Jenkins Honors Moot Court Competitors Advance to Semifinals

Congratulations to the students in the Jenkins Honors Moot Court Competition who have moved on to the semifinal round of the competition. The students will be competing tomorrow, Sunday, April 7 at noon to determine which two teams will be advancing to the final round on Wednesday, April 10, at 6 PM.

The following teams will be competing in the semifinals:

Abby Nilsson and Mackenzie Retzlaff
Catherine Alles and Joseph Schimp
Josephine Napolski and Sydney Wilcox
John Bolton and Daniel Underwood

The final round of the Jenkins competition will take place on Wednesday, April 10, at 6 PM in the Lubar Center. We’re honored to welcome the following distinguished jurists who will judge the final round:

  • Hon. John K. Bush, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
  • Hon. J.P. Stadtmueller (L’67), U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin
  • Hon. Maria Lazar, Wisconsin Court of Appeals

The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. You can register with this on-line registration link.

Congratulations to all the participants in the competition. We also very much appreciate the alumni and other attorneys who volunteer to grade briefs and serve as judges in the preliminary rounds. We appreciate their time and assistance every year.

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Behind the Pomp and Circumstance

This is the ninth in a series of weekly blog posts about the work of Marquette Law School’s Office of Student Affairs. The previous post and links to all prior posts from this series can be found at this link.

Diploma CoverThe Law School’s largest event of the year, by far, is graduation.

Or, as you may see it advertised, the Hooding and Commencement Ceremony. We use a variety of terms interchangeably to refer to the event, which historically has taken place on the third Saturday in May. Graduates walk across the stage and receive their law degree.

That sounds so sterile for such a meaningful event, doesn’t it? In fact—in truth—this event is rich and meaningful, both for our graduates, their families, friends, and guests and for those of us who work at the Law School—faculty and staff. It is inspiring to see students, who were nervous and maybe even a little scared when we first greeted them at Orientation, walk confidently across the stage at Commencement. We get to cheer for students who have gone through hardship triumph as they pass this important finish line. We celebrate not just how far all of our graduates have come but also the bright futures that await them.

The purpose of this blog post is to take you behind the scenes of graduation as it comes together.

The Law School’s Office of Student Affairs coordinates the “show,” but on the day-of, it’s an all-hands on deck production, which includes our Events, Facilities, and Tech teams, our Admissions Office, and a number of colleagues from the Law Library.

Planning for graduation starts before the academic year even begins (there’s a mark of our confidence). The prior spring (i.e., that of most graduates’ 2L year), we’re already in contract negotiations with the venue for the following May. And the dean is often considering and sending out an invitation to a potential guest speaker a year ahead.

Each year, we assess and revise, with an eye toward enhancing the experience for our graduates and their guests. Here are just a handful of those seemingly small details to which we’ve given a lot of thought:

  • Regalia Pickup and Graduate Fair
    • Graduation itself almost can be said to start before the day of graduation. As busy as the run up to graduation is for me personally (someone must go through all the regalia orders and ensure that tickets are counted and everything is in order), the Regalia Pickup and Graduate Fair, in Eckstein Hall a couple of days before graduation, is honestly one of my own favorite days. This has been a post-COVID initiative that might seem very business-oriented and straightforward (graduates need to get their regalia and tickets somehow), but we wanted to make sure to convey the message to our graduates that even when they leave us, they are not alone. The Law Alumni Association Board, the State Bar of Wisconsin, and the Milwaukee Bar Association all join in to welcome our soon-to-be new lawyers and help them get connected to resources and networks that will allow them to continue to be successful after leaving their student days behind.
  • Requesting a verbal recording of graduate names
    • We know how important it is to hear a graduate’s name said correctly. It’s why we request that graduates submit a recording of their names in advance. Our name reader then reviews the names in advance and does her best to deliver the memorable moment for the graduates and their families.
  • Seating graduates in alphabetical order
    • Why would we insist on having graduates seated and called on stage in alphabetical order by last name? It is so that families, friends, and guests of our law student know when to expect their graduate to walk across the stage and be hooded, and they don’t have to worry about sneezing and missing the big moment. (I won’t even tell you what happens to our elaborate seating charts when a graduate cancels last minute!)
  • Celebratory reception after the ceremony
    • Like a wedding, commencement can be a whirlwind experience. Looking back at my own graduations, I even have some regrets about missing out on photos with some classmates or missing an opportunity to introduce a mentor to my family because everyone scattered immediately after the ceremony. That’s why we have a reception in the rotunda outside of the theater, immediately following the formal ceremony. It gives everyone the chance to breathe a bit, mingle, socialize, and capture those opportunities with graduates, their families, friends, and our faculty and staff. (Pro tip: The dean likes being asked to join a photo.)[*]

Again, those are just a few examples of details requiring our attention. If all goes to plan (and it always seems to), we’ve created a two-hour (in other words, brief, for a commencement ceremony) quality event that our graduates and their guests will remember fondly. Although you may hear me say that graduation planning is a well-oiled machine, it’s only because we take so much care throughout the year to make sure all the little details are just right (I have the spreadsheets to prove it). Even those little details have major impacts.

