More on Citizens United

I have a column on Citizens United in the Crossroads section in yesterday’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Taking the other side, Noah Domnitz wants to argue the the decision was “judicial activism” because it overruled existing precedent and restricted the application of long standing laws prohibiting the spending of corporate treasury money on elections. (I say “restricted” because, after Citizens United, corporations still can’t use treasury funds for contributions or coordinated expenditures.)

I disagree. Mr. Domnitz does not define “judicial activism” but seems to equate it with departure from precedent and overturning laws.

This oversimplifies the concept.

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Parents Before Their Time

The pregnancy rate among teenage girls is on the rise in the United States, according to a new study released by the Guttmacher Institute (a nonpartisan, nonprofit group). The study examined the most recent statistical data available, and concluded that the pregnancy rate among teenagers aged 15-19 rose three percent in 2006. It had been previously reported that the teenage birthrate was up in 2006, but there was speculation that this might simply mean that more girls carried their pregnancies to term rather than seeking abortions. The Guttmacher study is especially noteworthy, because it looked at data for both teenage birthrates and rates of abortion: since the teenage birthrate increased four percent in 2006 and the teenage abortion rate increased one percent in 2006, it does show an overall rise in teenage pregnancies. 

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A Short Primer on Apostrophe Usage

60px-Apostrophe_svgFor those of you who list mastery of apostrophe usage with the rest of your New Year’s resolutions, here is a short primer:

1. Use an apostrophe to indicate possession.

2. Place the apostrophe before the “s” when referring to a singular entity. For example, “the dog’s food bowl is in the kitchen.” Or, “Karen’s house is on the right.” 

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