Student Organizations

Congratulations SLS 1L Class Representatives

Congratulations and welcome to the Sports Law Society's 2024-2025 1L representatives:

  • Andrew Grier 
  • Conrad Hansel 
  • Morgan Markenson 
  • Grace Coyle 
  • Gigi Wood 
Contact: Kait Reeves

Congratulations EtLS 1L Representatives

The Entertainment Law Society is excited to announce our new 1L representatives, Lei Diego and Joshua Busher! We are excited to have you on board. Congrats!

Contact: Erika Escamilla

Congratulations to Environmental Law Society's 1L Representatives

Join the Environmental Law Society (EvLS) in welcoming and congratulating the new 1L representatives:

Emmy Pagel

Jack DeMarais

Maggie Rimer

If you see them, be sure to congratulate them! EvLS is really excited to have them! They will be assisting with the EvLS Instagram, so don't forget to give it a follow: @EvLS_MULS

If you are a 3L still looking for an opportunity to get involved, please reach out about our 3L representative position! For questions, reach out to Scout Devoti.

Contact: Alana Borman

Marquette Immigration Law Association Looking for 1L Reps

Marquette Immigration Law Association (MILA) is seeking 1L representatives for the 2024-2025 school year. Tasks will include helping run the social media page, setting up the annual Naturalization Clinic with Catholic Charities in the spring, and other various small tasks that are needed throughout the year.

This application form is open until Tuesday, October 1, at 11:59 p.m. The link to apply can be found here.

Our first meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, September 24, from noon to 1 p.m. Keep an eye out in Law News for further announcements!

Contact: Alana Borman

FGP - Seeking 1L Reps and Dues Info for All Members

For new and current First Generation Professionals (FGP) members, dues are optional. We welcome members to contribute any amount they can afford or feel comfortable with. If you are interested, you can Venmo @Thais-Marques-5. If you pay dues, you do get merch! The deadline for dues is Monday, September 30.

FGP is also seeking 1L representatives for this school year. In an email attachment to Nicole Mannion, please submit a few paragraphs including:

  • A brief introduction
  • Your interest / connection to FGP
  • What kind of legal career you're pursuing / interested in
  • A suggestion / idea for how we as an organization can best serve the first generation population on campus
  • Your favorite coffee shop (anywhere not just in MKE)

This is due by Monday, September 30, at 5:00 p.m. Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

Contact: Nicole Mannion

Congratulations SBA 1L and 2L Class Representatives

Congratulations and welcome to the newly elected SBA class representatives! 

1L Class Representatives:

  • Maxwell Bado
  • Joshua Blair
  • Natalie Guimont
  • Alexandra Pascarella
  • Joe Yamat

2L Class Representatives:

  • Thomas Brinkman
  • Macy Oleszczuk
Contact: Abigail Heinz

EPS Seeking Treasurer and Two 1L Reps

The Estate Planning Society is accepting applications for a treasurer and two 1L representatives. To apply, send a brief statement of interest (1-2 paragraphs) that explains why you would be a good fit for the position to Emily O'Fallon by Wednesday, October 2.

Position Descriptions

  • The treasurer keeps track of EPS money and receives/distributes funds as directed by the E-board.
  • The two 1L Reps will be tasked with attending board meetings and voicing ideas on behalf of the 1L class; helping to promote events; posting on social media; and networking and forming connections with estate planning professionals.

Both of these positions are excellent opportunities for anyone who wants to get involved.

For updates on upcoming events and EPS happenings, follow us on Instagram at @marquettelawestateplanning. 

Contact: Emily O'Fallon

Health Law Society Intro Meeting

Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 12:00pm Room 155

Join Health Law Society for our first general body meeting! The E-Board will introduce HLS, talk about upcoming events for the fall semester, and introduce different paths in health law.

Chick-Fil-A will be served for lunch. We hope to see you there!

Contact: Payton Rahn

RBG Society Introduction Meeting

Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 12:10pm Room 226

Are you interested in the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Society for Public Engagement and Education? If so, please join us in room 226 on Thursday, September 26, at 12:10 p.m. for an overview of our student organization and opportunities for you to participate.

We will be serving Domino's pizza, so please RSVP here so we know how much food to order. We look forward to seeing you!

Contact: Ella Humblet

Criminal Law Society Intro Meeting

Monday, September 30, 2024 - 1:15pm Rm. 357

Come join the Criminal Law Society for our introductory meeting, on Monday, September 30, at 1:15 PM, in room 357.

Get to know our e-board, as well as hear about some of the exciting events and opportunities we plan to host this year! We'll also be discussing ideas for our club merchandise and opportunities for 1Ls to join the board as our 1L rep. Papa Johns will be served for lunch! We hope to see you there.  

Please fill out this survey so we can get an idea of how much pizza to order. 

Any questions please feel free to reach out to Kate Johnson.

Contact: Kate Johnson

BLSA General Body Meeting

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 12:00pm 155

Join the Black Law Students Association for our next general body meeting, where we will discuss exciting upcoming events and community initiatives. Don't miss this opportunity to get involved, connect with peers, and make a difference in the Milwaukee community. 

Lunch will be provided. We hope to see you there!


Contact: Shauntia Carson & Ananda Deacon