[*] Beyond graduation, providing professional photography is another post-COVID initiative that we hope makes even more special the swearing-in or admission ceremony, which takes place in Madison the Monday after commencement. The Law School reserves an awesome photographer to capture each of our newest Marquette lawyers signing Wisconsin’s roll of attorneys. It’s always a treat to share these photos of this “magic moment.”

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The Office of Student Affairs Presents Financial Wellness Week

By Sarah DiStefano and Anna Fodor

This is the eighth in a series of weekly blog posts about the work of Marquette Law School’s Office of Student Affairs. Scroll to the bottom for links to the previous posts from this series.

Financial Wellness Week ImageIt’s no secret that law school is a very big investment—of time, effort, and yes, money. We clearly believe that the investment is worthwhile, otherwise we couldn’t in good conscience do what we do (that is, work to support students as they pursue their legal education). Like any large investment, this one also requires attention and care.

Yet for any number of reasons—whether it’s because we already have too much to worry about, we were taught not to discuss it, or it’s just easier to think of as a “tomorrow” problem—talking and thinking about finances, our student loans, and our potential earnings can be quite difficult.

We recognize both the importance and the difficulty involved, and so the Office of Student Affairs works to promote financial-education resources and services designed specifically for law students.

The Law School partners with the AccessLex Institute, a nonprofit organization, to provide our students free access to financial education resources through the MAX program. Students receive information about how to register for the MAX program as early as the summer before law school begins (Pre-Orientation) and can take advantage of the webinars, free advising from an accredited financial counselor, and scholarship opportunities at any point throughout their law school careers.

We also have impressive partners throughout campus, including the financial aid counselors and loan advisors who work with our students (not to mention, faculty and staff, as well) concerning short-term financial needs and to design savvy long-term loan repayment plans based on individual circumstances.

These efforts culminate in our annual Financial Wellness Week programming. Why call it financial “wellness”? Is it another way to incorporate an of-the-moment buzzword into our programming? Well, sure. But, primarily, it’s a recognition of the fact that taking control of our finances now can allow us to feel less anxious about our path ahead.

Ultimately, it steadies us to get a handle on our individual financial situation, to learn and implement smart money habits, and to create achievable financial goals. We believe that addressing these matters openly and without judgment is part of our mission to care for the whole person.

But let’s be clear, though we might know our way around a student loan or five, we are not, ourselves, financial experts. Luckily, we know some people who are, and we’re proud to feature them in this year’s Financial Wellness Week programming. Our sessions include the following:

Planning Ahead: Student Loan Repayment Info Session

Tuesday, March 26, at noon

Please join Senior Loan Account Advisor Michael Tindall from the Marquette University Bursar’s Office, for an overview of the entire process of managing many types of student loans, including the various repayment options available to recent graduates and effective strategies for managing debt and finances after graduation. This session is open to all students and will be especially useful for graduating 3Ls.

Tax Savvy Students: Maximizing Tax Savings & Minimizing Stress

Wednesday, March 27, at noon

April 15 is just around the corner. Attend this session to hear from our very own tax expert, Associate Dean Vada Lindsey, as she discusses her experience with tax preparation and how she ensures that tax season goes smoothly and with minimal stress. Learn why it’s still important to file a tax return even when not required by law to file it. Dean Lindsey will also share her insight into how students might maximize tax savings that will benefit them for many years to come.

Dollars and Cents of Working in Public Interest

Thursday, March 28, at 12:15 p.m.

Considering a post-graduate career in public interest law? Not sure how to manage salary expectations and student-loan repayments? Want to learn how one lawyer eliminated significant student-loan debt, working in public service for ten years? Join the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Public Service as we host Attorney Karen Bauer to speak on her experiences working in public interest and managing student loan repayment, loan forgiveness, and more. To kick off the event, attendees will learn more about the Howard and Phyllis Eisenberg Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP).

We hope our students find these sessions helpful and can take advantage of the resources available to them. We talk a lot about wellness in the legal profession. For it to be a full and honest conversation, it needs to include financial wellness.

Previous posts in this series:

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