1Ls: SSP Session #5 Today

All first-year students are invited to attend today's SSP session, "How to Write a Strong Exam Answer – Part I," which will focus on issue-spotting strategies and how to craft organized, clear exam answers in response to hypothetical fact patterns. This session will take place at noon in the Lubar Center. Lunch will, of course, be provided.

First-year students are also invited to register for the Monday, October 7, SSP Workshop, hosted by Dean Fodor, in which first-year students can take their exam-writing skills for a test run. Dean Fodor will work with workshop participants to determine how best to self-assess in preparation for exams. (Lunch will also be provided.) Unlike other SSP sessions, students are asked to register for the workshop using this link no later than Monday, September 30, at 5 p.m.

Contact: Dean Fodor