Welcome ALWD

Marquette Law School is pleased to host the Association of Legal Writing Directors (ALWD) 2013 Biennial Conference from June 26-28. The conference is titled “Doing It Our Way”: Learning from Our Programmatic Differences and Similarities. Approximately 170 faculty representing 99 schools are attending. Just before the conference is an Innovative Teaching Workshop, and after the conference the Legal Writing Institute (LWI) is hosting a writers’ workshop in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

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Marquette Law Repository Reaches Over 1 Million Downloads Worldwide

repository millionThe law school’s repository, Marquette Law Scholarly Commons, was formally announced on the Faculty Blog on August 8, 2012. Less than a year later, Marquette Law Scholarly Commons celebrates its 1,000,000th download! Researchers from all over the world have downloaded articles from the repository. The following twenty countries have the highest download count (from most downloads to least): United States, United Kingdom, India, Canada, Italy, Philippines, Australia, Malaysia, Tanzania, Ghana, Singapore, Pakistan, Colombia, South Africa, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Kenya, Poland, and France.

The one millionth article downloaded was Freedom of Contract and Fundamental Fairness for Individual Parties: The Tug of War Continues, by Professor Carolyn Edwards. Professor Edwards has been a member of the law faculty since 1974. She was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow in philosophy at the University of California – Berkeley and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She is a graduate of the University of Toledo College of Law. Professor Edwards teaches contracts, sales, secured transactions, and negotiable instruments.

Please join us in celebrating this milestone by visiting the Marquette Law Scholarly Commons and browsing our collections.

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Clinton, Ryan Do Well in Opening Round of 2016 Presidential Polling for Wisconsin

Is it 2016 yet? No, but daily news reports and, even more so, any glimpse into political maneuvering nationwide clearly show that a lot of work is already going into laying groundwork for the next race for president. Marquette Law School Poll results released Tuesday join in the early going, showing that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is at a strong advantage in Wisconsin among potential Democratic candidates, while the Republican field is pretty wide open. That said, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan drew the most support among Republicans in Wisconsin.

Charles Franklin, director of the poll and newly-named professor of law and public policy at the Law School, said the purpose of the presidential questions at this point wasn’t to try to predict what will happen in 2016 in Wisconsin. Rather, he said, it is to begin building a picture of how the race will evolve.

That said, the poll found that 27% of those who said they were Republican or lean Republican named Ryan as their preferred candidate. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was the choice of 21%, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker drew 16%, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was picked by 11%. Those under 10% included Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (7%); former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (5%); and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (1%).

Clinton was the preference of 62% of Democrats and those who said they lean Democratic. Vice President Joe Biden was the choice of 13%. Drawing less than 10% were Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (5%); New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (4%); Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (2%); Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (1%); and Virginia Sen. Mark Warner (1%).

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