Circuit rejected this argument and affirmed the conviction in United States v. Schultz (No. 09-1192) (Bauer, J.). 

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The Real Value in Appellate Oral Argument

moot-court_trimmedDoes appellate oral argument still matter?  In some courts with exceptionally heavy caseloads, such as the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, oral argument is vanishingly rare.  But even in courts that regularly hold oral argument, some observers claim that it has devolved into a dog-and-pony show unlikely to move judges who have already reached unspoken decisions based on often-voluminous briefing.

It may surprise some practitioners to learn that certain appellate courts have even taken to issuing “tentative” opinions prior to oral argument.  Certain branches of the California appellate courts have been among the leaders in this regard; the web page for the 4th District, 2nd Division claims that “the justices do not sense that their deliberations are any less objective than before the tentative opinion program began” and that “counsel almost unanimously praise the program.”

Proponents of the practice contend that it has several distinct advantages. 

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Big Demand for a Win-Win Way to Resolve Mortgage Crises

handshakeUnfortunately, business is booming when it comes to foreclosure problems in Wisconsin. Fortunately, the Milwaukee Foreclosure Mediation Program is succeeding at helping a growing number of those problems end with people keeping their homes and financial institutions satisfied with new arrangements.

Debra Tuttle, chief mediator for the program, said during a panel discussion at a conference Friday on foreclosure issues in Wisconsin that from July 22, when the program began, through November 4, there were 278 requests for mediation, more than double the number that was anticipated.

Twenty cases have gone through the mediation process, with all but one resulting in the owner keeping the house, she said. More than twenty others have ended with agreement between the owner and lender without the mediation process. And 136 are awaiting mediation. 

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