Appreciating Our Professors: Vito M. Mangini

It seems to me yesterday when, as a second year student at the University of Bologna Law School (in Bologna, Italy), I decided I wanted to pursue a career in Commercial Law and Intellectual Property. One of the reasons was that I liked the topic probably more than many others in law school. Another (and as powerful) reason, however, was that my professor–Vito Mangini–inspired me, and made the topic more interesting than many others in law school. Since then, Vito Mangini became the most important mentor I have ever had in my academic career, the person who guided my professional life until I came to the United States (and to Marquette!).

During the following years, Professor Mangini was the supervisor of my undergraduate thesis and later of my doctoral dissertation. He then was the mastermind behind every scholarship and fellowship I have applied for (to study in the U.S., the U.K., etc.), always thinking about my career and how to help me in succeeding. When I moved from Bologna to the States he was proud and happy, and was the first one supporting and pushing me in accepting this great challenge and opportunity.

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No Money? Draw Your Own!

Last Friday, I gave a talk at a CLE seminar to the St. Thomas More Lawyers Society. In introducing the program’s speakers, Dean Kearney explained why each was qualified to speak on the particular topic to be addressed. With respect to me, he said that, by virtue of being a legal academic, I was (or, perhaps more accurately thought I was) qualified to speak on the law, the weather, the Brewers schedule or absolutely anything else. (Substitute “blogger” for “legal academic” and the proposition still works.) Having heard his introduction, I suggested that Joe had the causality reversed. Having spent years opining on matters without regard to whether I actually know anything about them, I may now be unqualified to be anything other than a legal academic.

I jest, but with a purpose.

Although I have a fair amount of course work in the subject, I am not an economist, so I am ready to be corrected on this. But the notion that the East Side and Riverwest neighborhoods in Milwaukee ought to print their own money strikes me as completely pedestrian.

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