The Lincoln Bicentennial Commission

Last week’s highly successful Legacies of Lincoln conference at the Law School, co-sponsored by the History Department, generated much praise and many compliments from both participants and the audience.  For those unable to attend as well as those hungering for more insights about Lincoln, please visit the Law School’s website or consider attending the program described below.

On Saturday, October 10, 2009, the Wisconsin Lincoln Bicentennial Commission will commemorate the Bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth as well as the 150th anniversary of Lincoln’s speech at the Wisconsin State Fair in Milwaukee on September 30, 1859. The keynote speaker for the event will be Orville Vernon Burton, emeritus professor of history at the University of Illinois and Burroughs Distinguished Professor of Southern History and Culture at Coastal Carolina University.  His most recent book is The Age of Lincoln.  

The Program will be held in Memorial Hall at the Milwaukee War Memorial Center from 11 am to 12:30 pm.  Members of Wisconsin’s 1st Brigade Band will perform Civil War period music beginning at 10:30 am. 

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Searching for Negative Space in the Constitution

Escher011Some people dislike the game of soccer.  They observe the players running around on the field and it all seems like random chaos.  Soccer aficionados, however, are not focusing on the players.  They are watching the spaces in between the players.  These empty spaces ebb and flow, like waves in the ocean, creating momentary opportunities for the attacking side.

Some people dislike jazz.  To them, the melody of the song gets lost in a blizzard of noise.  Jazz aficionados hear something different.  They are listening to what the musicians do in the spaces in between the notes of the melody.

The United States Constitution creates a positive space for government.  The federal government is delegated specific powers.  The governments of the states retain those powers not delegated to the federal government or otherwise retained by the people.

However, the United States Constitution also creates negative space for government.  What happens when a changing world, changing social values, or new technologies cause the public to demand an expansion of government into spaces that fall in neither the delegated powers of the federal government nor the traditional realm of the states?  Typically in our nation’s history, this has occurred in response to a crisis that implicates a national economic interest or a national security interest, making reliance on the individual state governments for solutions inadequate.  Examples would include the Great Depression and the response to the September 11 attacks.  In these situations, the federal government rushes in to fill the negative space, despite the fact that a strict reading of the Constitution does not provide for the federal authority to do so.

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President Obama Behind in the Count in the Sports Arena

Whatever success he may have in regard to health care reform, economic recovery, or the war in Afghanistan, President Barack Obama has already demonstrated that his ability to influence the world of sport is quite limited.  His unsuccessful efforts to convince the International Olympic Committee to award the 2016 Summer Olympics to his adopted hometown of Chicago have been well documented in recent days.

Furthermore, his call for college football to institute a playoff system to determine the champion of what most people still call Division 1A football has fared no better.  Although such a change has admittedly not been a top priority of Obama’s administration, he did quite openly throw his support with those opposing the current BCS championship system (based on polls and giving priority to the teams that make up the six so-called BCS conferences)  both during the campaign and after he was elected.

Support for Obama’s position seemed to congeal at the end of the 2008-09 college season when the BCS formula left undefeated University of Utah out of the BCS championship game and undefeated Boise State and Texas Christian University (which would finish the season ranked #7 in the country in the AP poll) out of BCS bowl games altogether.

On January 9, 2009, eleven days before Obama’s inauguration and the day after one-loss Florida defeated one-loss Oklahoma for the BCS championship, Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, introduced a bill that would prohibit as a “deceptive practice” the promotion of a postseason NCAA Division I football game as a national championship game unless it was the final game of a traditional playoff.   Barton represented a district that abutted Fort Worth, the home of TCU, and his bill was co-sponsored by fellow Texas Republican Michael T. McCaul and the peripatetic former Black Panther Bobby Rush (D-IL), whose constituents include Barack and Michelle Obama.

Six days later, Democrat Neil Abercrombie of Obama’s native Hawaii proposed a somewhat less dramatic approach when he introduced a nonbinding resolution calling for a playoff system and for a Justice Department investigation into the legality of the BCS system under the federal antitrust laws.  Abercrombie’s resolution was endorsed by Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), Jim Matheson (D-UT), and Michael K. Simpson (R-ID), all of whom represented districts lacking teams in BCS conferences.  The following day, a third bill was introduced, this time by Republican Gary Miller of California.  Rather than label the BCS system a fraud (as Barton’s bill would do) Miller’s proposal denied all federal funds to schools in the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision unless the championship game resulted from a playoff system.

However, the movement to force the NCAA to adopt a playoff system quickly ran out of steam once the new president was inaugurated.  Although  Barton and Miller endorsed each other’s bills and Abercrombie’s resolution, and Abercrombie signed on as a co-sponsor of Miller’s bill (but not Barton’s), only two other congressmen, Ken Calvert (R-CA) and  John Carter (R-TX), subsequently endorsed any of the above legislation.  Barton and Miller’s bills both died in committee in January while Abercrombie’s resolution was apparently tabled in March.  Hearings conducted in May by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection Subcommittee attracted almost no attention.

The idea that Congress might intervene on behalf of a playoff was briefly revived in July when Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights held hearings on the legality of the BCS system.  Although Hatch’s hearings primarily focused on the possibility of the Justice Department prosecuting the NCAA under the federal antitrust laws, they appeared also to revive the idea of direct congressional intervention.  During the Hatch hearings, Congressman Barton, who had earlier denounced the BCS as a form of Communism, predicted that if the NCAA did not adopt a playoff system by the start of the next season, Congress would intervene and impose one itself.

Well, the NCAA did nothing, and Congress followed suit.   The president, presumably, was busy with other matters.

Given the reluctance of Congress to interfere with the sports industry, even after 50+ years of investigatory hearings, in matters of franchise relocation, expansion, pay television, and performance-enhancing drugs, it would have been shocking had it been moved to act in regard to what is clearly a matter of style rather than substance.

But now that he has two strikes, the president should be careful before he takes another swing at the sports industry.

[Thanks to John Foust for bringing several misspellings in the original version of this post to our attention.  Eds.]

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